The 2007 Head-to-Toe Challenge

Count me in...
Here are my goals..I will also be using live journal..

I will be wearing my hair out for the most part unless it’s an important occasion.
Take care of and grow edges out
I want shoulder length hair by Dec 2007
I want all my hair even and thick with a solid regime
Learn how to wrap and roller set my hair
Every two wks will go to the salon

Braces to close all gaps

I want to have clear blemish free skin
**looking for regime***
will grow my natural nails out

Gym 3x’a a week
Drink 65oz of water a day
Eat more high fiber fruits and veggies
Try and do colonix every three months
Cook more

Attend church more
Strengthen my faith
Get active in church

Visit and spend more times with friends
Stop pushing people away because of my trust issues

Save 100 a month
Do 5% in my 401k
Create and stick to a budget
Get out of debt
Fix credit

Get back and stick with school

Spend more time with Kids
Pass out chores and hold kids accountable
Create an allowance
Be more patient and dedicate to kids homework
Family trip once a year
Be more active in school with kids
Keep house a lil bit more cleaner
Decorate house a lil more
yankgal007 said:
Count me in...
Here are my goals..I will also be using live journal..

I will be wearing my hair out for the most part unless it’s an important occasion.
Take care of and grow edges out
I want shoulder length hair by Dec 2007
I want all my hair even and thick with a solid regime
Learn how to wrap and roller set my hair
Every two wks will go to the salon

Braces to close all gaps

I want to have clear blemish free skin
**looking for regime***
will grow my natural nails out

Gym 3x’a a week
Drink 65oz of water a day
Eat more high fiber fruits and veggies
Try and do colonix every three months
Cook more

Attend church more
Strengthen my faith
Get active in church

Visit and spend more times with friends
Stop pushing people away because of my trust issues

Save 100 a month
Do 5% in my 401k
Create and stick to a budget
Get out of debt
Fix credit

Get back and stick with school

Spend more time with Kids
Pass out chores and hold kids accountable
Create an allowance
Be more patient and dedicate to kids homework
Family trip once a year
Be more active in school with kids
Keep house a lil bit more cleaner
Decorate house a lil more

Your goals are awesome. Put a smile on my face! :D
I want to listen, trust, and obey God more.
I do not attend Bible Study now, so I would like to attend on a weekly basis.
I want to read the Bible daily.
I want to continue to surround myself with positive people.

I want to complete my MA by June 2007 as scheduled.
I want to take these community courses in Spanish Conversation. I have been stagnant too long in my language acquisition courses--doing everything possible as long as I don't have to speak a lot of Spanish and embarrass myself. Now, I am going to quit playing around.
Read at least one book for leisure each month.
Start doing research on the field that I shall receive my Ph. D. in by at least the time I am twenty-seven or twenty-eight.

I need to exercise three times a week.
I also want to reduce my dessert intake to three desserts per week.

I want my hair to APL by June 2007 and BSL by Dec 2007.
This goal will require that I deep condition weekly.
It will also require that step up my protein treatments to at least once a month or every three weeks.
OK count me in. I love these challemges they keep me on track.

My Hair:
I want to have be at bra strap by Dec.
I want to maintain the process thst I started this year but I need to be even more consistent.

My Skin:
Hopefully, the dark spots that I infliced on myself will fade bt Dec 07.

My Health:
Incorporate more strength training in my routine and up my protein intake.

One more year to go to complete my BS in computer Science. Have to stay focused.

Get closer to God and keep him in all that I do.
I am up for this challenge-
My Hair- By the end of 2007, i want healthy BSL Hair( that would make me sooo happy
Body- I will be eating better,( maybe no red meat) no fried foods and getting my 8 glasses of H20 a day
I want to have 100 credits by the end of 2007,and get all A's!!!!
Hair- No heat, protien treatments, and moisterizing) protective styles
Body- NO GREASE, fried foods, processed foods
Educations- Take a bunch of credit hours both in SP07 Sum07 and Fall 07, Also take the CLEP exam for my core classes
I know i can do it, i just need focus
I'm up for the challenge...

Hair - Currently about 2 inches past shoulders.
Goal- BSL by December 07
Prevent hair breakage and split ends.
Be consistent with hair care regimen.

Skin - Clear up dark spots. Stop attacking my face

Teeth - Teeth Whitening

Weight - Exercise 5 times per week. Lose excess weight and tone up.
Stop emotional / boredom eating
Be consistent.

Education - Complete Becker CPA review and pass all sections of the CPA exam

Finance - Get out of debt , save aggresively and exercise prudence in all purchases.

Real estate - Buy our house in 2007

Relationships - Continue to nuture and grow deeper bonds with Husband, Parents and Siblings. Cherish old friends. Be more available and open to new friendships. Get rid of all grudges and have absolutely no hard feelings towards any one.

God - Continue to seek God and learn how to practice living a Godly purposeful life everyday.

Business - Brainstorm! Brainstorm ! Brainstorm! Dilligently research all business ideas and possible ventures.

Stop Worrying!!!
Continue to learn how to be content, happy,peaceful and confident regardless of whatever situation we find ourselves in.

So help me God.
I need This Im in

Goals for 2007

Hair - My hair is near bra strap, Currently I have 3 more inches for bra strap, thats my goal by may 07

Skin - Getting rid of any acne and have clear smooth skin, (working on that now and it's clearing)

Teeth - Teeth Whitening - brite smile im getting for christmas

Weight - To have a fit body and continue losing weight, Planning to make my goal by my 30th birthday, July 07.
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Count me in!!

Decide whether im going to transition or not. Nevertheless, aim for healthy hair and possibly BSL

Eat more fruit and veg and learn how to make delicious low calorie meals! definately need to exercise more.I need to start drinking a litre and a half or water a day. Need to cut down on junk food!

I could really do with losing around 30-40lbs! Also, for the first time I'm going to STOP getting acrylic nails and grow my own :)

Finish university in june 07 and try try try to get a graduate job. Continue with work experience in order to get there
Count me in ladies!!

Grow my hair, as much as possible, w/braids and by following a modified version of the Crown & Glory method.
Use only all natural hair products for the entire year.

see derm about sun spots/small moles. My goal is to have 'make-up' optional skin.
Use only all natural skin care products & treatments.

Increase water intake by drinking 64 oz. of water daily.
Lose weight and gain muscle by exercising 6 days a week(cardio for 45/60/90 minutes; weights for 30 min).
Take supplements daily.
Eat organic foods only, or at least as much as possible, for the entire year.

obtain employment
study for GRE/get into graduate school

save more & spend less
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Yikes! I didn't realize that I didn't post my goals/outcomes:

Front of hair Chin length- March 06
Back of hair APL-March 06

Thryoid levels reach 'normal' range- Mid Jan 06
Thryroid levels maintain 'normal' range-The whole year

Weight goes down to 140s-Feb 06
Non-Pregnancy weight goes down to 137-The whole year

Maintain a healthly and rich relationship-The whole Year
Get pregnant-Feb 06

Get an 'A' on all my classes-The whole Year

Get my non-profit up and running-The whole Year
Be comfortable with public speaking-March 06

Have a close relationship with God-The whole Year
Read the bible at least two times a week-The whole Year

Have my forehead pimple free-The whole Year

Get my credit score to 700 -March 06
I am newbie :grin:.This is my first challenge I know what I want to do with other aspects of the challenge. But not the Hair I need advice. I read the manual, but I feel overwhelmed. Please help!:confused: Also what APL
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I am IN!

Hair: 12in of healthy natural hair by the end of 2007.
Method: Braids, Cornrows, Braids, Twists. 6 styles for the
year. Jan-Mar1, Mar-May1, May-July1, July-Sep1, Sep-Nov1,
Nov-Jan1 (front rebraided at the beginning of every second
month) Cut 1in of relaxed ends off before the next braid style.
Staple Products: S-Curl, Cayenne Pepper/Peppermint oil
mix night before Con or Poo, claryifing shampoo, a great
conditioner, and WGO (w/peppermint oil).
Vitamins: Silica, Omega 369.
Natural Hair Inspiration for 2007:

Body: Jogging in the morning, ab crunches and chest crunches (w/
free weights) at night, Increased water consumption, VERY
LIMITED FRIED FOOD FOR 1 YEAR, veggies for snacks: baby
carrots, broccoli. Leafy dark greens at least 2x week.
Vitamins:L-glutathione 250mg-500mg w/ Vitamin C 500mg

Skin:No underarm shaving. Only waxing and using non-aluminum
deodorant (Adidias). No bikini shaving. Only waxing. Dove face
wash and Palmers moisterizing lotion. Be Gentle.
Mavala for eyelash growth. Keep nails healthy and manicured.

Teeth: Healthy gums and Invisalign braces by end of 2007.

Spirit:Read natural hair care books, personal development books and
attend church more often.

:) I cant wait for the new year!
Head to Toe Challenge here I come!
I'd like to join this challenge.

Goal: four more healthy inches in 2007
A Press and curl and trim only 2x a year
Box braids, twists (with and without extensions) in 4-8 week intervals for at least six months of the year

Monthly glycolic acid facials
Drink at least 6 glasses of water a day
Honey and sugar scrubs twice a week

Whitened at brite smile
Floss every night

goal weight: 118
Run at least four days a week
Take yoga twice a week
Reduce sugar and fried food intake

Stay employed!
Purchase a condo or unattached home
Pay off all of private dept

I'm on a total of 4 challenges for 07 so I'm hoping this will be the easy part. I plan on wearing my hair for 07 in protective styles and just to keep my hands out of it, whether that be kinky twists, weave, or protective buns. I plan to relax a maximum of 2-3 times in 07. Really aiming for 2 (at the end of June 07 & Dec 07)


Just to keep up with the regimen that I currently have, no picking just leaving it the hell alone. I have a bad habit of not washing off my make up. Wash, tone & moisturise twice a day plus a face mask and/or a steam once a week.


I hate exercise, but I love to dance, so at least twice a week 40 minute dance sessions. This may not sound like much but it's more than I do now.


This I have to really think about as I'm not very disciplined in this arena. I love my sweets as well as friend chicken, but I plan to cut back on ready made meals and prepare my own foods a day in advance if I have too. I plan to buy more organic produce and corn fed meats than the regular cheaper foods.

I also need to sleep more than 4 hrs a night. I need to start aiming for at least 6 hours.

Money & Finances
Sell more on Ebay rather than hoarding my old junk.
Spend WAY less than last year, no impulse buying. If I 'think' I really want something I am going to wait a week and see if I still want it, then figure out if I truly need it or not before making the decision to buy.
Pay off my debts and work out a plan for the next 12 months in order to acomplish that
Save my butt off for my deposit for the place I want to buy in Houston Tx
Save money in general

Get to work on my business planning and focusing on that everyday, substituting my LHCF time to working on that and making it my sole priority

Procrastinate less. If I'm up I'm up stop lounging for the sake of it, time is precious.
Stop putting things off by saying I'll do it tomorrow
Pray more, curse less
Stop answering my phone just because it's ringing. If I'm busy they'll just have to wait. When I call them "I'm busy is the 1st thing they'll tell me"
Just be more organised in general in every aspect of my life. It saves a lot of time.
Just stop being lazy.
Get into a routine.
By God’s grace
I’m making this a life plan, I’ll be adjusting and altering as I go and grow;)

My Hair
I am striving for healthy , long,thicker- from shoulder to Bra strap and beyond . A solid regimen that includes the use of natural products such as honey, my own sulfur mix and hair butter, henna, castor oil, coconut oil, shea butter. Researching other like oils like mustard oil. Experimenting with Chinese herbs.

My Skin
No more blotchy skin, I'm going to work on evening out my skin. It’s not bad but I can do better, more water wil help, Avon has a product I may try, aslo more goat milk soap

My Teeth
sparkling white teeth. Treating myself to Coalgate white strips (Boxing Day sale) :grin:

My Body
I would like to lose approx. 50-60 lbs, I’m 210 current, this has to go before I get older , as it just gets harder. I’m what you would call “FAT”:fat: . I want to stop eating such large portions of the things I like, be consistent on my meal plans (Always revert after a week or two. Stop using food as a crutch(start reading the word more eating less) Joined “Spark people on line support “, went to have a good talk with my doc for advise, got my Hun to join me “he need to loose 40 lbs”. Going to use more recipes, less free hand, smaller portions, bigger plates, drinking more water, getting and keeping bottles of water for office and car. Less time in front of computer:user: . :whip:

I plan to have all my debts paid off in 3-or less years. We are pending purchasing a home; I would like to furnish it using cash not credit. I would like to increase my investment contributions starting in the New Year. Spend less, invest more. Wisdom to raise my business to another level, more profit, ideas , concepts as to how to continue to create wealth to leave as an inheritance for my children's children.

Natural hair care/ herbs / want to start taking classes.

Started an 8 week self and Holy Sprit directed course “Blue Print for Life”

This will also open up and lead to other spiritual growth. Spending more time listening to God less time talking to Him. More time finding out what’s on His mind and heart.
Meditating on the word.

Make more memories with Hun, girls and grand daughter.
Create more family rituals
Spend more time with Sister’s and nieces and nephews
Create a new family album for 2007
Send more thank you and occasion cards (on time):ohwell:
Say I love you even
more ;)
I'm joining this too. I need to work out what my different goals are going to be. I think I'm going to set quarterly goals to line up with my school terms. I'll post when I get everything sorted out.
Put me down--

HAIR -- grow even BS natural hair; wear protective styles most of the time; learn to create at least two more styles

FACE -- even tone skin, moisturize daily, maintain eyebrows

BODY -- lose 30 pounds; moisturize skin daily; maintain fingernails and hands

HEALTH -- drink at least 40 oz. of water each day; exercise at least 4 times a week

SPIRITUAL -- Read bible and pray every day
I want to join also:

Hair: I would like to grow out the remainder of the color I have and still retaining my length. I have decided to use protective styles and not use direct heat.

Body: I would like to get back to 145 lbs, I weigh about 180 now.

Health: Eat healthier, less pork and beef, less fried food, more fresh vegetables and fruit. Work out at least three times a week for 45 minutes.

Education: Get my degree in May of 07. This is an absolute must.

Spiritual: I will start attending church and bible study regularly. I have been really slacking in that department, this is probably the most important thing to me.
I'm in! I'm in! :clap:
Grow out 6" of healthy hair, either texturized or natural

Go back to following a regular skin care regimen so I can get my clear, smooth brown skin back!

Grow out a nice active length nail. I will polish daily and manicure weekly.

I would like to lose 25-35 pounds. Actually I am more pressed about the inches. I am a size 14 according to the Vicky's catalog. I want to get it down to a 6 in a healthy way.

I need to save up some money. I am planning on moving to Cali this summer so I want to have some cushion.

1) I am currently a teacher. I am looking to switch careers after this school year. I'm just plain burnt out.
2) I would like to start practicing yoga more consistently and continue my exploration into converting to Catholism.
3) I would like to adopt an organic vegan lifestyle so this challenge is right on time. It feels really good to get this in writing. I am really looking forward to this. Thank you ladies!
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I'm a posting newbie but I really like the idea of this challenge so here are my goals:

I'm currently at shoulder-length and I would like to be BSL. I will be doing protective styling (box braids) until I reach that goal. I don't want to put a time limit on it.

Trying to even out my skin tone. Get rid off the spots from me popping my pimples:blush:

I would like to start exercising. Although I'm small (110 pounds), I know I'm unhealthy. I puff going up the stairs:perplexed . So I will try going to the gym (that I've had a membership for months but never gone!!!) at least 3 times a week because this is getting ridiculous now.

STOP PROCRASTINATING SO MUCH!! I'm so bad at getting things done on time. I just waste so much time that I could be using in order to get better marks. I'm just coasting in school now and dammit I was never a coaster!!!

I need to find a job for the rest of the school year. I don't need one, I have enough savings to take me through but I think it will force me to be more organized. I also want to pay off my student loans before I'm done getting my degree in 2 years.

Ok I think that's it for now.

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I'm late, but I'm sooo up for this! I'll come back tomorrow to post my plan... I gotta study!

Keep it healthy and natural, and grow it to shoulder length. The back is there already, but the front has a long way to go. I plan to continue frequent washing, wearing it in it's shrunken state and lots of deep conditioning.

Clear, even and glowing! The only way for me to achieve this is by healthy eating and exercise... which I already do, but I need to be more consistent. NO DAIRY, no pork, beef rarely, LOTS of fruit and veggies, water, healthy grains, fish and chicken. Consistent 8 hours of sleep, and at least 30 mins of exercise a day (could even be walking to school). Also, stay consistent on regimen (based on Paula Begoun product recs).

Body and Health
Much of the things I have listed under skin fall into this category, but I'd also like to start dancing again to help with stress. Spend more time outside as well. I'd like to try incorporating more raw food into my diet. Finally take more time for my skin from the neck down, exfoliate at least once a week, and shape my nails!

Stop relying on my superb cramming skills for school, and get things done ahead of time! Stay organized in all areas!

ETA my plan
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I finally got my thoughts together! Here is my Head -to -toe Challenge Plan:

I want my hair BSL by the end of 2007 . I also want it be thick and healthy.

MY Relationship with God
I want to rededicate my life to God and working on mending and having a closer relationship with God. I also want to start back teaching Sunday School and working in the Church. I will pray and read my bible every morning and night for a hour.( 30 minutes each)

I want my teeth to be whiter, get braces and get a akward tooth remove from the roof of my mouth. :eek:

I want to lose 50 lbs and to reward myself I will get my belly pierced! I also want to learn how to make better food choices. I plan to exercise everyday alternating b/w cardio and weight training, also drinking at least 64oz of water a day.

I want to finish writing my novels and get them published.
I'm in...

Applythe church covenant to my life.
Read the entire Bible
More quiet time with the Lord

Continue my studies in Alternative Medicine

Exercise at least 5 times per week.
Loose weight - 125 pounds
Drink 64 oz or more glasses of water per day.
Follow the book 8 Weeks to Optimum Health
Eat fruits, vegetables, and grains.

Grow a full, thick healthy head of hair. For real this time ---> 12 inch afro.
Massage the scalp ever day.
Natural Products - Homemade and purchased
Less manipulation.

Being that I have a skin disorder, I will do the best that I can.

Credit repair.
Get my busniess started.

Prepare to purchase a home.

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Ok, I'm in.

Hair Goal

APL is my utlimate goal so this is what I want out of 2007.

Skin Goal

I am currently working on getting my skin to look flawless and glowy. so this is skin goal for my entire body.

Weight Goal

I would like to reach my goal weight of 145lbs toned and healthy.

Attitude Goal

My goal is to always keep a positive attitude and to always look towards GREATNESS in the furture.


My goal is to become closer to GOD and keep up with my bible readings. To learn more of what GOD wants for me in my life and to learn to listen to him when he speaks to me.