The orginal Fine hair thread 2013


Another great place to learn about ayurveda powders and practices is on

Some powders are cleansers, some are conditioners, some are used for growth and others for moisture. That's how some ladies' mixtures get to be so complicated because a moisturizing powder may be necessary along with a cleanser in order to counter the drying effect.

If I do a paste, I only use hot water in my powder mix. But back in 2010, I started mixing powders into my condish to make a cleanser and a conditioner. I use those for my weekly wash and to cowash or cleanse in between, if I feel like it. Once every 3-4 months, before I use heat, I clarify my hair with Suave Daily Clarifying shampoo.

I saw the effects immediately. I began in Jan/Feb 2010 and by June 2010, I saw an improvement in the thickness and health of my fine hair. Here are my pix:

When I began using the powders regularly in Jan/Feb 2010-

By June 2010, it was noticeably thicker-

And then 9 months later in November 2010-

Just like everything else in this hair journey, it's only as difficult or as easy as you make it! GL! :)

*jumps off ayurveda soapbox* :lol:

im gonna look into this. i.only have amla powder and henna.

i like making things mixing powders...heat with conditionner is what i will do.
which ones help with thickness and moisture?

also, do you put the powders...heat directly in the conditionner,or do you do it in à bowl only when you are gonna use it?
do you put à lot of the powder in the condit?

your hair doesnt look fine. lucky

ETA : ive just realized the answers to my questions are in your previous posts . thanks ;-)
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@laylaaa, I admittedly took a break through the winter from these because I heavy seal my ends and was worried it wouldn't take off petroleum products. My winter regi is totally different and focuses more on an adapted CG method with some tweaks (petro is the only thing that keeps my ends on in winter!). I will be getting back into the ayurvedic reggi when there's more moisture in the air here.

Powders I use:
-shikakai for cleansing
-amla for conditioning
-neem for antibacterial/antifungal scalp control
-tulsi flake control but I havent tried it yet
-henna for cleansing, conditioning, curl pattern loosening, color

I have also found that all these powders loosen my curl pattern to some degree. This is good because mine is wound up tight and difficult to comb. I mean WAS. Now it's not so bad.

@MzSwift has had some excellent results! Love the before and after.:yep:

I believe I'm experiencing similar. I've noticed the hairs left from my BC (about 1" left on the ends as I dust regularly) is a lot thinner than the ng. They really are amazing!

My only advice is to try powders one at time to see how your hair and skin react. If one doesnt work, move on to the next. Also, I suggest making them thin like MzSwift suggests. It's easier to rinse out of our fine hairs. Pastes and 20min rinsing is not the business! :lol::perplexed

Are there any particular powders that you use? Not sure where to start.
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Hello ladies! I wanted to do a Henna treatment this weekend, but I ended up vending at an event and having a ton of work (still) due, so I just left my hair alone. I am still in the African Threaded "twists" and a few of them have come out, so I was able to feel my hair and it felt GREAT! I used a keratin reconstruter (don't know the brand name) after I shampooed and I also did a hot oil prepoo. Instead of a moisturizing DC, I used SM Deep Repair Masque and EVCO as leave-ins and went about my way.

I am loving the way my hair feels and it I've gotten more than a few "thick" and "healthy" compliments. I want to buy Nexxus Emergencee, but between the price and the fact that I am moving in less than 2 months, I don't think it's a good idea. We'll see!
Did my first henna treatment yesterday and all I can say is OMG!!! feels so lush, thick, soft and curls were popping. Am so sold!!!. My mix was very simple.
Bought henna powder from sally's, reshma natural highlights. I used,
1 pack of henna plus the oil that came with pack
1tbs of amla powder
Freshly squeezed lemon juice
Mixed and left overnight for release
Applied onto dirty hair, covered hair with two plastic caps for like 4hrs
Rinse off, shampoo hair with CON argan oil shampoo and bobeam cocoa and rhausoul clay bar soap.
Deep conditioned with body heat for 1hr: tressemme natural nourishing moisture, hairveda moist pro, yes to blueberries healthy repair conditioner, grapeseed oil, sesame oil
Final rinse with : hibiscus flowers, lavender, roobios, and fennel powder.
The whole process was a huge success, definitely adding henna treatment to my regime Now! :)
Yeah, I really :love: this thread myself.

This morning I washed my hair with Chi Deep Brilliance Neutralizing shampoo (I just wanted to try it) and I am so glad I did. It is sulfate-free and left my hair extremely soft and not stripped-feeling like most sulfate-free shampoos I have used, even after 2 washes with it.

I DCed with Affirm Positive Link Conditioner and even though it says it's for medium to coarse hair, I used it anyway and surpringly, I loved it. It is a thicker form of Keracare 5 in 1 Reconstructor in my opinion. I followed it up with Design Essentials Stimulations Moisturizing conditioner.

My hair is quite happy right now because the breakage has finally slowed down. It has a bit of a nice shine as well. I do need some more TW Protective Mist Bodifier though. It really leaves my hair soft and manageable.
In addition, I really need to use up my henna, indigo and ayurveda powders. I get so lazy with it and don't care for the mess either, but I have to admit, they really work....and they work well:yep:!
A lot of you ladies are using henna. I wish I knew where to get great henna from for my hair. Where are yall getting your henna?
I am sitting with a henna gloss in my hair right now. Will probably leave it in overnight... my scalp is tingly and warm I'm loving this already. I hope my results are amazing...
I am sitting with a henna gloss in my hair right now. Will probably leave it in overnight... my scalp is tingly and warm I'm loving this already. I hope my results are amazing...

Isn't it such a comforting feeling?? Sometimes I take a nap or sleep overnight with a towel on my pillow; esp with the 4 hour henna wait!

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I messed up this week. I didn't detangle my hair each time I cowashed/DC and boy did I pay for it today. Finger detangling doesn't work for me either... but those seamless combs are amazing.
Finger detangling has a specific method that most women do not understand. I do a combination of finger detangling and combing. And when my hair is soaking wet, I pull the strands apart rather than comb through my hair with a comb or fingers.

About product, I realised after accidental experimentation last month that my hair likes mild proteins and reconstructors for washing my hair and it doesn't like most leave ins which contains proteins like glycerin and aloe vera which dry my strands out quick. I found out that what has been working for me is immediately braiding my hair up after washing and then using a smidgen of moroccan oil to keep my braids moist when I unravel and braid them up again. I like how my hair looks unravelled when I braid it up without product after washing. But I always braided my hair up at night.

Almond Eyes
The best henna I have ever purchased was from hennasooq.

These days I opt for cassia though since its less of a mess +I can avoid the dye release altogether.
Sooo what should I get if I'm trying to cover grays? I have dark brown hair with patch in the front middle that was dyed a honey blonde color back in October I think. I haven't colored my hair since so I have major grays. I was thinking about just letting the gray be but I'm too young for my gray (I've been graying since a teen). Also I want the benefits that henna has to offer. Is it safe to use for my girls as well? Has it affected anyone's hair I.e.- curl pattern, dramatic color, protein overload, etc? TIA I did do a search last night but not any answers on what I was looking for.
The biggest problem i'm having with the additional length is detangling. My hair is like a cottony spider web. Right now I keep in in plaits and put the plats in a bun. But I still need to detanfle more often because the roots of the plats will matte up.
HairPleezeGrow that site is awesome! And they have mixes for african american hair that I hear are awesome (henna and indigo) I know IDareT'sHair only gets her henna from I think they are all intertwined! If not you can't go wrong with hennasooq or
My henna last night was awesome. I was afraid of all the waiting and extra mixing so I bought a premade henna gloss bar from Njoi Creations on etsy. It has awesome ingredients like honey, shea, brahmi, and amla. All I added was tea and conditioner. My hair feels thicker, soft, and strong and I noticed less shedding today. My hair color is a reddish brown but now it has a brighter tint to it and I like it! I'm in for life.
My henna last night was awesome. I was afraid of all the waiting and extra mixing so I bought a premade henna gloss bar from Njoi Creations on etsy. It has awesome ingredients like honey, shea, brahmi, and amla. All I added was tea and conditioner. My hair feels thicker, soft, and strong and I noticed less shedding today. My hair color is a reddish brown but now it has a brighter tint to it and I like it! I'm in for life.

The mixing is quite easy, don't let that daunt you from trying :) I mix with very hot water and a splash of something acidic. I let it sit for about 30 min then add a Cooke squirts of honey and an essential oil to cut the smell and help me relax right now I'm crushing on patchouli. That's it. I found for me the simpler the mix the easier to remove and the better the dye intake since I have a patch of greys right in the front.
Sooo what should I get if I'm trying to cover grays? I have dark brown hair with patch in the front middle that was dyed a honey blonde color back in October I think. I haven't colored my hair since so I have major grays. I was thinking about just letting the gray be but I'm too young for my gray (I've been graying since a teen). Also I want the benefits that henna has to offer. Is it safe to use for my girls as well? Has it affected anyone's hair I.e.- curl pattern, dramatic color, protein overload, etc? TIA I did do a search last night but not any answers on what I was looking for.

You and I are in the same boat with hair color and the early greys. I have been using henna for a while and my greys show red. The first day or so it's an orangey red but after it oxidizes its just red. If you don't like that you could use cassia to turn your greys a light blonde and the existing blonde hair will stay blonde. Or you could use indigo with your henna or katam to darken the greys. Hennaforhair is a great website as other poaters have mentioned. Hth
I'm in the APL challenge and trying to figure out if I've arrived, but I think I may cut it. My ends look thin to me, but I can't tell if its just because I have low layers I'm growing, coupled with having fine hair or what. I think I may just take the plunge and hack off two inches. What do you think?

BTW I just relaxed Sunday.


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I am back to cowash every 2 days and just wear my hair in 2 pigtails or a bun.
I bought some komaza califa spray and leave in and the vitamin reign! love it so far, moisturise my hair and doesn't weight it!
Bublin, @ Darkjoy how do you use the silk petide, what is the ratio, i just received mine.

I'm in the APL challenge and trying to figure out if I've arrived, but I think I may cut it. My ends look thin to me, but I can't tell if its just because I have low layers I'm growing, coupled with having fine hair or what. I think I may just take the plunge and hack off two inches. What do you think?

BTW I just relaxed Sunday.

I would inspect your ends. If they are without splits, why trim? Just my 2 cents :)
You and I are in the same boat with hair color and the early greys. I have been using henna for a while and my greys show red. The first day or so it's an orangey red but after it oxidizes its just red. If you don't like that you could use cassia to turn your greys a light blonde and the existing blonde hair will stay blonde. Or you could use indigo with your henna or katam to darken the greys. Hennaforhair is a great website as other poaters have mentioned. Hth

Yeah! I'm ready Now! I want to do a henndigo to make my hair brown! I also want to do a sukesh treatment.
I am back to cowash every 2 days and just wear my hair in 2 pigtails or a bun.
I bought some komaza califa spray and leave in and the vitamin reign! love it so far, moisturise my hair and doesn't weight it!
Bublin, @ Darkjoy how do you use the silk petide, what is the ratio, i just received mine.


I'm using silk amino acid powder.
I don't measure it out I just add a teaspoon or so to my deep conditioner mix (dc and oils) or to my spray bottle.
There is an official ratio: To enhance hair conditioner add 1-2.5% of total volume.
I'm using silk amino acid powder.
I don't measure it out I just add a teaspoon or so to my deep conditioner mix (dc and oils) or to my spray bottle.
There is an official ratio: To enhance hair conditioner add 1-2.5% of total volume.

thanks , tomorrow is wash day and I will try it! the silk peptide stinks!