Try floor exercising/stretching for 30-45 min per day, adding an extra yoga position and/or pilates move 1x per week, end each stretch with 15 min meditation on tv, soft'll be up to an 1.15 before you know it. you'll be adding in cardio.....then running...then marathons....then o-my o-my... the meditation is what does it for me.....

Thanks StellaB!

ETA: I just did 10 minutes of stretching followed by upper body weights. Not quite 30 minutes but at least it's a start!
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Guapa1, that pic of the plane crashed blows my mind every time I see it! I know this is way off topic but WHAT HAPPENED!? And what are you being rehabilitated for, arms or legs or everything? Also, a good idea (which you may already know) is, when you just don't have it to cook something healthy, try to have a meal replacement/protein shake cause at least you'll get vitamins, nutrients and calories even though you missed eating a regular meal;-)

Just so I don't take this wonderful thread off topic, here's the link to the thread I made about it. I'm being treated for my back neck and left shoulder.

I actually didn't think of that idea about the shake so thank you! I have a big tub of whey protein just looking pretty, think it's time to put it to some use!
Andreainnis;3812841]Ok Den, here's the line )
My work out: I teach aerobics six days a week so that's 6 hrs of cardio and I take yoga on Sunday. I lift moderate weights (total body) 2X's a week.
I would also like to incorporate an amino acid supplement even though they are in my protein shakes ](end quote)

Hey there.

I have a question please.

First, do the amino acids curb your appetite. I have been taking for a week and I have not been getting as hungry as usual. I forgot to take them yesterday and I was famished, like I could never "feel" full.

Anybody else chime in too I have never taken Amino Supplements, just whatever dosage comes in the protein shakes

Changed subject

Is anybody using topical growth aids on this challenge.
I decided that I was going to. I used MTG last summer for the first time. I got really good growth but I cannot get past the smell..I mean it is nauseating. I can't take it.

I ordered my Boundless Tresses today. I see people posting they get great results from it. I cannot wait to get it. Do anyone else know of any other topic growth products around?

Den you said you have a website in another post. Do you carry growth aids? What are they? I am about to go stalking your fotki to see if I can find a link.
I am trying to get a growth spurt. Can I need a jump please? I am right at APL my goal is to be there by March 30th. I am at least 1-2 inches away. I would like to have at least 2.5 inches of NG before my next touch up. Currently, 7 weeks. I have about 3/4 in new growth maybe an inch right now in the back. My crown is creeping and the front is on a true crawl. I plan to stretch as long as possible. The longest time ever was 20 weeks.

I know that there is
Lenzi's Request
MTG I am not using that (no exceptions)
PH _ (PrepH.) I am not using butt cream on my head.
***desparate or not***
MN _ about to try the neosporinAF but I am a true skeptic..but will find out soon enough.
Dudley's True intellegence _ I like this product and get results but not the real fast growth like everybody keeps talking about.
Ayurveda (not a fan at all:nono:)
I have been using products for awhile but not really getting any growth results. They do keep my hair strong though so I am def going to keeps some products in the rotation.

What other growth aids that I am missing?
Andreainnis;3812841]Ok Den, here's the line )
My work out: I teach aerobics six days a week so that's 6 hrs of cardio and I take yoga on Sunday. I lift moderate weights (total body) 2X's a week.
I would also like to incorporate an amino acid supplement even though they are in my protein shakes ](end quote)

Hey there.

I have a question please.

First, do the amino acids curb your appetite. I have been taking for a week and I have not been getting as hungry as usual. I forgot to take them yesterday and I was famished, like I could never "feel" full.

Hey StellB, I can't say that amino acids in a pill supplement will curb your appetite but they do make it much easier for your body to build muscle because your digestive system doesn't have to do all the work to break down protein to get amino acids. But if you are talking about the amino acids in your shake, the reason you are not getting hungry is because one shake has the calories, protein, fat, and maybe carbohydrates for one whole meal, its a meal replacement so you shouldn't be hungry after having one!
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I was just wondering how everyone is doing.

I've been keeping up with my vites pretty good and even got to the gym twice yesterday and working out with a personal trainer at least once per week.

I started using the Gro-Aut products and so far so good. I think when I re-order I'll add the conditioner to try it as a leave-in since that step is missing from my "regimine" (right now I am just using whatever I have but not happy with anything other than the jojoba oil through the length and the castor oil on the ends).

I'm also going to start the cayenne pepper-oil mix as an overnight pre-poo starting tonight as tomorrow is a wash day for me and I'm going to try to DC with heat. I'll pull out my old table top from the basement until I get my stand-up dryer ordered hopefully next week.

So far, I have about 1/2 to 3/4 inch of newgrowth. That's normally what I get in about a 6-week period. I did realize yesterday that I have pooed twice this week and wanted to poo again yesterday. I decided to just do a CW with MNT...that's a good sign. Seems the thicker my roots/more newgrowth I get, the more I wanted to condition it to help soften, condition, moisturize the newgrowth to get it to lay gets so poofy, I get a mini-fro thing going at my scalp.

I hope everyone else is still doing well!

I'm still attempting to participate in this challenge. I haven't been taking my vits as I should, but as of tomorrow, I'll be right back on the ball :yep:
Oh my Lord, i haven't been on the forum for weeks, and i'm ill again. i'll just quickly mention what i've been doing, i've been consistently taking my vits, i added B-complex recently, it seems to help a little to calm my nerves so i get off to sleep a bit better, dietary wise i switched to eating special k in the mornings or boiled egg.

i drink fresh orange juice will be switching to juicing my own fruits soon. i'm lost for foodsthat i can have around lunch or dinner time.... may someone could help me here. i find i'm turning off meat i don't know why? i haven't found anytime to excercise yet, however i'm slowly making progress.
i believe the amino's help,they are the buliding blocks of protein. it creates the feeling of Satiety, I particularly noticed when i eat too many carbs in a meal, i crave more.

Andreainnis;3812841]Ok Den, here's the line )
My work out: I teach aerobics six days a week so that's 6 hrs of cardio and I take yoga on Sunday. I lift moderate weights (total body) 2X's a week.
I would also like to incorporate an amino acid supplement even though they are in my protein shakes ](end quote)

Hey there.

I have a question please.

First, do the amino acids curb your appetite. I have been taking for a week and I have not been getting as hungry as usual. I forgot to take them yesterday and I was famished, like I could never "feel" full.

Hey StellB, I can't say that amino acids in a pill supplement will curb your appetite but they do make it much easier for your body to build muscle because your digestive system doesn't have to do all the work to break down protein to get amino acids. But if you are talking about the amino acids in your shake, the reason you are not getting hungry is because one shake has the calories, protein, fat, and maybe carbohydrates for one whole meal, its a meal replacement so you shouldn't be hungry after having one!
Diet-wise, the challenge is going great. I've upped my protein and my nails are growing and I think my hair is growing a little better as well. I've also lost 12 pounds which is great.

My ends are sufferng though. I did a little too much flat-ironing last month and now I'm trying to make up for it by eliminating direct heat and doing lots of deep conditioning.
ladies are there any updates, how is the challenge going?

I hope all is well with everyone!

As far as updates, I'm happy to say I've lost 25 lbs total and I'm a size six which was the mission, so now it's just about maintaining:yep: The hair is a whole other story:perplexed Den I need help girl! It seems strong and the new-growth is ever increasing but I'm shedding (I think due to recent emotional stress) like crazy and its hard to keep moisture in my strands without constantly co washing or applying some type of moisturizer 3 X's a day! I stay in a bun and rarely wear my hair out but my ends look like a parana has been chewing on them:nono: Its touch up time but Im just not noticing the growth i've been expecting. Needless to say, I'm quite frustrated and trying to figure it out.
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congrats on the weightloss, i have a looong way to go, howeveri've recently begun a slimming world class for extra encouragement in losing weight.

i'm glad you getting lots of growth, have youever thought of trying that garlic shampoo everyone talks about. I was sheddoing bad too, and now i take b-vitamins to reduce it, especially when your stressed out.

can't you reduce the amount of manipulation, maybe you should clarify your hair and see what happens. i'm sure your hair ends isn't as bad as it may seem, you will probably be pleasantly suprised by your progress when you have your touch-up.

Do you aidry in a bun? because my hair ends did that when i used to airdry. The last time i experienced shedding i used brahmi pasteand it did help this is an option if your an ayurveda girl.

that, but they ok
I hope all is well with everyone!

As far as updates, I'm happy to say I've lost 25 lbs total and I'm a size six which was the mission, so now it's just about maintaining:yep: The hair is a whole other story:perplexed Den I need help girl! It seems strong and the new-growth is ever increasing but I'm shedding (I think due to recent emotional stress) like crazy and its hard to keep moisture in my strands without constantly co washing or applying some type of moisturizer 3 X's a day! I stay in a bun and rarely wear my hair out but my ends look like a parana has been chewing on them:nono: Its touch up time but Im just not noticing the growth i've been expecting. Needless to say, I'm quite frustrated and trying to figure it out.
I am down a full dress size, I have yet to exercise.
My exercise videos just came in Thursday. I now am waiting for my tennis shoes to come because I do not own any (is that pitiful or what:lachen:).

As far as my hair it grew a bunch! It grew about 2 inches but my hair dresser kept an inch for hersef...dang b-word hair looks amazingly great, healthy very very shiny and over all very healthy.
congrats on your weightloss, and I agreeyour hair looks AMAZING its grown so much, it looks thicker too, don't allow your stylist to trim off so much next time.

I am down a full dress size, I have yet to exercise.
My exercise videos just came in Thursday. I now am waiting for my tennis shoes to come because I do not own any (is that pitiful or what:lachen:).

As far as my hair it grew a bunch! It grew about 2 inches but my hair dresser kept an inch for hersef...dang b-word hair looks amazingly great, healthy very very shiny and over all very healthy.