Hey ladies! Just a quick update. I've been home sick all week and today was the first day I felt bored--a sign that I'm getting better :grin:

Anyway, I snapped a pic for a challenge I'm in and thought I'd share here too:


I hope I'll make it by the end of next year! This is my first winter all natural and last year while transitioning, I used heat all the time, something I don't want to do this year. I still can't bear to put my hair away in protective styles, I have HIH hopefully I continue to retain.

Keep it up, ladies!

Trust me, you will get over the HIH

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I will bc'ing this weekend!!! will post pics then, i am hoping for APL by May 2011 and full APL by Sept 2011. anyone have a goal date for reaching APL?
Well, I flat-ironed my hair over the weekend. It came out great but now I realize that the "self-trim" I gave myself a few weeks back is an uneven mess! Now that it's longer, I think I better start going to a professional :lol: Wish I could post pics but I don't have my camera :nono:
Janet' I just got a touch up on my individual braids two layers in the front and two in the back. I believe I will be APL when I flat iorn my hair for Thanksgiving break.

ZkittyKurls I'm hoping to be APL by Thanksgiving but we'll see.
I will bc'ing this weekend!!! will post pics then, i am hoping for APL by May 2011 and full APL by Sept 2011. anyone have a goal date for reaching APL?

I'm hoping mid to late summer to make it to APL. Maybe a few lead hairs will reach it by May/June but who knows with my hair. It's hit or miss lol
These are my latest length check pics. I just feel like i am soooooo far from this goal.. idk why.


MsLizziA, I started my Healthy Hair Journey where you are right now...You are coming along nicely...I realized that to get past this point (which I had been at for 10 or so years), I had to focus on protective styling and low manipulation styling...I used rollersets and buns to get through this all too difficult period...
@janet i want to wear it str8 for the winter but i am seriously just considering putting it away for the rest of the winter :( or at least until my birthday...
MsLizziA, :yep:, many naturals take advantage of the no-humidity winter months to straighten and that might work for you...I just know that my hair was constantly brushing up against my sweaters, jackets, coats (in the winter) and this could be counterproductive for your hair (it was for mine)...When is your b-day? I put my hair up from Dec-March and I broke through the APL was ON from there, lol!
janet Its in Feb. It didn't take me long to break the shoulder length barrier but it just seems like its taking forever to reach APL. Iono maybe im being impatient.
MsLizziA your hair looks really pretty and thick. You might want to consider putting your hair away for the winter, maybe that will help you break through that barrier. I know when I leave mine alone, it seems to flourish

I'm trying to figure out how to thicken up my hair, I know people said megatek worked for them and I'm going to try the MoeGro recipe as well.

I'm hoping to touch APL by Dec, but I dont think it will be at full APL until mid 2011.
The winters get really harsh around January so I'm thinking of doing some twists as a protective style from January-February...hopefully I'll get to retain some length.
I am simply rambling...after I bc I will be doing protective styling throughout the winter. I dont like to do my hair on a regular basis so i have decided that I will be doing mini twists, starting in december and will keep them in for at least 4-6 weeks at a time. I will probably blowdry my hair 50% before twisting my hair and I will only straighten once in November, once in May and one more time in Nov 2011.

For me it takes allll day to wash, detangle, blowdry, and straighten so I never look forward to straightening my hair. I also work out a few days a week and mini twists wont allow me to contemplate on going to the gym as opposed to if it were straight.
I blew out my hair last weekend on low heat...will post pics tonight...I think I have 2" to touch APL.

I have to share this orgasmic experience:
Last weekend I DC with Crecepelo and used their leave-in conditioner; then, sealed with Vatika oil...O.M.G. My hair was BUUUTTTERRR soooooft!! and no breakage during blowdrying. This is definetly a staple and I will never change it. Btw, my hair is still soft and my twistout is just laying down...dead. :grin:
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Thank you!! :giggle: I want to flatiron that's why I did the mini blowout to satisfy my urges! :lol:

But when you are going post some pics?? I wanna see too!
Thank you!! :giggle: I want to flatiron that's why I did the mini blowout to satisfy my urges! :lol:

But when you are going post some pics?? I wanna see too!

I plan on flat ironing for Christmas so about 6 weeks. Trust's nowhere as lush as yours that's for sure lol
I snuck and flat ironed a piece last night and it's not quite as far as I like it, but to say that I've only been on my HHJ since June...I can most def see the growth :yep: