4 years since the big chop and the things I've learned

I am new to the board but before I joined, I had always said to myself that I need to get information from someone with the same hair type as mine 4b-relaxed and fine by the way, with breakage, and thin edges, never been longer than SL, etc...so those are the only people's fotki or regime that I intend to follow...Your advice confirms that I am moving in the right direction....

I know people that NEVER take care of their hair, and it still grows, then you have people like me, who's hair will shed at the drop of a hat, and I have always spent time on my hair at home and going to the salon faithfully...Go figure...so I know that hair type has a lot to do with it!!!!

I am still searching the board for those 4b relaxed fine ladies and their regimes so that I can make sure I maintain the highest level of healthy hair...( so ladies please feel free to PM me some links, this site is overwhelming trying to find things in the midst of all these threads...LOL)

Thanks again for this much needed post!!!!:clapping::clapping::clapping:
Thank you so much for sharing your lovely story! Any suggestions on a regimen (how often to wash/condition/shampoo/deep condition) or products - daily, monthly - or styling/detangling/trimming tips? :love:
This is great. Totally what I needed to hear. i weel of being natural and Ive already heard so many comments - good and bad. Cheers
Wow... your hair is gorgeous!!! Thanks for this thread, I am transitioning and I believe I am ready and I am sooo excited about it!