The Best Kept Secret to Highly Successful Couples


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The Best Kept Secret to Highly Successful Couples


According to Adam Grant, Wharton’s most popular and youngest tenured faculty member, author of Give and Take: A Revolutionary Approach to Success, people fall into one of 3 distinct categories: Givers, Matchers and Takers. While Grant’s book is written for a business audience, its theories provide extraordinary insight into romantic relationships. The category you fall into may well determine the success and happiness of your relationship!

For example, has a romantic relationship ever made you feel like you were not good enough? Have you ever been taken advantage of by a romantic partner? Have you ever felt like you gave everything to someone and ended up completely worn out? Then you may just fall into the “Giver” style of romantic partner.

Interestingly, while the Giver style may have its drawbacks, Givers are also usually the most attractive partners and more likely to have long-term relationships! A study examining the trait most highly valued in potential romantic partners suggests a different story: both men and women rate kindness as one of their most desired traits. Moreover, givers are also most likely to be affectionate, a trait which determines the long-term success of a relationship (as I describe in this post ) not to mention their own longevity.

In order to understand where you fit in and how to best navigate your relationships with others, here’s a summary of the 3 styles of romantic

3 Styles of Romantic Partners
Givers are people whose primary motivation is to take care of others, to make sure others are well, and to contribute to others and society. In a relationship, these are people who are always thinking about gifts for their partner, who take their partners’ interests into consideration, and who are always thinking “What else can I do for you?” They’re pretty awesome. As Grant mentions in his book—everyone likes having givers around because they are always happy to contribute and thinking of others. They understand the relationship as an opportunity to give and take care.
Givers often end up thinking there is something wrong with them when they are unhappy in a relationship. They are the ones who think they are not lovable or good enough because they take personal responsibility for making the relationship work (rather than blaming their partners). They can end up burned out and exhausted, from continuously giving at their own cost if they do not receive the support they need from the relationship.

Matchers tend to keep a balance sheet in a relationship. When matchers give they do so with an expectation of getting something in return. When they receive something, they feel like they have to give something back. Matchers are the ones who are keeping tabs, and view relationships as somewhat like a commercial transaction.They are the ones who are most likely to say something like: “I did this for you, but you didn’t do that for me” or “You paid for this, so I’ll pay for that.”

Takers are just that…takers. They usually treat people well only if and when those people can help them reach their goals. Interestingly, Grant points out that they often appear as the most charming and charismatic people on the surface. They know how to work the crowd and seduce, but under the surface they are actually motivated by self-interest. You can recognize a taker by how poorly they treat people that they believe are of no use to them. You know you’re in a relationship with a taker when you feel sucked dry for all you have (whether it’s money, affection, time etc.). Once the taker has everything they want from you, you may be relegated to the “unimportant” sphere of their life. Their primary focus is themselves.

So Who is Most Successful and Who is Least Successful?
Grant points out a fascinating fact about who, among these 3 styles, is happiest and most successful: It is givers. What about those who are least successful? Also givers! Why? Givers who learn to successfully navigate a world with matchers and takers make out great. Everyone loves givers, trusts them, and supports them when they are in need. So why are Givers also the least successful? Because some givers don’t know how to navigate that world and, as a consequence, end up taken advantage of. If you’re a giver, you’ve been there at least once both professionally and personally.

Imagine a relationship between a giver and a taker? These end up with the giver completely worn out, having perhaps spent their savings, time and energy on someone who keeps demanding more and never or scarcely provides for their partners’ needs (unless they do so temporarily because it behooves them at that moment).

So what makes a successful giver? Read Adam Grant’s book to get his complete lists of tips. One that stood out to me was the idea of being a “giver with awareness.” Awareness of what? Be aware that the world has givers, matchers and takers. Watch people’s words and actions, and you will know who is who. When you navigate romantic relationships, friendships or business partnerships, investigate which category your potential partner belongs to and don’t get blown away by first-impressions (as noted above, Takers are masters of first-impression charm). Then what? In a non-romantic situation, you can deal with Matchers and Takers by adopting a matcher-like attitude (I know, hard to do for a giver!). Start speaking in terms of “ok, we have an agreement, you do this and in exchange I will do this.”

What about in romantic relationships? I conferred with Adam Grant while writing this article and he shared the following tip about long-term love: “In the most successful relationships, both partners are givers. In other words, when a romantic relationship works, matchers and takers are focused on giving. Both partners might be giving in different ways, but they should be willing to support each other without expecting something in return. That said, when things get too far out of balance, I think we all become matchers.” Imagine a relationship where both partners are always caring for each other’s needs. Where when there is a fight, both are the first to say “I’m sorry, it was my fault.” In which both live their life with their partner’s best interest in mind. You better believe that matchers and takers are also looking out for givers so, if you’re a giver, be sure you seek one out for yourself too because you deserve it.

If you recognize yourself as a matcher or taker then—first of all—congratulations on being so honest with yourself. Of course, because of givers’ affectionate and service-oriented qualities, it is also in your best interest to have a partner who is a giver. However, I’d like you to consider 2 things:

First, givers will never be fully happy unless you support them as they support you. They will eventually feel worn out and perhaps even leave. In a recent study by Amie Gordon at the University of California-Berkeley, those who experienced more gratitude in their relationship also felt closer to their partner, more satisfied with the relationship and tended to engage in more constructive and positive behaviors within the relationship. Ultimately, for a good relationship that benefits you, you will want your partner to be happy and will want to support them in return.
Second, as Grant’s book clearly outlines, givers are the ones who end up being most successful and happy, if they watch out not to be taken advantage of. A large amount of research now shows that a lifestyle comprised of kindness and service leads to greater fulfillment as well as health and happiness. If you want to be happy and successful, it therefore behooves you too to be or become a giver.
With the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays coming up, it's a great time to start being a giver! After all, isn't that what love's about?
Interesting. In the last couple of years (my single life, lol), I realized that I was a "giver". So much so that I actually use the term when talking to people. Anyways, I realized that I can only date a "giver", because I am pretty generous :yep:

This article makes sense.
Psychology Today also had an article "Why Nice Guys Finish Last" that made a supporting argument. Essentially, when people give, they become more attached to the person they are giving to; but the person receiving doesn't necessarily become attached to the giver. It just depends. But the more one gives of oneself and one's resources, the more incentivized you are to hold on to that person due to the principle of sunk costs. The advice of the article was that it was important for "nice guys" to allow the other person to give to them as well, so that there is more reciprocity in the investment of self.
This makes sense. It reminds me of the conversations we have about relationship books, particularly what she says about giving in Getting To I Do.
I am definitely a giver and I was with a taker who was here and there a giver which didn't work for us. Taker aka user :look:
I'm in-between giver and matcher. My instinct is to give but I've known too many takers and have to calm myself down to a matcher lol.
Psychology Today also had an article "Why Nice Guys Finish Last" that made a supporting argument. Essentially, when people give, they become more attached to the person they are giving to; but the person receiving doesn't necessarily become attached to the giver. It just depends. But the more one gives of oneself and one's resources, the more incentivized you are to hold on to that person due to the principle of sunk costs. The advice of the article was that it was important for "nice guys" to allow the other person to give to them as well, so that there is more reciprocity in the investment of self.

I totally believe this. Included in those resources is information about oneself. The person who talks the most falls quicker. That's just my theory. So I'm weary of guys who just keep asking questions and encouraging you to talk without offering the same or higher level in return. Not that I'll withhold information, but I like to feel that conversation is matched. I've for sure been burned just about every time I divulged too much, too soon, and too unequally.
Very interesting. I'm a giver to the extreme...I have recognized this within the last few years....but toned down a lot. My current so is also a giver.....we compliment each other very well.
I'm a giver. If I like you, I want you to be happy. I agree than giver-giver is the best relationship dynamic. This stuff seems more like common send though. Surprised it warranted an entire book.
I'm a giver. If I like you, I want you to be happy. I agree than giver-giver is the best relationship dynamic. This stuff seems more like common send though. Surprised it warranted an entire book.

SincerelyJane you are blessed for this to be common sense to you. For some of us it's hard to believe how many people are not givers. Almost everyone masquerades as a giver. Very few outwardly present themselves as takers or matchers. I think that is part of the issue. Really trusting people's actions vs. their words is crucial but not always easy.
I was wondering where this stuff came from. I know a guy who is ALWAYS talking about women in terms of givers/takers. It is annoying as can be because he dwells on finding the perfect giver.

I've heard Adam Grant speak in public. He is not one I'd take relationship advice from, personally. Business advice? Yes. Relationships? No. What it takes to succeed in business is not always what it takes to succeed in personal relationships so I wouldn't extrapolate his advice to apply to romance.
I totally believe this. Included in those resources is information about oneself. The person who talks the most falls quicker. That's just my theory. So I'm weary of guys who just keep asking questions and encouraging you to talk without offering the same or higher level in return. Not that I'll withhold information, but I like to feel that conversation is matched. I've for sure been burned just about every time I divulged too much, too soon, and too unequally.

Were you a psych major CarLiTa

When people talk about themselves, they feel closer to the other person with whom they are having a conversation. It's a technique you can use to create false intimacy with people you need without giving anything of yourself. Women fall for this more than men because we tend to look for men who are good listeners.
Me = matcher
Him = giver

I think it's a great dynamic because the more he does for me the more I feel like going out of my way to do for him.


This puts a new spin on those threads about how much the man vs woman should contribute financially in a relationship.
SincerelyJane you are blessed for this to be common sense to you. For some of us it's hard to believe how many people are not givers. Almost everyone masquerades as a giver. Very few outwardly present themselves as takers or matchers. I think that is part of the issue. Really trusting people's actions vs. their words is crucial but not always easy.

So true. It sounds humble to be a giver.
For some givers, it might have something to do with them thinking that they have to "DO" something in order to receive love...and in the end never do enough. Also because they know how they feel deep down, the attention or love they do receive is dismissed because it's only because they did X that they got Y as opposed to receiving love simply because they are deserving.
Me = matcher
Him = giver

I think it's a great dynamic because the more he does for me the more I feel like going out of my way to do for him.

This is me as well.

I know that I'm not a taker because always being the recipient of things can overwhelm me. I start putting pressure on myself to reciprocate, and if I'm not feeling head over heels for them, it doesn't take long for me to see the relationship as being too much work. I'm usually drawn to people who give as much as I give; imbalance worries me.

That said, I can satisfy a giver whose well-being and happiness I'm truly invested in, when my concerns about reciprocity diminish. That usually comes with time, though.

Do folks who give a lot in the beginning of their relationships do so because they really care about making their partners happy? Or are they mainly trying to prove their worth and committment to the other? I'm asking this sincerely, because to me, when I'm in the infactuation stage, I don't think the nature of my giving is the same as when I'm truly loving someone.
Me = matcher
Him = giver

I think it's a great dynamic because the more he does for me the more I feel like going out of my way to do for him.


This puts a new spin on those threads about how much the man vs woman should contribute financially in a relationship.

See it's interesting you say that cause I was just thinking in my head, I'm a giver but that doesn't mean monetary gifts. :look: I give my time.
Hmm I think I'm in a give give relationship.
Last one was a give match.

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Were you a psych major CarLiTa

When people talk about themselves, they feel closer to the other person with whom they are having a conversation. It's a technique you can use to create false intimacy with people you need without giving anything of yourself. Women fall for this more than men because we tend to look for men who are good listeners.

yardyspice, no, not a psych major. I learned through trial and error, and I also think there was a book that made me: "Aha!:nono:"

I would notice that the guys who were into me were very open, even on the initial dates. More so than me. Sometimes I'd just sit and listen, and they'd say the date was amazing. Alternatively, I remember going out with this snake who asked me a lot of questions, had me being open and feeling wooed, and while I was falling, I realized I not only knew very little about him, but he wasn't actually trying to share either. He was really good at that false intimacy nonsense.

I think I'm a matcher. I know that once I start wanting to give something to someone, it means I reeeaaally like him. So, I have to catch myself. I like givers and have been fortunate to date a couple. One giver, though, was strange. He was very particular about what he wanted to receive in return:ohwell: It infuriates a matcher to not be able to give back to their heart's content:sad:
I think this is so true. I hadn't realized it in those terms though. I'm a giver, married to a giver. We're sickeningly sweet probably, but too bad. :lick: Both of us were previously married to takers. We like this much better. :yep:
For some givers, it might have something to do with them thinking that they have to "DO" something in order to receive love...and in the end never do enough. Also because they know how they feel deep down, the attention or love they do receive is dismissed because it's only because they did X that they got Y as opposed to receiving love simply because they are deserving.

Very true .....

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I am a giver by nature. But I attract takers and it does not go well. So I now consciously seek givers.
I'm a matcher/taker, but I am not a user. I take what is given and I match in an effort to somewhat keep up with what I receive. I know that I could never fully match, but it's good to show appreciation.

My husband is an extreme giver.

With friends and family, I'm always the giver but I'm done with that.