Ohh.. I wish posted updates and took photos. So from January to End of February. I got twists extensions. I'm at the point that I feel that twist extensions will knot my hair up during take down time. So I'm not going to that anymore.

From March to April - I got my own hair cornrowed to a french braid in the middle. with bangs in front.

I got my hair cornrowed again. :( Not to pleased with the process. The hair dresser are always complaining about my texture. Like they cant comb through it.
The raked my hair with a small tooth comb. :(
Just put in MBL kinky twists tonight. I was getting so fed up with crochet braids so I took them out last night. I'm hoping to wear twists until the end of the year while paying close attention to my edges to make sure they don't suffer.
I've been out of my beehive for about a month, but I've been wearing my hair in a big french braid (that counts right) but I think i'm ready to put my hair back up this weekend
Checking in! I didn't make the 8 weeks for my sew in I got tired of the style. I wore my hair cornrowed for a week and I just recently installed sengelese twists. Hopefully I wont get tired of this style after 5 weeks.
I finally took out my full head sew-in (10 weeks)! I'm rocking my natural hair for the first time ever for two weeks :)
Checking in for April. I'll be re-braiding on Saturday. I can't wait to see if it grew. I'm gonna wash on Thursday, apply Sulfur 8 to my scalp on Friday and rebraid on Saturday. I'm still going strong and as I love to say, it saves me from doing my hair every morning.
Forgot to check in after taking down my braids last week! Just took down some two strand twists that I had put in and I decided to give my hair a two week hiatus before I braid again. I plan on getting kinky twists next time. Right now I'm experimenting with Joico products; I used the protein reconstructor and it seems to be working pretty well. I am also using the moisture recovery balm. I think I will do one more protein treatment next week before I re-braid. Happy braiding ladies!
I'm still braided up under my wig. I've been braided up so long lost track how many weeks. I may rebraid on my Spring Break. My hair looks a mess but I've done long stretches before so I'm not too worried about rebraiding.
Hi Ladies,

I am not in this challenge but I do wear my hair in braids all the time. One thing I just haven't gotten clear. Should I braid my hair all the way down to the last hair or stop a few inches and curl. Or does it matter as long as I keep my ends moist. I have been wondering if I am stressing my natural hair on the ends.

Appreciate the help:yep:
Hi Ladies,

I am not in this challenge but I do wear my hair in braids all the time. One thing I just haven't gotten clear. Should I braid my hair all the way down to the last hair or stop a few inches and curl. Or does it matter as long as I keep my ends moist. I have been wondering if I am stressing my natural hair on the ends.

Appreciate the help:yep:

I braid the whole length and roll my ends on satin rollers.
Still in the same braids since January! I really need to find a braider in London now that I'm living outside of the US. I want to wait until May to get them done (bad I know), but I will redo some of them tonight. It looks like they're twisting in some places and I don't want to lose ANY hair if it's not due to natural shedding!
i've been in braids since the end of February. i ain't taking these suckers out until at least another 4 weeks.:yep:
Checking in. Had a small set back. I rebraid about every 1 1/2 weeks and got a little crazy with the Tangle Teezer. Now my ends are crunchy so the scissors are coming out. HHG ladies
Sooooo, after a long time I'm posting, due to technical difficulties I was absent for close to 2 months.

During that time I passed my 1yr bc anniversary. Was able to achieve a puff and did some awesome braidouts. Now onto the pics. case there have been some new regulations in my absence, below you will find a link for an album. Sorry to take you offsite.

password: lhcfstuff
So I took out my braids last week with intentions of taking a 2 week break before the next installment...well I ended up doing a big chop so I'm all natural now! I still plan to braid it up for the rest of the year. Just checking in and updating y'all....
Checking in for May. I just took down the twists and I have run out of styles. I guess I will just attempt to wear my hair in cornrows for about 2 weeks with a wig and then go from there.

Oh....Ladybelle I noticed that once I detangled my hair from taking down the twists i did have quite a bit of hair in my wide tooth comb and when I shampooed my hair some more came out. I dont know if it was more than normal but I guess I will compare it the next time I get an install. Did the DC help?
Checking in for May. I just took down the twists and I have run out of styles. I guess I will just attempt to wear my hair in cornrows for about 2 weeks with a wig and then go from there.

Oh....Ladybelle I noticed that once I detangled my hair from taking down the twists i did have quite a bit of hair in my wide tooth comb and when I shampooed my hair some more came out. I dont know if it was more than normal but I guess I will compare it the next time I get an install. Did the DC help?

The dc didnt help, i have been so frustrated that I want to cut it all off and start over!!! I really think its stress. Sorry i couldnt be more help. Im going back into senegalese twist tomorrow.

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I've been back in braids for the last two weeks after taking a break for a week. I actually lasted a whole week thanks to you ladies. Everybody stay strong!
I am still in braids. I rebraided all of them about a month ago and I have been slowly rebraiding braids individually when I feel like they look too shabby.
Got crochets. It was a process. Since I did the hair installation 3 times over.

Had the cornrows at a hair braiding place they did it straight back : /

1. micro-braids = failed
2. model model brazillian curl (very nice hair) = failed
3. freetress water wave = pass !!!

Mental Note = Learn to follow directions.
Just checking in. I have been diligently installing kinky twists and when it's time for a break braiding my hair under wigs. I am going to remove this set at the end of this month and reinstall in June. For me, kinky twist will be my go to growing style. My hair responds well to it, and I don't damage my hair either in the installment or removal process. I just change the color when I get bored.
Checking in. Still in the braids.

I heard an interesting interview with Kimmytube. She has a theory about people that are more comfortable in protective styles. She compared introverts (like protective styles) to extroverts (like to play with hair). She also said that she is no psychologist. I did have to give a thoughtful 'mmmm' to her theory
Checking in. Still in the braids.

I heard an interesting interview with Kimmytube. She has a theory about people that are more comfortable in protective styles. She compared introverts (like protective styles) to extroverts (like to play with hair). She also said that she is no psychologist. I did have to give a thoughtful 'mmmm' to her theory

That is interesting. I took the Myers-Briggs test four times, and I always came out as an introvert - even though I feel like I am an extrovert. But I wear my hair in protective styles 99% of the time.