The great vitamin debate



Last night I noticed my nails are very healthy and firm. I never really took notice only because I never had a problem growing my nails. During the summer months my nails grow like crazy without taking care of them. During the winter months they grow, but they constantly break from the cold weather making them brittle. I have been taking vitamins and supplements for almost 4 months now. This leads me to believe the vitamins we take for our hair does not necessarily speed up the growth cycle. I believe the vitamins help make new growth strong and healthy therefore making us able to retain length. How quickly one's hair grows seems to be related to genetics and climate. I can only assume this mainly because one of the biggest complaints I hear on this about taking the vitamins/supplements is not noticing any difference in the growth pattern. Can anyone relate to what I'm saying or does it sound off???
I don't know--it seems that with many people, high amounts of biotin contribute to faster growth. I've also heard that aminos are speeding up growth also.

Me personally--I've been taking the Andrew Lessman vitamins and the first month I got 3/4 inch as opposed to my normal 1/2.
I've been taking some of the vit's in muy regime for a year and I noticed faster growth as well as thickness and I'm able to reatin more inches. But I had fast growing hair before but not this fast. My nails have always been short and now I have nails.
It seems as tho many ingredients in hair growth vitamins are RUMORED to promote hair growth. I could have sworn everyone was raving about Vitamin E for hairgrowth 2 years ago, and now it's biotin. More opinions?
i don't know about the climate and genetics. i do absolutely agree about that "the vitamins help make new growth strong and healthy therefore making us able to retain length." this is why i keep taking the "hair vitamins" even though my hair doesn't seem to be growing any faster. /images/graemlins/smile.gif

I have fine hair, and when I take my vitmains, my hair has grown tremendously. My fingernails would always split in the corner, but that no longer happen.
I totally understand what you are saying. I think that if a person has a crappy (I mean unhealthy) diet, then vitamins could help them to realize their full growth potential. Howmever, if someone's diet already contains the vitamins and minerals necessary for optimum hair growth, then vitamins won't make much of a difference. I took Boitin to increase my hair growth and it did nothing to speed it up. Looking back, I realized that my diet was already high in proteins, amino acids, and yes biotin. BTW, an unknown amount of biotin is produced by bacteria in the large intestine - yummy. Biotin
So far, all I can say is my hair falls waaayyy less when I detangle.
I am not sure about growth though. Yesterday, when oiling my hair, I noticed that the base was so tangled, and wondered how come I didn't detangle it in my last shampoo. Then I stanted wondering whether it was new growth or not. If it is, it means my hair is GROWING like weed.
I'll get it braided (i.e. plaited /images/graemlins/tongue.gif) next month and I'll measure.

I read recently on a website that MSM was the deal for hair growth, and Biotin and MSM are correlated so you need them in proportion (but none was given), and Horsetail was good for hair because of the MSM in it and not for the silica. /images/graemlins/smirk.gif ... The website sells MSM so...
But my current regimen is basically MSM and Biotin.
Also, there is this thing about black people's hair being low in sulfur.

My only way to check is my body hair and toe nails /images/graemlins/grin.gif and so far, it is doing well.
I can't measure my hair unless I have braids, and my finger nails are very strong.
But my underarm hairs are thicker now, and same for my toe nails. Plus I have this tangling thing I have to figure out.

I guess it is all a matter trial and error.
