Well-Known Member
Do people think of sex and desire for it as dirty and sinful? It's beautiful and G-d created the mechanics of it. We are higher animals with a soul and the ability to reason. Sex fulfills it purpose under G-d's plan, that's where sin can come into play - not that we desire it because it's innate, but that it's fulfilled within the confines of marriage for the purposes of preocreation and love of the family. It's also the higher order of things. I don't think that one is less spiritual for desiring to have sex. Without that innate desire, no one would marry. What for? It's a necessary part of marriage and few are the marriage that survive without sex. It is an holy act.
What about those who are physically unable to have sex? This is why I strongly disagree with your assessment. There are people who still manage to have lasting marriages despite sexual limitations. That's why I don't believe that sex has the importance that you are referencing. It is a PART of marriage. And while it doesn't make you less spiritual to desire sex, wanting to get married solely for sex or primarily for sex isn't spiritual. People can quote that scripture all day about it being better to marry than to burn, but it still isn't God's intention for you to run out and just get married to any ole man and use that scripture to justify it. It still doesn't mean He will bless that union. I also don't believe sex is a holy act. That's not the same as saying it is dirty and sinful. I just think people try to attach a more holy and spiritual meaning to it than it deserves so they can continue to excuse their lust.
So back to my original question in this post, what if you marry a man and he is physically unable to have sex? Lets say you waited until marriage to have sex only for both of you to discover this problem Nw based on the moaning about not having a mate in this thread and talking about companionship and having someone next to you at night and to hold your hand, what happens if that's ALL he can do? What if God sends you a mate like that? What then?