Hello everyone,
I'm very very new here but I've been trying to do my homework. My daughter (
bhndbrwneyes) posted previously about product recommendations for my ultra fine hair. I haven't received those products yet but not knowing she purchased them I went out and bought some myself. I don't have a regimen yet because I am still learning. It seems that whatever I do I continue to experience alarming hair loss. Some of my concerns are...
1.) I wake up with my hair matted so I must detangle. I have been instructed to detangle only while in the shower with conditioner in my hair and only using my fingers. Are there any tips to prevent my hair from tangling at night WITHOUT putting it in twists/braids? I lose hair while doing those activities also. If I can prevent tangling at night then I won't have to wash every day I think. I feel like washing every day would be too much.
2.) I've lost a lot of hair on my edges, can I ever regrow these areas? I used to brush that area to style my hair but I've learned to stop that. Do headbands and gel hurt also?
3.) I tried using S-Curl for my styles but I'm still losing hair while using it (not sure if it is the product of not). I think my hair needs products very very watery in consistency. Does any one know of a good LIGHTWEIGTH daily moisturizer? Would water and a little bit of oil be enough?
Also, can anyone tell what hair type I am? 4-something?
Thank you!