The nerve of some people!


New Member
My friend was telling me yesterday that I should keep my hair done. If I don't comb my hair or get it done soon enough it will break off. Then she told me people at work are talking about my hair. If I keep my hair done I might get a husband. I told her I am not trying to impress anybody and if someone doesn't like how my hair is they can kiss my ***. She has a lot of nerve cause her hair don't look like sh*t. Her hair has been the same length for the longest which is past neck length. She gets her relaxer every 5 or 6 weeks. I where my hair back in a ponytail or clipped up until I get my relaxer. I'll wear my hair down for about 3 weeks and then it's back to co washes. I don't see how anyone can expect my hair to stay looking like a fresh relaxer when I have new growth coming in and it's been a few weeks. I don't care about trying to get a man or husband. I don't need one in my life to make me happy. I think she's just jealous of me cause my hair is pretty, it's growing and is healthy. She's so ignorant she said all black people have nappy hair. She's always been jealous of me since highschool.
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I assume this friend of yours isn't too fond of natural hair. People like that seem to get truly "offended" by newgrowth :lol:. Always feel like kinks and naps need to be tamed at all costs, all the time. Weirdo.

BTW, I'm in Dayton too (actually Centerville) :wave:. It's been off the hook around here lately with all these shootings and stuff. I don't know what's going on :nono:.
What kind of friend is she to be degrading your hair like that. Please brush those haters off and ignore her altogether.
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Yeah, sounds like jealousy and ignorance. I always wonder why people think that you need to look a certain way in order to get a man....who said you needed a man in the first place? Tene, you just keep doing your thang and then one day, she'll be speechless when you show her a head of waist length hair! :grin:
Girl, I'm feelin' your pain. When I cut my hair in Jan. people were like :eek: what did u do that 4? And negativity is catching- I started to doubt myself- then I stopped being around the person. Positive takes over. If she don't like your choices, her problem. You do what workd for your hair. She's probably so jealous of your hair she's like :Flahsssss when your back is turned. :lol:
Tene, you KNOW you are doing your hair right. Forget what she says. Don't even doubt yourself because of someone else's ignorance. You know about haircare, and based on your description of her hair...she doesn't! Who cares if people are talking about your hair, let them! I've found that sometimes people need something to talk about and if the most they have to talk about is your be it. Just keep on doing your thing and you'll REALLY give them something to talk about when your hair is flowing down your back. As far as catching a man...if a guy is THAT caught up in your hair, then he's not worth your time anyway!

Anyway, will I be seeing you at the Cincinnati meet-up??? I hope so!!! :D