The One that Got Away is Getting Married...


New Member
Just found out today. We hadn't spoken in months. And then, out of the blue, he emails me at my work email address. I was excited to hear from him. And then, in his 4th or 5th email, he announces that he got engaged on Christmas Eve, to a woman he hasn't even dated for an entire year...

I accept responsibility for the relationship just not happening. When we first met and started to date, my mind was just in another place. I don't think I would have been suitable to be in a relationship with anyone. I didn't even know if I wanted to be a in relationship. And I avoided anything serious with him for fear of hurting him because I just didn't know where I was at in my mind and heart. But he was always crazy about me. And while I knew he liked me very much, I didn't realize he felt so strongly about me. Not until it was too late, not until he was all the way on the other side of the country. I was upset when he announced he was moving, but I didn't say how much it upset me. I wasn't sure if saying anything would do any good. He missed CA and wanted to be closer to his family. So I figured, "What's the use of saying anything?" It didn't help to hear I was the one thing he missed about NYC and the one thing that would've kept him here :(

It's just the classic, sad story of the right people at the wrong time.

It's a blow in a week of news about others moving forward with their relationships. Two people engaged. One with a beautiful newborn. One who is positively ecstatic that her boyfriend of a year is finally in the same city with her.

I don't begrude anyone their happiness. Not at all, and especially not the guy in question. He has a gentle heart and a kind spirit, and I hope the woman who marries him really takes good care of him. He deserves it.

But even as I am happy for others, I can't help but sit here with a broken heart. Sad and frustrated because even after all the self refection, all the commitment to myself to make myself a better person, I haven't had a relationship in 4 years that's lasted more than a couple of months. I sit here and think, my heart and mind are both open now, so, where's my opportunity to share in the love too?
:hug2: You can't help that you weren't ready when he was ready. Such is life. If that guy could fall for you hard so can another one.
I often hear about men who are engaged/married within a few months of ending a long term relationship. Not to say that his fiance is not a great woman, I too hope that she is since he sounds like a good man. DH was talking marriage after only 3 months of us dating; we were ring shopping by month 7 & engaged by month 10. I'd like to think that I'm a great catch :)

It's just a case of bad timing. Now that you are open to it, I'm sure that you will meet someone.


Think positive. The one that is truly for you is out there.

I believe true love happens when you least expect it.

I'm sorry sweetie. In situations like these, just remind yourself that you liked the little you knew about him, and perhaps if you'd had a relationship you would've discovered things that would've sent you packing.
It's a blow in a week of news about others moving forward with their relationships. Two people engaged. One with a beautiful newborn. One who is positively ecstatic that her boyfriend of a year is finally in the same city with her.

IMHO I think the only reason you see him as "the one that got away" is because of all the other news you got that week. I think that since your friends and family are going through life changes you may be consciously or subconsciously thinking "when is my turn". Then all of a sudden you get this email and it's like adding insult to injury. (Hope I'm not sounding harsh here). If I were you, I would ask myself one question: How would I have taken this information if I were in a happy relationship? What I'm trying to get at is, he may not be this wonderful man that you remember him to be, there may be things about him that you didn't like but they're not coming to mind because of your current situation. If things didn't work out between you two, then that just means that he's not the man God intended for you. So I suggest you try and see him in a different light. He's not "the one that got away", he's "the one that God pushed aside so that someone better could come into my life". HTH
IMHO I think the only reason you see him as "the one that got away" is because of all the other news you got that week. I think that since your friends and family are going through life changes you may be consciously or subconsciously thinking "when is my turn". Then all of a sudden you get this email and it's like adding insult to injury. (Hope I'm not sounding harsh here). If I were you, I would ask myself one question: How would I have taken this information if I were in a happy relationship? What I'm trying to get at is, he may not be this wonderful man that you remember him to be, there may be things about him that you didn't like but they're not coming to mind because of your current situation. If things didn't work out between you two, then that just means that he's not the man God intended for you. So I suggest you try and see him in a different light. He's not "the one that got away", he's "the one that God pushed aside so that someone better could come into my life". HTH
Great advice. :yep:
IMHO I think the only reason you see him as "the one that got away" is because of all the other news you got that week. I think that since your friends and family are going through life changes you may be consciously or subconsciously thinking "when is my turn". Then all of a sudden you get this email and it's like adding insult to injury. (Hope I'm not sounding harsh here). If I were you, I would ask myself one question: How would I have taken this information if I were in a happy relationship? What I'm trying to get at is, he may not be this wonderful man that you remember him to be, there may be things about him that you didn't like but they're not coming to mind because of your current situation. If things didn't work out between you two, then that just means that he's not the man God intended for you. So I suggest you try and see him in a different light. He's not "the one that got away", he's "the one that God pushed aside so that someone better could come into my life". HTH

Love this!
I agree with the rest. God just closed this door to make space for another one to open. You will eventually meet your Mr. Right and he will be the one you caught!
Thank you for being so open and honest. All I can say is I understand how you feel and that I'm sending you much love via internet.

If you can, look at it like he's one man closer to the man that's right for you.
IMHO I think the only reason you see him as "the one that got away" is because of all the other news you got that week. I think that since your friends and family are going through life changes you may be consciously or subconsciously thinking "when is my turn". Then all of a sudden you get this email and it's like adding insult to injury.

I felt this way about him long before he ever made his announcement. I started wondering "what if" well over a year ago. Just when it was starting to creep into my mind that maybe I was in a position where I could give things a chance, he announced he was moving.

He's not "perfect" by any means. But we had a very strong friendship. We knew a lot about each other. And I mean A LOT. The potential was there for sure. He admitted that he should've manned up and said something. But he was so afraid that I wouldn't feel the same way about him, and he'd rather be my best friend than not be in my life at all.

I personally don't believe there's a such thing as the "One." I believe that there are a number of people out there who, if we meet them at the right time and under the right circumstances, we can have an amazing relationship with them. But in this case, perhaps it didn't happen because I (and God) knew that I wasn't ready. And maybe, since he never spoke up, he wasn't really ready himself either.
OP, he didn't "get away." You weren't ready, and admitted as much. At least you were honest about where you were mentally and emotionally, and that's important.

Your time is coming. Believe that. I wish you well.
he got engaged on Christmas Eve, to a woman he hasn't even dated for an entire year...
That stings.
Use it as motivation.
Start going on at least 2 dates a week using and friends' suggestions and speed dating and searching for eligible men at megachurches.
Date for a husband like you'd interview for a dream job.
and who is to say that the marriage will go through? :look: not to be imposing bad luck on his behalf but a lot of things happen right before you head down the alter. I personally know of 3 canceled weddings over the past 2 years.
What a heartfelt thread. I love how mature you are with regard to your self reflection and accountability. I am sorry that you are going through this. I do beleive though, your love is out there. Continue to keep your heart open to it. :bighug: