The Art of Seduction


New Member
Has anyone read "The Art of Seduction" by Robert Greene? I started reading it this week upon recommendation, and I have to say that it is pretty interesting to say the least. For those of you who have read, what do you think?
Has anyone read "The Art of Seduction" by Robert Greene? I started reading it this week upon recommendation, and I have to say that it is pretty interesting to say the least. For those of you who have read, what do you think?

This is so funny that you would post this now. I've read the book before, and decided to pick it up again 2 nights ago. I love synchronicity. :grin: Anywho, I find that the book is right on point. I enjoy reading it because it really gets to the core of human nature. I truly enjoy reading anything that has to do with the human psyche. Another great book by him is "The 48 Laws of Power".

Reading the book, I felt like there were alot of things that I already did. I just didn't realize it was a seduction. :giggle:. I can be pretty distant with my feelings and always gauge how others react before I divulge too much. IMO this is a great book. I lived alot of the principles in it unknowingly and I must say that I agree that they work.
The title is obvious, But can you ladies tell me in detail what's it about? I mean what can I expect out of the book?:look:
I read the book about a month ago. I didn't learn too many new things, but it did broaden my thinking on certain topics. Like we all know what hard to get it, but it showed many different aspects of the human psyche to use how you want to get what you want. Its a lot to remember and grasp which is why I'm slowly reading it a second time.
Its kinda weird to read, I feel kinda sinful for reading it for some reason, but I have recognized several qualities within myself and others lol... I put some of his tips into play today... thanks for posting the e-booK!!!
Its kinda weird to read, I feel kinda sinful for reading it for some reason, but I have recognized several qualities within myself and others lol... I put some of his tips into play today... thanks for posting the e-booK!!!

Yeah, I started reading it and had to stop :ohwell:
When I first started reading, I felt the same way. It was like I learning to practice some kind of witchcraft mind control. But...When I thought about it, I had already been subconsciously applying the techniques. When you get far enough into the book you will start seeing some of your qualities and behaviors being presented. Plus, after having been a victim, I didn't feel so bad about it. :yep:. I know his writing style is a little :spinning:, but I think that's simply for effect. Once you get over that then you'll start thinking :rolleyes:, "Why didn't I start reading sooner?".
Damn, I'm just reading the table of contents and I'm...:look:...kinda turned on.

You should be...:look:. I'm taking a break from this book right now because I'm tired of reading it. I'm 3/4 quarters of the way through it, but I only read the e-book and it's harder to pretend that I'm actually doing work at work while reading, than to do my homework. :grin: Soo... brief hiatus.

Has anyone figured out what kind of seducer they are? I'm a coquette. :yep:
You should be...:look:. I'm taking a break from this book right now because I'm tired of reading it. I'm 3/4 quarters of the way through it, but I only read the e-book and it's harder to pretend that I'm actually doing work at work while reading, than to do my homework. :grin: Soo... brief hiatus.

Has anyone figured out what kind of seducer they are? I'm a coquette. :yep:

I am as well.
Have it and 48 laws of power.....both are very interesting reads....I look forward to using the techniques again. I've heard people get all riled up about how the topics are unchristian like, but its really not that serious. I mean the book is labeled as a psychology book, not voodoo:rolleyes:

If you haven't read it, get it!
Have it and 48 laws of power.....both are very interesting reads....I look forward to using the techniques again. I've heard people get all riled up about how the topics are unchristian like, but its really not that serious. I mean the book is labeled as a psychology book, not voodoo:rolleyes:

If you haven't read it, get it!
I need the 48 laws of power. If I only I could find the ebook. Working on it now...:user: