The Most Beneficial thing I've learned on the Forum!!!


New Member
Hello Ladies,

I just thought I'd share with all of you the most important thing I have learned about hair care and maintenance on the forum since I've joined! There is no one rule, product, or regime that everyone can use to make their hair grow! Your hair is unique and one of a kind! What it takes for one member of the forum may be the one thing that has u walking around bald headed! Don't be so quick to jump on every band wagon on the forum! Listen to your hair! Listen to your body! Keep them happy! Find what works best for you and stick to it! And most of all...... Paitence will be your best friend! She will make sure you enjoy your hair growth journey! Enjoy every phase of your hair journey and know that it will only be a matter of time your current length will be only a memory! If you are paitent and gentle with your hair, I swear it will talk and respond to you. You will be amazed at the things your hair has to say! It will let you know what it likes and doesn't like. Your own hair, will give you the best hair growing advice better than anyone on LHCF! Good Luck to you all, enjoy ur journey and HHG!:D
I agree wholeheartedly with one exception; the bandwagon hopping. If I hadn't tried so many products I wouldn't know that my hair likes Kenra, but LoVES Keracare. That it likes UBH daily moisturizer, but craves Carrot Oil Creme. Ya know what's sayin'? I feel like my regime is right (or close) now, but it came from trial, after trial, after trial and I won't even start on the errors.:)
The Best Advice!

What works for one does not necessarily work for all,... once you find something that works, keep it!

This was a huge one for me! All of my friends were able to use this product and that product. When I'd go out and try it out it'd be hell and I'm thinking,.. "maybe it's me" but I still didn't listen to myself. Now I KNOW it's me. I'm unique so I need to do me!:)