The End of a Long-Term Transition: VERY PIC HEAVY!!!


Well-Known Member
Yes ladies, this is long over due as I did my BC, (or medium chop I should say), back on August 3 after a 25 ½ month transition. I just been soo busy (barely have time for LHCF anymore :sad:), and I know when I made my thread, I had to come correct. LOL. So, sorry to post so late…

Anyways, the relaxed ends ranged from 2-5 inches in length. If I can do it all over again, I would definitely do the long-term transition again. I am so happy with the time I did it, and I am so happy with my hair. I used to think people were exaggerating whenever they would express how happy they were with their natural hair, but I CAN COMPLETELY AGREE….

Anyways, here are pics from the very beginning of my journey, to the chopping process, to the finished results and all are in chronological order: (captions underneath pics)


(Aug 2008): Where it all began and i was relaxed... (However, my LAST RELAXER wasn’t till June 16th, 2009, and I decided to go natural August 2009 when I was 2 months post.)


(FFWD to July 24 2011): My VERY FIRST braid out attempt ever on transitioning hair after I took out my last weave.


(July 24 2011) The up close texture of the braid out


(July 30th) After I flat ironed my transitioning hair: this was when I decided it is definitely time to cut… them ends looked horrible and I had enough of holding on. So, 4 days later when I had time, I would cut my ends off. The shirt is a little off to indicate where my bra is.


(Aug 3rd): I prepared to cut by sectioning my flat-ironed hair into a bunch of ponytails so I can keep control of what I’m doing


I wet my hair to distinguish natural hair from relaxed hair


snip, snip


some of the wet relaxed ends


end results…


(Aug 2011): a day or two after the chop… my walk-around-the-house hair, getting used to wearing it natural.


blow dried hair w/ some relaxed ends peeking through.. still gotta cut


First hairstyle I wore out w/ my natural hair… no props.. lol


messin around in the house…


(Aug 10th): Got hair flat ironed to do a second trim and make hair even and do a length check of my completely new head of all-natural hair.


(Aug 10th): About an inch away from APL; not too bad for two trim/cut sessions.. lol.


Texture of flat ironed hair… no chemicals..


pony tail on flat ironed hair after a week old…


After two weeks of wearing hair flat ironed, I started back experimenting w/ my natural hair… this was a twist out (one of my faves so far).. I will not be flat ironing my hair till next year. So, I’m getting used to styling my natural hair.


another style I’ve done on my hair..

Thank you ladies for viewing my pics. I cannot believe I am fully natural now, but I am loving every minute of it. Still discovering different styles… Thank you all for all the information and for the long-term transitioning support!!! Also, it seems that my hair is retaining much better; it is already growing, noticeably, from the time I chopped, to now (Sep 20th). I hope I didn’t overwhelm yall w/ pics.. lol..
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great pictures. :yep: and I love your hair. Thanks for sharing. My best friend is in the process of a long-term transition as well. Definitely going to be sharing this with her.
Absolutely stunning! I love the extensive picture trail!

This is exactly the way I will transition. No bc for me.

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Your hair is beautiful! Nice and thick. I really like the way you sectioned your hair off before your BC. I wish I had known about it before I did mine. I just got frustrated and started cutting. :lachen: It was every bit of uneven...but like you, I loved my natural hair.

Congratulations on the beautiful progress you've made!
nice, you're the second persn Ive witnessed who's long term transition has made me kinda wish I had transitioned .... kinda lol

lovey hair
Thank you guys for the kind words!!! Again, I am really glad I did it this way. It can be done. My advice is low manipulation, and while transitioning, I wore it either in a protective style (like weaves, wigs), or when out, I wore it flat ironed to keep the two textures similar.
amazing Congratulations and thanks so much for this post!!!:dance7: You're hair is gorgeous. You are trully an inspiration. Could you give us some insight on what your regimen was and what definitely helped during your transition?
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LOVE the thickness! How did you get it strait in the ponytail pics? Oh ok flat ironed. Did you do it yourself?