The bible is fulfilling and the world is ending

We usually don’t buy into these “the world is ending” theories.
But we’ve seen way too much in these first few weeks of 2011 not too wonder if there might be any truth to those theories that civilization as we know it may come to an end in 2012.
Flip through for some of the signs.

Flooding And Mudslides Everywhere
End Of Days: Biblical ‘ARkStorm’ To Hit California With Feet (Not Inches) Of Rain??
Mudslide In Brazil Kills Hundreds
Nine Dead From “Instant Tsunami” That Hit Australia

The Most Ridiculous Winter Ever
When Atlanta was shut down for a week, we laughed. But when animals started freezing to death in Mexico? We were more than a little concerned.
This Snow Is No Joke!!! Blizzard In Northeast Leave 2 Dead, Schools Closed, And Folks Stranded
35 Zoo Animals Freeze To Death In Mexico
Christmas Blizzard Of 2010 Is Leaving Folks Stranded From The Carolinas To Maine

Large Amounts of Dead Animals Popping Up Left And Right
Sure they gave us explanations for what was going on with the animals… but did any of it sound credible to you?
Black Birds Fall From The Sky & Thousands Of Fish Wash Up In Arkansas… Why?
Dead Birds, Dead Fish, Dead…Crickets????
Millions Of Dead Sardines Washed Up In Cali Harbor

The Kids Ain’t Safe No More… From Their Own Parents
It never ceases to amaze us how easy it is to find stories about horrible parents who violently end the very little lives they’re supposed to do everything in their power to protect.
Take these headlines for example:
Crazy Broad Arrested For Decapitating Newborn Baby
Bronx Man Stabs Wife, Sets Fire That Kills Baby Girl
Woman Admits She Murked Her Three Kids To Keep Husband From Getting Custody
You’ll Never Believe What Ashley Crouch Did To Her Newborn Baby In The Snow
This Seemingly Loving Daddy Ain’t Sh*t!!!

The Kids Aren’t Exactly All Innocent Little Angels Either
Not that it excuses any of those murderous, neglectful parents out there… but DAMN!
Teenager Tries To Murder Pregnant Friend In An Attempt To Snatch & Steal Her Unborn Baby
Teenage Father Stabs 5 Month Old To Death, Then Shot To Death One Time
Ohio Police Say 10-Year Old Is Suspected To Have Murked His Mom
What Kind Of Monster Would Do This To His Grandmother???
Oakland Second Graders Popped For Giving Brains In Class!?!?

Men’s Crimes Against Women Become Worse and Worse
Miss Sophia told us long ago that the world ain’t safe for a girlchild… but this is getting ridiculously out of hand.
Former Philly HS Basketball Star Gets 230 Years For Serial Rapes
Brutal Gang Rape Of 11-Yr-Old, Over 28 Grown A*s Men Involved
Two Serial Killers In Cleveland Revealed As Details Emerge…”Shared A Desire To Rape And Kill Poor, Drug-Addicted Black Women”
Billionaire Jeffrey ’14′ Epstein: “I’m Just A Sex Offender, Not A Predator”

Sh*t Is Real In Mexico For No Damn Reason
These Mexican drug dealers are racking up bodies like they are really at war! And they start ‘em YOUNG.
14-Year-Old Hitman Edgar “El Ponchis” Jimenez Popped For Murking 7 People
The Drug Pushers In Juarez, Mexico Have Racked Up 53 Bodies In 72 Hours!!
We Told You Sh*t Is Real In Mexico

Turmoil in North Africa and The Middle East
If the people of North Africa and the Middle East have always felt this oppressed, the global media sure did a good job of keeping it quiet… until now.
We’ve heard a lot about what’s been going on in Tunisia, Egypt and Lybia, but the unrest has also been popping off in:
Police on rooftops fire live bullets and tear gas at protesters, injuring more than 100 people who were camping near Sanaa University, the latest in weeks of demonstrations calling for the Yemeni president to step down.
Wielding clubs and knives, police and government supporters also attack protesters on the ground.
Thousands of anti-government demonstrators cut off Bahrain’s financial center and drive back police trying to push them from the capital’s central square. For the tiny island kingdom it is the most disruptive protests since calls for more freedom erupted a month ago.
Demonstrators also clash with security forces and government supporters on the campus of the main university in the Gulf country, the home of the U.S. Navy’s Fifth Fleet.
More than 200 protest outside the Interior Ministry to demand the release of detainees in the largest demonstration in the capital since the regional outbreak of pro-democracy unrest. Saudi authorities ban demonstrations and are increasingly determined to prevent the wave of unrest sweeping across the Middle East from spreading to the oil-rich Kingdom.
Tens of thousands of Lebanese fill a central Beirut square to mark the 2005 protests that ended Syria’s 30-year domination of the country. They also demand that the militant group Hezbollah, seen as a proxy of Syria, give up its weapons.
Oman’s ruler grants lawmaking powers to officials outside the royal family in the boldest reforms yet aimed at quelling protests for jobs and a greater public role in politics. The decree by Sultan Qaboos bin Said reflects the scramble to appease demonstrators and head off possible wider unrest in the strategically important nation, which shares control of the Gulf waterway that carries 40 percent of the world’s oil tanker traffic.

Above are satellite images of Sendai, Japan before and after the earthquake and tsunami that hit on Friday.
Here is the town of Natori…

And Ishinomaki…

If that doesn’t look like the end of the world, we don’t know what does.

And If The “Men Of The Cloth” Are Supposed To Be Our Way Out…
Bishop Long Strokey-Poke and His Bulging Muscles and never ending shadiness…
Pastor Faces Attempted Murder Charges For Stabbing Up A Female Reverend He Was Allegedly Chopping Down
21 Nasty Pedo-Priests Suspended In Philadelphia For Sexually Abusing Minors

2010 Wasn’t All That Great Either…
A quarter million people died in super-typhoons, earthquakes, landslides, and heat waves last year. But that doesn’t necessarily mean “the planet is angry with us.”
It just means, we’re doing the most in terms of building, technology and looking for damn signs that the world is coming to an end… Or are we.
I totally agree with you Amour, for me I have to pray without ceasing and stay in the word every single day and set nothing that will lead me down the wrong path in front of me, I don't listen to secular music because it sends me back in time to those days that I don't need to revisit. I don't watch much Television because again there is to much sex, violence and cursing on TV and I just don't need that filling up my mind. I avoid things that causes me to fall back into my old life after a while those old pulls won't affect you, but you will still have some old sins that you have to keep before the Lord. I know I have to keep my thoughts clean by prayer, I have bad thoughts and I think negative at times and I have to put that before the lord. Its not easy this is a very sinful world but I am heaven bound and every time I think of having "fun" as the world calls it I remember where I am striving to go. It keeps me focused. I love life, I have a wonderful time. I am not missing out on anything that I really want to do but I make sure its align with what could possibility be a blessing for someone else and not lead me down the wrong path.
I think Romans 14 needs to be studied out more, much more. there is misunderstanding here. We forget that God changes not. Nothing can change what he has established if we keep that in our minds we can understand the scriptures better. When there is a change God clearly established it in fact, he tells you of it first. I will come back to this later today. In all that we do we must do so to the Glory of God and not to satisfy our own selves. I really want to know though why is it so hard to accept the Sabbath. Why is it so hard to not give up pork and seafood, why is that so difficult and so hard to do. The sabbath points to the true and living God it is the seal of God because it establishes that we put our full trust and faith in him, we fully accept him as our God as the one true God. EASY. Pork and seafood is so unhealthy for the body very unhealthy in fact meat in general is unhealthy because of what is being done to the animals. Which most of us know nothing about. Also when you eat meat you can't eat the blood and fat and you do if you buy it out of the market and go home and prepare it it still has the blood and fat on it so its still unclean unless you get it kosher. Urine is in the blood its unclean, you'll have to soak it in Kosher salt until the blood is removed and then clean out all the fat. Personally I can't be bothered. So I don't eat it. Anyway. I will have to do some research I understand this passage but I can't explain it well. But its not talking about the sabbath day or the dietary laws as we know it. That is not what this means at all. The bible does not contradict. Sometimes you have to reexamine things and don't' think you have it correct at first. Scripture upon scripture and understanding upon understanding. and all with prayer to the holy spirit for discernment.
Hosea 4:1-3
1 Hear the word of the LORD, you Israelites,
because the LORD has a charge to bring
against you who live in the land:
“There is no faithfulness, no love,
no acknowledgment of God in the land.
2 There is only cursing,lying and murder,
stealing and adultery;
they break all bounds,
and bloodshed follows bloodshed.

3 Because of this the land dries up,
and all who live in it waste away;
the beasts of the field, the birds in the sky
and the fish in the sea are swept away.

When Haileselassie came into power in Ethiopia, he was just another successor trying to unify kingdoms under a central power and he largely succeeded. But in doing so, violence resulted. Years later and directly related to violence, they allowed people to starve to quell resistance. Because of "adultery" against G-d, in cursing, lying and murder and theft, there was bloodshed. It happens all throughout man's history, not just this generation, but generations before and will be so for generations that follow. Many millions starved in 3 separate famines since H.S. :nono: And look at how all this political maneuvering is happening in this very "rich" country to take from those who built just enough for themselves and their families. Man's problem is selfishness and greed. Thanks for this scripture.
Here better explains the passage in Romans 14, there is tons more, if needed let me know I don't want to hog up the thread.

In the study of a passage it's important to notice not only what it says but also what it does not say. In some cases what a passage does not state is more important than what it explicitly states. In this particular case we'll concentrate on what the passage does not say, then we will make a suggestion about what Paul is dealing with in Romans 14.
1. Paul is not attacking biblical practices. Some of the recipients of this letter apparently believed that one should abstain from eating meat and drinking wine (Rom. 14:2, 21). The Old Testament does not require total abstinence from animal flesh, but only of the flesh of some animals (Lev. 11). Neither does the Old Testament consider grape juice unclean; only the high priest and the Nazarite are forbidden to drink it. The discussion is not over unclean (Greek, akáthartos) food, but over food that is considered common (koinós, the term used in verse 14) and therefore not proper for consumption under certain circumstances.
2. Paul is not discussing the Sabbath. Paul says that the individual who is "weak" values one day more than another, but he doesn't explicitly state the reason for the distinction. There is no explicit statement from Paul indicating what was done during that day or why the day was considered special.
Whatever it was, the "strong" individual valued every day the same for the purpose or activity that he or she had in mind. Hence, the problem was not the activity, but the arguing over which was the best day to perform it. Those to whom he wrote doubtless understood what Paul had in mind.
We should not jump to the conclusion that Paul is discussing here the Sabbath commandment. This is not stated or suggested by the text, and the simple mention of the word "days" does not justify that conclusion. He is not dealing here with the Old Testament torah, or law.
3. Paul did not put the emphasis on the problem of "days." He dedicates only two verses to that subject and about 21 to the issue of food. Had he been discussing the Sabbath, he would have developed his thought much more, because of the potentially controversial nature of this subject. (A good parallel would be the topic of circumcision and the controversy that topic generated in the churches.) This suggests that for Paul, selecting one day over another was a personal matter, not one in which he wanted to be involved as a referee.
4. Paul is not attacking legalism. Paul is addressing a problem in the church based on differences of opinion. He apparently didn't consider it to be a threat to the gospel. Whatever church members were doing, they were not going against God's revealed will; therefore, he does not condemn the practices, but simply gives advice on how to accept the differences in Christian love. The fundamental issue is the unity of the church and the preservation of that unity in spite of the diversity of opinion in some unimportant areas. Paul is not attacking the legalism of false teachers among the believers.
Then what should we conclude? The reference to "days" in the context of abstaining from certain foods suggests days of fasting. This is the conclusion reached by some scholars. According to them, Paul was probably addressing the practice of days of fasting, during which certain foods were considered "common" and improper for consumption. This would explain the dispute over food.
In addition, some individuals considered certain days as good days for fasting, while others considered all to be of equal value. This would explain the conflict. Fasting was an important topic in the early church. A document written in the second century encouraged believers to fast on Wednesday and Friday instead of Monday and Thursday, as was the practice among Jews (Didache 8.1). As far as we can tell, the Jews did not fast during the Sabbath

We usually don’t buy into these “the world is ending” theories.
But we’ve seen way too much in these first few weeks of 2011 not too wonder if there might be any truth to those theories that civilization as we know it may come to an end in 2012.
Flip through for some of the signs.

Flooding And Mudslides Everywhere
End Of Days: Biblical ‘ARkStorm’ To Hit California With Feet (Not Inches) Of Rain??
Mudslide In Brazil Kills Hundreds
Nine Dead From “Instant Tsunami” That Hit Australia

The Most Ridiculous Winter Ever
When Atlanta was shut down for a week, we laughed. But when animals started freezing to death in Mexico? We were more than a little concerned.
This Snow Is No Joke!!! Blizzard In Northeast Leave 2 Dead, Schools Closed, And Folks Stranded
35 Zoo Animals Freeze To Death In Mexico
Christmas Blizzard Of 2010 Is Leaving Folks Stranded From The Carolinas To Maine

Large Amounts of Dead Animals Popping Up Left And Right
Sure they gave us explanations for what was going on with the animals… but did any of it sound credible to you?
Black Birds Fall From The Sky & Thousands Of Fish Wash Up In Arkansas… Why?
Dead Birds, Dead Fish, Dead…Crickets????
Millions Of Dead Sardines Washed Up In Cali Harbor

Qualitee ...

When 'they' say that a picture speaks a 'thousand words'....

These speak millions and beyond. :nono:

There is literally a Biblical Word for each picture that you've shown. Most of us have heard them all of our 'saved lives'... and NOW we 'see' it in full color beyond the Red Letter edition.

The northeast has defintely had its share of ice and snow and it started early last Fall. But Mexico and Atlanta ???
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I think Romans 14 needs to be studied out more, much more. there is misunderstanding here. We forget that God changes not. Nothing can change what he has established if we keep that in our minds we can understand the scriptures better. When there is a change God clearly established it in fact, he tells you of it first. I will come back to this later today. In all that we do we must do so to the Glory of God and not to satisfy our own selves. I really want to know though why is it so hard to accept the Sabbath. Why is it so hard to not give up pork and seafood, why is that so difficult and so hard to do. The sabbath points to the true and living God it is the seal of God because it establishes that we put our full trust and faith in him, we fully accept him as our God as the one true God. EASY. Pork and seafood is so unhealthy for the body very unhealthy in fact meat in general is unhealthy because of what is being done to the animals. Which most of us know nothing about. Also when you eat meat you can't eat the blood and fat and you do if you buy it out of the market and go home and prepare it it still has the blood and fat on it so its still unclean unless you get it kosher. Urine is in the blood its unclean, you'll have to soak it in Kosher salt until the blood is removed and then clean out all the fat. Personally I can't be bothered. So I don't eat it. Anyway. I will have to do some research I understand this passage but I can't explain it well. But its not talking about the sabbath day or the dietary laws as we know it. That is not what this means at all. The bible does not contradict. Sometimes you have to reexamine things and don't' think you have it correct at first. Scripture upon scripture and understanding upon understanding. and all with prayer to the holy spirit for discernment.

Interesting info. Is Kosher salt in the regular asle with the salt and pepper or do I have to go down the organic asle? I usually cook with sea salt instead of regular salt.
Interesting info. Is Kosher salt in the regular asle with the salt and pepper or do I have to go down the organic asle? I usually cook with sea salt instead of regular salt.

Yes its in the regular market. you soak the meat in the water with the Kosher salt until the water is filled with blood its about an hour or so. then you have to remove all the fat. and rinse completely. I cook with sea salt, I don't' use much but I do prepare my meals with it. So there is no problem but Kosher is better for removing blood. I also season my veggies with Kosher salt its just seems more tasty.
Here better explains the passage in Romans 14, there is tons more, if needed let me know I don't want to hog up the thread.

In the study of a passage it's important to notice not only what it says but also what it does not say. In some cases what a passage does not state is more important than what it explicitly states. In this particular case we'll concentrate on what the passage does not say, then we will make a suggestion about what Paul is dealing with in Romans 14.
1. Paul is not attacking biblical practices. Some of the recipients of this letter apparently believed that one should abstain from eating meat and drinking wine (Rom. 14:2, 21). The Old Testament does not require total abstinence from animal flesh, but only of the flesh of some animals (Lev. 11). Neither does the Old Testament consider grape juice unclean; only the high priest and the Nazarite are forbidden to drink it. The discussion is not over unclean (Greek, akáthartos) food, but over food that is considered common (koinós, the term used in verse 14) and therefore not proper for consumption under certain circumstances.
2. Paul is not discussing the Sabbath. Paul says that the individual who is "weak" values one day more than another, but he doesn't explicitly state the reason for the distinction. There is no explicit statement from Paul indicating what was done during that day or why the day was considered special.
Whatever it was, the "strong" individual valued every day the same for the purpose or activity that he or she had in mind. Hence, the problem was not the activity, but the arguing over which was the best day to perform it. Those to whom he wrote doubtless understood what Paul had in mind.
We should not jump to the conclusion that Paul is discussing here the Sabbath commandment. This is not stated or suggested by the text, and the simple mention of the word "days" does not justify that conclusion. He is not dealing here with the Old Testament torah, or law.
3. Paul did not put the emphasis on the problem of "days." He dedicates only two verses to that subject and about 21 to the issue of food. Had he been discussing the Sabbath, he would have developed his thought much more, because of the potentially controversial nature of this subject. (A good parallel would be the topic of circumcision and the controversy that topic generated in the churches.) This suggests that for Paul, selecting one day over another was a personal matter, not one in which he wanted to be involved as a referee.
4. Paul is not attacking legalism. Paul is addressing a problem in the church based on differences of opinion. He apparently didn't consider it to be a threat to the gospel. Whatever church members were doing, they were not going against God's revealed will; therefore, he does not condemn the practices, but simply gives advice on how to accept the differences in Christian love. The fundamental issue is the unity of the church and the preservation of that unity in spite of the diversity of opinion in some unimportant areas. Paul is not attacking the legalism of false teachers among the believers.
Then what should we conclude? The reference to "days" in the context of abstaining from certain foods suggests days of fasting. This is the conclusion reached by some scholars. According to them, Paul was probably addressing the practice of days of fasting, during which certain foods were considered "common" and improper for consumption. This would explain the dispute over food.
In addition, some individuals considered certain days as good days for fasting, while others considered all to be of equal value. This would explain the conflict. Fasting was an important topic in the early church. A document written in the second century encouraged believers to fast on Wednesday and Friday instead of Monday and Thursday, as was the practice among Jews (Didache 8.1). As far as we can tell, the Jews did not fast during the Sabbath

Blazing I have to say that all of what you've shared is your 'Call'. This is your Ministry and you flow so freely with it.

It doesn't matter if anyone agrees or disagrees, the gift of teaching is in you. This is what lies in your heart and flows from the inside out.

Each of us here have a 'gift' and this is yours... teaching from your heart.

I'm still reading through your posts here and even though I've been taught this (my Aunt was Seventh Day Adventist and I have other family members and friends who are as well), the bottom line is that although I grew up with close and loving family members who taught this, reading your posts are huge eye-openers. The family members who are Seventh Day Adventists are strict Vegetarians, but they still cook certain meats for those in their family who eat otherwise. And they use Kosher Salt just as you have shared.:yep:

After seeing the pictures of those cattle lying dead and bloated on the ground, I can't help but thank God for you posting the information on cleansing meat with Kosher Salt. :yep:

Those pictures are enough to make a person never eat meat again. Whose to say that a desperate farmer / cattle owner wouldn't process those diseased dead cattle and sell it for consumption? With animals dropping dead and freezing to death, they're losing millions; I wouldn't put anything past them to recoup lost revenue.

I think my 75% Vegetarian gauge is moving up.. :yep:

Keep writing, cause I'm sitting here ... :bookworm: and being blessed. :Rose:
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You should be able to find it in the aisle w/ the regular seasonings. The kind I buy comes in a box and has the star or David on it.

Cool, thanks Prudent :)

Yes its in the regular market. you soak the meat in the water with the Kosher salt until the water is filled with blood its about an hour or so. then you have to remove all the fat. and rinse completely. I cook with sea salt, I don't' use much but I do prepare my meals with it. So there is no problem but Kosher is better for removing blood. I also season my veggies with Kosher salt its just seems more tasty.

With Passover soon approaching, there will be a multitude of Kosher foods and seasonings on display in many of the Grocery Stores. Kosher salt will be in full supply to stock up on. :yep:
Blazing I have to say that all of what you've shared is your 'Call'. This is your Ministry and you flow so freely with it.

It doesn't matter if anyone agrees or disagrees, the gift of teaching is in you. This is what lies in your heart and flows from the inside out.

Each of us here have a 'gift' and this is yours... teaching from your heart.

I'm still reading through your posts here and even though I've been taught this (my Aunt was Seventh Day Adventist and I have other family members and friends who are as well), the bottom line is that although I grew up with close and loving family members who taught this, reading your posts are huge eye-openers. The family members who are Seventh Day Adventists are strict Vegetarians, but they still cook certain meats for those in their family who eat otherwise. And they use Kosher Salt just as you have shared.:yep:

After seeing the pictures of those cattle lying dead and bloated on the ground, I can't help but thank God for you posting the information on cleansing meat with Kosher Salt. :yep:

Those pictures are enough to make a person never eat meat again. Whose to say that a desperate farmer / cattle owner wouldn't process those diseased dead cattle and sell it for consumption? With animals dropping dead and freezing to death, they're losing millions; I wouldn't put anything past them to recoup lost revenue.

I think my 75% Vegetarian gauge is moving up.. :yep:

Keep writing, cause I'm sitting here ... :bookworm: and being blessed. :Rose:

Thank you so much Shimmie, your words are a true blessing on my heart. There's tons to learn and I am learning everyday.

I desperately wanted to know the truth in the bible and it took so many years for me to find it, I believe that there are many like me and I hope God can use me to teach. Hallelujah! Let my very breath praised the Lord! Thank you, Thank you Shimmie, I am learning from you as well.
divya I agree with you about the dietary laws and as one who is 75% Vegetarian, I know how my body feels so much better not eating 'flesh' such as shell fish, red meats and pork.

However, I do eat a lot of fish (flesh) salmon is number one.

Jesus ate fish as well; he fed others with fish (He multiplied the 5 loaves and fishes to feed 5 thousand hungry people); Peter was a fisherman and Jesus even encouraged him to cast his net out again which filled his fishing net to overflowing. When Jesus appeared to the Disciples after His resurrection, they were cooking and eating fish (i.e. flesh).

In relation to the 'Law', what are your thoughts about this? I'm only asking to be 'educated' about this, not as a dispute or debate. :love2: :yep:

Again, I agree that a Vegetarian diet is much better. My body confirms it. :yep:. I've even invested in purchasing a Vita-Mix to expand my Vegetarian cuisine. I love it. :lick:

Whatever anyone shares is much appreciated. :Rose:

Hi Shimmie! How are you doing? Here is my understanding on this issue. As long as the fish are clean according to the dietary guidelines, I believe it is definitely acceptable. The key verses are Leviticus 11: 9-12, which basically states that everything that has fish and scales can be consumed. Unfortunately because I’ve been vegetarian virtually all my life, I don’t know many names of the actually fish are clean/unclean. But I’m going to have to learn because my s/o eats fish & chicken. LOL.

Honestly, today we have to be careful with everything we eat, even beyond the dietary guidelines. Even the vegetarian substitutes are often not good for us. They have so much sodium and other ingredients like MSG, that are harmful. It’s hard not to avoid everything that can negatively affect our bodies, but I do believe that the Lord is pleased when we do our best.

Yay@ the Vita-Mix! Would like one myself!
To tell you the truth, Divya, I often feel very guilty not honoring the Sabbath by welcoming it in at sundown on Friday by saying the berachot and lighting the candles, covering my hair and eyes. I just do. It's not required, but somehow out there in the cosmos, I feel that it might slightly be since know how valuable it is. It's like an eternal ray of light and good act to which I'm not obligated under Christ, but knowing that, in the end, all will be Jewish. Treading on multiple feet, that statement could mean all under the Messiah, the Christ. We don't all agree now on who that is. No offense to anyone of any religion who are reading. It's about seeking out interpretations of prophecy.

Pray to the Lord that He plant in you that strong desire to honor the Sabbath, that you will be compelled to do so. God wants to give all that we ask. Believe me, there are times where I feel so guilty because I am unprepared for Sabbath. Instead of welcoming it in, I have fallen asleep from the week of work. Often that feeling is because we are convicted to do what is right in the eyes of our God. I will pray for you that you will keep Sabbath and all of God commands. Please pray for me.
The Bible uses the illustration of a women about to give birth. The birth pangs continue to increase in number and intensity until the child arrives.

Top 10 birth pangs: Count down from number 10 to number 1 in significance, relative to current issues and events.
10: Signs in Sun, Moon, stars Check
"And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring" (Luk. 21:25).
The present world of earth dwellers has seen signs in the sun, moon and stars that no other generation has seen. From looking into the universe with our powerful telescopes, to spacecraft traversing the black void beyond the farthest planet of our solar system, we have seen things through the prism of photographic science something no other people in earth's history has known.
Whether considering the solar flares that disrupt earth's electro-magnetic mechanics, or looking with awe upon spectacular landings on the moon, or observing with horror the explosions of two shuttles, we have seen fearful signs. Who could but be mesmerized by watching the Shumaker-Levy 9 comet slam into Jupiter in July, 1994?
UFO sightings around the globe are becoming almost routine fare. Pilots, prime ministers, presidents and just plain people report seeing spectacular light shows, moving apparently with directed intelligence throughout the night skies.
We have seen the beginnings of this birth pang, scheduled to become much more intensive when the Tribulation begins.
9: Violence upon the whole Earth Check
"And as it was in the days of Noe, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man" (Luke 17:26).
"The earth also was corrupt before God, and the earth was filled with violence" (Gen 6:11).
"And God said unto Noah, The end of all flesh is come before me; for the earth is filled with violence through them; and, behold, I will destroy them with the earth" (Gen 6:13).
All one must do is to look at the headlines to know that the earth is filled with violence. Jesus' words of the world being like in the time of Noah just before the flood certainly is an apt description of this generation, no matter what earth society one cares to examine.
If you go to the darkest regions, there are tribal slaughters. If one looks at the sophisticated societies of the western world, there is violence among gangs, among families, and one on one homicidal rage. Terrorism is from the Middle East is indicative of violence that literally saturates the human condition.
Violence in this last time is a symptom of the beginning of sorrows.
8: Famines, pestilence, earthquakes Check
"For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places" (Mat 24:7).
"And great earthquakes shall be in divers places, and famines, and pestilences; and fearful sights and great signs shall there be from heaven" (Luk. 21:11).
It is an astounding paradox that there is at the same time plenty of every variety of life-sustaining foods, and medicines in most of the western world particularly in America, yet there are deadly pestilences and famines in places such as Ethiopia, the Sudan, and many other geographical regions. These are created in almost every case by ethnic cleansing ordered by dictators, just as Jesus foretold. "Nation shall rise against nation The word for "nation" is the Greek word "ethnos," from which our English word "ethnic" is derived.
Earthquakes are being reported at an exponentially growing rate. Not just quakes, but quakes of significant magnitude. The increase can be quantified and verified today, with the vast technological advances in monitoring.
Earthquakes, Wars and rumors of war are birth pang precursors to the impending emergence of a time of unprecedented sorrows.
7: Nations in distress with perplexity Check
"And there shall be signs and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity, the sea and the waves roaring" (Luk. 21: 25).
Planet earth, and all of the nations during this last time are filled with perplexities when trying to fix the things that seem to be broken. Economies are in trouble; there is ethnic rage around the world; no one can live in peace; terrorism threatens everyone, everywhere.
Yet, Jesus says these are just the beginning of sorrows announcing the Birth of a truly New World Order. It will be the Birth not of the time of Antichrist's regime, but, ultimately, of Jesus Christ's Millennial Kingdom.
6: False prophets; false teachers Check
"And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you. For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many" (Mat. 24:4-5)
Jesus forewarned that there would be an assault on Truth by false teachers. A couple of recent examples of just these type of storm front type birth pangs are the attacks on the Deity of Jesus Christ. The secular entertainment and news industries as well as some within 'Christendom' are attempting to inculcate us with the message that Jesus didn't really die on the Cross. It was a faked death and resurrection. That Jesus and Mary Magdalene were actually lovers, who produced offspring, that now make up a progeny which will one day rule in some nebulous way that is never explained.
Documentaries have been shown time and time again, purporting that the bones of Jesus' relatives perhaps even of Jesus, Himself, have been found in bone boxes in caves in and around Jerusalem. These are never backed by even the slightest of evidence - i.e., are fiction of the worst order.
Jesus, however forewarned of this, and told the generation who would begin seeing this type of false teaching to 'believe it not'.
Jesus said they would come in His Name, and would even claim to be Him. Recent news accounts tell of a man that claims just that, and he has received considerable news coverage.
"For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables" (2 Tim. 4:3-4).
Most troubling of all are the false teachers within Christianity. These proclaim a 'do-good' and 'feel-good' gospel. They totally stay away from preaching and teaching that people are sinners, thus are separated from the God who created them. They don't teach that a terrible price had to be paid to Redeem us from our sins. Jesus is Love, is the only message they want to teach. But, they refuse to fully reveal the extent of that Love. That God gave His Son, Jesus, as a sacrifice for the sins into which we are born since the fall in Eden.
They fear and their fears are well-grounded that if they preach the rest of God's Love offering to man kind, they will lose their huge audiences, who want only to hear the fairy tales they bring every Sunday in their gargantuan arenas, and through their multi-million dollar television forums.
The false teachers and itching ears of this last time are surely prime evidence that we are witnessing the birth pangs Jesus, and the Apostle Paul prophesied.
5: End-time Technology Check
But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased" (Daniel 12:4).
Daniel the prophet foretold a major birth pang. He prophesied a time when transportation and knowledge would increase. The past century to the present date has produced an explosion of transportation and knowledge experienced by no other people of any time in human history.
Man could mount a horse and ride at no more than 50 miles an hour or so from the time of the Garden of Eden, until the middle of the 19th Century. Since then man has progressed to the point of traveling at more than 20,000 miles an hour in a space craft, and his communication at the speed of light over wires, fiber optics, and beams of electronic transmissions through space and earth's atmosphere.
"And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name" (Rev. 13:16-17).
That explosion of knowledge has produced the technologies that can enslave the world. Antichrist will use satellite and computer technologies, no doubt, to put all earth dwellers in electronic bondage. Electronic funds transfer methodologies and devices are now capable of bringing all people into a cashless society one that can fit within the system foretold in Revelation 13:16-18. This represents a major birth pang.
4: Nations Aligning for prophetic fulfillment Coming
"Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing? The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the LORD, and against his anointed, saying, Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us." (Psalms 2:1-3).
Nations today are aligning against God just as prophesied in the Psalms above. The birth pang-like convulsions are coming in contractions, as nation after nation pulls further from the prescription their Creator wrote for how life on earth must be conducted. Those nations specifically foretold to be end time players can be found in the following scriptures. They are in the news every day in our time.
Revived Roman Empire Daniel Chapter 2; 7; 8; 9; 11
Other nations:
China and "Kings of the east" - Revelation 9; 16
Russia, Iran (Persia,) and many others, Ezekiel, chapters 38; 39
3: Apostasy - One world church forming Coming
Revelation, Chapters 13;17
Revelation Chapter 13 prophesies that a false prophet will point all earth dwellers to Antichrist, who will, ultimately, demand worship. 2 Thes, chapter 4 also speaks to this demand for the world to worship the "man of sin," also known as the "son of perdition".
There will develop an ecumenical amalgamation of many religions, leading to a one-world religious system, as outlined in Revelation, chapter 17.
This apostate system will reign until Antichrist decides he wants all worship for himself. His regime will turn on all who run this one-world church, and destroy them.
There is a massive movement toward this system today. The cry is against Christianity True Christianity, that is that accuses adherents of Christ as the only way to Salvation, and Heaven of being narrow-minded and bigoted. There are many ways to God, they cry. They proclaim that the only way to end the religious bickering is to meld all religious beliefs into one system of religiosity.
The movement toward one-world religion is a major birth pang swelling and moving in our time.
2: One world Government forming, and at the same time, one world economy Coming
The forming of a new world order is underway at a phenomenal pace. The so-called international community has arisen in this last time to pressure less powerful nations to conform to the developing one-world temple, or remain forever in destitution.
The European Union is the reviving Roman Empire, many prophecy observers believe, and is on the ascent in a swiftness that amazes. Daniel, Chapters 2, 7, 8, 9, and 11; Revelation 13, 17, chapter 18 all foretell of the rise of one world government.
We are seeing the development of world trading blocs, on the order of the EU. One such trading bloc is taking place in North America, and includes Canada, The Us., and Mexico with smaller nations in the hemisphere most likely scheduled to be a part of the mix. These world economic blocs look to be what will eventuate in the 10 kings prophecy of Revelation chapter 17.
The economic convulsions taking place represent birth pangs that portend the coming Tribulation.
1 Israel Coming
Nation born in one day:
"A voice of noise from the city, a voice from the temple, a voice of the LORD that rendereth recompence to his enemies. Before she travailed, she brought forth; before her pain came, she was delivered of a man child. Who hath heard such a thing? who hath seen such things? Shall the earth be made to bring forth in one day? or shall a nation be born at once? for as soon as Zion travailed, she brought forth her children. hall I bring to the birth, and not cause to bring forth? saith the LORD: shall I cause to bring forth, and shut the womb? saith thy God." (Isaiah 66:6-9).
Zechariah 12; 14, Burden to the whole world Israel is without question the Single most profound signal that we are on the edge of entering the Tribulation.
Key among factors surrounding Israel as the number one birth pang is that nation being at the heart of the cry for peace and safety. As a matter-of-fact, Antichrist's confirming of a covenant of peace is the act that will issue in the Tribulation, it is foretold in Daniel 9: 27.
With the proposed Roadmap to peace, and other such proposals, there is an increasing cry from the world of diplomacy today for peace and safety. This is not without good reason. The threat of thermonuclear war is unthinkable, so deadly would be the results.
The Apostle Paul prophesied this would be the case for the last time, and what the final result of that cry would be.
"For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape" (1 Thes. 5:3).
There is great world-wide clamor for peace today. Whether considering the area surrounding the tiny Jewish state of Israel, the entire mid-East region, or other less Biblical geographic areas of the world, people are grasping for peace and safety.
Specifically, there is a great cry for safety today, seeking security from the threat of global terrorism. This terrorism is, for the most part, wrapped around the existence of Israel in the area known as the Holy Land. Added to the volatility and tension is the matter of oil, which likely will be the catalyst in the geopolitical sense-- for bringing all nations to Armageddon. Israel is increasingly being seen by the world diplomatic community as the hold-up to establishing peace. Land for peace is the deluded mantra. If Israel will give up more territory, the Islamic terrorists will cease their murderous rage.
The prophet Zechariah foretold that the whole world will turn against Israel, and that this will bring on the worst time of war making in world history (read Zech 12: 1-3.)
The cry for peace and safety will be answered by the end-time world leader, but The people of the world will get more than they bargained for.
"And through his policy also he shall cause craft to prosper in his hand; and he shall magnify [himself] in his heart, and by peace shall destroy many: he shall also stand up against the Prince of princes; but he shall be broken without hand" (Dan 8:25). Israel, and its threat to world peace, because of Satanic rage against God's chosen people is the number one birth pang that indicates where this generation stands on God's Prophetic Timeline.
This is definitely true and I have partaken. :nono: There is a church in my city that is wildly popular. A girl I know invited me to attend. You can tell at the root of the church that the members were probably raised Baptist or Protestant. They have great music that is very soulful and reminiscent of my days growing up in a Baptist church.

The pastor is very well known, has been on Oprah and has participated in and contributed to a lot of law of attraction discussions.

I went to the church a few months ago and they were singing a song saying they give glory to Jesus. I was definitely with that and sang Jesus's name loudly and earnestly. Next, they moved onto Allah, and then Buddah, and then Hari Krishna and somebody else. My spirit was like :nono: oh boy! I started looking around :look: and felt weird. The music was so good and I can understand how people get seduced and can fall into this interfaith thing without thinking.

I did enjoy the service (I have some guilt about this), but I have not gone back. I don't like confusion, and while I can recognize that Buddah and these other "people" did good things, they did not save like my Jesus.
Matthew 4:10
Jesus said to him, "Away from me, Satan! For it is written: 'Worship the Lord your God, and serve him only.'"
Exodus 20:4-5
“You shall not make for yourself an idol, or any likeness of what is in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the water under the earth. You shall not worship them or serve them; for I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God”
Hi Shimmie! How are you doing? Here is my understanding on this issue. As long as the fish are clean according to the dietary guidelines, I believe it is definitely acceptable.

The key verses are Leviticus 11: 9-12, which basically states that everything that has fish and scales can be consumed. Unfortunately because I’ve been vegetarian virtually all my life, I don’t know many names of the actually fish are clean/unclean. But I’m going to have to learn because my s/o eats fish & chicken. LOL.

Honestly, today we have to be careful with everything we eat, even beyond the dietary guidelines. Even the vegetarian substitutes are often not good for us. They have so much sodium and other ingredients like MSG, that are harmful. It’s hard not to avoid everything that can negatively affect our bodies, but I do believe that the Lord is pleased when we do our best.

Yay@ the Vita-Mix! Would like one myself!


Hi Divya... I'm fine, working my way each day to eat healthier.

Thanks for the education, we can never learn too much and many things I've learned, become 'lost' if not utilized.

Most of the fish I eat are Salmon, Tuna and Steak Fish. Salmon is number 1 due to the rich Omegas in it.

You're so right about the food concerns; I thank God for the information that everyone has been sharing in this thread. The truth of the matter, is that God has been protecting us all along.

All Praises His Holiness and Love. :love2:

As for your S/O I wish you both the very best. :yep: It seems that every Vegetarian loves a non-Vegetarian in some way or another. :lol: ANd it seems easier for them (non-Vegetarians) to convert to Jesus than to leave meat out of their diets. :lol: (Just kidding)

The Vita Mix is wonderful. The new Ninja is a great machine as well; it has the same functions as the Vita Mix and it has great reviews; this came out 'AFTER' I purchased my Vita Mix :drunk:: mixer&utm_campaign=Offer7CookbookFSH159

Love and Blessings you. :Rose:
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Thank you so much Shimmie, your words are a true blessing on my heart. There's tons to learn and I am learning everyday.

I desperately wanted to know the truth in the bible and it took so many years for me to find it, I believe that there are many like me and I hope God can use me to teach. Hallelujah! Let my very breath praised the Lord! Thank you, Thank you Shimmie, I am learning from you as well.

You're sharing a lot of true wisdom, and I'm paying attention. :yep:
I do not want to discredit what is being said here but I really have to ask. If the world is "coming to an end", is that really so bad? The word says to be absent from the body is to be present with God. Saints should have no fear of death. I certainly don't want me or anyone else to suffer but the end is fine by me.

I also want to say that the prophecies started to fulfill themselves as soon as they were spoken thousands of years ago. So even this is no big deal.

It is written: "Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me." That means we are guided (the staff) and protected (the rod) through all this.

I am not saying we should take a passive role and allow wickedness to continue unchecked. That would be disobedient to our command to be good stewards. All I'm saying is we must walk and talk in victory even when it looks bleek.
I think were coming to the end of the seals, the 6th seal. Going into the begining of the Trumpet sounding


The Lamb Breaks the Seals
  1. First Seal: One who is both a king and a conqueror rides forth on a white horse. (6:1-2)
  2. Second Seal: A rider on a red horse brings war. (6:3-4)
  3. Third Seal: A rider on a black horse brings famine. (6:5-6)
  4. Fourth Seal: A rider on a pale horse brings death. (6:7-8)
  5. Fifth Seal: The souls of the martyrs "under the altar" cry out for vengeance. (6:9-11)
  6. Sixth Seal: There are earthquakes and natural disasters. (6:12-17)
    1. 144,000 of "all the tribes of Israel" are "sealed." (7:1-8)
    2. A vast multitude worship God after coming out of the Great Tribulation. (7:9-17)
  7. Seventh Seal: The breaking of the seventh seal begins another series: the seven trumpets. (8:1-5)
  1. The Angels Sound the Trumpets
    1. First Trumpet: Hail and fire destroy a third of the trees and grass. (8:6-7)
    2. Second Trumpet: A third of the oceans are destroyed. (8:8-9)
    3. Third Trumpet: A third of the rivers and springs are poisoned. (8:10-11)
    4. Fourth Trumpet: A third of the sky is darkened. (8:12-13)
    5. Fifth Trumpet: A plague of "locusts" terrorize the Earth for five months. (9:1-12)
    6. Sixth Trumpet: An army of 200 million kills a third of Earth's population. (9:13-21)
      1. John eats a little book which is sweet in his mouth, but bitter in his stomach. (10:1-11)
      2. Two witnesses prophesy for 3½ years, are killed, and come back to life. (11:1-14)
    7. Seventh Trumpet: The ark of the covenant appears in the heavenly temple. (11:15-19)
      1. John sees a woman clothed with the sun, the moon, and the stars. (12:1-6)
      2. Satan is cast down to the Earth. (12:7-12)
      3. The dragon persecutes the people of God. (12:13-17)
      4. The beast from the sea makes war with the people of God. (13:1-10)
      5. The beast from the land forces people to worship the beast from the sea. (13:11-18)
      6. John sees 144,000, "having his Father's name written on their foreheads," with the Lamb on Mount Zion. (14:1-5)
      7. Three angels proclaim judgment. (14:6-13)
      8. The angels reap the harvest. (14:14-20)
  2. The Angels Pour Out Their Bowls on the Earth
    1. Seven angels are given golden bowls containing of the wrath of God. (15:1-8)
    2. First Bowl: A "foul and loathsome sore" afflicts the followers of the beast. (16:1-2)
    3. Second Bowl: The sea turns to blood and everything within it dies. (16:3)
    4. Third Bowl: All fresh water turns to blood. (16:4-7)
    5. Fourth Bowl: The sun scorches the Earth with intense heat. (16:8-9)
    6. Fifth Bowl: There is total darkness and great pain in the Beast's kingdom. (16:10-11)
    7. Sixth Bowl: Preparations are made for the final battle between the forces of good and evil. (16:12-16)
    8. Seventh Bowl: A great earthquake: "every island fled away and the mountains were not found." (16:17-21)
  3. Babylon the Great
    1. The great harlot who sits on many waters: Babylon the Great. (17:1-18)
    2. Babylon is destroyed. (18:1-8)
    3. The people of the earth mourn Babylon's destruction. (18:9-19)
    4. The permanence of Babylon's destruction. (18:20-24)
  4. The Marriage Supper of the Lamb
    1. A great multitude praises God. (19:1-6)
    2. The marriage supper of the Lamb. (19:7-10)
  5. The Millennium
    1. The beast and the false prophet are cast into the lake of fire. (19:11-21)
    2. Satan is imprisoned in the bottomless pit for a thousand years. (20:1-3)
    3. The resurrected martyrs live and reign with Christ for a thousand years. (20:4-6)
  6. After the Thousand Years
    1. Satan is released and makes war against the people of God, but is defeated. (20:7-9)
    2. Satan is cast into the lake of fire. (20:10)
    3. The Last Judgment: the wicked, along with death and Hades, are cast into the lake of fire. (20:11-15)
  7. The New Heaven and Earth
    1. A new heaven and new earth replace the old. There is no more suffering or death. (21:1-8)
    2. God comes to dwell with humanity in the New Jerusalem. (21:2-8)
    3. Description of the New Jerusalem. (21:9-27)
    4. The river and tree of life appear for the healing of the nations. The curse is ended. (22:1-5)
  8. Conclusion
    1. Christ's reassurance that his coming is imminent. Final admonitions. (22:6-21)
I do not want to discredit what is being said here but I really have to ask. If the world is "coming to an end", is that really so bad? The word says to be absent from the body is to be present with God. Saints should have no fear of death. I certainly don't want me or anyone else to suffer but the end is fine by me.

I also want to say that the prophecies started to fulfill themselves as soon as they were spoken thousands of years ago. So even this is no big deal.

It is written: "Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me." That means we are guided (the staff) and protected (the rod) through all this.

I am not saying we should take a passive role and allow wickedness to continue unchecked. That would be disobedient to our command to be good stewards. All I'm saying is we must walk and talk in victory even when it looks bleek.

I agree with you completely. We shouldn't be fearful or even sad. It's almost time to go home and meet Jesus face to face is the way I look at it. I used to be fearful of death but now that I have a relationship with Christ, I no longer fear dying (absent from the body, present with the Lord). However, even though we know what's to coming, in Matt 24:44 states " So you also must be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect him (NIV)" He's going to obviously come when everyone, believers and non-believers, least expected. Right now there is so much speculation from the false prophets, some non-believers, especially with the 2012 speculation that I'm glad that only God the Father knows when he's going to take Jesus to come and get us.
We should continue to live our lives like we normally do. We don't know when Jesus will return, it can be today, tomorrow and maybe even in the next 10 years. We just don't know. The Lord wants us to be on pin and needles before Jesus returns because he wants us to be right for heaven, but he also wants us to enjoy our lives.
We should continue to live our lives like we normally do. We don't know when Jesus will return, it can be today, tomorrow and maybe even in the next 10 years. We just don't know. The Lord wants us to be on pin and needles before Jesus returns because he wants us to be right for heaven, but he also wants us to enjoy our lives.

I'm glad you brought this up. This thread has focused on what's to come to pass, but not so much what we need to be doing to be right with God.

I'm assuming it's the stuff we should already be doing: praying, going to church, etc.

Or should we be doing something 'special' or more than we usually do (or supposed to do) to prepare ourselves?