The period panties was HILARIOUS because 2 of my co-workers who are married started DYING LAUGHING - apparently they had been there. And he wasn't asking like "uhhh, what's that all about?" but serious genuine confusion like "I don't get it".
About being in love with the idea of getting married - the wedding and the fantasy marriage. The 2.5 kids, the SUV and the sedan, the white picket fence, "being barefoot and pregnant" type thing.
When most women think of marriage they're not thinking of having discussions with their partner about finances, the fact that he can't wash a load of laundry to save his life, that he chews with his mouth open and loves to have a few beers on Sunday afternoons while watching football. They're thinking vows, and white dresses, and engagement rings and having someone to cuddle up to at night and never having to come home to an empty home and having someone who's SUPPOSED to always be on your side.
The IDEA of marriage as opposed to the REALITY of marriage.
And I can't front - I'm right there. I know what my IBM (Ideal Black Man) is. I've got my checklist. I'm in love with the idea of a man I've never met, might not ever meet, or might meet and be like 'yuck - no good!'. I've not given my number to a short dude because my IBM is 6'2" (dumb, yea I know, but I admit it) and then regretted it later. And I've looked at a man before and have thought "we would have SUCH cute babies" before my mind switched to 9 months of pregnancy and 8 hours of labor and that cute baby idea was GONE. HAHA.
We've got fantasies. Ain't nothing wrong with it, but we could at least be real about it and quit acting like the "perfect man" is something that men came up with because they feel inadequate, rather than something WE came up with that we compare EVERY MAN to
...but whom we've never really met, at least not when we were awake.