The orginal Fine hair thread 2013

Are the ladies in this thread using seamless combs? Have you noticed a difference?

sharifeh, I started using seamless combs in 2001 but that's also when I started my healthy hair journey (2 years before I found LHCF). In those two years, my hair broke barriers it seemed unable to break in over 30 years.

I don't doubt seamless combs make a difference. Think about it. What costs people length? It's not that their hair stops growing. It's always growing. Damage is what costs us retention. Damage happens when your hair cuticle is torn off and splits happen. Seams will rake through strands and tear at them so fast so why even risk it?

IMO if you're serious about healthy hair, then make all changes that are positive even if some seem silly. What have you got to lose?

I learned about the damage seams in combs can cause from Brenda ( who is the lady that got me on track with my hair. She didn't introduce me to seamless combs but she advised to file down seams to smooth them out. Instead what I did was use a metal pick comb (the power to the people fist one) and I just took care to avoid getting my hair to the plastic base. After LHCF clued me to the existence of seamless combs, I never looked back.
sharifeh Yes, I have noticed a lack of snapping sounds when I comb my hair with my seamless combs. I also finger comb/detangle while combing, so that is also a contributing factor.
I think I will invest in a seamless comb, thanks Nonie. I will also give the Aphogee 2min reconstructor another try after my GPB runs out.

yeah, it makes a difference but you have to make sure the comb is VERY wide, about as wide as a shower comb , otherwise you're swapping one kind of damage for another form.

Finger detangling helps me with length retention, and the comb gets rids of shed hair that can cause potential tangles/matting. I *need* both methods, my hair can't afford to pick sides.
It took me forever to get a seamless comb, but now that I have it, I won't go back to using a regular comb. I'm even going to take it to the salon to use. I have less snags when I use my seamless. I need to buy a seamless rattail comb.

The Design Essential Strengthening treatment has made a huge difference in my hair. I love this treatment. I actually see some retention. The system is amino acid based and it strengthens my fine strands/fills in the cuticle. I desperately needed this.

So, the DE treatment, healthier hair care practices, leaving the flat iron alone, protective styling (I pin my hair up 6 out of 7 days now), not caring if my hair is picture perfect, and my seamless comb are beginning to turn my hair around. Finally!!

I also started moisturizing and sealing my ends. I used to think this was nonsense, but I do it on a regular basis now. I also started scalp massages everyday. Let's see if this helps.
I'm going to start washing my hair in twists. I'll see if it does anything.

Great thread!!

I have fine hair, medium density, no sure about porosity. I've been natural for two years and got a BKT treatment about 10 weeks ago. I swear it was the best thing ever for my hair. I have retained SO MUCH since that point. I still use protein regularly and my hair loves it.

I do need to get better about being gentler with my hair, I will be buying a seamless comb. :yep: I have a feeling this thread is going to make me broke :lol:

I've never quite made it to APL and I'm between SL and APL now so I'm PRAYING that I can make it... I have a final goal of BSL but I will be satisfied with APL until then, because I know retention is difficult.

I cut out weekly heat and I try to avoid the blowdryer unless I'm super rushed. I'm learning to perfect braidouts so they can be a staple summer style.

I will be getting a "touch up" to my BKT in a few weeks so my hair will be manageable through the summer months and I wont' have to deal with too many tangles, especially since I plan to do a lot of braid outs.

ulovemegz on youtube is a GREAT resource for fine haired ladies.. she is relaxed but shes around MBL.. She pretty much strictly air dries which I think has made a big difference in her retention.
twists may need to be upgraded to braids, sometimes they can unravel and you end up washing on loose hair anyhow

This what I had to do. My hair would be so unraveled and since I don't detangle wet it would be a mess until it dried before I could redo the twist. I like twist for speed but did not work for washing.:ohwell:
KiWiStyle I wish I had discovered that buns were not my friend earlier...Year one my hair wasn't long enough to bun and I got great retention and hardly any splits. Year two I felt all cool because I could finally bun and did so a lot and had to trim due to splits often. Now in year 3 I'm back to updo's mainly because DH said that he wasn't a fan of buns :look: (neither was I but did it for the so called health of my hair), and I'm noticing that I hardly have any splits.

I am lost . What is the difference between an updo and a bun?
^^I'm assuming she means something loosely pinned up as opposed to a bun in a ponytail holder, etc. So like gathering the hair into an updo with pins vs gathering the hair into a ponytail holder and tucking the ends under.

I actually strongly agree. If I *do* end up in a bun, I try to use a bobby pin to tuck my ends under instead of tucking them into the bobby pin. My ends always fare better.
[USER=188]Vintagecoilylocks[/USER];18178131 said:
I am lost . What is the difference between an updo and a bun?

All buns are updos but not all updos are buns. An updo is any style where your hair is put up. A French roll is an updo, a bun is an updo, and the styles below are all updos:




GN1G checking in!

Fine hair is absolutely unequivocal with a shadow of doubt the most difficult hair to deal with IMHO. when the wind blows it is subject to break, split, shed or just fall out and die.

anyways last night was the first time in 10 years that I had fun with my hair. I was taking a quick weave out and my hair was full of conditioner, oil, bond remover and everything else so it was all gooey and I actually had fun with my fragile hair.

This morning my hair felt like silk absolutely wonderful and it didn't shed a strand. I washed it with Aloe chelating poo, followed by a cactus aloe poo. I left the morrocan argan oil intense moisturizing treatment on overnight. my hair feels excellent.

Shedding has been a problem for me every since I joined this forum and it is what invited me to LHCF. Yesterday I pulled together a new vitamin regiment in which I will be strict about. I believe a deficeincy in amino acids is an issue for me and I will also add to that a silica supplement. I've been to the doctor about it several times I think I will try a new doctor soon.
Someone posted a link to the HeyFranHey blog and after reading that link and watching a few of her videos, I've pretty much decided to try sealing with aloe vera juice or gel. I've used oils every since I've started on this site to seal and while it's okay, I always end up with extra oil (seeping through my scarf, on the pillowcase) which sometimes ends up on my face. I've been using Grapeseed Oil for the past year or so and it absorbs much better into my hair than other oils I've used (little seepage) but I'd still like to try sealing with aloe vera.

I'm still trying to figure out protective styling. I'm tired of buns or puffs (so tired been wearing those styles for YEARS). I would try twists but the last time I did that (over ten years ago), I didn't get favorable compliments so I never wear twists outside of the house (I twist my hair after shampoo/conditioning for bed and almost every night of week). I'm also afraid that the ends would tangle when I take them down because they've been twisted for several days at that point.
I'm going to start washing my hair in twists. I'll see if it does anything.

Great thread!!

twists may need to be upgraded to braids, sometimes they can unravel and you end up washing on loose hair anyhow

Yeah I was going to say the same thing. I only twist my hair to section it up for the shower, but they come loose. I only twist my hair if I am going to thoroughly shampoo/wash my hair. If I am just co-washing, I do that in braids for a moisture boost. The braids don't unravel.
No one has mentioned whether they have tried henna or cassia. I used to use henna long ago. I had a perm then one or two times when I used to hot comb. So far never on my virgin hair. Loved the colors, hated the mess. Really tempted for the strengthening effect its suppose to give. I wonder if it could help reduce the spider web effect of my wispy hair.
No one has mentioned whether they have tried henna or cassia. I used to use henna long ago. I had a perm then one or two times when I used to hot comb. So far never on my virgin hair. Loved the colors, hated the mess. Really tempted for the strengthening effect its suppose to give. I wonder if it could help reduce the spider web effect of my wispy hair.

I henndigo every month for hopes if thickening and strengthening. I'm not sure if its working because w/o protein reconstructors I still get breakage. I do like the color though so I'm going to continue with it.

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No one has mentioned whether they have tried henna or cassia. I used to use henna long ago. I had a perm then one or two times when I used to hot comb. So far never on my virgin hair. Loved the colors, hated the mess. Really tempted for the strengthening effect its suppose to give. I wonder if it could help reduce the spider web effect of my wispy hair.

i do but USE AN EXTREME AMOUNT OF CAUTION it helps somewhat. Henna is extremely drying.
No one has mentioned whether they have tried henna or cassia. I used to use henna long ago. I had a perm then one or two times when I used to hot comb. So far never on my virgin hair. Loved the colors, hated the mess. Really tempted for the strengthening effect its suppose to give. I wonder if it could help reduce the spider web effect of my wispy hair.

i used to, but stopped because i wasn't sure if it was doing anything and it was time consuming and messy. I loved the colour though. If i come up with a way to do it without the mess i'll continue but i'm not entirely sure the dryness is worth the benefits.
No one has mentioned whether they have tried henna or cassia. I used to use henna long ago. I had a perm then one or two times when I used to hot comb. So far never on my virgin hair. Loved the colors, hated the mess. Really tempted for the strengthening effect its suppose to give. I wonder if it could help reduce the spider web effect of my wispy hair.
Wow! Vintagecoilylocks--that is some impressive hair :drool:

I can't imagine the mess of henna on such long coils--or the length of time to rinse it out! Though I've found thinner henna paste a lot easier to rinse. It doesn't have to be like elementary school children's paste. Thinner than yogurt rinses fairly quickly.

Even though my puff is still really short I've noticed that henna DOES reduce to the spiderweb effect. It smooths the follicle quite nicely. Doesn't last forever. A cpl weeks depending on how often you wash (I cowash 2-3 times a week). Right after my BC in July, I was doing henna every 2 weeks. Getting back into it and love the smoothing effects. The color? Kinda getting sick of the red (it's been almost a year of red!) so will add indigo to deepen it at some point for a change of pace & to better hide greys.
Also, I only once had the henna drying effect.

I found mixing it with distilled water and only using pure body art quality is actually somewhat moisturizing. Not that stuff that has shikakai and amla mixed in already. Shikakai is also drying. A shikakai, amla, henna mix is best washed out at 3 hours or less, IMHO.

Some folks mix henna with the wrong conditioners--conditioners that contain protein!!! and leave that on for 6 hours or overnight. Yikes! What they call drying is probably protein overload. I did it ONCE (with coffee). Never had that issue again.:nono:
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DarkJoy you seem to be an expert on tea rinses.

Here is what I have in my cupboard.....
Peppermint, Fennel and Nettle tea
Peppermint tea

Are those any good?
Nonie yodie MileHighDiva laylaaa Froreal3

Thanks everyone for your input!!

I did invest in one seamless comb a while ago , the jumbo magic star rake which is good I guess. I learned about it on here. I guess I didn't notice a huge difference, but keep in mind that I still roller set with regular "seamed" combs and I also don't comb my hair gently all the time :look: so that could be why I haven't seen a huge difference. I need to go order seamless roller setting combs stat. I need to reduce my roller set breakage. Wet setting kills my hair but the result is smooth ends and moisturized hair and I hardly have luck with air drying. #finehairproblems :lol:
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LOL Bublin. I'm no expert--the ladies in the ayurvedic and tea rinse thread are though.

Nettle is fantastic for heavy shedding I use it almost everyday in a sprayer (instead of creamy leave-ins). Stopped my shedding with first rinse immediately in its tracks! Mint is also nice--I tried it with fresh leaves and loved the tingle. Didnt use it long term, so can't say its effects for my hair.

IDK anything about fennel.

I do recommend people try them one at a time before making mixes so you know what doesnt work rather quickly so as to not just throw in the towel on teas. Many do because they mixed 10 teas in their first try and blame them all when it's really only 1 or 2 they reacted to! Duh. I tea junkied for a while until I found a decent combination for *my hair*
LOL Bublin. I'm no expert--the ladies in the ayurvedic and tea rinse thread are though.

Nettle is fantastic for heavy shedding I use it almost everyday in a sprayer (instead of creamy leave-ins). Stopped my shedding with first rinse immediately in its tracks! Mint is also nice--I tried it with fresh leaves and loved the tingle. Didnt use it long term, so can't say its effects for my hair.

IDK anything about fennel.

I do recommend people try them one at a time before making mixes so you know what doesnt work rather quickly so as to not just throw in the towel on teas. Many do because they mixed 10 teas in their first try and blame them all when it's really only 1 or 2 they reacted to! Duh. I tea junkied for a while until I found a decent combination for *my hair*

Off to buy some Nettle tea...thanks!

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