The orginal Fine hair thread 2013


I need some ideas on what products to get my mother for her birthday and/or Mother's day. She just started her HHJ a few months ago. I know she BC'd so she's currently wearing a TWA. I know she's mostly trying to wear a tiny fro which I know she's not treating properly (I think she's brushing it out, not moisturizing, using regular shampoo, etc) I've been trying to tell her about WNGs and all the LHCF tips on growing out healthy natural hair. I bought her a subscription to the forum but I think she's having a hard time navigating it. It looks to me like she has 3c/4a hair. Her hair is VERY VERY VERY fine, literally as light and soft as a feather. I assume she has very very very low porosity. Unfortunately I don't know all the details of her hair because she's not forum/internet-savy so researching all of this information on her own has proven to be futile (and we live in different states so I can't really interact with her hair). I know that I will be buying her Njoy's heatlhy hair growth mix for her birthday/Mother's day and I would also like to get her a good DC, a good daily/nightly moisturizer, a good moisturing conditioner (not sure yet whether or not she's protein-sensitive) and maybe a good leave-in for fine, low po hair. Do any of you have any suggestions?

I need some ideas on what products to get my mother for her birthday and/or Mother's day. She just started her HHJ a few months ago. I know she BC'd so she's currently wearing a TWA. I know she's mostly trying to wear a tiny fro which I know she's not treating properly (I think she's brushing it out, not moisturizing, using regular shampoo, etc) I've been trying to tell her about WNGs and all the LHCF tips on growing out healthy natural hair. I bought her a subscription to the forum but I think she's having a hard time navigating it. It looks to me like she has 3c/4a hair. Her hair is VERY VERY VERY fine, literally as light and soft as a feather. I assume she has very very very low porosity. Unfortunately I don't know all the details of her hair because she's not forum/internet-savy so researching all of this information on her own has proven to be futile (and we live in different states so I can't really interact with her hair). I know that I will be buying her Njoy's heatlhy hair growth mix for her birthday/Mother's day and I would also like to get her a good DC, a good daily/nightly moisturizer, a good moisturing conditioner (not sure yet whether or not she's protein-sensitive) and maybe a good leave-in for fine, low po hair. Do any of you have any suggestions?

i would look into Qhemet or Oyin line and they have packages/gift/samples that you can purchase.

and get her a nice plastic pick. if she is brushing it out, in her mind, her hair isn't neat/done if it is not brushed or comb properly. (don't wanna embrace the naps/kinks)
are there any ladies here that can just comb through their hair with no problem? i can't seem to do that anymore, or maybe i am just too paranoid. i barely run a comb through my hair anymore, even when it is flat ironed straight. i watch YT videos of folks just combing their hair with no problem.

i would like to be able to do that, or maybe that is just unrealistic for my strands? when i was letting someone else care for my hair, i kept a comb on me. i used a feather comb, or some type of wide toothed comb. i don't recall having a bunch of breakage. maybe i was extra gentle? but i wore my hair in a lot of set style too. i would only get a flat wrap if i just got a touch up that day. i do remember having to spray a lot of oil sheen in my hair to be able to comb it without breakage and damage. my scarf stayed oily.


I completely understand because I was a paranoid comber, too. The only time I ever completely combed through my hair was after it had been straightened and on wash/DC day, and even then I was nervously tiptoeing through it (in my head, I always muttered, “Ease...on...ease...on...down...the road” while combing each section :lol:).

However, I happened upon a game changer that has allowed me to comb through my hair with very little stress or breakage. I call it “strand coating” – applying a lubricating product to my hair prior to combing. Doing it on straightened hair did not present a problem because any creamy, water-based moisturizer would suffice. On the other hand, combing on wet hair caused me years of agony while stumbling through several approaches. Until recently, the best method I had was detangling while rinsing the shampoo from my hair, but after they reformulated the Elasta QP, I’ve been struggling through it because the new version is no where near as good as it once was. From time to time, I could get a good detangling from ORS Replenishing or Nairobi Humecta-sil, but only if my hair was in need of some protein. Enter SSI Okra Reconstructor and Mill Creek Biotin Conditioner. These two products have made detangling on wet hair a breeze and I now know the full meaning of the word “slip”!

So, my advice to you would be to see if you could preface the combing with a good strand coater and see if that makes a difference. If you do, please keep me posted because I love hearing of people’s outcomes as they maneuver their way through their HHJs.

I completely understand because I was a paranoid comber, too. The only time I ever completely combed through my hair was after it had been straightened and on wash/DC day, and even then I was nervously tiptoeing through it (in my head, I always muttered, “Ease...on...ease...on...down...the road” while combing each section :lol:).

However, I happened upon a game changer that has allowed me to comb through my hair with very little stress or breakage. I call it “strand coating” – applying a lubricating product to my hair prior to combing. Doing it on straightened hair did not present a problem because any creamy, water-based moisturizer would suffice. On the other hand, combing on wet hair caused me years of agony while stumbling through several approaches. Until recently, the best method I had was detangling while rinsing the shampoo from my hair, but after they reformulated the Elasta QP, I’ve been struggling through it because the new version is no where near as good as it once was. From time to time, I could get a good detangling from ORS Replenishing or Nairobi Humecta-sil, but only if my hair was in need of some protein. Enter SSI Okra Reconstructor and Mill Creek Biotin Conditioner. These two products have made detangling on wet hair a breeze and I now know the full meaning of the word “slip”!

So, my advice to you would be to see if you could preface the combing with a good strand coater and see if that makes a difference. If you do, please keep me posted because I love hearing of people’s outcomes as they maneuver their way through their HHJs.

will do! i'm working on strenghtening my hair now with light protein treatments. i would like to try the Mill Creek.

I need some ideas on what products to get my mother for her birthday and/or Mother's day. She just started her HHJ a few months ago. I know she BC'd so she's currently wearing a TWA. I know she's mostly trying to wear a tiny fro which I know she's not treating properly (I think she's brushing it out, not moisturizing, using regular shampoo, etc) I've been trying to tell her about WNGs and all the LHCF tips on growing out healthy natural hair. I bought her a subscription to the forum but I think she's having a hard time navigating it. It looks to me like she has 3c/4a hair. Her hair is VERY VERY VERY fine, literally as light and soft as a feather. I assume she has very very very low porosity. Unfortunately I don't know all the details of her hair because she's not forum/internet-savy so researching all of this information on her own has proven to be futile (and we live in different states so I can't really interact with her hair). I know that I will be buying her Njoy's heatlhy hair growth mix for her birthday/Mother's day and I would also like to get her a good DC, a good daily/nightly moisturizer, a good moisturing conditioner (not sure yet whether or not she's protein-sensitive) and maybe a good leave-in for fine, low po hair. Do any of you have any suggestions?


My advice to you would be to keep things as simple as possible so that she doesn’t become overwhelmed. I also suggest that you give her as many multi-purpose products as possible, e.g., leave-in conditioners that can double as moisturizers or refreshers, co-washing conditioners that can double as detanglers or DCs.

To that end, I highly recommend that you take a leisurely walk through the website and construct a nice little list in anticipation of an upcoming sale (hopefully for Mother’s Day). If I were you, I would specifically check out the Avocado Conditioner (which can double as both DC and leave-in), Okra Reconstructor (an excellent detangler and the most moisturizing protein-laden treatment I’ve ever encountered), Pomegranate Curl Quenching Conditioner (which can double as an ultra moisturizing co-washer and leave-in), and Eucalyptus Mint Shampoo (which contains peppermint, a known follicle stimulator). There are also some good butters and creams for daily moisturizing to be had.

Additionally, I advise that you take a stroll through Hairveda’s website, especially since she is currently having a sale (until 4/21) and pay close attention to the Red Tea Nourishing Conditioner (which is an excellent, very moisturizing co-washer, DC and leave-in), Acai Berry Phyto Conditioner (a good co-washer and source of protein) Vatika Frosting (a nice, light EVCO-based sealant and ash-be-gone-off-my-elbows elixir :lol:), and Whipped Gelly (which is a nice smoothing jelly-gel-like product that would be good for her ‘fro and beyond).

The best thing about all of this is that you can make your own gift basket, and mix and match the products to your liking. HTH!

I need some ideas on what products to get my mother for her birthday and/or Mother's day. She just started her HHJ a few months ago. I know she BC'd so she's currently wearing a TWA. I know she's mostly trying to wear a tiny fro which I know she's not treating properly (I think she's brushing it out, not moisturizing, using regular shampoo, etc) I've been trying to tell her about WNGs and all the LHCF tips on growing out healthy natural hair. I bought her a subscription to the forum but I think she's having a hard time navigating it. It looks to me like she has 3c/4a hair. Her hair is VERY VERY VERY fine, literally as light and soft as a feather. I assume she has very very very low porosity. Unfortunately I don't know all the details of her hair because she's not forum/internet-savy so researching all of this information on her own has proven to be futile (and we live in different states so I can't really interact with her hair). I know that I will be buying her Njoy's heatlhy hair growth mix for her birthday/Mother's day and I would also like to get her a good DC, a good daily/nightly moisturizer, a good moisturing conditioner (not sure yet whether or not she's protein-sensitive) and maybe a good leave-in for fine, low po hair. Do any of you have any suggestions?

bhndbrwneyes My mom has super fine, super soft hair as well. She's 3c/4a like your mom, too. :) My mom is OBSESSED with Silk Dreams Everything from the oils to the conditioners and moisturizers, she loves it all. I would definitely look into that line for your mom. There are bundles that you can put together to save money, and Supergirl will be having a Mother's Day sale. :up:

My advice to you would be to keep things as simple as possible so that she doesn’t become overwhelmed. I also suggest that you give her as many multi-purpose products as possible, e.g., leave-in conditioners that can double as moisturizers or refreshers, co-washing conditioners that can double as detanglers or DCs.

To that end, I highly recommend that you take a leisurely walk through the website and construct a nice little list in anticipation of an upcoming sale (hopefully for Mother’s Day). If I were you, I would specifically check out the Avocado Conditioner (which can double as both DC and leave-in), Okra Reconstructor (an excellent detangler and the most moisturizing protein-laden treatment I’ve ever encountered), Pomegranate Curl Quenching Conditioner (which can double as an ultra moisturizing co-washer and leave-in), and Eucalyptus Mint Shampoo (which contains peppermint, a known follicle stimulator). There are also some good butters and creams for daily moisturizing to be had.

Additionally, I advise that you take a stroll through Hairveda’s website, especially since she is currently having a sale (until 4/21) and pay close attention to the Red Tea Nourishing Conditioner (which is an excellent, very moisturizing co-washer, DC and leave-in), Acai Berry Phyto Conditioner (a good co-washer and source of protein) Vatika Frosting (a nice, light EVCO-based sealant and ash-be-gone-off-my-elbows elixir :lol:), and Whipped Gelly (which is a nice smoothing jelly-gel-like product that would be good for her ‘fro and beyond).

The best thing about all of this is that you can make your own gift basket, and mix and match the products to your liking. HTH!

PJaye Girl, you got me looking at the shescentit site now. :lol:
I'd like to try sticking to oils, but oils don't moisturize.

yodie, I honestly don't think applying a leave-in is necessary to moisturize your hair. I haven't applied one since 2009 and I've got soft hair that doesn't have tangles or get SSKs. I get my moisture from the conditioning I do when I wash my hair twice a week. Once hair is moisturized, the goal should be to figure out how to retain that moisture. That's where oil, grease, serums come into play.

There was a 4B natural called MSA who used nothing on her hair but Castor oil on damp hair and she had the softest coils from that. I have already shared that applying a serum to damp hair to seal gives me soft smooth strands. I hate EVOO as it makes my hair hard but there are oils whose molecules are small and believed to work as moisturizers. Plus it isn't external moisture that makes hair soft, but internal. So I think what is happening is you are using butters and creams which do not retain moisture and so you are losing moisture to the air.

Have you tried S Curl?

I need some ideas on what products to get my mother for her birthday and/or Mother's day. She just started her HHJ a few months ago. I know she BC'd so she's currently wearing a TWA. I know she's mostly trying to wear a tiny fro which I know she's not treating properly (I think she's brushing it out, not moisturizing, using regular shampoo, etc) I've been trying to tell her about WNGs and all the LHCF tips on growing out healthy natural hair. I bought her a subscription to the forum but I think she's having a hard time navigating it. It looks to me like she has 3c/4a hair. Her hair is VERY VERY VERY fine, literally as light and soft as a feather. I assume she has very very very low porosity. Unfortunately I don't know all the details of her hair because she's not forum/internet-savy so researching all of this information on her own has proven to be futile (and we live in different states so I can't really interact with her hair). I know that I will be buying her Njoy's heatlhy hair growth mix for her birthd5ay/Mother's day and I would also like to get her a good DC, a good daily/nightly moisturizer, a good moisturing conditioner (not sure yet whether or not she's protein-sensitive) and maybe a good leave-in for fine, low po hair. Do any of you have any suggestions?

I was the first in my family to get interested in haircare so that and my PJism means that I've put together a starter pack or two :yep:

Co-wash: Tresemme Naturals Moisture conditioner, Shea Moisture Restorative conditioner, Giovanni Smooth as Silk, VO5, Curl Junkie Daily Fix

Deep conditioner: Curl Rehab (HG status), any conditioner from AO except the protein one, any Shea Moisture deep masque inc. the purification masque.

Oils: coconut, olive oil (extra virgin only), grapeseed, jojoba. Castor oil on anywhere but roots is a disaster for ultta-fine hair!

Leave ins: Hairveda Whipped Ends, any lightweight oil.

Cleansers: Jessicurl cleansing cream, Curl Junkie Daily Fix.

I think you can find most of these in Target, Walgreen amd CVS if not Curlmart, amd most of them also have extensive reviews online so you can check for yourself (that's how I came to know them and love them...:grin:) She seems like a very low-mani person so I'd probably go for a product that can be used as a leave in, DC and co-wash. The directions on the Curl Rehab tub say you can use it as a 3 in 1 and I know you can do the same with the Tresemme from experience. Pretty much all the product from the Curl Junkie, SM or Hairveda lines are multi-purpose so you don't have to buy nowhere near as much as you think!
Oh, and I know I said multi-purpose is good (and it is) but the Hairveda moisturiser is worth abandoning the oils and the extra rest! They sell sample packs of 1oz for $2 and it can easily last for 2 weeks -and I'm stupidly heavyhanded with my products. I just did my first twist out seeing as wet bunning = no bueno for my roots and I keep wandering to the mirror to creep on my hair :lol:
I'd like to try sticking to oils, but oils don't moisturize.

That's what I found too when I tried oils alone. It was hit or miss for me actually.

However, I happened upon a game changer that has allowed me to comb through my hair with very little stress or breakage. I call it “strand coating” – applying a lubricating product to my hair prior to combing.

Yes, when I do comb, (mostly on wash days), this is the only way I do it.
@yodie, I honestly don't think applying a leave-in is necessary to moisturize your hair. I haven't applied one since 2009 and I've got soft hair that doesn't have tangles or get SSKs. I get my moisture from the conditioning I do when I wash my hair twice a week. Once hair is moisturized, the goal should be to figure out how to retain that moisture. That's where oil, grease, serums come into play.

There was a 4B natural called MSA who used nothing on her hair but Castor oil on damp hair and she had the softest coils from that. I have already shared that applying a serum to damp hair to seal gives me soft smooth strands. I hate EVOO as it makes my hair hard but there are oils whose molecules are small and believed to work as moisturizers. Plus it isn't external moisture that makes hair soft, but internal. So I think what is happening is you are using butters and creams which do not retain moisture and so you are losing moisture to the air.

Have you tried S Curl?
yodie, Nonie is on to something. :yep: My hair is usually still nice and moisturized for a while even if I air dry with no product and I have the kinkiest of textures!

You are correct that most oils don't moisturize.

Like Nonie, I don't use leave-ins. Matter of fact, I happened on that by accident. I was having horrible dryness, couldn't air dry because I'd have a crispy dried tangled mess. I was washing, DCing, leave-in, oil, butter. Well for a week I literally forgot and started doing other things--experimenting with just teas and water spritzing.

Wouldn't you know, I totally forgot about leave-ins with these experiments and my hair was just fine. Well I thought I SHOULD be using leave-ins like everyone else! Started again and same negative result of dryness. LIs are out of my reggi.

I think some leave-ins block the moisture, or worse, dries the hair out completely. Even though some tout their natural ingredients, most still contain stuff like emulsifiers and preservatives that I believe caused me so much trouble.

I'm also finding that a regular co-wash schedule with my favorite cheapie condish (V05!) and water or teas to moisturize, that my hair is fine and LIs are completely unnecessary and a waste of money.

Also your porosity will play a role. If you are low porosity, moisture will have trouble getting in. High, and your hair dries out AND overloads quickly with product.
Yes, when I do comb, (mostly on wash days), this is the only way I do it.

HoneyA, you and I are so >>here<<. There is no way any 4B natural can comb long hair w/o using a lubricant. It is why my hair never grew longer than 3-4 inches when I was a teen. Had to wear loose hair and combed it dry daily and broke it off. Since I learned to always have a product that provides slip, combing my hair has been a breeze. When my hair is loose, I do it in the AM to style and in the PM before braiding it for the night.

Here's a vid showing how I comb my hair. I open up the coils and then slide the comb through:

I was using a metal pick comb in that image. In recent years, I use a seamless fine tooth comb and work on small sections at a time, braiding them up before moving to another area so as to keep hair tangle-free.

I don't have a video and the image of me combing it is missing (Fotki issues) but you can see that when my hair is washed and rinsed, it coils up into its kinky state:


If I didn't do anything and just let it airdry, I'd end up with this impossible to comb problem:


If I applied something like conditioner and combed it through as it airdried, I would have it somewhat stretched since the conditioner like say butters would dry up and not cause shrinkage:


This is the difference when I apply S Curl (but I still can comb it because of the slip provided by S Curl):

yodie, I honestly don't think applying a leave-in is necessary to moisturize your hair. I haven't applied one since 2009 and I've got soft hair that doesn't have tangles or get SSKs. I get my moisture from the conditioning I do when I wash my hair twice a week. Once hair is moisturized, the goal should be to figure out how to retain that moisture. That's where oil, grease, serums come into play.

There was a 4B natural called MSA who used nothing on her hair but Castor oil on damp hair and she had the softest coils from that. I have already shared that applying a serum to damp hair to seal gives me soft smooth strands. I hate EVOO as it makes my hair hard but there are oils whose molecules are small and believed to work as moisturizers. Plus it isn't external moisture that makes hair soft, but internal. So I think what is happening is you are using butters and creams which do not retain moisture and so you are losing moisture to the air.

Have you tried S Curl?

Maybe one of these days I'll listen to my hair and not repeat the same mistakes.

My hair naturally does better when I use serums and oil, but I thought I needed to add moisture and then seal with an oil and forego the serum. I'll add some serum to my ends from now on and leave it at that. The less I do to my hair, the better it is. WHEN WILL I LEARN THIS??

My wet hair loves serum also.

I love S Curl when I'm hiding my hair underneath a wig, but it causes my hair to frizz like crazy if I try to wear straight styles.

Now I have damage from wearing a chignon twist out and I thought I was protective styling my hair. I have to progressively cut the damage. My problem is that I repeat the same mistakes over and over. These mistakes are very costly and unfortunately I've learned the hard way.

I decided to add a few tracks to the back of my hair to prevent myself from trying anything new AND so that I can give it a long enough rest and recovery to gain a decent amount of length to allow me to stretch with braids and actually LIKE the way it looks.

yodie, Nonie is on to something. :yep: My hair is usually still nice and moisturized for a while even if I air dry with no product and I have the kinkiest of textures!

You are correct that most oils don't moisturize.

Like Nonie, I don't use leave-ins. Matter of fact, I happened on that by accident. I was having horrible dryness, couldn't air dry because I'd have a crispy dried tangled mess. I was washing, DCing, leave-in, oil, butter. Well for a week I literally forgot and started doing other things--experimenting with just teas and water spritzing.

Wouldn't you know, I totally forgot about leave-ins with these experiments and my hair was just fine. Well I thought I SHOULD be using leave-ins like everyone else! Started again and same negative result of dryness. LIs are out of my reggi.

I think some leave-ins block the moisture, or worse, dries the hair out completely. Even though some tout their natural ingredients, most still contain stuff like emulsifiers and preservatives that I believe caused me so much trouble.

I'm also finding that a regular co-wash schedule with my favorite cheapie condish (V05!) and water or teas to moisturize, that my hair is fine and LIs are completely unnecessary and a waste of money.

Also your porosity will play a role. If you are low porosity, moisture will have trouble getting in. High, and your hair dries out AND overloads quickly with product.

I believe I have normal porosity hair if there is such.
My hair overloads very quickly with product. Why do I know that in the back of my mind, but I seem to forget it?

Well, I'm throwing out my butters and keeping my serums, s curl and oils. That's it. I'm so tired of my hair not looking the way that I want or setback after setback.
Everything was fine before air drying. I did hot oil before and detangled. Then sectionned hair. Shampood with ors aloe shampoo. i rinsed kt was.soft and strong. Then i dried it added à lotion (it has silk keratin and makes my hair usually soft when dry).
Then i put coconut blue magic but not scalp (usually.locks moisture when hair is dry on normal days.
i then hair banded 8 sections.

It was soft and all. But thé next day...tangled.

Ive already.done thé air drying with braids,it came out dry.

Its only when.i.tension blow dry that my hair comes out Well and no tangles until next wash. I usé médium heat.

Maybe I missed it but did you use conditioner after rinsing the ORS creamy aloe? That could be your problem
@coolsista-paris, I have never bothered with banding because it does not look as effective for stretching hair as braids. After I rinse off conditioner and do an ACV rinse, I braid my hair bare. I find it stretches better that way. Because I comb my hair and rebraid throughout my wash, it is completely tangle-free so when I do those final firm braids after my ACV rinse, my hair is so detangled that a fine-tooth comb can go through it. When I undo the braids, my hair is smooth and wavy. I can then apply S Curl if I don't mind shrinkage or use something like coconut oil if I want my hair to stay stretched.

Also I don't know what you use to moisturize but for me creams and butters would make my hair soft on application but it would dry up hard. I know it was them because my hair without product is as soft as cotton puffs.

Co signing with Nonie when I use no product in my hair after washing and braiding it stays super soft when I unravel the next day.

Almond Eyes
I strictly use twists to airdry only. Because I am Low Porosity my hair takes forever to dry in braids.
Once they are dry I will put big braids in my hair overnight and undo them in the morning so I can bun my braid out.
With twists I am a fuzz ball the next day.

Yeah, it's frizzy. I could get away with it last week with the cap. This week I did a few over since it's only in the front. They are flat twists sot they are not small. I just get tired of wearing my hair pulled back in buns or I stated in an earlier thread that's been the only two styles I've worn for YEARS. I am trying to thicken my edges so I want to try new styles like everyone else so as not to continue put strains on my front edges. Sucks that the frizz pops up though. I might try it with a little gel for next week.
i would look into Qhemet or Oyin line and they have packages/gift/samples that you can purchase.

and get her a nice plastic pick. if she is brushing it out, in her mind, her hair isn't neat/done if it is not brushed or comb properly. (don't wanna embrace the naps/kinks)

Qhemet because of the glycerin doesn't work for all fine haired gals with low porosity.

Almond Eyes
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Nonie PJaye DarkJoy yodie

Just based on the last few posts from you all, how do you all get your hair to stay stretched (preferably without heat) but moisturised? I normally air dry with S-Curl but that causes major shrinkage like Nonie pointed out sooo, what is a good product that is moisturising but that doesn't cause the hair to shrink over a week let's say? I'm willing to try this out next week.
HoneyA, Just recently I used castor oil after I washed (no leave in), flat twisted my hair and let it air dry. My hair was nice and soft. You would probably have to do flat twists each day in order to stretch it even more. This right here will be my simple regi in another 17 months.
I am beginning to see that whether one uses products or not and which products depends on whether your fine hair is low porosity or fine, relaxed or natural.

As I said being a fine haired and relaxed, I have exhausted myself with the number of regiments over the past few months since I decided to stop wearing extensions and weaves in early 2012.

I did read posts from Nonie and a few others talking about this no product regiment. And one evening through not wanting to have hair all over the place after using Qhemet biologics that I saw the difference in my hair immediately after washing and braiding in big braids with no product. When I attempted to experiment with the Qhemet my hair was crunchy and hairs were everywhere. And to think I thought that was normal!!!!!!!

I really do think now that some of these leave ins are no good for certain hair types even if they are natural/organic. I wish that I had known that years ago when I was natural as I also had the same problem of having lots of hair shedding when I used my organic and natural hair care products.

For the past month, I have been exclusively using this no product regiment except for a smidgen of morroccan oil on my braids and the ends. I focus on moisture on my wash days.

While I only co wash my hair once a week, I am thinking that now I can go back to doing it twice a week as long as I detangle before (to remove shed hairs) and after wash by gently pulling the strands apart rather than combing them as relaxed fine hairs are even more delicate than natural hair and immediately braid up my hair with no product.

Last week, I did a real shampoo wash with braided hair and only shanpooed at my roots, conditioned and then braided up my hair and the next day when I unravelled them, it was soft and nice and curly.

Almond Eyes
On my next wash day I'll experiment with airdrying with no product OR just leave-in and no moisturiser. I'm scared!!
I may add a little castor oil to my ends to stop them tangling up.
washing my hair tomorrow, so will try Nonie theory, it kind of make sense.
I will just apply my komaza moisturising spray and seal with an oil or butter and will see!
For those ladies who try to do the no product thing please give feedback. Remember, hair must be braided or twisted up and if you have low porosity hair and becareful with your choice of moisturisers because some moisturisers on wet hair can draw moisture away.

Almond Eyes
I am seeing quite a bit of shedding. I now realize that its from the brahmi oil I use for prepooing. I love this stuff. It makes my hair so smooth and straight (I am texlaxed). As Nonie advised earlier in this thread, the shedding is a good thing. I just make sure to get the shed hairs out carefully every other day or so.

How many people who shed use some sort of growth aid regularly? Brahmi, amla, hair trigger, supplements, etc??
@Nonie @PJaye @DarkJoy @yodie

Just based on the last few posts from you all, how do you all get your hair to stay stretched (preferably without heat) but moisturised? I normally air dry with S-Curl but that causes major shrinkage like Nonie pointed out sooo, what is a good product that is moisturising but that doesn't cause the hair to shrink over a week let's say? I'm willing to try this out next week.

@HoneyA, unlike most people, having stretched hair isn't really my favorite thing. I love a puff that stays off my body so shrunken puffs are my favorite dos and I love that they stay cute all day, everyday.

Anyway, I only wore a stretched out puff once in the last ten years, and to do that, I airdried with no product then used EV coconut oil. My hair was moisturized from conditioning so the oil was more like a balm than a moisturizer. To me moisturized hair is soft and mine is w/o anything on it. I may try safflower the next time I consider stretched hair as I've heard great things about it.

Because my strands are fine, my hair stretched is so meh! Just lifeless. Not heavy enough to move/swing or even notice gravity's pull: if the wind blew one way, my hair could work as a windsock and point in the direction it was going and it might stay pointing that way till another wind blew going another way when it'd strike a new pose. I find my straight/stretched hair needs to be put in some contained do otherwise it just doesn't stay looking good. That's why any time my hair is not in a shrunken do, I wear an updo that ensures the strands stay put.

This was my usual puff in 2009 with S Curl:


This was my puff the same week with coconut oil:

I think I might also try stretched hair with a serum. Instead of airdrying bare hair, apply a serum to damp hair then stretch and do nothing more. The idea of smooth hair w/ no stickiness is appealing to me.
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coolsista-paris, I have never bothered with banding because it does not look as effective for stretching hair as braids. After I rinse off conditioner and do an ACV rinse, I braid my hair bare. I find it stretches better that way. Because I comb my hair and rebraid throughout my wash, it is completely tangle-free so when I do those final firm braids after my ACV rinse, my hair is so detangled that a fine-tooth comb can go through it. When I undo the braids, my hair is smooth and wavy. I can then apply S Curl if I don't mind shrinkage or use something like coconut oil if I want my hair to stay stretched.

Also I don't know what you use to moisturize but for me creams and butters would make my hair soft on application but it would dry up hard. I know it was them because my hair without product is as soft as cotton puffs.

Do you add thé s curl just after thé wash ?

When i dry with towel i dont add my scurl spray.i just seal in général. I might be wrong.

I thought moosturizing with spray will just put me back to high shrinkage.

Needs to be tried to add spray then seal and do whatever i want.

I never received my order,giovanni leave in. It might make hairrationnels hard too.
@Nonie @PJaye @DarkJoy @yodie

Just based on the last few posts from you all, how do you all get your hair to stay stretched (preferably without heat) but moisturised? I normally air dry with S-Curl but that causes major shrinkage like Nonie pointed out sooo, what is a good product that is moisturising but that doesn't cause the hair to shrink over a week let's say? I'm willing to try this out next week.


Unless straightened, the only stretching my hair gets is while braided given that I regularly air dry in a ponytail/braid. Since I don’t fuss with my hair on a daily basis, I rely upon creamy, water-based, protein and cone-free conditioners to provide me with lasting moisture. My staple leave-ins are:

Darcy’s Botanicals Daily Leave-in
Shescentit Avocado Conditioner
Shescentit Pomegranate Curl Quenching Conditioner

All of these products do not encourage shrinkage and will keep my hair moisturized for days. I will also use Darcy’s Botanicals Transitioning Hair Creme as a mid-week refresher on spritzed hair. HTH.