The End of a Long-Term Transition: VERY PIC HEAVY!!!

Congrats on your chop, your hair looks great! I'm sure you are an inspiration to other long term transitioners.

p.s. your twist out looks great!
I parted with my ends after 12 months but this is an awesome guide on how to do a long term transition correctly. Simply beautiful! Congrats, Lady!
I abolutely LOVE Your bun...I was going to BC after a year of transitioning... now im strongly against it!
Now that's how you transition! I am so jealous that you hung in so long and you it looked great the whole time! It's even more beautiful now too! Congrats!
Congrats on your final BC! Your hair is gorgeous and looks so healthy! I especially love the thick pony on your flat-ironed hair ( with the fabulous peacock earrings). Thanks for sharing.
Congratulations, Amazing!:congrats: I was wondering how you were doing. Awesome progress! I wish I could have held out and had a long-term transition.:yep: Your hair is beautiful! Keep up the good work!
Beautiful hair! Love it! I wish i could do the transition, I always get to 5-6 months and end up relaxing!
I really enjoyed those pics OP- they should serve as inspiration to those transitioning and based on your progress it looks like doing a long term transition is the way to go!

Great job!
i loved this thread! your hair looks like your name suggests, Amazing! You ever tried braid outs? You may like those as well.
AWW!!! You ladies are awesome!!!!!! Thank you all for the very lovely comments!!!!! =).... I really, really appreciate every one of them!!! :yep:

i loved this thread! your hair looks like your name suggests, Amazing! You ever tried braid outs? You may like those as well.
Yeah, I actually like braid outs as well. I've done them before, (see second pic), but I'ma def try braid outs more esp since now I'm all natural, because I did like the way it came out!!

Congratulations, Amazing!:congrats: I was wondering how you were doing. Awesome progress! I wish I could have held out and had a long-term transition.:yep: Your hair is beautiful! Keep up the good work!
Aww, thanks girl!! Yep, I hung in there. I cant believe I'm fully natural now!! But I don't regret it one bit!!! How's ur hair coming along?? Great, I'm sure!!

I abolutely LOVE Your bun...I was going to BC after a year of transitioning... now im strongly against it!
hehehe... yes girl, push until you cant push no more. I was actually supposed to wait 'til the end of the year, but then again, sometimes, you gotta go w/ your hair too. I don't think my hair could have taken anymore. LOL.. especially after the washing part and then seeing it in its flat ironed state.
Absolutely stunning! I love the extensive picture trail!

This is exactly the way I will transition. No bc for me.

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Agreed on all counts! I don't plan to transition anytime soon, but sometime in my thirties, definitely and long term will be the way I will go!
Your hair is absolutely beautifullll!!!!!! It makes me want to give transitioning a try. I might do it one day since I wear weaves to grow out my hair anyway.
amazing, your hair looks AMAZING! :lol: sorry i couldn't resist. but really though. you've done a really good job keeping your hair looking so healthy. wow. looking forward to seeing the rest of your progress (and your tutorial for getting your hair so straight)
LOVE the thickness! How did you get it strait in the ponytail pics? Oh ok flat ironed. Did you do it yourself?

I came back to this because I said I did it myself (thinking you was talking about the bunch of ponytails prior to chopping), but then i realized, after reading alive comment below, that you prolly was talking about the ponytail with the peacock earring.. and no, i didn't do that one myself!! :-(...

amazing, your hair looks AMAZING! :lol: sorry i couldn't resist. but really though. you've done a really good job keeping your hair looking so healthy. wow. looking forward to seeing the rest of your progress (and your tutorial for getting your hair so straight)

I wish I can give you a tutorial. i only flat ironed my transitioning hair (which wasn't that straight), but the latter pics that shows my natural length, I didn't do that. But the lady who did it used H2ion and a flat iron that you put in the metal stove thingy.