Bunning Challenge for 2011.


Butterfly Bun (only because of my hair candy is a butterfly).
@sunnieb - how you like the new gadget?

divachyk - I love them! I'm going to order them in brown if they are available. All I do is swoop my hair up like I'm about to do a french roll and slide the combs in. That's it! It's perfect for my busy mornings getting ready for work.

I'm 14 weeks post tomorrow and the combs went in through my newgrowth with no troubles. :grin:
Today I purchased some cute hair candy - a multicolor peacock looking feather. Will post a pic when I wear it.

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Hi, I'd love to join:

Name: Princesslocks
Starting length: Shoulder Length
Method of bunning: wet bunning/bunning on dry hair
# of days you will be bunning: 5-6 days
Starting Pic: (I don't have one just yet) It's much shorter that my siggy. Will post as soon as I can.
All you ladies have such beautiful hair and bun designs! My buns are pretty boring, lol. Recently, (like last night) I decided to begin flat-ironing/pressing my natural hair to make it more manageable and also so that I can do more styles (due to shrinkage it is hard to even get my hair to stay in a bun without use of pins and scrunchies).

Also, I think flat-ironing will help in the health and maintenance of my hair (though it's healthy, I noticed I do get SSKs and mats, and only way to prevent them is to keep my hair straight or in braids/twists in between washes). I was bunning while curly, and I'll continue to bun while straightened. I plan to straighten my hair once per month if all goes well (takes a long time wash to finish). I love buns, they are so chic.

I remember I joined this challenge a long time ago, but just to update I will re-post my info:

Name: Jewell
Starting length: BSL stretched when I first joined the challenge in April 2011, Past BSL/right near MBL straight current (Oct 2011).
Method of bunning: wet bunning while curly, dry buns while straightened
# of days you will be bunning: 100% of the time (7 days a week)
Starting Pic: (See Fotki Album for April 2011 photo). Updated pic would be from today, Oct. 11, but I have not uploaded it yet.
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sunnieb - think I'mma take a short hiatus on bunning for about a week and wear my hair down. We shall see how long that movement lasts. (I'm sure not long)
divachyk - I miss you in here! :cry4:

Hope you are enjoying your swangin' hair! I know I always wear my hair out for at least a week after a fresh relaxer! :yep:
Hey sunnieb - I miss you too and will be back soon! :yep: I let it swang Fri/Sat. I hid it under a hat all day Sun because dh and I were at an outside event. Today I wore it in a banana clip pony - I let the pony hang out. Work folk was amazed at my length. :lol: It will be in a bun by um, let's say Thurs/Fri of this week. :grin: Will be posting pics. :giggle:
Rain was in the forecast today so....the bun came out earlier than expected. Wasn't feeling like fooling with flowing hair and rain. Not today, anyway.

Hi Ladies,
I fell off the wagon over the summer, after taking weave out, as well as let my subscription lapse. I had a little growth in the back, Now if I can just get it to thicken especially the crown area! But I am back to bunning. HHG!
We have an actual reveal? I sure didn't read the terms & agreements of this challenge. I just joined. A reveal for all will be cool to see.