The good boy mushy gushy I love him lots thread


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Is your husband amazing?
Is your boyfriend amazing?
Why do you love/like him so much?
What are some nice things he recently did for you?
Any cute inside jokes?
Cute pics?
Can u tell us a story about a situation or a time when you fell in love with him even more?

I feel all warm and sappy inside and I want to read about nice relationships and nice stories :love:
Yep, my SO is great!

I like the fact that he is 100% real, no matter who he is around. He doesn't try to act "hard" when he's around his friends/male cousins. He will hold my hand and kiss me whenever he feels like it.

We got into a fight recently, and to make amends, he downloaded the movie Little Giants for me to watch after work. I'd been whining and complaining about how I cant find that movie anywhere on DVD. It's one of my faves :yep:

I met him in 2004 and we lost touch after 2006 for a long time.(we didn't date during that time, he was actually kind of a jerk, so we just kept it as friends at the time) It wasn't until 2010 when I added him on FB, and not until November of last year that we actually started really talking again. He really didn't have the best life after he left the military, and he opened up about all his trials and tribulations. He went through a lot, and didn't a lot of support from his family...I always wondered what he was up to, but I just never reached out to him.

I have a somewhat recent pic when he was in the military but I dunno if he wants me to post that :laugh:. i don't have any of us together yet...
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He took my sew in out tonight. He has never seen my real hair since we've been dating-until now. So when he was done he saw the real me- a lady that hasn't had a perm in over two years with a head full of bushy 4a/b hair and said "I still would not trade you for the world." I love him.
- Why do you love/like him so much?
i like him because he appreciates me for who i am. plus he is amazingly upbeat and supportive, and sincere and genuine in his actions. he does things that annoy me sometimes, but i know he doesnt have any rabbits in the proverbial hat. he is trustworthy - someone i can trust. and that means a lot coming from me as i am the type of person who finds very few people worthy of trust.

- What are some nice things he recently did for you?
he puts up with my colossal beetchiness. but as far as a recent example, he took me to the mall and allowed me to take as much time as i liked, following around behind me, even though he finds shopping utterly boring.

Any cute inside jokes?
yeah, :lol: one day we were having a disagreement about something stupid - i think it was actually about the success of hunger games as a franchise :rofl: and when i was arguing my view, i condensed a bunch of points as a very deliberate "AND SIHT" as if it just totally shut down the conversation :lol: i probably said something like "it made a bunch of money AND SIHT" as if that was a clear indicator of me being unquestionably right. he called me out on it and we laughed, so now whenever we have a disagreement, the trump card is to pull out "AND SIHT" and tack it on to the end of your point :rofl:

- Cute pics?
i dont have any photos of the two of us together, unless you count this one that i just put on my blog today


took it in the car without him realizing, but i dont think it quite captures the quality i was trying to catch... there are some of him on my blog though.

- Can u tell us a story about a situation or a time when you fell in love with him even more?
a couple weeks ago we were winding down the night at his place, had had a couple drinks and were feeling relaxed and a little lighter, you know. i had my itunes on, and "flaws and all" was playing... and we were standing side by side in the bathroom brushing our teeth and making eye contact with a smile in the mirror and i thought oh em gee... this is a moment right here :infatuated:
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He took my sew in out tonight. He has never seen my real hair since we've been dating-until now. So when he was done he saw the real me- a lady that hasn't had a perm in over two years with a head full of bushy 4a/b hair and said "I still would not trade you for the world." I love him.

deltadreamland he took out your sew in!!!!! What a catch!!

my boyfriend loves my natural hair, hates my weaves... at least hates them after he knows they're weaves, cuz he never really knows :lol:
Is your husband amazing?
Is your boyfriend amazing?>>So far yes he is like no man I have ever been with. He knows just how to make me laugh and smile :)
Why do you love/like him so much?>>I like him alot because he likes me for me. He loves my natural hair and doesn't mind my post baby body. Have been insecure about my stomach since I had my daughter.
What are some nice things he recently did for you?>>We started dating after my bday and he wanted to take me out for my birthday and refused no as an answer.
Any cute inside jokes? >>Yes :)
Cute pics?>>Not yet,we are usually having so much fun with each other I forget about taking pictures :)
Can u tell us a story about a situation or a time when you fell in love with him even more?>>Yesterday on his Birthday. I took him out and all he wanted to do was take care of me.
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We listen to Pandora and he dances for me. It is pure comedy and it makes me giggle like a little kid.
deltadreamland said:
He took my sew in out tonight. He has never seen my real hair since we've been dating-until now. So when he was done he saw the real me- a lady that hasn't had a perm in over two years with a head full of bushy 4a/b hair and said "I still would not trade you for the world." I love him.

Is your husband amazing? More than words can describe!

Why do you love/like him so much? He treats me like a queen. He thinks the world of me as I do him. He is very open and understanding and we are like two peas in a pod.

What are some nice things he recently did for you? Lately I have been working at night & even though he works way more hours than me he'll always have dinner waiting for me when I get home :love:

Any cute inside jokes? too many to list :lol:

Cute pics? I'm on the work computer so I don't have any to share :sad:

Can u tell us a story about a situation or a time when you fell in love with him even more? one time we were arguing about something so stupid and I went to work mad. I came home and there was a single rose on the nightstand & a I'm sorry note. I never received a rose or flowers from anyone before & I don't know why but that gesture was so nice to me. That made me love him even more!
Is your boyfriend amazing? Yes!!:yep:

Why do you love/like him so much? He has me in his BEST interest.

What are some nice things he recently did for you? The motor went out on my windshield wipers, during the rainy season. I was a damsel in distress:nono: I knew it was going to cost a LOT & I didn't have that much $$. The next day I took his car and he took mines to see what the problem is. He text me later saying $700 & it'd be ready the next day. He had taken care of it.
Any cute inside jokes? One day we had some friends over, we were eating and drinking. I went to refill his glass and gave it back to him. He started drinking it and then stuck his finger in the glass, held it up to the light; he repeated this a couple of times. I was like babe whats wrong? He said there's a bug in my drink!?! I took his glass....looked at it. I said babe that's the logo on the glass. :lol: So now evertime he goes and fixes me a drink, I request it with no bugs:lol:

Cute pics? Can't post he'd kill me.:yep:

Can u tell us a story about a situation or a time when you fell in love with him even more? See the story above. I wasn't expecting him to do that for me. I was quite SHOCKED. He said if we're in a relationship together, your problems are my problems. If I got got it. I wouldn't be a man if I was to let you ride around with no windshield wipers. Aside from getting a ticket, it dangerous. I was like Awwww him really cares for me :love:. My mom agreed as well....stating he's a keeper :yep:

Here's mines....
meesch said:
- Why do you love/like him so much?
i like him because he appreciates me for who i am. plus he is amazingly upbeat and supportive, and sincere and genuine in his actions. he does things that annoy me sometimes, but i know he doesnt have any rabbits in the proverbial hat. he is trustworthy - someone i can trust. and that means a lot coming from me as i am the type of person who finds very few people worthy of trust.

- What are some nice things he recently did for you?
he puts up with my colossal beetchiness. but as far as a recent example, he took me to the mall and allowed me to take as much time as i liked, following around behind me, even though he finds shopping utterly boring.

Any cute inside jokes?
yeah, :lol: one day we were having a disagreement about something stupid - i think it was actually about the success of hunger games as a franchise :rofl: and when i was arguing my view, i condensed a bunch of points as a very deliberate "AND SIHT" as if it just totally shut down the conversation :lol: i probably said something like "it made a bunch of money AND SIHT" as if that was a clear indicator of me being unquestionably right. he called me out on it and we laughed, so now whenever we have a disagreement, the trump card is to pull out "AND SIHT" and tack it on to the end of your point :rofl:

- Cute pics?
i dont have any photos of the two of us together, unless you count this one that i just put on my blog today

took it in the car without him realizing, but i dont think it quite captures the quality i was trying to catch... there are some of him on my blog though.

- Can u tell us a story about a situation or a time when you fell in love with him even more?
a couple weeks ago we were winding down the night at his place, had had a couple drinks and were feeling relaxed and a little lighter, you know. i had my itunes on, and "flaws and all" was playing... and we were standing side by side in the bathroom brushing our teeth and making eye contact with a smile in the mirror and i thought oh em gee... this is a moment right here :infatuated:

So funny!! I took a similar image in my instagram today, great minds :D

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