The Jheri Juice Challengeeeeee!!! Lets get our retention on point!!

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I have tried everything s-curl,hawaiian silky,stasofro,wave nevou and nothing and i mean NOTHING moisturizes my hair like Care Free Curl Gold it is my baby. I wanna join this is such a cute challenge!
Sign me up!!! I'm picking up my SCurl no drip before I go to class tonight. I had a jheri curl back in the day and I loved the way my hair looked and felt but my stylist kept over-lapping the jheri curl and it started to make my hair thin out so I went back to the creamy crack perm. Now i texturize only twice a year and I love it!! Thanks for starting this challenge!!!
what!? Adora you changed ur Avitar.. I finally can put a face with ur personality.. "I feelz like I knowz ya nah" Sophia (color purple) voice.. LoL im so pumped!! just came from the gym finna DC over night.. im rhet for some retention!!!

lol yess, ifs funny i dont even rememeber what my last avitar was :perplexed lol. yea this is one of many faces of adora :grin:

"i feels like yaz knows me now!":yep:
I know this is all off topic, but ADORA! Not only do you act like look just like her!:shocked: I had to do a double take! I'm going to have to find a picture and send it to you! :shocked:

lol:lachen:, im dying to see this picture now. lol wow i really didnt know my personality stood out like that on the pc, in person tho, my energy is

off the wall!! :grin::grin::grin:
Count me in as a semi-participator :look:

Can't use it every day (a lil too greassssy), but when I wear a bun or twistout bun, I'll be sure to soak it in the juice!
S-Curl worked wonders for me in the summer when I first BCed, not so much in the colder months. I read that this was normal? I may go back to S-Curl this summer.
I was walking around with the juice and a bag on my head yesterday...with a wig over it of course :lachen:

:lachen::lachen:"with a wig" lol thats how i use to be lol. then going to bathroom to lift wig up to look at my new growth, (hair was colored red). then if somebody came in bathroom id flip the wig down real fast :lachen:'

you are on the list now lady!! l thought l been put you on!
Thanks for telling me about this Jheri juice. I might not join the challenge in time because I want to finish up my current moisturisers first, but as soon as I do imma give it a go :D
last night I had a dream yall,:sleeping: that my hair was all curly
down my back, blowing in the wind:grin:, it was about six inches longer then it is right now...i think i saw my future yall!! becuase a year from now my hair will be six inches longer, if not more!
in this dream i was 20lbs lighter and i was wearing a lovely white sun dress, i looked like a fly mamacita! :bdance:you know that feeling of excitement and feel like you have to use the bathroom, :grin: thats how i felt.

just wanted to share.
Count me in. Ever since I big chopped back in 07 I complained of dry hair, someone recommended I use Worlds of Curls activator gel, maaaaan I don't know why i ever stopped using it. My hair grew so fast. I made bsl in less that 2 years. And my hair stayed soft and moisturized.

I tried out the CFC last night after I washed, so far so good. I'm excited to be using these again. :drunk:
Doesnt going on hair journeys and joining hair forums make you dream about hair alot?? Aint that a fool?! :lachen:

And in a year I still probably wont be where you are..smh :computer:

last night I had a dream yall,:sleeping: that my hair was all curly
down my back, blowing in the wind:grin:, it was about six inches longer then it is right now...i think i saw my future yall!! becuase a year from now my hair will be six inches longer, if not more!
in this dream i was 20lbs lighter and i was wearing a lovely white sun dress, i looked like a fly mamacita! :bdance:you know that feeling of excitement and feel like you have to use the bathroom, :grin: thats how i felt.

just wanted to share.
Question...I am transitioning so I have about 4" of new growth and the rest is still relaxed. I usually wear a bantu knot out fro. Will this work on the relaxed part without releasing the curls?
Question...I am transitioning so I have about 4" of new growth and the rest is still relaxed. I usually wear a bantu knot out fro. Will this work on the relaxed part without releasing the curls?

yup:yep:, you can use on relaxed or natural hair. just rub some in your hand then spread all over your head, and while separating your curls have some juice on your fingers. that will keep them well moisturized without messing up your curls.
Mmn, ok. Off to the BSS. Count me in. Thanks!

LOLOLOLOL!!!!! I'm telling my BF my plan as I'm typing this. Adorable white boy who is infinitely patient about my hair experiments. Asked if he's going to have to put shower caps on the head rests in his car. Such a comedian.
Hi Adaora - do you have to use a commercial jherri juice its just that most of them are laden with cones ect.

I already do something like this but I make my own from the following ingredients

Glycerin, Rose water, Giovanni direct leave in and 1/4 teaspoon of some of my fave oils.

Its essentially the Jherri juice but not does not have all the additives of jherri juce and also I can make limitless amounts of it myself from my ingredients stash :grin:

If so please sign me up as I usually spritz this onto my hair morning and night before I moisturize and seal.

x Stella
Hi Adaora - do you have to use a commercial jherri juice its just that most of them are laden with cones ect.

I already do something like this but I make my own from the following ingredients

Glycerin, Rose water, Giovanni direct leave in and 1/4 teaspoon of some of my fave oils.

Its essentially the Jherri juice but not does not have all the additives of jherri juce and also I can make limitless amounts of it myself from my ingredients stash :grin:

If so please sign me up as I usually spritz this onto my hair morning and night before I moisturize and seal.

x Stella

:grin::grin::grin: your juice sounds veryyy good. you on point with "the juice"
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