The Official Mane 'N Tail Users Club


I think I'm going to try out the original shampoo and conditioner. I used this stuff when I was a teenager (can't remember what it did for my hair, though). I think I should revisit it, since my hair seems to do very well with protein. :D

I'm wondering, though, what should I use for deep conditioning? I DC after every shampoo. I don't want to overdo the protein, so should I use MNT shampoo, moisturizing DC, and MNT conditioner as a leave in? Has anyone tried this method?
cat eyes said:
OK I'm in!!:) I bought the poo, and the con this morning, I put the con in my hair before work, and it is so soft and bouncy!!!!

*off topic*
Cat eyes: I'm assuming that's your daughter... She's cute and with all that hair! She looks just like you. :)
Is Sally's or Walgreen's having a sale on this, by any chance? It's $7.99 at CVS. I know I can get it cheaper than that somewhere else, right?!?:lol:
I'm not sure if you guys already said this but Sally's is definitely having a buy one get one free sale on the 32 oz size of that product. I wanted to go and get mine on Sat cause it's only for the month of January
God's Anointed said:
I'm not sure if you guys already said this but Sally's is definitely having a buy one get one free sale on the 32 oz size of that product. I wanted to go and get mine on Sat cause it's only for the month of January

Thanks! I saw that earlier in the thread, but I wasn't sure if the sale was still going on. I'm going by there after work tonight!
Add me! That is the only poo and cond. I use. I have the originals and the deep moisturizing ones.:D I also use MTG.
Yeah the price of the conditioner is just right. The shampoo, for some reason is too harsh for my hair. I like the detangler spray, too

HoneyDew said:
My hair loves the Mane n Tail conditioner. I love the price, too.

I have never tried the extra moisturizing one, though. My mom loves the shampoo from that part of the line.
i dont even know why i stopped using MNT. My hair used to be so thick and pretty. Now its all dry and brittle again. I am going back to what i know works!! MNT all day!
natural_one said:
i dont even know why i stopped using MNT. My hair used to be so thick and pretty. Now its all dry and brittle again. I am going back to what i know works!! MNT all day!

I know, it is one of those products that can can easily write off because of all the choices available out here. And everywhere I go, MNT is always low on the bottom shelf and can easily be missed.

I have never used the shampoo, but I think I might give it a try. My mom raves about it. But I LOVE the original conditioner. I have never tried the extra moisturizing one because I can never find that one in the liter size.
HoneyDew said:
I know, it is one of those products that can can easily write off because of all the choices available out here. And everywhere I go, MNT is always low on the bottom shelf and can easily be missed.

I have never used the shampoo, but I think I might give it a try. My mom raves about it. But I LOVE the original conditioner. I have never tried the extra moisturizing one because I can never find that one in the liter size.

I've used the shampoo a few times over the past 2 weeks, and I really like it. It doesn't strip my hair like I thought it would (since it contains SLS). I dilute it, though. I use the original shampoo, and I mix the original conditioner with my Giovanni Direct as a leave-in. My hair has been feeling much thicker ever since!
Wow, this thread is huge! :eek: It's kinda like the henna thread. :grin: I'm interested in this conditioner, shame on my pj self I know. I have the detangler and it works well. I see this conditioner all the time at Wal-Mart everytime I go to get stuff for my cat. :lol: One of these days it'll wind up in my cart, I'm sure.
I just tried the original shampoo tonight and I really liked it. :)

I hardly ever stray away from my Porosity Control shampoo, but in light of the recent "Use It Up" Challenge I joined, I decided to finally try that bottle that has been sitting in my shower untouched for the past month.

Well, I am glad I did. I alternate my Mane N Tail conditioner with others every other wash so I think I am going to use the Mane and Tail shampoo on those days to match it up.
Since I have used up a lot of my conditioners I treated myself and got some MNT conditioner yesterday. I look forward to incorporating into regimen. I love how it comes in large sizes and is readibly available and is inexpensive. I plan to use my MNT conditioner in pre-poos and for co-washes as the weather gets warmer and I start washing 2x a week. :)
Priestess said:
Since I have used up a lot of my conditioners I treated myself and got some MNT conditioner yesterday. I look forward to incorporating into regimen. I love how it comes in large sizes and is readibly available and is inexpensive. I plan to use my MNT conditioner in pre-poos and for co-washes as the weather gets warmer and I start washing 2x a week. :)

I KNOW! I love the big bottles that you can just pick up at the grocery store. They were on sale last week at one store for $5.99. But, I was good and did not buy. I am waiting for the next BOGO Free Sally's deal on these. I think I see that one every few months there.
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HoneyDew said:
I KNOW! I love the big bottles that you can just pick up at the grocery store. They was on sale last week at one store for $5.99. But, I was good and did not buy. I am waiting for the next BOGO Free Sally's deal on these. I think I see that one every few months there.

Oh no I missed the sale! Anyway, I better see how my hair likes it first before I begin stockpiling. :lol: That's cool, after reading this entire thread it seems they have a lot of those buy one get one free sales. I use so much conditioner it's not funny, especially when pre-pooing on dry hair, my hair just soaks it up. :grin:
I just started using MNT Shampoo & Conditioner a couple of weeks ago.
Is it true it strips the hair ?
Is it okay to use it for co washes every day?
How often should it be used?
im definately a user. i stray from it & try other products...but i always wind up buying the mnt shampoo and condition again. And the leave-in spray conditioner is great i love it! It makes my hair soooooo soft....

but im wondering somethng....
has anyone ever heard of "lucky kentucky"? Its another one of those "horse hair" shampoos and conditoner. This came out before MNT years and years ago and me and my mother used to use it and it made my hair VERY strong and hardly had breakage & had lots of shine.

just thought id mention :)
I just brought the Mane and Tail poo and conditioner yesterday and used it for the first time. The shampoo wasnt too bad, a little drying of course but I did lather twice, the first lather wasnt as drying. The conditiner was GREAT, it gave good slip and everything. I'll continue using and see if they are keepers. if this works out I plan on buying the Deep Moisturizing poo and con to replace my nexxus humectress and therapee, anyone try this?
This is utterly crazy how long this thread is mom used MNT on me always when I was younger and my hair thrived on it. When I got older and started doing my own hair I strayed and started buying products where the labels were more attractive (silly me:eek: )-that combined with me not knowing what to do my hair slowly began to fall out... Now I have come back to what I know, MNT

I use the MNT poo, deep conditioner, regular conditioner as a leave in and the heat protectant.
autumnbeauty29 said:
This is utterly crazy how long this thread is mom used MNT on me always when I was younger and my hair thrived on it. When I got older and started doing my own hair I strayed and started buying products where the labels were more attractive (silly me:eek: )-that combined with me not knowing what to do my hair slowly began to fall out... Now I have come back to what I know, MNT

I use the MNT poo, deep conditioner, regular conditioner as a leave in and the heat protectant.

Hold up....there's a heat protectant?

I have the strengthener and the're not talking about either of those right?

A legit, separate, MNT bottle marked heat protectant?
MonaLisa said:
Hold up....there's a heat protectant?

I have the strengthener and the're not talking about either of those right?

A legit, separate, MNT bottle marked heat protectant?

yessir! i have that too! it looks identical to the clear leave-in spray bottle only its alittle taller. but definately marked "heat protectant". I got mine from beauty supply store ( sally beauty ).
homegirljiggy said:
I just brought the Mane and Tail poo and conditioner yesterday and used it for the first time. The shampoo wasnt too bad, a little drying of course but I did lather twice, the first lather wasnt as drying. The conditiner was GREAT, it gave good slip and everything. I'll continue using and see if they are keepers. if this works out I plan on buying the Deep Moisturizing poo and con to replace my nexxus humectress and therapee, anyone try this?

You, I am not that in love with the shampoo, either. I do like it better than others, but the conditioner is great! It has become my staple conditioner, now.
FOr those who have the strengthener and shine-on is it worth buying?? I have most of the other products and I am just wondering if I should give these a try
HoneyDew said:
You, I am not that in love with the shampoo, either. I do like it better than others, but the conditioner is great! It has become my staple conditioner, now.

Me Too. The Shampoo is junk but I think the blue conditioner is fabulous.:grin:
autumnbeauty29 said:
FOr those who have the strengthener and shine-on is it worth buying?? I have most of the other products and I am just wondering if I should give these a try

I love the shine on, I've been using it since the end of 2004. I need to use the strengthener more often, I forget about it sometimes in the mix of everything else, but it seems okay with my hair.

LilMorenita said:
yessir! i have that too! it looks identical to the clear leave-in spray bottle only its alittle taller. but definately marked "heat protectant". I got mine from beauty supply store ( sally beauty ).

Thanks Lil and Autumn:wave:
I will look out for...
I'm going to have to pick up the strengthener the next time I am out and see what it does on my hair. I haven't noticed anything bad with the poo but this is my first bottle in years lol