
There's also another Q&A that transfers posts to one on articles and references and such. Since we don't have a sticky section, we were trying to figure out ways to post to keep track of where these articles, references and questions/answers were. It doesn't mean we want to be limited in posting. Couldn't we have been communicated with regarding deleting our threads? Unfortunately, we have now lost a wealth of information.

I refuse to believe that that thread was deleted without cause. Nope, not gonna believe it. Hopefully Shimmie will provide us an explanation.
Has anybody seen this one yet? I didn't know about it from the 90's.


A Marian apparition has been approved in Argentina - and it's a big deal
tatue of Mary. Credit: Myibean via www.shutterstock.com.

Buenos Aires, Argentina, Jun 4, 2016 / 05:11 am (CNA).-

What began with glowing rosaries and the rediscovery of a statue of the Virgin Mary in Argentina has now been approved by the local bishop as a series of apparitions that are “of supernational origin” and worthy of belief.

And the designation is deeply significant, recognizing the messages of Our Lady of the Rosary of San Nicolas, which exhort peace and give dire warnings, one miracle researcher says.

Bishop Hector Cardelli of San Nicolas in Argentina’s Buenos Aires province made the announcement May 22 at the conclusion of a Mass during the well-attended pilgrimage to the Shrine of Our Lady of the Rosary of San Nicolas.

The bishop has investigated the contents of the apparitions through 1990.

“(I)n my twelfth year of pastoring San Nicolas and, having followed with faith and responsibility the Marian events that I have known about since the very beginning, I have reached the decision to recognize them for my diocese,” Bishop Hector said.

“I recognize the supernatural nature of the happy events with which God through his beloved daughter, Jesus through his Most Holy Mother, the Holy Spirit through his beloved spouse, has desired to lovingly manifest himself in our diocese.”

Michael O’Neil, a miracle researcher and author who runs the website MiracleHunter.com, told CNA that the approval is significant. It means that the messages from the apparitions are not only approved for the faithful to read, he explained: the bishop is saying the events were in fact actual miraculous apparitions.

“That puts it on par with Lourdes, Fatima and Guadalupe,” O’Neil said

The apparitions began after some rosaries in homes throughout San Nicolas de los Arroyos in Buenos Aires Province began to glow without any explanation.

A wife and mother named Gladys Quiroga de Motta saw these glowing rosaries and began to pray to the Virgin Mary. The Virgin appeared to her on Sept. 25, carrying the infant Jesus and wearing a blue gown and veil. Her figure glowed with light.

With only a fourth-grade education, Gladys had no great knowledge of the Bible or theology. She is a mother of two daughters and a grandmother.

At various times, the Virgin Mary apparition referred the woman to several Bible verses. One month after the first appearance, the apparition gave Gladys a white rosary and said, “Receive this Rosary from my hands and keep it forever and ever. You are obedient; I am happy because of it. Rejoice, for God is with you.”

The Virgin Mary asked Gladys to go look for a statue that had been blessed by a Pope and was forgotten away in a church. She found the statue on Nov. 27, 1983. It was in the belfry of the diocesan cathedral.

The statue in question was of the Mother of God holding the Child Jesus. It had been brought from Rome after it was blessed by Pope Leo XIII. Following the Virgin’s instructions, it was found in the bell tower of the church. The statue resembled the apparition.

Gladys also received 68 visits and messages from Jesus.

According to reports, Gladys shared the apparitions’ messages from the beginning. She was always at the disposal of the church authorities. Gladys now lives a life of great devotion, always keeping a low profile. She reportedly received the stigmata on her wrists, feet, side and shoulder.

There have been several documented healings related to the apparitions, including the healing of a boy with a brain tumor.

Gladys has shared about 1,800 messages from the Virgin Mary, O’Neil said. Many focus on topics like peace, repentance, returning to the sacraments, and drawing people closer to Christ. But there are also messages in an apocalyptic theme, predicting great turmoil for humanity ahead.

“So that’s the tricky part with all of this,” O’Neil said. “It’s not as simple as some of the other apparitions that just draw people closer to Christ… there are some dire warnings as well.”

Father René Laurentin, an expert on Marian apparitions, recounted the apparitions’ messages in his book, “An Appeal from Mary in Argentina.”

At one point, Mary said, “Many hearts do not accept my invitation to prayer and to conversion. That is why the work of the devil is growing and expanding.”

The warnings said that mankind is “in the process of falling in to a progressive self-destruction” and the Virgin Mary represents hope. “It is up to you to set your eyes and your heart on God,” she said.

“I want to cure my children from this illness which is materialism; an illness which makes many suffer. I want to help them discover Christ, and I want to make it known to them that Christ prevails over everything,” Mary said in the apparition. She stressed the importance of prayer, especially the rosary.

The apparition of Jesus told Gladys, “If this generation will not listen to my mother, it will perish. I ask everyone to listen to her. Man’s conversion is necessary.”

“Today I warn the world, for the world is not aware: souls are in danger. Many are lost,” Jesus said in a 1987 apparition. “Few will find salvation unless they accept me as their Savior. My mother must be accepted. My mother must be heard in the totality of her messages. The world must discover the richness she brings to Christians.”

“The children of sin will grow up in sin if their unbelief increases. I want a renewal of the spirit, a detachment from death, and an attachment to life. I have chosen the heart of my mother, so that what I ask will be achieved. Souls will come to me through the means of her Immaculate Heart.”

The diocese’s successive local bishops have discussed the apparitions several times. Bishop Domingo Salvador Castagna ordered the construction of a shrine as the Virgin had requested. Construction began in 1987 and the shrine was consecrated in 1990. That year, he approved the publication and dissemination of the messages of Our Lady of the Rosary in San Nicolas.

Every year, a massive pilgrimage to the shrine takes place on May 22.

O’Neil said it is unique that the bishops have approved the apparition messages from 1983-1990, even though the apparition is continuing today.

“So we have an apparition where we have a living visionary, who’s approved as authentic by the bishops,” he said. “Usually they wait until the messages end or the visionary dies, but in this particular case they decided to go ahead with the approval.”

Bishop Cardelli explained the process that led him to make his latest decision. He consulted experts and witnesses and was conscious of his duty to monitor or intervene in such apparition claims.

He said that he judged the events according to two criteria: “Positive and negative, and in both cases there were not, nor are there errors.” He said that he made his discernment using three specific criteria: “Were the events of natural origin? Could it be a work of the Enemy? Are they of supernatural origin?”

“The answers to these questions gave me the certainty that the fruits are real and positive and go beyond mere human action,” the bishop stated.

O’Neill said that the process for approving apparitions evaluates their messages to ensure there is nothing to contradict Scripture, tradition or the faith and morals of the Catholic Church. Apparitions are “private revelation” that do not add to the public revelation of Sacred Scripture. The investigation also evaluates the visionary to confirm that they are of sound mind and moral character.

The declaration that an apparition is “worthy of belief” does not mean the faithful are obliged to believe the apparition or that it happened. O’Neil said that there was no evidence that Pope Francis was involved in evaluating this apparition when he was Archbishop of Buenos Aires.

Bishop Cardelli’s decree states that he recognized the apparition with “moral certitude, good intention and hope” and after fulfilling the Holy See’s suggested requirements for discernment. He said the decree is “seeking the greater glory of God and the good of our Church.”

Accompanying the bishop’s decree is the presentation of the book “The Spiritual School of Our Lady of the Rosary of San Nicolas.” The book says the most important teachings in the Virgin Mary’s messages are that “she offers us for our adherence to everything He tells us, because He is the culmination of revelation.”

“Finally, and as Our Holy Mother has requested, I implore Heaven in the name of the entire diocese, that she be forever the Queen and Lady of San Nicolas de los Arroyos,” the bishop concluded.
Question: What is the significance of the Wedding at Cana?
Answer: More than the first public miracle of the L-rd at the request of His Mother.

Pope Francis: Want to celebrate well? Drink wine.

Pope Francis laughing outside of St. Peter's Basilica during the general audience on April 1, 2015. Credit: Bohumil Petrik/CNA.

by Elise Harris

Vatican City, Jun 8, 2016 / 05:09 am (CNA/EWTN News).- In an in-depth look at Jesus’ first miracle of turning water into wine at the wedding feast in Cana, Pope Francis pointed to several key moments in the scene that illuminate our understanding of Christ.

One of these key moments, he said, comes with Mary’s observation that newlywed couple’s resources have depleted, and that at a certain point “they have no wine.”

“How is it possible to celebrate the wedding and have a party if you lack what the prophets indicated was a typical element of the messianic banquet?” the Pope asked.

While water is necessary to live, “wine expresses the abundance of the banquet and the joy of the feast,” Francis said, noting that “a wedding feast lacking wine embarrasses the newlyweds – imagine finishing the wedding feast drinking tea? It would be an embarrassment!”

“Wine is necessary for the feast,” he said, and pointed to how Jesus, in turning the water into wine, makes “an eloquent sign,” because “he transforms the Law of Moses into the Gospel, bringer of joy.”

Pope Francis spoke to the thousands of pilgrims present in St. Peter’s Square for his general audience. He continued his ongoing catechesis on mercy, turning from Jesus’ parables to his miracles.

However, before beginning his address, the Pope took a moment to greet a group of couples present celebrating 50 years of marriage.

“That's the good wine of the family!” he said of the couples, and told them that “yours is a witness that the newlyweds I'll greet after and the youth must learn. It's a beautiful witness. Thank you for your testimony!”

Francis then turned to the second chapter in the Gospel of John, which recounts the miracle that began Jesus’ public ministry: turning water into wine at a wedding feast in Cana, upon the request of his mother.

This miracle, the Pope said, serves as “an ‘entry point’ in which are engraved the words and expressions that illuminate the entire mystery of Christ and open the hearts of the disciples to the faith.”

In the expression that Jesus was “with his disciples,” it’s made clear that the ones Jesus has called to follow him are now bound together as a community and as a family, he said.

By initiating his public ministry at the wedding at Cana, Jesus both reveals himself as the bridegroom of the People of God who had been announced by the prophets, and also shows “the depth of the relationship which unites us to him: it’s a New Covenant of love.”

Francis said that the foundation of our faith is “an act of mercy with which Jesus has bound us to himself.” The Christian life, then, “is a response to this love, it’s the story of two lovers.”

Another key point in the passage is when Mary, after informing Jesus that the newlywed couple had run out of wine, tells the servants to “do whatever he tells you.”

Pope Francis said “it’s curious” that these are the last words spoken by Mary in the Gospels, and that as such “they are her legacy which she presents to all of us. This is the legacy that she has left us and it’s beautiful!”

He noted how Mary’s expression is similar to another -- ‘What the Lord has said, we will do!’ – which was used by the people of Israel when they received the covenant with God on Mount Sinai.

In the wedding at Cana, a New Covenant is “truly stipulated” and the servants of the Lord, who are “the entire Church,” are entrusted with a new mission, the Pope explained.

This mission, following Mary’s directive to “Do whatever he tells you,” means serving the Lord by listening to his Word and putting it into practice, Francis continued, adding that “it’s the simple but essential recommendation of the Mother of Jesus and it’s the program of the Christian life.”

Jesus began his public works at Cana, revealing his glory to his disciples and cementing their belief in him, the Pope observed. Given these facts, “the wedding of Cana is much more than a simple story about Jesus’ first miracle.”

“Like a treasure chest, (Jesus) guards the secret of his person and the purpose for his coming,” Pope Francis said, explaining that it is through this wedding that Jesus binds his disciples to himself “with a new and definitive covenant.”

Francis closed his address by noting how Cana marks the place where Jesus’ disciples become his family and “the faith of the Church is born,” adding that “we are all invited to that wedding, because the new wine will never be lacking!”

Sometimes, other things just don't fit with formal Q&A nor Articles and Documents. Freedom to express without clogging up other threads.

Psalm 121American Standard Version (ASV)
Jehovah the keeper of his people.
A Song of Ascents.
121 I will lift up mine eyes unto the mountains:
From whence shall my help come?
2 My help cometh from Jehovah,
Who made heaven and earth.

3 a]">[a]He will not suffer thy foot to be moved:
He that keepeth thee will not slumber.
4 Behold, he that keepeth Israel
Will neither slumber nor sleep.
5 Jehovah is thy keeper:
Jehovah is thy shade upon thy right hand.
6 The sun shall not smite thee by day,
Nor the moon by night.
7 Jehovah will keep thee from all evil;
He will keep thy soul.
8 Jehovah will keep thy going out and thy coming in
From this time forth and for evermore.

I love this so and to listen to it sung. Enjoy:

Last edited:
Sometimes, other things just don't fit with formal Q&A nor Articles and Documents. Freedom to express without clogging up other threads.

Psalm 121American Standard Version (ASV)
Jehovah the keeper of his people.
A Song of Ascents.
121 I will lift up mine eyes unto the mountains:
From whence shall my help come?
2 My help cometh from Jehovah,
Who made heaven and earth.

3 a]">[a]He will not suffer thy foot to be moved:
He that keepeth thee will not slumber.
4 Behold, he that keepeth Israel
Will neither slumber nor sleep.
5 Jehovah is thy keeper:
Jehovah is thy shade upon thy right hand.
6 The sun shall not smite thee by day,
Nor the moon by night.
7 Jehovah will keep thee from all evil;
He will keep thy soul.
8 Jehovah will keep thy going out and thy coming in
From this time forth and for evermore.

I love this so and to listen to it sung. Enjoy:

Amazing! What a beautiful reminder that God holds us in His hands.
Thank you for starting this thread! Shame the random thoughts thread has gone missing and the admin won't tell us what happened to it :nono:
This month we celebrate the feast of our Lord's heart:


Behind this heart which has so loved the world, but has been so little loved in return...
Thank you for starting this thread! Shame the random thoughts thread has gone missing and the admin won't tell us what happened to it :nono:
Hi @Belle Du Jour...

Please don't take offense regarding the Catholic Random Thoughts thread. It is currently being moderated for negative comments that were posted regarding 'non-Catholics', and because it is such a huge thread, it will take a while to complete the process.

I've gone to great lengths to support our Catholic members here and it is only fair to support those who are not of the Catholic faith as well.

I deliberated strongly regarding the most recent thread which was started which actually indicates it was started with a negative motive. It wasn't necessary to do so. The OP / post that was in the new thread directed to Catholics could have easily have been shared with all of our Christian members here as encouragement rather than as a sour move to prove a point. Think about it...take time to just think about. It indicated isolation and a superior attitude. Psalm 121 was placed in the Word of God for all Believers... was it not?

The Christian forum is not here to create division among any of us. Rather, it is here to bring us together in harmony in spite of our differences in doctrine.

As of this date and time, the isolation stops. We are all in this together. We have more than enough persecution / isolation set against us ALL as Christians from those who are not Christians of any denomination. We are here to encourage each other, no one is any better or less. We still share a common ground, our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ who is coming for a Church of Peace.

I say this in love for all of our Christian members.

In Jesus' Name, Amen.
Anyhoo, forget all that, life's too short to enjoy the any blessings. Sooo...I needed to give this link hours ago. His site is back up. Excellent site and very interesting conversion story of Marty Barrack! Please take a look and pass it along.

Hi @Belle Du Jour...

Please don't take offense regarding the Catholic Random Thoughts thread. It is currently being moderated for negative comments that were posted regarding 'non-Catholics', and because it is such a huge thread, it will take a while to complete the process.

I've gone to great lengths to support our Catholic members here and it is only fair to support those who are not of the Catholic faith as well.

I deliberated strongly regarding the most recent thread which was started which actually indicates it was started with a negative motive. It wasn't necessary to do so. The OP / post that was in the new thread directed to Catholics could have easily have been shared with all of our Christian members here as encouragement rather than as a sour move to prove a point. Think about it...take time to just think about. It indicated isolation and a superior attitude. Psalm 121 was placed in the Word of God for all Believers... was it not?

The Christian forum is not here to create division among any of us. Rather, it is here to bring us together in harmony in spite of our differences in doctrine.

As of this date and time, the isolation stops. We are all in this together. We have more than enough persecution / isolation set against us ALL as Christians from those who are not Christians of any denomination. We are here to encourage each other, no one is any better or less. We still share a common ground, our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ who is coming for a Church of Peace.

I say this in love for all of our Christian members.

In Jesus' Name, Amen.

To be fair to @kanozas I think the thread was started to replace the Catholic Random Thoughts thread since none of us were aware what happened despite asking...it seemed like our questions were being ignored. I also don't think any of us who identify as Catholics are trying to isolate ourselves. The reality is we have been isolated by Christians of other denominations who don't see us as Christian which is ridiculous. I do think we have the right to defend ourselves and our faith. When we share historical facts about the origins of Christianity, this might be seen as an attack by non-Catholics but we are presenting historical facts about the timeline of Christianity...these facts cannot be changed even though people may not want to hear them. Presenting historical facts is completely different than the Catholic church being called "the whore of Babylon" or "pagans" which has happened in multiple posts and threads. I'm sure you understand that there is a difference.

Anyway, thank you for explaining what happened because of course, it's easy to assume the worst when nothing is said.
To be fair to @kanozas I think the thread was started to replace the Catholic Random Thoughts thread since none of us were aware what happened despite asking...it seemed like our questions were being ignored. I also don't think any of us who identify as Catholics are trying to isolate ourselves. The reality is we have been isolated by Christians of other denominations who don't see us as Christian which is ridiculous. I do think we have the right to defend ourselves and our faith. When we share historical facts about the origins of Christianity, this might be seen as an attack by non-Catholics but we are presenting historical facts about the timeline of Christianity...these facts cannot be changed even though people may not want to hear them. Presenting historical facts is completely different than the Catholic church being called "the whore of Babylon" or "pagans" which has happened in multiple posts and threads. I'm sure you understand that there is a difference.

Anyway, thank you for explaining what happened because of course, it's easy to assume the worst when nothing is said.

Catholic Random Thoughts is gone poof? (Sorry, I've been in and out). Are we still able to have threads addressing other Catholics or questions on Catholicism? (As long as there are no attacks/hostility)?
That is pretty awesome! And it's so reminiscent of Our Lady of Fatima in some ways. I enrolled in the Confraternity of the Most Holy Rosary--gonna say my prayers :amen:

Has anybody seen this one yet? I didn't know about it from the 90's.


A Marian apparition has been approved in Argentina - and it's a big deal
tatue of Mary. Credit: Myibean via www.shutterstock.com.

Buenos Aires, Argentina, Jun 4, 2016 / 05:11 am (CNA).-

What began with glowing rosaries and the rediscovery of a statue of the Virgin Mary in Argentina has now been approved by the local bishop as a series of apparitions that are “of supernational origin” and worthy of belief.

And the designation is deeply significant, recognizing the messages of Our Lady of the Rosary of San Nicolas, which exhort peace and give dire warnings, one miracle researcher says.

Bishop Hector Cardelli of San Nicolas in Argentina’s Buenos Aires province made the announcement May 22 at the conclusion of a Mass during the well-attended pilgrimage to the Shrine of Our Lady of the Rosary of San Nicolas.

The bishop has investigated the contents of the apparitions through 1990.

“(I)n my twelfth year of pastoring San Nicolas and, having followed with faith and responsibility the Marian events that I have known about since the very beginning, I have reached the decision to recognize them for my diocese,” Bishop Hector said.

“I recognize the supernatural nature of the happy events with which God through his beloved daughter, Jesus through his Most Holy Mother, the Holy Spirit through his beloved spouse, has desired to lovingly manifest himself in our diocese.”

Michael O’Neil, a miracle researcher and author who runs the website MiracleHunter.com, told CNA that the approval is significant. It means that the messages from the apparitions are not only approved for the faithful to read, he explained: the bishop is saying the events were in fact actual miraculous apparitions.

“That puts it on par with Lourdes, Fatima and Guadalupe,” O’Neil said

The apparitions began after some rosaries in homes throughout San Nicolas de los Arroyos in Buenos Aires Province began to glow without any explanation.

A wife and mother named Gladys Quiroga de Motta saw these glowing rosaries and began to pray to the Virgin Mary. The Virgin appeared to her on Sept. 25, carrying the infant Jesus and wearing a blue gown and veil. Her figure glowed with light.

With only a fourth-grade education, Gladys had no great knowledge of the Bible or theology. She is a mother of two daughters and a grandmother.

At various times, the Virgin Mary apparition referred the woman to several Bible verses. One month after the first appearance, the apparition gave Gladys a white rosary and said, “Receive this Rosary from my hands and keep it forever and ever. You are obedient; I am happy because of it. Rejoice, for God is with you.”

The Virgin Mary asked Gladys to go look for a statue that had been blessed by a Pope and was forgotten away in a church. She found the statue on Nov. 27, 1983. It was in the belfry of the diocesan cathedral.

The statue in question was of the Mother of God holding the Child Jesus. It had been brought from Rome after it was blessed by Pope Leo XIII. Following the Virgin’s instructions, it was found in the bell tower of the church. The statue resembled the apparition.

Gladys also received 68 visits and messages from Jesus.

According to reports, Gladys shared the apparitions’ messages from the beginning. She was always at the disposal of the church authorities. Gladys now lives a life of great devotion, always keeping a low profile. She reportedly received the stigmata on her wrists, feet, side and shoulder.

There have been several documented healings related to the apparitions, including the healing of a boy with a brain tumor.

Gladys has shared about 1,800 messages from the Virgin Mary, O’Neil said. Many focus on topics like peace, repentance, returning to the sacraments, and drawing people closer to Christ. But there are also messages in an apocalyptic theme, predicting great turmoil for humanity ahead.

“So that’s the tricky part with all of this,” O’Neil said. “It’s not as simple as some of the other apparitions that just draw people closer to Christ… there are some dire warnings as well.”

Father René Laurentin, an expert on Marian apparitions, recounted the apparitions’ messages in his book, “An Appeal from Mary in Argentina.”

At one point, Mary said, “Many hearts do not accept my invitation to prayer and to conversion. That is why the work of the devil is growing and expanding.”

The warnings said that mankind is “in the process of falling in to a progressive self-destruction” and the Virgin Mary represents hope. “It is up to you to set your eyes and your heart on God,” she said.

“I want to cure my children from this illness which is materialism; an illness which makes many suffer. I want to help them discover Christ, and I want to make it known to them that Christ prevails over everything,” Mary said in the apparition. She stressed the importance of prayer, especially the rosary.

The apparition of Jesus told Gladys, “If this generation will not listen to my mother, it will perish. I ask everyone to listen to her. Man’s conversion is necessary.”

“Today I warn the world, for the world is not aware: souls are in danger. Many are lost,” Jesus said in a 1987 apparition. “Few will find salvation unless they accept me as their Savior. My mother must be accepted. My mother must be heard in the totality of her messages. The world must discover the richness she brings to Christians.”

“The children of sin will grow up in sin if their unbelief increases. I want a renewal of the spirit, a detachment from death, and an attachment to life. I have chosen the heart of my mother, so that what I ask will be achieved. Souls will come to me through the means of her Immaculate Heart.”

The diocese’s successive local bishops have discussed the apparitions several times. Bishop Domingo Salvador Castagna ordered the construction of a shrine as the Virgin had requested. Construction began in 1987 and the shrine was consecrated in 1990. That year, he approved the publication and dissemination of the messages of Our Lady of the Rosary in San Nicolas.

Every year, a massive pilgrimage to the shrine takes place on May 22.

O’Neil said it is unique that the bishops have approved the apparition messages from 1983-1990, even though the apparition is continuing today.

“So we have an apparition where we have a living visionary, who’s approved as authentic by the bishops,” he said. “Usually they wait until the messages end or the visionary dies, but in this particular case they decided to go ahead with the approval.”

Bishop Cardelli explained the process that led him to make his latest decision. He consulted experts and witnesses and was conscious of his duty to monitor or intervene in such apparition claims.

He said that he judged the events according to two criteria: “Positive and negative, and in both cases there were not, nor are there errors.” He said that he made his discernment using three specific criteria: “Were the events of natural origin? Could it be a work of the Enemy? Are they of supernatural origin?”

“The answers to these questions gave me the certainty that the fruits are real and positive and go beyond mere human action,” the bishop stated.

O’Neill said that the process for approving apparitions evaluates their messages to ensure there is nothing to contradict Scripture, tradition or the faith and morals of the Catholic Church. Apparitions are “private revelation” that do not add to the public revelation of Sacred Scripture. The investigation also evaluates the visionary to confirm that they are of sound mind and moral character.

The declaration that an apparition is “worthy of belief” does not mean the faithful are obliged to believe the apparition or that it happened. O’Neil said that there was no evidence that Pope Francis was involved in evaluating this apparition when he was Archbishop of Buenos Aires.

Bishop Cardelli’s decree states that he recognized the apparition with “moral certitude, good intention and hope” and after fulfilling the Holy See’s suggested requirements for discernment. He said the decree is “seeking the greater glory of God and the good of our Church.”

Accompanying the bishop’s decree is the presentation of the book “The Spiritual School of Our Lady of the Rosary of San Nicolas.” The book says the most important teachings in the Virgin Mary’s messages are that “she offers us for our adherence to everything He tells us, because He is the culmination of revelation.”

“Finally, and as Our Holy Mother has requested, I implore Heaven in the name of the entire diocese, that she be forever the Queen and Lady of San Nicolas de los Arroyos,” the bishop concluded.
That is pretty awesome! And it's so reminiscent of Our Lady of Fatima in some ways. I enrolled in the Confraternity of the Most Holy Rosary--gonna say my prayers :amen:

I try and say it daily and sometimes follow online with the perpetual rosary internationally. Considered joining the Confraternity...but then I feel bad when I don't pray it lol. There is a server at our parish who wears royal blue every single day. I think he's joined the Blue Army of Our Lady of Fatima.
I try and say it daily and sometimes follow online with the perpetual rosary internationally. Considered joining the Confraternity...but then I feel bad when I don't pray it lol. There is a server at our parish who wears royal blue every single day. I think he's joined the Blue Army of Our Lady of Fatima.

I know, I feel so bad when I don't pray it! But this nice lady at my parish is starting "soulcore" classes--basically pairing rosary prayer with exercise--I'm going to pop in tomorrow and give it a try. Will be fun, I'm sure! Here's to being on-track with my rosaries.
I know, I feel so bad when I don't pray it! But this nice lady at my parish is starting "soulcore" classes--basically pairing rosary prayer with exercise--I'm going to pop in tomorrow and give it a try. Will be fun, I'm sure! Here's to being on-track with my rosaries.

LOL Sounds fun.
Catholic Random Thoughts is gone poof? (Sorry, I've been in and out). Are we still able to have threads addressing other Catholics or questions on Catholicism? (As long as there are no attacks/hostility)?

Hi @Galadriel :rose:

The Catholic Random Thoughts thread will be back up as soon as I'm able to finish going through it. It is a very large thread and there are some posts which are in question regarding non Catholics.

And yes, indeed you are able to continue to share with your Catholic members in this forum and as you shared above (as long as there are no attacks or hostility).

My focus is to keep peace on this forum between everyone. There is still a common ground that we all share... it's the love of Jesus Christ. :rose:
To be fair to @kanozas I think the thread was started to replace the Catholic Random Thoughts thread since none of us were aware what happened despite asking...it seemed like our questions were being ignored. I also don't think any of us who identify as Catholics are trying to isolate ourselves. The reality is we have been isolated by Christians of other denominations who don't see us as Christian which is ridiculous. I do think we have the right to defend ourselves and our faith. When we share historical facts about the origins of Christianity, this might be seen as an attack by non-Catholics but we are presenting historical facts about the timeline of Christianity...these facts cannot be changed even though people may not want to hear them. Presenting historical facts is completely different than the Catholic church being called "the whore of Babylon" or "pagans" which has happened in multiple posts and threads. I'm sure you understand that there is a difference.

Anyway, thank you for explaining what happened because of course, it's easy to assume the worst when nothing is said.

Belle, when did you ask about the thread being missing? There's nothing in my PM box about it or this forum.

Let's be fair, I've gone to great lengths to make it clear that the 'attacks' against our Catholic members here were unacceptable -- therefore you have not been ignored by me.

However, the same applies to the attacks that have been placed upon our non Catholic members, which is equally unacceptable.

The Catholic RT thread has several posts which do just that...there are posts in the Catholic RT thread which clearly serve as an attack against our non Catholic members. That is just as unfair to them as it is to you. There is no hierarchy here other than the Lord Jesus Christ.

Let this thread serve as your Catholic RT for the time being. There's no point in creating a separate thread for RT's. We have one thread that already serves that purpose which is for all Christians to participate.

In all sincerity,
Catholic Random Thoughts is gone poof? (Sorry, I've been in and out). Are we still able to have threads addressing other Catholics or questions on Catholicism? (As long as there are no attacks/hostility)?

They want there to be no divisions....like that was our intent. I am catholic, I like to discuss catholicism and Judaism
Hi @Galadriel :rose:

The Catholic Random Thoughts thread will be back up as soon as I'm able to finish going through it. It is a very large thread and there are some posts which are in question regarding non Catholics.

And yes, indeed you are able to continue to share with your Catholic members in this forum and as you shared above (as long as there are no attacks or hostility).

My focus is to keep peace on this forum between everyone. There is still a common ground that we all share... it's the love of Jesus Christ. :rose:

Thank you for your communication as to why it was removed. As stated before, I was told it was lost by accident. That is why I made the other one and I changed the title so it would not appear that there was divisiveness or competition. But still, there are topics that I think others do not want to be subjected to in the Christian RT (Our Lady, icons, intecessory prayers etc). It makes others uncomfortable. They don't want to see images. Some random icon or news event doesn't belong in the Novenas or just plain musings for the day. That is why I made it...and also to be free from limitation in posting. I do also mostly post in the catholic section as a matter of personal choice unless it's something that affects all of christendom and please know (everyone) that it is my personal choice since the catholic expression is my best expression, including the post of Psalms 121. It was not shared there in order to spite everyone else. I truly don't care if you believe this but I care about a good name...and I answer to no man and am setting the record straight. I'm not angry at you but I don't like the charge. This issue is now moot. If this happens again, I will completely ignore the culprits. I won't even directly defend the faith. Not looking back.
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Belle, when did you ask about the thread being missing? There's nothing in my PM box about it or this forum.

Let's be fair, I've gone to great lengths to make it clear that the 'attacks' against our Catholic members here were unacceptable -- therefore you have not been ignored by me.

However, the same applies to the attacks that have been placed upon our non Catholic members, which is equally unacceptable.

The Catholic RT thread has several posts which do just that...there are posts in the Catholic RT thread which clearly serve as an attack against our non Catholic members. That is just as unfair to them as it is to you. There is no hierarchy here other than the Lord Jesus Christ.

Let this thread serve as your Catholic RT for the time being. There's no point in creating a separate thread for RT's. We have one thread that already serves that purpose which is for all Christians to participate.

In all sincerity,

I tagged you in a thread asking about the random thoughts thread.
I try and say it daily and sometimes follow online with the perpetual rosary internationally. Considered joining the Confraternity...but then I feel bad when I don't pray it lol. There is a server at our parish who wears royal blue every single day. I think he's joined the Blue Army of Our Lady of Fatima.

With the confraternity you commit to one full rosary a week, not daily. So as long as you get in 15 decades over the course of the week you still reap the benefits.
Has anybody seen this one yet? I didn't know about it from the 90's.


A Marian apparition has been approved in Argentina - and it's a big deal
tatue of Mary. Credit: Myibean via www.shutterstock.com.

Buenos Aires, Argentina, Jun 4, 2016 / 05:11 am (CNA).-

What began with glowing rosaries and the rediscovery of a statue of the Virgin Mary in Argentina has now been approved by the local bishop as a series of apparitions that are “of supernational origin” and worthy of belief.

And the designation is deeply significant, recognizing the messages of Our Lady of the Rosary of San Nicolas, which exhort peace and give dire warnings, one miracle researcher says.

Bishop Hector Cardelli of San Nicolas in Argentina’s Buenos Aires province made the announcement May 22 at the conclusion of a Mass during the well-attended pilgrimage to the Shrine of Our Lady of the Rosary of San Nicolas.

The bishop has investigated the contents of the apparitions through 1990.

“(I)n my twelfth year of pastoring San Nicolas and, having followed with faith and responsibility the Marian events that I have known about since the very beginning, I have reached the decision to recognize them for my diocese,” Bishop Hector said.

“I recognize the supernatural nature of the happy events with which God through his beloved daughter, Jesus through his Most Holy Mother, the Holy Spirit through his beloved spouse, has desired to lovingly manifest himself in our diocese.”

Michael O’Neil, a miracle researcher and author who runs the website MiracleHunter.com, told CNA that the approval is significant. It means that the messages from the apparitions are not only approved for the faithful to read, he explained: the bishop is saying the events were in fact actual miraculous apparitions.

“That puts it on par with Lourdes, Fatima and Guadalupe,” O’Neil said

The apparitions began after some rosaries in homes throughout San Nicolas de los Arroyos in Buenos Aires Province began to glow without any explanation.

A wife and mother named Gladys Quiroga de Motta saw these glowing rosaries and began to pray to the Virgin Mary. The Virgin appeared to her on Sept. 25, carrying the infant Jesus and wearing a blue gown and veil. Her figure glowed with light.

With only a fourth-grade education, Gladys had no great knowledge of the Bible or theology. She is a mother of two daughters and a grandmother.

At various times, the Virgin Mary apparition referred the woman to several Bible verses. One month after the first appearance, the apparition gave Gladys a white rosary and said, “Receive this Rosary from my hands and keep it forever and ever. You are obedient; I am happy because of it. Rejoice, for God is with you.”

The Virgin Mary asked Gladys to go look for a statue that had been blessed by a Pope and was forgotten away in a church. She found the statue on Nov. 27, 1983. It was in the belfry of the diocesan cathedral.

The statue in question was of the Mother of God holding the Child Jesus. It had been brought from Rome after it was blessed by Pope Leo XIII. Following the Virgin’s instructions, it was found in the bell tower of the church. The statue resembled the apparition.

Gladys also received 68 visits and messages from Jesus.

According to reports, Gladys shared the apparitions’ messages from the beginning. She was always at the disposal of the church authorities. Gladys now lives a life of great devotion, always keeping a low profile. She reportedly received the stigmata on her wrists, feet, side and shoulder.

There have been several documented healings related to the apparitions, including the healing of a boy with a brain tumor.

Gladys has shared about 1,800 messages from the Virgin Mary, O’Neil said. Many focus on topics like peace, repentance, returning to the sacraments, and drawing people closer to Christ. But there are also messages in an apocalyptic theme, predicting great turmoil for humanity ahead.

“So that’s the tricky part with all of this,” O’Neil said. “It’s not as simple as some of the other apparitions that just draw people closer to Christ… there are some dire warnings as well.”

Father René Laurentin, an expert on Marian apparitions, recounted the apparitions’ messages in his book, “An Appeal from Mary in Argentina.”

At one point, Mary said, “Many hearts do not accept my invitation to prayer and to conversion. That is why the work of the devil is growing and expanding.”

The warnings said that mankind is “in the process of falling in to a progressive self-destruction” and the Virgin Mary represents hope. “It is up to you to set your eyes and your heart on God,” she said.

“I want to cure my children from this illness which is materialism; an illness which makes many suffer. I want to help them discover Christ, and I want to make it known to them that Christ prevails over everything,” Mary said in the apparition. She stressed the importance of prayer, especially the rosary.

The apparition of Jesus told Gladys, “If this generation will not listen to my mother, it will perish. I ask everyone to listen to her. Man’s conversion is necessary.”

“Today I warn the world, for the world is not aware: souls are in danger. Many are lost,” Jesus said in a 1987 apparition. “Few will find salvation unless they accept me as their Savior. My mother must be accepted. My mother must be heard in the totality of her messages. The world must discover the richness she brings to Christians.”

“The children of sin will grow up in sin if their unbelief increases. I want a renewal of the spirit, a detachment from death, and an attachment to life. I have chosen the heart of my mother, so that what I ask will be achieved. Souls will come to me through the means of her Immaculate Heart.”

The diocese’s successive local bishops have discussed the apparitions several times. Bishop Domingo Salvador Castagna ordered the construction of a shrine as the Virgin had requested. Construction began in 1987 and the shrine was consecrated in 1990. That year, he approved the publication and dissemination of the messages of Our Lady of the Rosary in San Nicolas.

Every year, a massive pilgrimage to the shrine takes place on May 22.

O’Neil said it is unique that the bishops have approved the apparition messages from 1983-1990, even though the apparition is continuing today.

“So we have an apparition where we have a living visionary, who’s approved as authentic by the bishops,” he said. “Usually they wait until the messages end or the visionary dies, but in this particular case they decided to go ahead with the approval.”

Bishop Cardelli explained the process that led him to make his latest decision. He consulted experts and witnesses and was conscious of his duty to monitor or intervene in such apparition claims.

He said that he judged the events according to two criteria: “Positive and negative, and in both cases there were not, nor are there errors.” He said that he made his discernment using three specific criteria: “Were the events of natural origin? Could it be a work of the Enemy? Are they of supernatural origin?”

“The answers to these questions gave me the certainty that the fruits are real and positive and go beyond mere human action,” the bishop stated.

O’Neill said that the process for approving apparitions evaluates their messages to ensure there is nothing to contradict Scripture, tradition or the faith and morals of the Catholic Church. Apparitions are “private revelation” that do not add to the public revelation of Sacred Scripture. The investigation also evaluates the visionary to confirm that they are of sound mind and moral character.

The declaration that an apparition is “worthy of belief” does not mean the faithful are obliged to believe the apparition or that it happened. O’Neil said that there was no evidence that Pope Francis was involved in evaluating this apparition when he was Archbishop of Buenos Aires.

Bishop Cardelli’s decree states that he recognized the apparition with “moral certitude, good intention and hope” and after fulfilling the Holy See’s suggested requirements for discernment. He said the decree is “seeking the greater glory of God and the good of our Church.”

Accompanying the bishop’s decree is the presentation of the book “The Spiritual School of Our Lady of the Rosary of San Nicolas.” The book says the most important teachings in the Virgin Mary’s messages are that “she offers us for our adherence to everything He tells us, because He is the culmination of revelation.”

“Finally, and as Our Holy Mother has requested, I implore Heaven in the name of the entire diocese, that she be forever the Queen and Lady of San Nicolas de los Arroyos,” the bishop concluded.

I heard about it and I want that medal. Couldn't find it.
Did you try Catholic.org? In fact, I might ask someone to get some medals...they are going to be there soon.
Is anybody going to celebrate St. Anthony's feast day? At our parish, there will be blessed rosaries after the service. I'm thinking of going.

Church of Saint Anthony, in Lisbon, Portugal, the birthplace of Saint Anthony of Padua.
Early years
Fernando Martins was born in Lisbon, Portugal.[2] While fifteenth century writers state that his parents were Vicente Martins and Teresa Pais Taveira, and that his father was the brother of Pedro Martins de Bulhões, the ancestor of the Bulhão or Bulhões family, Niccolò Dal-Gal views this as less certain.[2] His wealthy and noble family arranged for him to be instructed at the local cathedral school. At the age of fifteen, he entered the community of Canons Regular at the Augustinian Abbey of Saint Vincent on the outskirts of Lisbon.

In 1212, distracted by frequent visits from family and friends, he asked to be transferred to the motherhouse of the congregation, the Abbey of Santa Cruz in Coimbra, then the capital of Portugal.[3] There the young Fernando studied theology and Latin.

Joining the Franciscans

In Alvise Vivarini's painting, Anthony is distinguished from the others saints by his attributes, the book and the white lily stalk
After his ordination to the priesthood, Fernando was named guestmaster and placed in charge of hospitality for the abbey. While he was in Coimbra, some Franciscan friars arrived and settled at a small hermitage outside Coimbra dedicated to Saint Anthony of Egypt.[3] Fernando was strongly attracted to the simple, evangelical lifestyle of the friars, whose order had been founded only eleven years prior. News arrived that five Franciscans had been beheaded in Morocco, the first of their order to be killed. King Afonso ransomed their bodies to be returned and buried as martyrs in the Abbey of Santa Cruz.[3] Inspired by their example, Fernando obtained permission from church authorities to leave the Canons Regular to join the new Franciscan Order. Upon his admission to the life of the friars, he joined the small hermitage in Olivais, adopting the name Anthony (from the name of the chapel located there, dedicated to Saint Anthony the Great), by which he was to be known.[4]

Anthony then set out for Morocco, in fulfillment of his new vocation. However, he fell seriously ill in Morocco and set sail back for Portugal in hope of regaining his health. On the return voyage the ship was blown off course and landed in Sicily.[5]

From Sicily he made his way to Tuscany where he was assigned to a convent of the order, but he met with difficulty on account of his sickly appearance. He was finally assigned to the rural hermitage of San Paolo near Forlì, Romagna, a choice made after considering his poor health. There he had recourse to a cell one of the friars had made in a nearby cave, spending time in private prayer and study.[6]

Preaching and teaching

Saint Anthony of Padua Holding Baby Jesus by Strozzi, c. 1625; the white lily represents purity
One day, in 1222, in the town of Forli, on the occasion of an ordination, a number of visiting Dominican friars were present, and there was some misunderstanding over who should preach. The Franciscans naturally expected that one of the Dominicans would occupy the pulpit, for they were renowned for their preaching; the Dominicans, on the other hand, had come unprepared, thinking that a Franciscan would be the homilist. In this quandary, the head of the hermitage, who had no one among his own humble friars suitable for the occasion, called upon Anthony, whom he suspected was most qualified, and entreated him to speak whatever the Holy Spirit should put into his mouth.[5] Anthony objected but was overruled, and his sermon created a deep impression. Not only his rich voice and arresting manner, but the entire theme and substance of his discourse and his moving eloquence, held the attention of his hearers. Everyone was impressed with his knowledge of Scripture, acquired during his years as an Augustinian friar.

At that point, Anthony was sent by Brother Gratian, the local Minister Provincial, to the Franciscan province of Romagna, based in Bologna.[5] He soon came to the attention of the founder of the order, Francis of Assisi. Francis had held a strong distrust of the place of theological studies in the life of his brotherhood, fearing that it might lead to an abandonment of their commitment to a life of real poverty. In Anthony, however, he found a kindred spirit for his vision, who was also able to provide the teaching needed by young members of the order who might seek ordination. In 1224 he entrusted the pursuit of studies for any of his friars to the care of Anthony.


St Anthony holding Baby Jesus
The reason St. Anthony's help is invoked for finding things lost or stolen is traced to an incident that occurred in Bologna. According to the story, Anthony had a book of psalms that was of some importance to him as it contained the notes and comments he had made to use in teaching his students. A novice who had decided to leave took the psalter with him. Prior to the invention of the printing press, any book was an item of value. Upon noticing it was missing, Anthony prayed it would be found or returned. The thief was moved to restore the book to Anthony and return to the Order. The stolen book is said to be preserved in the Franciscan friary in Bologna.[7]

Occasionally he took another post, as a teacher, for instance, at the universities of Montpellier and Toulouse in southern France, but it was as a preacher that Anthony revealed his supreme gift. According to historian Sophronius Clasen, Anthony preached the grandeur of Christianity.[6] His method included allegory and symbolical explanation of Scripture. In 1226, after attending the General Chapter of his order held at Arles, France, and preaching in the French region of Provence, Anthony returned to Italy and was appointed provincial superior of northern Italy. He chose the city of Padua as his location.

In 1228 he served as envoy from the general chapter to Pope Gregory IX. At the Papal court, his preaching was hailed as a "jewel case of the Bible" and he was commissioned to produce his collection of sermons, Sermons for Feast Days (Sermones in Festivitates). Gregory IX himself described him as the "Ark of the Testament"[8] (Doctor Arca testamenti).


Anthony of Padua with the Infant Jesus by Antonio de Pereda, detail
Anthony became sick with ergotism, a disease which is now known also under the name "Saint Anthony's Fire", and, in 1231, went to the woodland retreat at Camposampiero with two other friars for a respite. There he lived in a cell built for him under the branches of a walnut tree. Anthony died on the way back to Padua on 13 June 1231 at the Poor Clare monastery at Arcella (now part of Padua), aged 35.

According to the request of Anthony, he was buried in the small church of Santa Maria Mater Domini, probably dating from the late 12th century and near a convent which had been founded by him in 1229. Nevertheless, due to his increased notability, construction of a large Basilica began around 1232 - although it was not completed until 1301. The smaller church was incorporated into structure as the Cappella della Madonna Mora (Chapel of the Dark Madonna). The basilica is commonly known today as "Il Santo".

Various legends surround the death of Anthony. One holds that when he died, the children cried in the streets and that all the bells of the churches rang of their own accord. Another legend regards his tongue. Anthony is buried in a chapel within the large basilica built to honor him, where his tongue is displayed for veneration in a large reliquary along with his jaw and his vocal cords. When his body was exhumed thirty years after his death, it was found turned to dust, but the tongue was claimed to have glistened and looked as if it was still alive and moist; apparently a further claim was made that this was a sign of his gift of preaching.[9] On 1 January 1981 Pope John Paul II authorized a scientific team to study the saint's remains and the tomb was opened on 6 January.[10]

Saint and Doctor of the Church

St Anthony of Padua and St Francis of Assisi by Friedrich Pacher.
Anthony was canonized by Pope Gregory IX on 30 May 1232, at Spoleto, Italy, less than one year after his death.[2]

"The richness of spiritual teaching contained in the Sermons was so great that in [16 January] 1946 Venerable Pope Pius XII proclaimed Anthony a Doctor of the Church, attributing to him the title Doctor Evangelicus ["Evangelical Doctor"], since the freshness and beauty of the Gospel emerge from these writings."[11]

Veneration as patron saint

El Greco's painting, 1580, shows the book with an image of the Christ child on the page.
Anthony's fame spread through Portuguese evangelization, and he has been known as the most celebrated of the followers of Saint Francis of Assisi. He is the patron saint of Padua and many places in Portugal and in the countries of the former Portuguese Empire.[12]

He is especially invoked and venerated all over the world as the patron saint for the recovery of lost items, and is credited with many miracles involving lost people, lost things and even lost spiritual goods.[12][13]

North America
In 1691 Spanish missionaries came across a small Payaya Indian community along what was then known as the Yanaguana River on the feast day of Saint Anthony, 13 June. The Franciscan chaplain, Father Damien Massanet, with agreement General Domingo de Teran, renamed the rivers in his honor, and eventually a mission built nearby as well. This mission became the focal point of a small community that eventually grew in size and scope to become the seventh largest city in the country, the U.S. city of San Antonio, Texas.

In New York City, the Shrine Church of St. Anthony in Greenwich Village, Manhattan celebrates his feast day, starting with the traditional novena of prayers asking for his intercession on the 13 Tuesdays preceding his feast. This culminates with a week-long series of services and a street fair. A traditional Italian-style procession is held that day through the streets of its South Village neighborhood, in which a relic of the saint is carried for veneration.[14]


Miraculous Image of Saint Anthony, by Franciszek Lekszycki OFM, 1649, Przeworsk, Poland
Each year on the weekend of the last Sunday in August, Boston's North End holds a feast in honor of Saint Anthony. Referred to as the "Feast of All Feasts", Saint Anthony's Feast in Boston's North End was begun in 1919 by Italian immigrants from Montefalcione, a small town near Naples, where the tradition of honoring Saint Anthony goes back to 1688.

Each year the Sandia Pueblo along with Santa Clara Pueblo celebrate the feast day of Saint Anthony with traditional Native American dances

On 27 January 1907, in Beaumont, Texas, a church was dedicated and named in honor of Saint Anthony. The church was later designated a cathedral in 1966 with the formation of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Beaumont, but was not formally consecrated. On 28 April 1974, St. Anthony Cathedral was dedicated and consecrated by Bishop Warren Boudreaux. In 2006 Pope Benedict XVI granted the cathedral the designation of minor basilica. St. Anthony Cathedral Basilica celebrated its 100th anniversary on 28 January 2007.

St. Anthony gives his name to Mission San Antonio de Padua, the third Franciscan mission dedicated along El Camino Real in California in 1771.

In Ellicott City, Maryland, the Conventual Franciscans of the St. Anthony Province dedicated their old novitiate house as The Shrine of St. Anthony which since 1 July 2004 serves as the official Shrine to Saint Anthony for the Archdiocese of Baltimore, the nation's premier see. A large relic of Saint Anthony was donated to the Shrine in 1995 by the friars in Padua as well as copies of 13 original paintings detailing particularly important moments in the life of St. Anthony. The Shrine of Saint Anthony is modeled upon the "Sacro Convento" in Assisi, Italy and situated upon land once owned by Charles Carroll III, the only Catholic signer of the Declaration of Independence. In addition to daily Mass and regular confession schedule, the Shrine of St. Anthony also offers retreat spaces for outside guests and hosts an annual pilgrimage in mid-June in honor of the Feast Day of St. Anthony of Padua.

Brazil and Europe

Santo Antônio (Saint Anthony) Church in Teresópolis, Brazil
Saint Anthony is known in Portugal, Spain and Brazil as a marriage saint, because there are legends of him reconciling couples. His feast day, 13 June, is Lisbon's municipal holiday, celebrated with parades and marriages. (The previous day, 12 June, is the Brazilian Valentine's Day.) He is one of the saints celebrated in the Brazilian Festa Junina (also known as the "Santo Antônio"), along with John the Baptist and Saint Peter.

In the town of Brusciano, Italy, located near Naples, an annual feast in honor of Saint Anthony is held in late August. This tradition dates back to 1875. The tradition started when a man prayed to Saint Anthony for his sick son to get better. He vowed that if his son would become healthy that he would build and dance a Giglio like the people of Nola do for their patron San Paolino during the annual Fest Dei Gigli. The celebration has grown over the years to include 6 Giglio towers built in honor of the saint. This tradition has also carried over to America, specifically the East Harlem area of New York where the immigrants from the town of Brusciano formed the Giglio Society of East Harlem and have been holding their annual feast since the early 1900s.

In Poland he is the patron saint of Przeworsk. In local Franciscan church is housed icon of Saint Anthony from 1649. Each Tuesday are celebrated traditional prayers with responsorium Si quaeris.


St. Anthony of Padua in St. Joseph's Church, Macao
Devotion to Saint Anthony is popular throughout all of India. In Uvari, in Tamil Nadu, India, the church of Saint Anthony is home to an ancient wooden statue that is said to have cured the entire crew of a Portuguese ship suffering from cholera. Saint Anthony is said to perform many miracles daily, and Uvari is visited by pilgrims of different religions from all over South India. Christians in Tamil Nadu have great reverence for Saint Anthony and he is a popular saint there, where he is called "The Miracle Saint."

Also in India, a small crusady known with the name of saint Anthony located in the village called pothiyanvilai, state of Tamil Nadu kanyakumari district near Thengapattinam,where thousands of devotees attending every Tuesdays and Friday to receive his blessings, miracles and guidings directly from St.Anthonys soul entering in the body of a holy person for the last 34 years. The southern Indian state of Karnataka is also a holy pilgrimage center in honor of Saint Anthony (specifically located in the small village of Dornahalli, near Mysore). Local lore holds that a farmer there unearthed a statue that was later identified as being that of Saint Anthony. The statue was deemed miraculous and an incident of divine intervention. A church was then erected to honor the saint. Additionally, Saint Anthony is highly venerated in Sri Lanka, and the nation's Saint Anthony National Shrine in Kochikade, Colombo, receives many devotees of Saint Anthony—both Catholic and non-Catholic.

In Siolim, a village in the Indian state of Goa, St. Anthony is always shown holding a serpent on a stick . This is a depiction of the incident which occurred during the construction of the church wherein a snake was disrupting construction work. The people turned to St. Anthony for help, and placed his statue at the construction site. The next morning, the snake was found caught in the cord placed in the statue's hand.[15]

"Everyone is a child of G-d, no matter who they are, no matter what they have done, no their political persuasion, no matter what religion they are...everybody is worthwhile..."

This is what Our Lady reminds us and calls us to. We are all brothers, even non-christians.

Most holy apostle, St. Jude, faithful servant and friend of Jesus, the Church honors and
invokes you universally as the patron of hope. Please intercede on my behalf. Make use of that particular privilege given to you to bring hope, comfort, and help where they are needed most. Come to my assistance in this great need that I may receive the consolation and help of heaven as I work with my challenges, particularly for the grace of faith, hope, courage and wisdom. I praise God with you and all the saints forever. I promise, blessed St. Jude, to be ever mindful of this great favor, to always honor you as my special and powerful patron and to gratefully encourage devotion to you. Amen.
May the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus be adored, and loved in all the tabernacles until the end of time. Amen. May the most Sacred Heart of Jesus be praised and glorified now and forever. Amen St. Jude pray for us and hear our prayers. Amen. Blessed be the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Blessed be the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Blessed be St. Jude Thaddeus, in all the world and for all Eternity. Amen.
For the intentions of those who have no hope, for those who are sick and living in spiritual and material poverty…
For the intentions of those without a job and means of income and those living in a state of depression, and frustration…
For the intentions of those leading a sinful life and a life without conscience.. For Hardened sinners, criminals, warlords and those perpetuating violence and crime, that they may be lead into repentance.
For the intentions of the youth of this world, for the grace of purity and deep holiness and for a deliverance from the current vices of this world - drugs, alchohol, pornography, fornication, violence and all forms of sexual immorality.
For the families around the world, that the works of the enemy against family the domestic church will be defeated and that all the families stay united in love.
For all the leaders in our political, social, military, beuraucracy, corporate, law enforcement and legislative systems that each one of them may be filled with the Holy Spirit..
For the Holy Catholic Church the Pope, the Cardinals, the Curia, the Bishops, the priests and all the religious and seminarians to be protected and filled with the Holy Spirit
For all the non Christians, that they will come to the light of Christ and for peace, love and unity among all religions and denominations.
For all the souls in purgatory and all the people living and dying today, that they will be saved by the loving kindness and mercies of God.
Having prayed for the intentions of the world, we now turn to St Jude and repeat this invocation 9 times being confident about the special intention we are praying for and also for the gift of courage, hope, faith and wisdom to submit and to discern the will of God.
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Are you worried? Meditate on these words of Our Lady of Guadalupe to Saint Juan Diego... Spend an hour with the Mother of God, exchanging your pain, ailment, worries and anxieties.... And sow YOUR seed for Global Evangelization, through none better than the Star of Evangelization..

Background music : Pater Noster, Ave Maria sung by Saint Pope John Paul II

"Let not your heart be disturbed.
Do not fear any sickness or anguish.
Am I not here, who is your Mother?
Are you not under my protection?
Am I not your health?
Are you not happily within my fold?
What else do you wish?
Do not grieve nor be disturbed by anything."

Let us Pray

Remember, O most gracious Virgin of Guadalupe, that in your apparitions on Mount Tepeyac you promised to show pity and compassion to all who, loving and trusting you, seek your help and protection. Accordingly, listen now to our supplications and grant us consolation and relief. We are full of hope that, relying on your help, nothing can trouble or affect us. As you have remained with us through your admirable image, so now obtain for us the graces we need. Amen

O Immaculate Virgin, Mother of the true God and Mother of the Church, reveal your clemency and your pity to all those who ask for your protection, hear the prayer that we address to you with filial trust, and present it to your Son Jesus, our sole Redeemer. O Empress of the Americas, Our Lady of Guadalupe I place before your gentle gaze - my own mother land, all of Latin America, North America and the Caribbean nations. By your pure and Immaculate Conception, O Mary, obtain a complete conversion of the Americas, Africa, Europe, Asia, Oceania and the whole world. Sweet Heart of Jesus and Mary, be the salvation of the Americas, Africa, Europe, Asia, Oceania and the whole world. Let the nations resonate the cry of the Martyrs – “Long live Christ the King and Mary of Guadalupe”

O Virgin Most Merciful, Our Lady of Guadalupe, grant us the grace of stability and help us firmly establish ourselves in this region forming part of the body of Christ, the Universal Catholic Church. O Mother of Good Counsel and Seat of Wisdom, Our Lady of Guadalupe grant us the wisdom, knowledge, understanding and power of discernment to carry out our daily duties with excellence and in accordance with the will of God. O Virgin Most Powerful and destroyer of heresies, Empress of the Americas, strengthen our hands and will to destroy the works of the devil, all his plots, plans and tricks. Amen.
LOVE this! I really enjoy the story of Our Lady of Guadalupe.

Are you worried? Meditate on these words of Our Lady of Guadalupe to Saint Juan Diego... Spend an hour with the Mother of God, exchanging your pain, ailment, worries and anxieties.... And sow YOUR seed for Global Evangelization, through none better than the Star of Evangelization..

Background music : Pater Noster, Ave Maria sung by Saint Pope John Paul II

"Let not your heart be disturbed.
Do not fear any sickness or anguish.
Am I not here, who is your Mother?
Are you not under my protection?
Am I not your health?
Are you not happily within my fold?
What else do you wish?
Do not grieve nor be disturbed by anything."

Let us Pray

Remember, O most gracious Virgin of Guadalupe, that in your apparitions on Mount Tepeyac you promised to show pity and compassion to all who, loving and trusting you, seek your help and protection. Accordingly, listen now to our supplications and grant us consolation and relief. We are full of hope that, relying on your help, nothing can trouble or affect us. As you have remained with us through your admirable image, so now obtain for us the graces we need. Amen

O Immaculate Virgin, Mother of the true God and Mother of the Church, reveal your clemency and your pity to all those who ask for your protection, hear the prayer that we address to you with filial trust, and present it to your Son Jesus, our sole Redeemer. O Empress of the Americas, Our Lady of Guadalupe I place before your gentle gaze - my own mother land, all of Latin America, North America and the Caribbean nations. By your pure and Immaculate Conception, O Mary, obtain a complete conversion of the Americas, Africa, Europe, Asia, Oceania and the whole world. Sweet Heart of Jesus and Mary, be the salvation of the Americas, Africa, Europe, Asia, Oceania and the whole world. Let the nations resonate the cry of the Martyrs – “Long live Christ the King and Mary of Guadalupe”

O Virgin Most Merciful, Our Lady of Guadalupe, grant us the grace of stability and help us firmly establish ourselves in this region forming part of the body of Christ, the Universal Catholic Church. O Mother of Good Counsel and Seat of Wisdom, Our Lady of Guadalupe grant us the wisdom, knowledge, understanding and power of discernment to carry out our daily duties with excellence and in accordance with the will of God. O Virgin Most Powerful and destroyer of heresies, Empress of the Americas, strengthen our hands and will to destroy the works of the devil, all his plots, plans and tricks. Amen.