Hey ladies, I just realised the end date of this six month challenge is incorrect, it should be 18th July, however i think i'll personally stick with 18th August.
Hey ladies, I just realised the end date of this six month challenge is incorrect, it should be 18th July, however i think i'll personally stick with 18th August.

No den...2/18/08 to 8/18/08 = 6 months...u were right the 1st
Hey, Den! I am in!

I kinda started doing this after my one year progress, so I'm technically not late :drunk:; my regi seems to be working so I am definitely sticking to it!

Here is my regi:


-Relaxer every 11-12 weeks
-Henna two weeks after relaxer, maybe again after a month
-Wash one or twice a week (now with shikaikai/amla/aritha; rarely use normal poo)
-DC with every wash (add oils and SAA to conditioners)
-MN mix (with BT) three times a week
-moisturize and seal ends with castor oil
-Essential oil mix two times a week
-Cornrows/Bantu knots/twistouts once the ng kicks in
-Minimal heat


Multi with iron - one daily
Omega 3-6-9 complex - 3 a day
Biotin - 2 a day (at night)
Chorella - between 3-6 a day (ugh)
Hair, Skin Nail - 3 a day
MSM - 2 or more a day (at night)
B50 - 1 a day (at night)
EPO - 1 or 2 a day
Silica - 1 a day
Seven Wonders hair cocktail - once a day


-Twice a week with trainer (she gives me and some friends a great group rate; I ain't ballin' like that) :grin:
-Run 1-2 miles at least twice a week


-less Mexican food (but I love it soooo much!)
-healthy lunches
-more veggies
-more conscience of portion amounts
-healthy snacks
-less eating at night
-more sleep
-MORE water

Thanks, Den1!
Hello tricie, thanks for joining us, you have a great routine,

Hey, Den! I am in!

I kinda started doing this after my one year progress, so I'm technically not late :drunk:; my regi seems to be working so I am definitely sticking to it!

Here is my regi:


-Relaxer every 11-12 weeks
-Henna two weeks after relaxer, maybe again after a month
-Wash one or twice a week (now with shikaikai/amla/aritha; rarely use normal poo)
-DC with every wash (add oils and SAA to conditioners)
-MN mix (with BT) three times a week
-moisturize and seal ends with castor oil
-Essential oil mix two times a week
-Cornrows/Bantu knots/twistouts once the ng kicks in
-Minimal heat


Multi with iron - one daily
Omega 3-6-9 complex - 3 a day
Biotin - 2 a day (at night)
Chorella - between 3-6 a day (ugh)
Hair, Skin Nail - 3 a day
MSM - 2 or more a day (at night)
B50 - 1 a day (at night)
EPO - 1 or 2 a day
Silica - 1 a day
Seven Wonders hair cocktail - once a day


-Twice a week with trainer (she gives me and some friends a great group rate; I ain't ballin' like that) :grin:
-Run 1-2 miles at least twice a week


-less Mexican food (but I love it soooo much!)
-healthy lunches
-more veggies
-more conscience of portion amounts
-healthy snacks
-less eating at night
-more sleep
-MORE water

Thanks, Den1!
Thanks Den1! Here's my vitals:

Futurebiotics Hair Skin and Nails Vitamin's
Flaxseed Oil (1000mg)
Daily with meals
I am doing a six month stretch at the moment
Right now crown and glorying it with braids
Wash every five days with diluted shampoo
Spray with braid mix every other day
Re-Do a section every two weeks to be sure my hair is moisturized and neat.
I am going to eat more fruit and veggies for health, and more beans and fish for protein and amino acids.
Going to exercise 30 minutes a day
Alternating between strength and aerobic trainging
Loose ten pounds, tone up and reach MBL
I went ahead and joined a gym yesterday to help me with my fitness goals. I just need to tone and tighten and work on flexibility.

The first day went okay.
Ok Den, here's the line up for my body and hair...
Current length: BS
Vitamins: Biosil, Shen Min, Glucosamine/Msm, Vit C, Chlorella, Flaxseed oil, Nature's Plus
Source of life multi-vit.
Diet: I just finished colonix and two months of clean eating and I'm twenty pounds lighter with 6 lbs to go (trying to be a perfect size 6 w/no more than 20% body fat:yep:)
My diet: Consist of 3 egg whites and oatmeal for breakfast, a protein shake (all natural ingredients) for mid-morning meal, 4oz turkey and 90g of plain sweet potato for lunch, 20 almonds and an apple (or 2 kiwis, or a handful of blueberries or an orange) for an afternoon snack, 4oz of chicken, or tuna and a cup of broccoli for 1st evening meal, and 4oz of chicken, turkey, or lean beef with steamed asparagus for final evening meal. I only drink pure water (filtered or spring)2 liters a day, plain green tea or vitamin water to add my biosil to cause its yucky with plain water:nono:.I love this plan because I eat every two to three hours so I never get hungry so I don't crave the bad stuff... so much:look:. I also allow myself a cheat day once a week which is usually Saturday or Sunday and I eat WHATEVER I want... this is a must for optimal results... as recommended by my trainer:grin: The key to my weight loss success has been 1) having protein w/EVERY meal and 2) only having one portion size of whatever I'm eating and 3) NEVER letting my self get hungry (this is very important)
My work out: I teach aerobics six days a week so that's 6 hrs of cardio and I take yoga on Sunday. I lift moderate weights (total body) 2X's a week.
Hair regimen: I stretch my phyto II relaxers to every 4-6 months. I massage (w/shikakai + coconut oil) and wash w/a shikakai bar (no poo ever again) and deep condition 2-3X's a week. I keep my hair in a bun 96% of the week and i moisturize twice a day w/a creamy leave in and seal w/amla plus coconut, almond or castor oil. I would LOVE to try your products Den1! I would also like to incorporate an amino acid supplement even though they are in my protein shakes:ohwell:
My Goal: 6lb weight loss (size 6 gap jeans) and hair to my waist by end of summer 08'!
So aside from my meditation and visualization of the perfect body and hair to the floor:drunk: That's it!
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that's good!!! i need more than toning, i'm determined to lose all the weight, by cardio and strength train to stop my muscles from slacking.

I went ahead and joined a gym yesterday to help me with my fitness goals. I just need to tone and tighten and work on flexibility.

The first day went okay.
Hello, Andreainnis, i'm very intrigued by your exerise and eating plan, I'm really desperate to overcome my long-term weight/health issues. You are a qualified aerobics instructor and i would be very grateful for your help please!!!? My sister who passed away tragically last year knew so much about health and was very healthy, i can't turn to her anymore so i would love to read your advice. I have been inactive for a long while and have several health problems, how much activity should i begin with? and what types are most suitable? would you say i should eat small but regular meals to avoid hunger pangs? your hair sounds beautiful, i also love your hair regimen.

Ok Den, here's the line up for my body and hair...
Current length: BS
Vitamins: Biosil, Shen Min, Glucosamine/Msm, Vit C, Chlorella, Flaxseed oil, Nature's Plus
Source of life multi-vit.
Diet: I just finished colonix and two months of clean eating and I'm twenty pounds lighter with 6 lbs to go (trying to be a perfect size 6 w/no more than 20% body fat:yep:)
My diet: Consist of 3 egg whites and oatmeal for breakfast, a protein shake (all natural ingredients) for mid-morning meal, 4oz turkey and 90g of plain sweet potato for lunch, 20 almonds and an apple (or 2 kiwis, or a handful of blueberries or an orange) for an afternoon snack, 4oz of chicken, or tuna and a cup of broccoli for 1st evening meal, and 4oz of chicken, turkey, or lean beef with steamed asparagus for final evening meal. I only drink pure water (filtered or spring)2 liters a day, plain green tea or vitamin water to add my biosil to cause its yucky with plain water:nono:.I love this plan because I eat every two to three hours so I never get hungry so I don't crave the bad stuff... so much:look:. I also allow myself a cheat day once a week which is usually Saturday or Sunday and I eat WHATEVER I want... this is a must for optimal results... as recommended by my trainer:grin: The key to my weight loss success has been 1) having protein w/EVERY meal and 2) only having one portion size of whatever I'm eating and 3) NEVER letting my self get hungry (this is very important)
My work out: I teach aerobics six days a week so that's 6 hrs of cardio and I take yoga on Sunday. I lift moderate weights (total body) 2X's a week.
Hair regimen: I stretch my phyto II relaxers to every 4-6 months. I massage (w/shikakai + coconut oil) and wash w/a shikakai bar (no poo ever again) and deep condition 2-3X's a week. I keep my hair in a bun 96% of the week and i moisturize twice a day w/a creamy leave in and seal w/amla plus coconut, almond or castor oil. I would LOVE to try your products Den1! I would also like to incorporate an amino acid supplement even though they are in my protein shakes:ohwell:
My Goal: 6lb weight loss (size 6 gap jeans) and hair to my waist by end of summer 08'!
So aside from my meditation and visualization of the perfect body and hair to the floor:drunk: That's it!
Hello, Andreainnis, i'm very intrigued by your exerise and eating plan, I'm really desperate to overcome my long-term weight/health issues. You are a qualified aerobics instructor and i would be very grateful for your help please!!!? My sister who passed away tragically last year knew so much about health and was very healthy, i can't turn to her anymore so i would love to read your advice. I have been inactive for a long while and have several health problems, how much activity should i begin with? and what types are most suitable? would you say i should eat small but regular meals to avoid hunger pangs? your hair sounds beautiful, i also love your hair regimen.
Den1, I am so sorry that you lost your sister, YOU and your hair regimen have been such an inspiration to me and I would LOVE to help you in any way I can!!! I am a certified personal trainer and group fitness instructor and currently a pre-med student aiming to be in med school in less than a year. I'm a bit psycho about this stuff because it helped me lose so much weight after pregnancies and life long bad eating habits.
Your enthusiasm is off the chain and very important to your success:yep: Diet is going to be 80% of what changes your body and health, So here we go! (In the mean time, please let me know specifically what your health problems are so I can effectively help you even more)
To Start, you can go to and search the calorie calculators. Once they come up, input your current weight and the weight you wish to be and it will tell you how many calories a day to consume to get to your goal weight. There are a lot of different calculators but its not hard to find the one for weight loss. If you don't feel like doing all of that:spinning: Tell me your current and goal weight and I will calculate everything for you! Once you have your daily calorie allowance, divide it into five or six meals a day, then...
Liquids- you sound like you are on your game with your liquid intake! Soda and high fructose corn syrup juices ARE evil, all you need is water but keep it pure like filtered or spring. Herbal teas are excellent and I incorporate vitamin water as my goodie when I just need SOME flavor The ingredients are perfect and the sugar is from fruit.
Breakfast options: 1) boiled or scrambled egg whites + one pack of oatmeal. 2) turkey bacon and whole wheat toast or 3) a protein shake if your not a breakfast person

Mid morning meal options: 1) a protein shake if you didn't have it for breakfast or 2) one serving of raw nuts like almonds or walnuts or pistachios and a piece of fruit like apples, grapes, kiwis, bananas, strawberries... This is a good time of day for a meal that includes your fruit serving cause it's early and you will burn the fruit sugar calories off throughout the day

Lunch options: 1) one serving (about 4oz) of turkey, chicken or fish and one serving (about 90g) of plain baked sweet potato or a serving of brown rice. 2) A sandwich that does not go over your caloric intake for one meal and includes whole grain or diet bread, a lean protein and some type of veggie like lettuce or spinach and a fruit or 3) a protein shake within your calorie allowance

Early evening meal options: 1) Grilled lean meat like chicken, turkey, fish, steak and steamed veggies like broccoli, asparagus, green beans or raw carrots and celery. This and the next meals are the time to stay away from starchy carbs, make it strictly nutrient dense barely cooked veggies or 2) protein shake

Dinner is pretty much the same options as early evening meals but make it something that you are really going to enjoy as your last meal and avoid using protein shakes for this meal. Time doesn't matter (although people think it does) as long as you are awake at least 2 hours after your last meal, trust me on that one:yep: Don't stop yourself from eating at 7 or 8 o'clock if you are going to bed at 11 or 12! You DO NOT want to go to bed hungry, in fact, at no point during your eating plan should you ever be hungry! This means a lot of preparation to have the foods that you are allowed handy so that they are what you reach for instead of junk when its time to eat. Season your food to taste and don't waste a lot of time restricting salt and butter to begin with. Avoid artificial sweetners at all cost!:nono: It is so much better to have raw brown sugar or honey than the fake (cancer causing) stuff. Ok, time to move:drunk:


All that I would want you to do to begin with in the first week is to walk at a pace where you can comfortably talk without getting out of breath. Walking, believe it or not, is #1 on the list of the best fat burning exercises. You just have to do it long enough for it to be effective. I don't know what your daily schedule is like but if you can find a place and time to walk for 45 minutes a day (no less!), this will trim your fat and extend your beautiful life! As well as jump-start your metabolism and circulation which is extremely important for your hair as well! We can add weights to your program after the first week and when I know a bit more about your health issues. Or, if you are already lifting weights, let me know how much and how often and I will try and fine tune it for you. I know this is a lot to take in but you will be very successful and I can't wait to see you reach your goals!
Let me know what you think and if you have any questions, hit me!
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Hi yall,

I got my Fo-Ti today I am excited.
I got the amino acid too. These pills are HUGE! I have to break them up to get them down. Does anyone else use aminos that have a smaller pill. Do they all look like this?
Thank-you very much for taking the time to advise me :kiss: I'll give you some insight into my health problems, I was diagnosed with High blood pressure, since the age of 12, it has often reached alarming levels, where doctors have advised if i don't take medication I risk having a stroke.

last year, i was diagniosed with high cholesterol, there is also a history of diabetes in my family. I have asthma, insomnia, and problems with my womb, i don't have children. i'm going to print off this plan, its also LOW GI, which is imoprtant for me, as i would like to reduce sugary/starchy foods that trigger carb cravings.

I've already stocked up on evian mineral water and currently have no sodas in my house. I bought some Slimfast shakes because its LOW GI and something i could have in the morninings, is this good enough? I have 140LBS to lose, and i'm only 4,9 inches. i'm going to visit please write back with any more info, i can use to assist me. thank-you

Den1, I am so sorry that you lost your sister, YOU and your hair regimen have been such an inspiration to me and I would LOVE to help you in any way I can!!! I am a certified personal trainer and group fitness instructor and currently a pre-med student aiming to be in med school in less than a year. I'm a bit psycho about this stuff because it helped me lose so much weight after pregnancies and life long bad eating habits.
Your enthusiasm is off the chain and very important to your success:yep: Diet is going to be 80% of what changes your body and health, So here we go! (In the mean time, please let me know specifically what your health problems are so I can effectively help you even more)
To Start, you can go to and search the calorie calculators. Once they come up, input your current weight and the weight you wish to be and it will tell you how many calories a day to consume to get to your goal weight. There are a lot of different calculators but its not hard to find the one for weight loss. If you don't feel like doing all of that:spinning: Tell me your current and goal weight and I will calculate everything for you! Once you have your daily calorie allowance, divide it into five or six meals a day, then...
Liquids- you sound like you are on your game with your liquid intake! Soda and high fructose corn syrup juices ARE evil, all you need is water but keep it pure like filtered or spring. Herbal teas are excellent and I incorporate vitamin water as my goodie when I just need SOME flavor The ingredients are perfect and the sugar is from fruit.
Breakfast options: 1) boiled or scrambled egg whites + one pack of oatmeal. 2) turkey bacon and whole wheat toast or 3) a protein shake if your not a breakfast person

Mid morning meal options: 1) a protein shake if you didn't have it for breakfast or 2) one serving of raw nuts like almonds or walnuts or pistachios and a piece of fruit like apples, grapes, kiwis, bananas, strawberries... This is a good time of day for a meal that includes your fruit serving cause it's early and you will burn the fruit sugar calories off throughout the day

Lunch options: 1) one serving (about 4oz) of turkey, chicken or fish and one serving (about 90g) of plain baked sweet potato or a serving of brown rice. 2) A sandwich that does not go over your caloric intake for one meal and includes whole grain or diet bread, a lean protein and some type of veggie like lettuce or spinach and a fruit or 3) a protein shake within your calorie allowance

Early evening meal options: 1) Grilled lean meat like chicken, turkey, fish, steak and steamed veggies like broccoli, asparagus, green beans or raw carrots and celery. This and the next meals are the time to stay away from starchy carbs, make it strictly nutrient dense barely cooked veggies or 2) protein shake

Dinner is pretty much the same options as early evening meals but make it something that you are really going to enjoy as your last meal and avoid using protein shakes for this meal. Time doesn't matter (although people think it does) as long as you are awake at least 2 hours after your last meal, trust me on that one:yep: Don't stop yourself from eating at 7 or 8 o'clock if you are going to bed at 11 or 12! You DO NOT want to go to bed hungry, in fact, at no point during your eating plan should you ever be hungry! This means a lot of preparation to have the foods that you are allowed handy so that they are what you reach for instead of junk when its time to eat. Season your food to taste and don't waste a lot of time restricting salt and butter to begin with. Avoid artificial sweetners at all cost!:nono: It is so much better to have raw brown sugar or honey than the fake (cancer causing) stuff. Ok, time to move:drunk:


All that I would want you to do to begin with in the first week is to walk at a pace where you can comfortably talk without getting out of breath. Walking, believe it or not, is #1 on the list of the best fat burning exercises. You just have to do it long enough for it to be effective. I don't know what your daily schedule is like but if you can find a place and time to walk for 45 minutes a day (no less!), this will trim your fat and extend your beautiful life! As well as jump-start your metabolism and circulation which is extremely important for your hair as well! We can add weights to your program after the first week and when I know a bit more about your health issues. Or, if you are already lifting weights, let me know how much and how often and I will try and fine tune it for you. I know this is a lot to take in but you will be very successful and I can't wait to see you reach your goals!
Let me know what you think and if you have any questions, hit me!
Hi StellaB, congats i'm glad you got your fo-ti.......i forgot to mention that the amino pills are big, i choked on the 1,500mg few times in the past, i have the smaller ones 1,000mg so their easier to swallow, you have to drink a lot of water, to get that down your throat.
Hi yall,

I got my Fo-Ti today I am excited.
I got the amino acid too. These pills are HUGE! I have to break them up to get them down. Does anyone else use aminos that have a smaller pill. Do they all look like this?
Hello everyone! I am adding Tonalin CLA to my supplements. I am very interested in seeing if/how it helps. If anyone has any experience with it, let me know how it worked for you.
Yesterday was a hard day. I could get out for my walk as I was in pain. I will try and go for a little walk today. I'm making an effort with my water. I've got my water filter in the front room and keeping my glass full. I'm going through the spotty phase of taking msm.
Well darn,

I will just have to crush them up before I take them. I could not believe the size when I saw them:blush::grin:

I will keep you all posted on the results. Has anyone besides den used amino acids. I would like to know your experiences. Do they work anything like the protein shakes?

Hi StellaB, congats i'm glad you got your fo-ti.......i forgot to mention that the amino pills are big, i choked on the 1,500mg few times in the past, i have the smaller ones 1,000mg so their easier to swallow, you have to drink a lot of water, to get that down your throat.
I think I'm going to try and participate in this challenge, but since I'm already in the WL 08 challenge, this will just give me incentive to try harder at reaching my goal. I'm not on any specific regimen right now, I'm always switchin things up, but hopefully, I can remember to actually set a regimen this time and stick to it. However, here's what I have:

Current Length: MBL

VITS: Spirulina
B-50 complex
Prenatals (I use these as my multi-vits)
Liquid Silica
I'm real inconsistent with these, but I'm trying to get back on track with them, I guess I can start tonight.

Current regimen(?): Wash hair 2x/week --> poo wash; ayurveda wash
oil scalp nightly with oil of choice (amla, coconut, or shikakai)
oil scalp every morning with either BT or MTG
Wear hair daily in bun or braids or braid out
DC at least once per week, sometimes 2

I'm currently trying to find something that's simple and easy to stick with w/out straying. It's hard, especially when I find so many new things to try, but I'm making an effort to find something that works. So I'll give this challenge a couple of months to see if it's working for me.
Welcome girl, your midback right, i'm sure you'll get to waistlength before the challenge ends, you also have a good regi. i've added you to the challengers list.

I think I'm going to try and participate in this challenge, but since I'm already in the WL 08 challenge, this will just give me incentive to try harder at reaching my goal. I'm not on any specific regimen right now, I'm always switchin things up, but hopefully, I can remember to actually set a regimen this time and stick to it. However, here's what I have:

Current Length: MBL

VITS: Spirulina
B-50 complex
Prenatals (I use these as my multi-vits)
Liquid Silica
I'm real inconsistent with these, but I'm trying to get back on track with them, I guess I can start tonight.

Current regimen(?): Wash hair 2x/week --> poo wash; ayurveda wash
oil scalp nightly with oil of choice (amla, coconut, or shikakai)
oil scalp every morning with either BT or MTG
Wear hair daily in bun or braids or braid out
DC at least once per week, sometimes 2

I'm currently trying to find something that's simple and easy to stick with w/out straying. It's hard, especially when I find so many new things to try, but I'm making an effort to find something that works. So I'll give this challenge a couple of months to see if it's working for me.
Thank-you very much for taking the time to advise me :kiss: I'll give you some insight into my health problems, I was diagnosed with High blood pressure, since the age of 12, it has often reached alarming levels, where doctors have advised if i don't take medication I risk having a stroke.

last year, i was diagniosed with high cholesterol, there is also a history of diabetes in my family. I have asthma, insomnia, and problems with my womb, i don't have children. i'm going to print off this plan, its also LOW GI, which is imoprtant for me, as i would like to reduce sugary/starchy foods that trigger carb cravings.

I've already stocked up on evian mineral water and currently have no sodas in my house. I bought some Slimfast shakes because its LOW GI and something i could have in the morninings, is this good enough? I have 140LBS to lose, and i'm only 4,9 inches. i'm going to visit please write back with any more info, i can use to assist me. thank-you
Den1, we're gonna do this girl!:hug3: You are NOT those things that you have been diagnosed with, they are shells that you are going to peel off and leave behind.
First the blood pressure. The medication you are taking, although preventing you from having a stroke, is just masking the issue rather than removing it. I know you are already ingesting a bunch of stuff but should you choose to incorporate this- three simple and natural ways to lower your blood pressure
1) eat a fresh crushed clove of garlic every day (w/a meal)
2) eat an apple a day
3) walking 45 minutes to an hour everyday
Next, Diabetes and cholesterol. From what I have learned, and I truly believe, Diabetes and high cholesterol have sooo much more to do with the American diet than hereditary factors! I also have a history of both of those ailments as well as high blood pressure and obesity in my family but due to my eating habits, I am not subject to them. Families tend to pass down through generations their eating habits and styles of cooking so generations end up with the same sickness and disease but it doesn't have to go that way! Change the way you eat and think about food and you will change your health and life I promise you. Simple processed sugar is a killer and is disguised in so many foods. This is hard but you want to avoid at all cost-
1) soda
2) Juice that contains high fructose corn syrup
3) bread that contains high fructose corn syrup (read the ingredients on your bread... it's in most of them!)
4) pasta
5) white rice
6) doughnuts (this is about the worst thing on earth you can put in your body)
7) french fries (which are usually soaked in sugar before they are fried)
Take baby steps to permanently but slowly eliminate these poisons from your diet. Try to not have one of those things on the list for a week and then the next week eliminate another. Another thing that will really help with insulin regulation is to always eat your protein first at every meal.

Insomnia. Take a look at your before bed routine and bedroom surroundings. Electronic and radio wave emitting devices such as TV's, computers, phones, cell phones that are on and the like should be removed from the area where you sleep! When you can't get to sleep don't stress, this is a perfect time for prayer or meditation where you visualize yourself in perfect health (w/long healthy hair:grin:). concentrate on breathing deep and go to each body part from the feet up and relax the tension out of that muscle, then move to the next one and do the same thing until you reach the top of your head. Then, think about your life's wish list, any and everything that you want and that will make you healthy and happy. This is so powerful and fun and you may find yourself falling asleep before you get to finish visualizing all that good stuff:yep: It's about putting your mind at peace, letting go of tension in every muscle of your body so that you can drift off to sleep. Incorporating more physical activity during the day will also help you get to sleep better at night as well as having an herbal tea before bed. Please don't let a doc put you on sleep meds before you try these other things. is one of my favorite webs sites for health tips and natural remedies and it has a lot of info about asthma, look at it when you have a minute. And finally, I'm going to compile a list of herbs for uterine health but I think as you begin to eat clean, exercise and sleep more, a lot of your health issues will disappear. The water and shakes that you have are perfect! Keep a lot of veggies and lean meat in house as well. Let me know how everything is going, I'm so excited for you!
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I have a few biotin tablets to take to use up the bottle so I'm adding those until they are gone.

2000 mcg biotin per day

Also, I started taking the Gro-Aut Hair Stimulator vitamins today. If I feel good about them and can be consistent with them, I will take them the duration of the challenge.