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He threw away my new pairs of shoes :cry4:

I bought 3-4 pairs of shoes, and tried them on last night. I put them back in the box and left them in the original big box that it came in. Well today after I wole up form my nap ( which was 30 minutes ago) and noticed the box is not around....okay.... maybe sweetheart put it up somewhere.....okay wheres my box of shoes....*panic* WHERE IS MY BOX OF SHOES!?!?!?!?

He accidentally threw them away in the dumpster!!!

Me: You didn't think something was weird about throwing away a box that is not heavy??

Him: ....I was wondering why it was heavy..........

:cry4: :cry4: :cry4:

I was about to cry on the phone, and he feels bad and apologized. I know it was an accident but DAYYYYUMMMM baby!! You should have looked in the box!!! Whhhhhhy????


Okay....Its ya'lls turn. I need someone to hold me :cry:
Sounds like sabotage to me...

Which makes me ask:
Are we talking intentionally or accidentally "dumb"?

Sent from my T-Mobile G2
Are you serious? You can't be serious.....If I were you, he would be dead! He better get his arse out there and get those shoes out of the dumpster. They should still be clean....or you can mail them back and reorder them later/from another site.
Are you serious? You can't be serious.....If I were you, he would be dead! He better get his arse out there and get those shoes out of the dumpster. They should still be clean....or you can mail them back and reorder them later/from another site.

:tantrum: but i dont wanna re-order. It took hell for me to ge t those darn shoes and I probably wont be ablte to find them in my size now!! :sad:
OMG. If my SO did that to me...


The worst thing he's done in 2 years of dating is not as bad as throwing out 4 brand new shoes (I'm still :eek: at that!!!). I'm a huge comic book/anime/manga/sci-fi/fantasy fan, and I look forward to Comic-Con every year, it's the highlight of my existence. I spent 8 months on my costume. I talked to him about it every day. I emailed him about it many times. He lives with me. There is no possible way he can have 'missed' the memo about Comic-Con. He sees me sewing non-stop and agreed to be the Cyclops to my Storm (X-men characters) And yet when the big day comes this muthaf*cker schedules a bowling outing with his co-workers, talking about he forgot. :nono: Refuses to reschedule even though he can bowl anytime and this is an annual event that we have already paid to attend. That really sucked. Not as bad as 4 new shoes though! :nono: :bat:
I think the below is worst than the shoes. I really could not forgive him if he said he "forgot" because obviously his actions are telling you he didn't want to go even AFTER he didn't want to reschedule.

At least the shoes were a mistake, though it may not be able to be fixed, your SO had the chance to fix it and he chose not to..:perplexed

OMG. If my SO did that to me...


The worst thing he's done in 2 years of dating is not as bad as throwing out 4 brand new shoes (I'm still :eek: at that!!!). I'm a huge comic book/anime/manga/sci-fi/fantasy fan, and I look forward to Comic-Con every year, it's the highlight of my existence. I spent 8 months on my costume. I talked to him about it every day. I emailed him about it many times. He lives with me. There is no possible way he can have 'missed' the memo about Comic-Con. He sees me sewing non-stop and agreed to be the Cyclops to my Storm (X-men characters) And yet when the big day comes this muthaf*cker schedules a bowling outing with his co-workers, talking about he forgot. :nono: Refuses to reschedule even though he can bowl anytime and this is an annual event that we have already paid to attend. That really sucked. Not as bad as 4 new shoes though! :nono: :bat:
I think the below is worst than the shoes. I really could not forgive him if he said he "forgot" because obviously his actions are telling you he didn't want to go even AFTER he didn't want to reschedule.

At least the shoes were a mistake, though it may not be able to be fixed, your SO had the chance to fix it and he chose not to..:perplexed

Yeah, I was really pissed. He did go with me on Saturday and wear his costume, but he left very early to go bowling with his damn co-workers. And he didn't come at all on the other 2 days (it was a 3 day convention.). He likes comics and all but it's clearly not as important to him as it is to me. He could have said that BEFORE I spent $65 on his ticket. :ohwell: He paid for his own ticket this year. :lol:
sorry, but i'm not buyin that....

i think it was intentional. how is it you can pick up a box, a shoe box at that, and not know that there are a pair of shoes in it???

all his shyt would be outside in da dumpster....
sorry, but i'm not buyin that....

i think it was intentional. how is it you can pick up a box, a shoe box at that, and not know that there are a pair of shoes in it???

all his shyt would be outside in da dumpster....

Thats what I asked him and he said he didnt know, he thought there was just trash in it :perplexed Nah, it wasn't intentional. He didn't know it wasn't empty. ( which I still don't understand) but he climbed into the dumpster and looked for them........they're already somewhere in a landfill.
↑ He climbed into the dumpster?
:lol: Aww. Okay.

I've been trying to think of the "dumbest" story I've experienced, cause I know there have been plenty, but I'm easily amused by stupid accidents (including my own) and usually try and keep it moving to avoid him feeling embarrassment.
Nothing like trashing my shoes or standing me up though. That type of accident would not end so well.
More like buying the wrong brand or forgetting my email address.

If we're talking intentionally, then that's a different post.

Sent from my T-Mobile G2
↑ He climbed into the dumpster?:lol: Aww. Okay.

:lol: Yep He climbed right on in there like nothing. I tried not be hard on him on him because it was an honest mistake on his part and they're just GOSH IT HURTS ME TO SAY THIS!! shoes :look:

ETA: He just put in a new order for my shoes...(yay!) including a gift certificate to a spa because he felt so bad.
Well at least they can be replaced.

I've been trying to think of the "dumbest" story I've experienced, cause I know there have been plenty, but I'm easily amused by stupid accidents (including my own) and usually try and keep it moving to avoid him feeling embarrassment.
Nothing like trashing my shoes or standing me up though. That type of accident would not end so well.--

Now someone standing another person up.....I DO NOT find that to be an accident at all. Thats like basically telling someone you forgot about them. :ohwell:
:lol: Yep He climbed right on in there like nothing. I tried not be hard on him on him because it was an honest mistake on his part and they're just GOSH IT HURTS ME TO SAY THIS!! shoes :look:

ETA: He just put in a new order for my shoes...(yay!) including a gift certificate to a spa because he felt so bad.
Well at least they can be replaced.

If he hadn't climbed into that dumpster it would have been his damn dead behind in the dumpster! Too bad they were already gone. :nono: But kudos to him for ordering new shoes PLUS a trip to the spa. You got a good deal! You could milk this for awhile.....:look:
Wow...that's almost grounds for a break up! :lol: But seriously, how can I trust you if you throw stuff out without looking in the box or asking me about it. Common sense would tell you that. He'd get the serious side-eye for that one. (smh)

Hopefully they weren't expensive shoes. I would be peeeeeiiiiissssssed!
I hope they weren't Jimmy Choos or Manolo Blahniks!

No they were not. Then I would REALLY have to :210: him. and open a thread on advice where I should hide his body... :look:

If he hadn't climbed into that dumpster it would have been his damn dead behind in the dumpster! Too bad they were already gone. :nono: But kudos to him for ordering new shoes PLUS a trip to the spa. You got a good deal! You could milk this for awhile.....:look:

I'm milking the hell out of this until it dies :grin:

Wow...that's almost grounds for a break up! :lol: But seriously, how can I trust you if you throw stuff out without looking in the box or asking me about it. Common sense would tell you that. He'd get the serious side-eye for that one. (smh)

Hopefully they weren't expensive shoes. I would be peeeeeiiiiissssssed!

No, they weren't expensive. My order all together was about $300.