Hi all,
I'm wearing my hair in natural plaits for two weeks at a time. It's almost time for my eight week PS but I haven't decided which one I'm doing this time. I'll check back in when I've decided. HHJ!:)
For those that do senegalese twist, have you notice a difference in hair growth versus micros? Are senegalese harder to maintain and do they last as long? I'm thinking about getting some installed this morning for the first time

I have wanted senegalese twist for quite some time. Did you get them installed? I have the same questions as well so hopefully we will get a response.
I am all rebraided and got some good growth for month 1. Looking forward to getting the same amount this month too. Also, I snipped about 1/4th off my ends during the rebraid. I still needed to cut some of my ends from my year end trim.
I have wanted senegalese twist for quite some time. Did you get them installed? I have the same questions as well so hopefully we will get a response.

For those that do senegalese twist, have you notice a difference in hair growth versus micros? Are senegalese harder to maintain and do they last as long? I'm thinking about getting some installed this morning for the first time

I've done Senegalese twist before with no problems, especially not the problems I had with micros. If you've done kinky twist, they are very similar to that, the only difference is the type of hair they use. My hair grows the same in senegalese as they do most other braids. The only type of braids I avoid are micro or mini anything - other than that, you should be fine.
how much hair is everyone losing after they take down an install?? I took mine out last night and had quite a bit of hair shed. Just curious to know what's normal.

I'm currently doing an all day dc & will take a two week break before my next install.
It's been awhile but I'm checking in, still in my full head weave. I'm keeping it for 10 weeks and I'm 5 weeks right now I can do it. Hope all is well with you ladies.
Checking in--still doing my 2 thick cornrows under my wigs/LFs. Looking at cornrow styles; possibly getting my hair braided with extensions this week.
I got a weave put in yesterday so I am rocking out "all around the world" style until I can no longer stand it. **Hoping this will last 8 weeks**
Checkin in!! Still rocking the sew in. I shampooed and conditioned last Saturday. I thought about sitting under the dryer but changed my mind since I wasn't leaving the house anytime soon. I let is air dry and then used my Caruso to add curls. Its been 3 weeks so far. Hoping for 10-12 weeks. Have a great weekend ladies!!
Well, it's taken a minute for me to figure out what long term PS style I wanted to do. Just for a change of pace, I've decided to do a full sew-in with RHO's kinky curly hair. I will still follow the same C&G regimen. I'll be installing it myself next week because I don't trust anyone else in my
I plan keep it installed for 8 -10 weeks max. I'll put a new pic up when it's done. HHJs!
I got a weave put in yesterday so I am rocking out "all around the world" style until I can no longer stand it. **Hoping this will last 8 weeks**
Btw, I've been meaning to say that love your hair! The thickness is absolutely gorgeous!:grin:
I'm currently still in box braids. It is week 4 and I feel an urge to take them down. I think I can make it to week 8
Checkin in!! Still rocking the sew in. I shampooed and conditioned last Saturday. I thought about sitting under the dryer but changed my mind since I wasn't leaving the house anytime soon. I let is air dry and then used my Caruso to add curls. Its been 3 weeks so far. Hoping for 10-12 weeks. Have a great weekend ladies!!

10-12 weeks? I hope you make it.

Well, it's taken a minute for me to figure out what long term PS style I wanted to do. Just for a change of pace, I've decided to do a full sew-in with RHO's kinky curly hair. I will still follow the same C&G regimen. I'll be installing it myself next week because I don't trust anyone else in my
I plan keep it installed for 8 -10 weeks max. I'll put a new pic up when it's done. HHJs!

I wish I had enough skills to even attempt a sew in. Good luck and please post pics. It seems like everyone is aiming for at least 10 weeks with their sew in...I'm only shooting for 8 but now I'm wondering if I should try and aim for 10. Week 4 is always the hardest for me but we shall see.

Btw, I've been meaning to say that love your hair! The thickness is absolutely gorgeous!:grin:

Thanks!! :grin:
I just had kinky twists(with extension hair) put in 2day. I might leave it in for 4-6 weeks, depending on how loose they get from new growth. I
I wish I had enough skills to even attempt a sew in. Good luck and please post pics. It seems like everyone is aiming for at least 10 weeks with their sew in...I'm only shooting for 8 but now I'm wondering if I should try and aim for 10. Week 4 is always the hardest for me but we shall see.

Hun, I don't know if I'll even last 4 weeks :lachen:but I will do my best to hold out for at least 8.
Btw, it's not that difficult to diy a weave as long as you can cornrow. Check out YT for tutorials. I've never worn a lot of weaves (too hot and itchy :lol:) but I've done loads for my friends and family. There is only one person I've trusted to do mine but she lives hundreds of miles away so I started doing my own.
It's a great skill to pick-up so give it a go!:grin:
I have been wearing cornrows under my wigs, I took them out, steamed and put it my Kinky twists this weekend, will try to keep it for 3 months. I have had to take them out at about 1.5 months in the past because of new growth, but I think maybe if I get a hairband to hide the front I can keep them in longer?? idk, we'll see. Since, I have been extremely lazy with my hair in the new year, I will be increasing my moisture regimen while in these twist. I hope that doesn't affect their appearance.
Hey ladies just checking in! :wave: I shampooed and conditioned my hair last Saturday. I have about 7 more weeks left. The hair is holding up well it bounced right back to its normal shape.
Wearing my cornrows under my wigs going strong.... almost 1/4 of a way through the challenge no signs of stopping!
I'm wearing crochet braids right now. Will take out the hair, wash the cornrows and reinstall another set of crochet braids
Checking In!

I’m still braiding/wigging it up, and I’m not missing my hair all that much either. I don’t think I will take any more ‘hair breaks’ until my natural hair anniversary in mid July, by then I’m expecting my hair to be near full waist length-- heck it better be. I just will continue to braid it up back to back, so far its working out pretty well.

Checking in for March: I decided not to rebraid for March. I have not been using the sulfur the way I should so I am having normal growth as opposed to the extreme growth I was having using it (Why am I not using it again?. . . Laziness). I will probably rebraid in April before Easter. HHG
Also still in braids with my wigs on top. Im still planning on relaxing between may-june to do a lenght check
Ladybelle, I know what you mean. I don't usually like doing my hair(the truth is that I don't know how), but I'm starting to miss it. I've been consistenly wearing braids, but I was naughty, and I didn't take a break before rebraiding. I hope I won't regret it. Stay strong everybody.
Ladybelle, I know what you mean. I don't usually like doing my hair(the truth is that I don't know how), but I'm starting to miss it. I've been consistenly wearing braids, but I was naughty, and I didn't take a break before rebraiding. I hope I won't regret it. Stay strong everybody.

We are >>here<<. :yep: When it's down, I get tired of having to deal with it, but when it's up, I miss not dealing with it. It's a catch 22 I suppose.

Trying to hang tough as you said though, we're almost half way there! :)