The orginal Fine hair thread 2013

[USER=103105]coolsista-paris[/USER];18585889 said:
Do you ladies think that if i Bc à second time or trim half my lenght will help this hair retain /grow better and fill in more?

Or im just waisting my time. (2 months ago i did already cut my bsl back to apl). And i dusted beginning of this month (june).

Is your hair breaking? Why are you seeming so scissor happy? Are your ends thin? Major cut in April, a dust in June... :whyme:

Have you considered Komaza? Maybe that analysis can help you decide what's best, but I think you need to put the scissors down and practice low manipulation.
Is your hair breaking? Why are you seeming so scissor happy? Are your ends thin? Major cut in April, a dust in June... :whyme:

Have you considered Komaza? Maybe that analysis can help you decide what's best, but I think you need to put the scissors down and practice low manipulation.

My ends looked nice when i trimmed in april. I practice low manipulation already.

I hate my crown hair. It seems thin,shorter than thé rest and hard to deal with. There are parts where the breakage seems to be at the roots (at the crown). Its fustrating me and thats what is giving me ideas of bc'ing again,although i dont want to lose the rest of my hair length.
It seems like i had more hair (when i straightened in october). I straightened last month and it feels like i have less hair.

Maybe i need to stop blow drying at every wash day (but thats just twice à month). Does that seem like too much heat??

Im gonna need to do à protein treatment or henna i guess. To give the feeling of thicker strands.

Im gonna check what komaza is. I wonder if here in france i can find it or not. Gonna look
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I get the same thing!! When I do the test, my strands float; even after clarifying! This is supposed to mean a tight cuticle that wont allow moisture, chemicals and treatments to enter, i.e., low po but my hair acts high po. Ive been relaxed for years so Im sure there is damage from regular heat and chemicals prior to my HHJ.

Im now texturized. It dries really fast, it takes on relaxer, color, henna quickly and gets wet fast too. When I spray my moisturizing spritz, 2 sprays on a large section of hair actually soaks the hair!! Also, when I examine one of my shed strands up close, i can see the cracks and feel the bumpy parts when I slide it through my fingers.

I am pretty sure Im high po, but how do you explain the test?? I have a theory...
Since henna coats the cuticle I have been wondering if the henna treatments could be causing the low po/floating test results. I haven't done the test in more than a month but I still use henna regularly. It doesn't really matter how it comes out now because Im going by my hair's behavior.

I feel like Im getting better results from my hair lately

Lets then ignore the test and just listen to our hair. Its behavior. Change things when needed and thats it.
My hair gets wet easily. It dries very fast when no product added.

Damp hair + serum leaves mine soft and moisturized.
Even grease locks in the moisture for me... Oils do nothing .it just comes out.
@coolsista-paris, S Curl is not a product you use if you want stretched hair. S Curl is full of moisture so shrinkage is a guarantee. If you want your hair stretched use an oil or grease or waxy product.

So this is where I have been going wrong while trying to stretch recently! My leave in conditioner and moisturizing spray are both glycerin heavy. My hair was not stretching hardly at all
coolsista-paris, yes, blowdrying after every wash is too much heat. Have you heard of bubble hair? When you raise the temperature of hair, esp wet hair, you can cause water inside the hair to boil and create bubbles which then cause your hair to expand and burst creating midstrand splits which will cause breakage. I think you need to give up heat for a long spell. Here is more info on bubble hair:

virtuenow was stumped by her hair not acting right. So she sent samples of her hair to the Komaza folks and they evaluated her hair for her. She had to cut off a lot but after following their advice, her hair was back to normal even in length in a few months. More people have done the test. I think you would have to mail your hair from France to them.

Here is virtuenow's thread:

Coyacoy also raved about the service:

When you dust, do you put your hair in mini braids and dust off the ends even if it means making shorter areas even shorter? I think it is important to do that...because breakage leaves a rugged end that continues to tear, so cutting off that rugged end is important to slow hair down.

By low mani, I was thinking maybe wigging in braids or wearing hair in braids or twists or cornrows so you can leave your hair alone for at least 2 weeks.
My ends looked nice when i trimmed in april. I practice low manipulation already.

I hate my crown hair. It seems thin,shorter than thé rest and hard to deal with. There are parts where the breakage seems to be at the roots (at the crown). Its fustrating me and thats what is giving me ideas of bc'ing again,although i dont want to lose the rest of my hair length.
It seems like i had more hair (when i straightened in october). I straightened last month and it feels like i have less hair.

Maybe i need to stop blow drying at every wash day (but thats just twice à month). Does that seem like too much heat??

Im gonna need to do à protein treatment or henna i guess. To give the feeling of thicker strands.

Im gonna check what komaza is. I wonder if here in france i can find it or not. Gonna look

it may not be the heat of the dryer, it could be the tension. when i was using my blow dryer (with the comb attachment) i was literally pulling and ripping my hair out. i caused a lot of breakage, especially in my crown area. see your hair contracts when it starts to dry and you pulling on it while drying is just causing my tension.
My ends looked nice when i trimmed in april. I practice low manipulation already.

I hate my crown hair. It seems thin,shorter than thé rest and hard to deal with. There are parts where the breakage seems to be at the roots (at the crown). Its fustrating me and thats what is giving me ideas of bc'ing again,although i dont want to lose the rest of my hair length.
It seems like i had more hair (when i straightened in october). I straightened last month and it feels like i have less hair.

Maybe i need to stop blow drying at every wash day (but thats just twice à month). Does that seem like too much heat??

Im gonna need to do à protein treatment or henna i guess. To give the feeling of thicker strands.

Im gonna check what komaza is. I wonder if here in france i can find it or not. Gonna look

Yes I can tell u that using the blow dryer weekly causes that sneak of on you damage. It's very slow and gradual. I use to always Airdry but was fascinated at the length bc I didn't realize it grew out alot. Plus it was easier to manipulate so I started blow drying weekly. That damage snuck up on me and now I am going back to the basics of Airdrying. I haven't had any heat since jan and will blow out in aug to see if it made a difference. Then I won't blow dry out again until next feb.

Wait, be positive, keep believing, and all will surely be yours. Sent from my iPhone using LHCF
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@coolsista-paris, yes, blowdrying after every wash is too much heat. Have you heard of bubble hair? When you raise the temperature of hair, esp wet hair, you can cause water inside the hair to boil and create bubbles which then cause your hair to expand and burst creating midstrand splits which will cause breakage. I think you need to give up heat for a long spell. Here is more info on bubble hair:

@virtuenow was stumped by her hair not acting right. So she sent samples of her hair to the Komaza folks and they evaluated her hair for her. She had to cut off a lot but after following their advice, her hair was back to normal even in length in a few months. More people have done the test. I think you would have to mail your hair from France to them.

Here is virtuenow's thread:

Coyacoy also raved about the service:

When you dust, do you put your hair in mini braids and dust off the ends even if it means making shorter areas even shorter? I think it is important to do that...because breakage leaves a rugged end that continues to tear, so cutting off that rugged end is important to slow hair down.

By low mani, I was thinking maybe wigging in braids or wearing hair in braids or twists or cornrows so you can leave your hair alone for at least 2 weeks.

oh my gosh, that bubble hair scared me by just pronouncing it.I knew nothing about that. :ohwell:

im gonna put down the blow dryer because this might be happening to me...making my hair thinner.

when i dust my hair, i do it in medium twists to make sure i catch every part of my head.

My protective style is a bun (with maybe a braid these days in order to not manipulate the ends) .

ok...i might need to get back ti my wig with cornrows underneath, this time braiding the right way to save my hairline.

oh still learning after 5 years hair jouney. I still need to learn huh?.

i need a slap for missing on some things. I got used to heat as it cut down my ssk..i gotta quit that ! it was easier for me at work, and hubby is not a fan of wigs/weave. gooosh. :nono:

i'll just force him ! but when i take it off and wear my hair he is like "oh i prefer this, are you gonna put the wig back on?"
oh come ooooooon .:spinning:
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Guys, I have enrolled to a trichology course! hopefully when I qualify I will be able to help with specific answers, no more guessing! I am really excited:grin:
it may not be the heat of the dryer, it could be the tension. when i was using my blow dryer (with the comb attachment) i was literally pulling and ripping my hair out. i caused a lot of breakage, especially in my crown area. see your hair contracts when it starts to dry and you pulling on it while drying is just causing my tension.

The thing is i never use à comb attachment. I always blow dry tension method and without really hair. So maybe my hair is getting fed up of the dryer. I guess i need tk clarify and do à good protein /reconstructing treatment. My hair is not acting like it should.
Also apoghee 2 min overnight worked Well for me.... Oh Well,ill try à féw things again things. Maybe hot oils should be tried.
Yes I can tell u that using the blow dryer weekly causes that sneak of on you damage. It's very slow and gradual. I use to always Airdry but was fascinated at the length bc I didn't realize it grew out alot. Plus it was easier to manipulate so I started blow drying weekly. That damage snuck up on me and now I am going back to the basics of Airdrying. I haven't had any heat since jan and will blow out in aug to see if it made a difference. Then I won't blow dry out again until next feb.

Wait, be positive, keep believing, and all will surely be yours. Sent from my iPhone using LHCF

I am gonna follow your plans.i used to use heat about 2-4 times à year at first. My hair did seem.fuller but broke anyway because i did not have the right moisture-protein balance .i even never did protein treatments...
Im gonna buy some new wigs after summer.
I am gonna follow your plans.i used to use heat about 2-4 times à year at first. My hair did seem.fuller but broke anyway because i did not have the right moisture-protein balance .i even never did protein treatments...
Im gonna buy some new wigs after summer.

I have the aphooghee packet but haven't use it.I use the black castor oil protein conditioner every week. My hair likes it. I like the ingredients are natural.

Wait, be positive, keep believing, and all will surely be yours. Sent from my iPhone using LHCF
Okay... So now that I know I am high porosity I am going to start sealing with a heavier product. I just whipped up a nice mango butter mix that I think Im gonna like!! Its so smooth and creamy and fluffy. I didn't use a hand mixer or blender

Here is a couple pics



I used aloe vera gel, lemongrass eo, vitamin e oil and cocoveda oil. I am thinking of getting a handmixer for my DIY
LOOKS SO GOOD! @mshoneyfly :lick:

DarkJoy, I know, right?

MsHoneyFly how does it taste? C'mon now, don't front. You know you tasted it coz it looks like Key Lime Pie filling. You can come clean. We are all family here. Many have confessed to tasting nice smelling hair products so your secret will be safe with us.

So... how did it taste? :bouncegre
I am gonna follow your plans.i used to use heat about 2-4 times à year at first. My hair did seem.fuller but broke anyway because i did not have the right moisture-protein balance .i even never did protein treatments...
Im gonna buy some new wigs after summer.

you have to balance it to get it to grow& retain
I thought dc w protein would help but my hair was dry, I didn't know to moisturize after the DC...:spinning:
I do that now. Tea rinses have stopped the shedding. It took a while. the first few rinses my hair felt like cement:blush:
I had to moisturize... for at least an hr w heat cap. it helped.
My hair's not hard like that now. I wash w Roux's porosity shampoo once per month. I pre poo Dc & hard protein once per month also.... No shedding or breaking.
I may stop washing weekly. I moisturize daily hair & ends... my hair look & feel soo much better. I follow the Moroccan luna chart to trim or dust the thin ends every 2 or 3 mos....
I will probably have to blow dry as I get into my stretch but I will continue the protein & Dc treatment + moisturizing:yep:
I finally learn to listen to my hair.....
I have the aphooghee packet but haven't use it.I use the black castor oil protein conditioner every week. My hair likes it. I like the ingredients are natural.

Wait, be positive, keep believing, and all will surely be yours. Sent from my iPhone using LHCF

That conditioner sounds nice.
Okay... So now that I know I am high porosity I am going to start sealing with a heavier product. I just whipped up a nice mango butter mix that I think Im gonna like!! Its so smooth and creamy and fluffy. I didn't use a hand mixer or blender

Here is a couple pics

I used aloe vera gel, lemongrass eo, vitamin e oil and cocoveda oil. I am thinking of getting a handmixer for my DIY

Oh delicious!! I have everything at home to mix my ingrédients but ive become lazy and i dont know what will work. I once made such à.nice body cream for my son.

This pic is what i ordered online to do my products.
The machine warms with very low heat in order to keep the nutriments.
(i put the blue magic near the machine to make it easier to notice the size of the machine ,doesnt take à lot of space)

There is an adapter wich has 4 sticks with it.each one mixes.differently (light mousse,whipped creams,thick ones,etc(. The transfer liquides and creams).

Its great. I d like to try again.

Oh delicious!! I have everything at home to mix my ingrédients but ive become lazy and i dont know what will work. I once made such à.nice body cream for my son.

This pic is what i ordered online to do my products.
The machine warms with very low heat in order to keep the nutriments.
(i put the blue magic near the machine to make it easier to notice the size of the machine ,doesnt take à lot of space)

There is an adapter wich has 4 sticks with it.each one mixes.differently (light mousse,whipped creams,thick ones,etc(. The transfer liquides and creams).

Its great. I d like to try again.

Oooh!! Thats just what I need! That machine looks like fun! I might order one tomorrow to whip mine a little more. I did it all by hand :look:

After using my whipped mango cream and sleeping overnight, my hair feels so soft and moist. At first I thought my hair was WET, lol and I thought to myself "what did I put in my hair"? Then I remembered my new mix :)
Okay... So now that I know I am high porosity I am going to start sealing with a heavier product. I just whipped up a nice mango butter mix that I think Im gonna like!! Its so smooth and creamy and fluffy. I didn't use a hand mixer or blender

Here is a couple pics

I used aloe vera gel, lemongrass eo, vitamin e oil and cocoveda oil. I am thinking of getting a handmixer for my DIY

That "recipe" looks yummy! I might have to try this!

Sent from my iPhone using LHCF
Oooh!! Thats just what I need! That machine looks like fun! I might order one tomorrow to whip mine a little more. I did it all by hand :look:

After using my whipped mango cream and sleeping overnight, my hair feels so soft and moist. At first I thought my hair was WET, lol and I thought to myself "what did I put in my hair"? Then I remembered my new mix :)

Oooh I'm glad you reported how your hair took to your new mix. It looks and sounds so yummy!


Don't judge...Sent from my SPH-L900 using LHCF
DarkJoy, I know, right?

MsHoneyFly how does it taste? C'mon now, don't front. You know you tasted it coz it looks like Key Lime Pie filling. You can come clean. We are all family here. Many have confessed to tasting nice smelling hair products so your secret will be safe with us.

So... how did it taste? :bouncegre

Lool. this got me.laughing.
But it really looks tasty and seems to smell goooood
Oooh!! Thats just what I need! That machine looks like fun! I might order one tomorrow to whip mine a little more. I did it all by hand :look:

After using my whipped mango cream and sleeping overnight, my hair feels so soft and moist. At first I thought my hair was WET, lol and I thought to myself "what did I put in my hair"? Then I remembered my new mix :)

You are lucky you found the right combination that moisturizes Well.

Oh and i bet you will enjoy à machine like mine. I enjoy watching stuff melt ! :-)
you have to balance it to get it to grow& retain
I thought dc w protein would help but my hair was dry, I didn't know to moisturize after the DC...:spinning:
I do that now. Tea rinses have stopped the shedding. It took a while. the first few rinses my hair felt like cement:blush:
I had to moisturize... for at least an hr w heat cap. it helped.
My hair's not hard like that now. I wash w Roux's porosity shampoo once per month. I pre poo Dc & hard protein once per month also.... No shedding or breaking.
I may stop washing weekly. I moisturize daily hair & ends... my hair look & feel soo much better. I follow the Moroccan luna chart to trim or dust the thin ends every 2 or 3 mos....
I will probably have to blow dry as I get into my stretch but I will continue the protein & Dc treatment + moisturizing:yep:
I finally learn to listen to my hair.....

I hate spending hours doing hair. For this reason i havent been doing dc after wash . I usually pre dc with apoghee 2 min. My hair feels good.with it on.

I will wash again tomorrow (usually its every 2 weeks...i did it.last.week but i want to try this).
Ill pre dc+ clarify + moisture dc with rinse with apple cider vinegar. Towel dry + serum on damp hair+ cornrows and BACK TO WIGS!!!

if i find it takes tooo long i might erase the dc after shampoo . It just seems so.long and à pain to hop in and out of the tub .

I want things that are simple. :-)