The 2007 Head-to-Toe Challenge

Count me in to. Here is mine.

1.) Live a life that honors God.

2.) Weight goal anywhere between 125-130lbs

3.) I just got my hair cut down extremely short (talking less then a mm)
(Bad relaxer incident). So I want it grow back healthy and long.

4.) Keep healthy teeth and skin.

Will post a album as soon as I learn how to down load the pictures correctly.

5.) No spending money on things I do not need.
Count me in!

I have been eyeing this thread for a while now and I belive that it is a awsome concept that I would like to take part of

My Hair- Ultimatly I want my hair to be waist lenght in twist. My goal is armpit lenght in 2007. to acheive this I will be doing crown and glory and the boot camp challenge
My Mind- I am extremly close to getting my finishing my major, along with this I am going to finish my minor. I am also going to boost my gpa ( I want to graduate with above a 3.0)
I am also going to incorperate positive thinking into my life as well

My Skin- Along with drinking plenty of water, I am going to be faithful to my skin care regimine. The regemine consists of common since practices (at least for me)
After I bathe I will use lotion
Morning and night-Wash, tone, treat
1x week- Exfoliate and use a facial mask

My Body- This is a big challenge for me but I beleive that I can do it. I am going to lose 40lbs by this time next year. By looking at me you wouldnt think that I needed to lose that much weight (some but not that much) but what I look like and what the scale says are two different stories.
I will complete my weight loss goal by
Excersizing 3x a week (cardio all three time, light weights and floor work twice)
Teaching my class ( I teach dance)

Finances-Save money.

Im getting a digi cam for X-mas so I will post pic then
I want to do this.

I already joined the shoulder length in '07. I would like to be shoulder length by fall. I additionally want to learn to be more confident about styling my hair. My current regiment is as follows for Winter (will change in the Spring)

Deep Con 1-2 times weekly as needed.
Pre poo w/Cholesterol/oil mix once monthly.
Wash once monthly.
Daily- Doogro oil on my scalp. Elasta QP Mango butter on length. Ends-mix of Profectiv (the yellow one)/doo gro.
Sleep with my hair protected more consistantly.
Stretch no more than 8 weeks to avoid breakage.
Learn how to freakin braid better. :mad:
Try Henna.

Continue my current regiment and be more consistant.
Nighttime cleanse/exfoliate. Use Hi Time cocoa butter/tea tree on my face.
Morning. Cleanse and pretreat with mattifyer.
For my body use gentler soap.
Shave when I feel like it.
Use body butters daily to keep away the scales.

Make SURE I keep up my self care even when I am stressed out.
Cut down on the coffee.
Continue taking vitamins/meds even when I am stressed out.
Take a vacation.
Revamp and reopen website.
Get a webstore open.
Be nice to myself.
Take better care of myself.
Stop trying to take care of everyone else so much.
I'm in! Here are the highlights:

Hair: 2007 LHCF Bootcamp, Waistlength by 2007 (little-no heat, dustings, and frequent deep conditioners and protein treatments)

Skin: Fabulous thick arched eyebrows (I'm growing them out)

Nails: Grow them stronger (weekly self-manicures, daily vitamins)

Fitness: 2007 Fitness Bootcamp (Workout 6x week, stick to healthy eating plan with 1 cheat day/week)

School/Career: Graduate in May, nail current TA position and internship, land that 1st job

Personal: Fluency in Spanish, Go to London, Be more honest, Learn a word a day, Go to church more often

I'm excited!
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For my hair I want to find the perfect regimine for me. Get to a healthy APL by my birthday April 10

Find a good cleanser for my face. Using distilled water when I wash. I never break out and have had a couple here and there lately

Continue to develop a stronger relationship with the Lord and myself.

Back to the weight I was this summer 7lbs away. I start training Jan. 21 for the half marathon in St. Louis and for the Kentucky Derby. More water, fruits and vegs.

Taking my vitamins. Slowing down on the wine and martinis and more H20 and fruits to snack on at work

Let my rents know how much I love them everyday since they put me thru school twice! Develop a stronger relationship with the love of my life...uhhhh! Plan at least 2 trips to spend time w/ my high school friends and college friends. Learn to love myself more.

Next year I will look into going to real estate school. With all the extra time off I have for only working 3 days a week I should be spending the other four trying to make some extra cash flow to support my habits. :lol:

Obtain the same one-year progress as Ambitious1013

Obtain meaningful relationships (both platonic and romantic)

Start 403(b) in Sept.
Have a separate savings for school.

Be in an official degree-seeking graduate program...bam!

Stretch at least once daily.


inspired by others
-Fluency in both Spanish and Italian! (daily lessons on bbc)
-Take off of work at one day a just do nothing! :yep:
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I had to think about this one for a minute but I'm in!!!! This is going to be a challenging challenge. Wow, where will everyone be in a year???? I can't wait to see this one through.:)

Deep condition once a week
No TRIMS every month like I usually do

Fastfood only twice a week
Only 2 sodas a week
Excersize 4 days a week for at least 30 minutes
Lose 25 lbs

Wash my face/remove makeup every day or night as necessary
Moisturize my skin after every shower

Get back into school (online courses) next year
Go to Burke Williams at least once every 3 months
Continue on my walk to understanding God and finding my purpose
Stop Cussing
Smile a lot more this year
Read a book a month and cut out the tv watching
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BlackCardinal said:
I'm joining this too. I need to work out what my different goals are going to be. I think I'm going to set quarterly goals to line up with my school terms. I'll post when I get everything sorted out.
Okay, first quarter goals are set for the most part. I'll be keeping up with this challenge in my BC Central journal, linked in my siggy. Woo! I'm excited!
My Goals:

Spiritual: Develop a stronger relationship with God.
Body: Incorporate weight training in my workout routine.
Health: Eat more homecooked meals and limit fast foods to once a week at the most!
Educational: Graduate this year with a GPA above 3.0.
Personal: Spend more time in fresh open air!

I guess this is it for now. I'll try to find a way to make them more specific and attainable.
Im definately in, this is what im looking for. Do i have to tell you y goals now, im sure i'll be adding more in my journal.

Hair:Continue transitioning until i get shoulder length natural hair. Find a regime that works plus i need new products. I would like to have thick healthy APL natural hair by the end of Dec 2007.

Skin:Just continue cleansing, my face as normal. Moisterise my body as always, avoid getting blemishes.

Health:Avoid sweet/chocolates and any junk that irritates my skin and body, i can indulge once a month :eek:

My Body:Join a running club, do my aerobics once a week, and tone my stomach in time for my trip to Thailand (when i go and if i go lol). I want all round fitness and strength. Quit the gym because its a waste of my money.

I just know im going to add more.
Add me to the list. I am definitely in on this!

I would like to be APL in 2007. I am currently SL. I plan to work on my edges to get them to grow back in full and to get my hair thicker as well. I alway had very thick hair as a child and pre relaxer. I really believe with continued healthy hair care and stretching relaxers for at least 2 months I can achieve thicker, healthy, long hair again.

Be more consistent with my skin care and flossing. Especially in the evenings when I am tired and looking to cut corners.

Before I do anything else in my day spend time in the Bible, praying and getting refreshed spiritually.

I will continue to do cardio 6 days a week and do resistance and strength training at least 4 days a week. I will be back to my normal weight of 113 by my Birthday in February (10 lbs away). I have worked out for over 17 years and love it. My family has vacationed a whole lot this year because of the flexibility of the boys homeschool schedule so it was harder to stay disciplined with my eating. Now that we are settled again and I am back into my routine I will whip myself back into shape in no time. I love a good challenge! This is sooo motivating to me and it's just what I need. I am really excited.

Water has never been the love of my life, but I find that the more I drink the more I crave it. I will drink more water, at least 3 bottles a day. I will eat more veggies, fruit, whole grains and healthy meals in general. I will really watch my portion sizes and eat clean healthy unprocessed foods. My goal is not to diet but to live a healthy lifestyle. I also need to get to bed earlier so that I am getting proper amount of sleep.

I will be more affectionate and make sure that I am giving my husband the respect and admiration that he deserves. I am really blessed to have such an AWESOME husband! I will also be more open to being social and building friendships. I will not let past experiences and hurts be a stumbling block for me.

Home School:
I Homeschool my 2 boys and I will press forward with a positive attitude reminding myself the sacrafice is certainly worth the fruit being produced. I will continue to make it fun and challenging and enjoy this wonderful privilege that I have to instill Godly values and morals into these 2 young men. I will enjoy and take full advantage of the quality that I am able to spend with them on a daily basis.
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Whoo-hoo! Count me in on this challenge!!!

Okay, I'm just barely brushing my shoulder right now so I've got a good 5 inches until I get to APL. I really want to reach APL this year. I'd love to hit APL by June but I'll settle for a full head of hair right past my shoulders by June.

Drink at least 2 Nalgene bottles worth of water every day. Continue to wash face with St.Ives Apricot scrub. Take make-up off at nights. I am guilty of coming home on a Friday night too late and too "sick" to take off my eye make-up. Shame on me!

Go back to brushing teeth 3 times a day. Floss and wear the retainer! I paid for my braces out of my pocket and I need to wear my retainer so my money isn't a waste.

Okay. I've always wanted to model and now is the time to do it while I'm still young and without concerns. I need to lose weight about 15 pounds. I want to go to the gym 5x a week. ALso, I'm limiting myself to one meal a week where I eat out..

Apply for my first credit card (!) and start establishing good credit.

Dean's list baby!!!

I need to learn how to interview well and get a banging summer internship with a banking company. Once I get said internship, I need to network like crazy and make sure I leave an impression on the company...make sure no opportunity is wasted!
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I will definetly join this challenge. I need it. My hair goal is to be Shoulder lenght by July, and APL by the end of 2007. As far as weight loss goals, I want to lose 55lbs, by my birthday May 6, with a short term goal of being under 200lbs by the end of Feb. You would think it would be easy for me considering that I am a certified personal trainer, but I've been super lazy since I quit working at Bally total Fitness. Any ways This challenge will be a great motivator. Anyone want to be my Accountability partner? PM if your interested.

1st Goal - Full SL
2nd Goal - APL end of 2007
3rd Goal Just past BSL

Weight Goal - 175
Current Weight - 225 with 54% Body Fat (I know it's really bad) Iwas 25% when I worked at Ballys:( :ohwell:

Education - I want to become a licensed Skin Therapist..Esthtician...And I want to really get my cosmetics company off the ground. I am applying at Paul Mitchelle School to get my license

Be out of Debt for 2007!!!!!!!!

And if it's the Lords will, actually have a healthy relationship with a nice gentelman (although this is NOT my main goal of the year)
Where is Nymphe? I need my name added to the list plus tons of others have added on as well. Don't tell me she has a life outside of lhcf :)
I'm in! Whew, so many challenges, so little time:lol:

Health: Master cleanse on the 1st for 10 days, 80% raw food eating thereafter:) , vegan, exercise at least 3x weekly (walking, aerobics tape, pilates tape), take Capoiera classes

Skin: Aveeno products only on face, lotion entire body daily, mani/pedi once a week, shave once a week

Spiritual: Find church! listen to flutes at least 3x weekly, walk through park

Cultural: 1 museum at least 1x monthly, read new book every month, read about a new culture 1x monthly

More to come:)
I have dared to do the unthinkable....I have posted my before pics of me in a bikini in my fotki...I know you all will cringe more that I have, but it's for the purpose of motivating myself and others. I have also started a journal that you can check out in my fotki, I will try to update it daily.

no password

Don't shop at Asian BSS. Visit Aron Ranen's Black Hair Doc. get more information on the MONOPOLY being built to shut black business owners out of the MULTI BILLION $$$ Black hair care game. Then visit to get more info on what you can do to keep the Black Hair Care Industry in the Black Community!!!:) :) :) :)
I'm In!!

My Mind-Spirituality
Journal on a weekly basis working up to a daily basis
Go back to attending church and studying the bible beyond the surface

My Hair
Attempt to roller set my own hair at least once a month

My Skin
Find an actual skin care regimen and stick with it as opposed to a hot towel and alcohol
Find a make up routine that is very minimal and looks as natural as can be with very few products so I stick with it

My Health-Body
Stop taking Blood Pressure medication (since I am only on them because of my weight)
Take a my supplements every day including cal, mv and hsn
Lose 100 lbs (maybe 122 lbs) I will see how I look with a 100 gone
6 cardio sessions a week even if I have to double up on some days
Train and complete a Marathon by January 10, 2008 (Disney Marathon)
Sexy Arms(Like Angela Bassett)
No Cheat days or weekends, Just a meal.. I end up losing my mind with cheat days

My Career
Open up Real Estate Brokerage Firm
Stop contract work and devote my time to building my business not someone else

My Personal Life
Start cultivating relationships with other women (I am 28 and I don’t have a best friend)
Stop spending hours watching TV doing absolutely nothing
Learn Spanish
Go on at least 4 vacations (even if it is a long 3 day weekend)
Become closer to my Mom
Start my non-profit for teens (I believe that is what I am meant to do)

I am sorry you guys. This is like a book… I am really glad I found this challenge. I feel like I have just been going through life.. It is time for me to get more out of it then it is getting out of me.
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I really don't like the look of LJ. I did sign up for it. I may post my details on my fotki and blogger. You all can add me to your friends if you wish. Click Photo album below.
There are so many areas I want to improve in 2007. Here are my goals:

  • Lose 25 pounds and make healthy eating a daily habit
  • Be 'that girl' every day - adequate time, preparation, clothes, and attention to detail
  • Reach APL - consistent hair routine, better products
  • Achieve clear skin with no scars or blemishes - products and consistency
Career and Networking
  • Learn French
  • Figure out which career path I will take
  • Find a job on said career path
  • Join my alumni association and be an active member
Repair my credit

For January, I will work on:
  • Eating 3 meals and a snack each day
  • Cardio 3 days a week, 30 min each session
  • Spend 1 hr a day on French lessons
  • Find a hair care line I like and use only products from that line
  • Visit the [FONT=arial,helvetica,sans-serif][FONT=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]aesthetician (sp?)[/FONT][/FONT]
  • [FONT=arial,helvetica,sans-serif][FONT=arial,helvetica,sans-serif] Write at least one letter to a creditor[/FONT][/FONT]
I have an Livejournal account that I use to keep track of my fitness goals. If anyone wants to add me to their friend list, please feel free to PM me. Good luck ladies!

I had did a post back in November of 2006... but I thought it was time to do a more detailed and specific goal list.

Hair: I have joined the 2007 Boot Camp Challenge... After I end my 30 days I will continue to keep my hair moisturized and clean :) My goal is to have APL "healthy" hair and on my way towards BSL "healthy" hair by the end of the year.

Skin: For my face, I am entertaining the idea of seeing a dermatologist. But I will continue using Black Soap by Sheaterra and a moisturizer by Oil of Olay. My goal is to keep my hands and other harsh chemicals away from my face (that are within my control) For my body- I will use my Sexy Belly body butter from Carol's Daughter to help give my skin a suppleness that I like... lol


Fitness: I will lose 40 lbs by the end of the year. By walking and doing strength training exercises. Changing my eating habits completely. I want to take candy out completely, limit my chocolate and sweets intake. I will drink more water...this will also help with my skin... I will take my multi and my apple cider vinegar. I will stay motivated and I can do this! I will be doing exercise classes for abs and buns, along with my dancing cardio video.
Spiritual: I will rededicate myself to nurturing my relationship with God by reading and practicing what I hear at church and what I read. For those who haven't yet, check out The Bible Experience of CD...

My goal is to live within my budget and to pay off and close some credit cards. I don't need as many as I have. I will save 60 dollars a month (from my student worker job) and save all of my paycheck aside from tithes from my Radio Shack job.


My goal is to finish my third semester of grad school with a 4.0 or 3.6. I will make more time to implement my studies.

Me time:
I will treat myself to pedicures monthly and an occasional manicure and a limit of 4 books... lol.
Hello All...I'm new to the forum. This is a great challenge. There's nothing like getting focused and starting fresh. I am a little late but I still want to join this challenge.

Health: Eat more fruits and vegetables. Get more sleep. Exercise to tone up.

Skin: Even tone, clear skin.

Hair: BSL by Dec. 2007

Finance: Stick with a budget.
Hello! I am so terribly sorry! I have the trifecta of disasters occur over the holidays--lost the computer, my car, and my health, not to mention the TV and stereo. I feel great; my car is so-so; but the computer is squeaking by on another motherboard and processor. The one best thing Microsoft ever invented can be summed up into two words: system restore! :lol: Oh, and thank God for flash memory, too.

Let me get my bearings straight before I do anything else...
Is it too early to post our first updates? I'm just being over-anxious... not that I did great or anything, cos I didn't. :-/
ProseChild said:
Is it too early to post our first updates? I'm just being over-anxious... not that I did great or anything, cos I didn't. :-/

No I don't think it's too early. I'm sure challengers would love to hear about your progress. Never know, you may be an inspiration to others in this challenge. :)
Anancy said:
Goahead, give us your update. I know i've been really bad this month.

I've been really bad too :-( Last night I was feeling a bit down about my lack of progress. Here's how January turned out:

  • Eating 3 meals and a snack each day
  • Cardio 3 days a week, 30 min each session
  • Spend 1 hr a day on French lessons
I didn't complete these items every day. On some days I got through an hour of French per day, but most I only did a half hour or sometimes nothing at all. As far as eating, I've only eaten my 3 meals & snack once since the challenge started for me. :( Like right now I have to make myself go eat dinner, b/c I'm not hungry... and let's not talk about working out. I haven't worked out once!

  • Find a hair care line I like and use only products from that line
    [*]Visit the aesthetician
    [*]Write at least one letter to a creditor

I got these things done, but they were the type of things where you could check off the list and keep it moving. While my hair and skin are doing better, I feel bad about not eating right or working out. I need to work on consistency for February.

For February I will work on:
  • Eating 3 meals and a snack per day
  • Cardio 3x per week (Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday)
  • French lessons an hour per day
  • Conduct at least 1 informational interview with an event planner

I know there were some motivating stories for January... can't wait to read some!
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