That Kitchen a.k.a. nape of neck


Well-Known Member
Hey Ladies,

How many of you do not edge-up or keep the nape of your neck trimmed/shaved? Do you feel it's necessary?

I have to say that it kinda tears my nerves up when I see a woman with beautiful hair but a train track that leader down the back of her shirt.

But to each her own I guess...LOL
i don't shape up my neck anymore. :nono:

imo, i does not look natural to have a blunt or "fade" cut back there.

my turning point:

i saw queen latifah's nape when i worked with her. that woman has beautiful hair and her nape was so nice and pretty.

i saw her hair before it was "done" and after. before it was fine and still pretty, just a pony. when it was done, her stylist was able to brush her nape up into her hair - if you get what i mean so her styled pony/bun that night was off the hook.

once i saw that, i knew i had to grow my nape out!!

so i'm growing it out, makes a big difference on how it looks!!

it's longish now. it's the slowest growing part of my head as probably is for most women.

see how her edges look here? her nape/kitchen looks just as smooth!

and that's all of her hair too.


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I usually have my brother do it but I had a baaaaaaaad experience with hot water and my kitchen so I'm trying to let it grow back in before I address that.
i don't shape up my neck anymore. :nono:

imo, i does not look natural to have a blunt or "fade" cut back there.

my turning point:

i saw queen latifah's nape when i worked with her. that woman has beautiful hair and her nape was so nice and pretty.

i saw her hair before it was "done" and after. before it was fine and still pretty, just a pony. when it was done, her stylist was able to brush her nape up into her hair - if you get what i mean so her styled pony/bun that night was off the hook.

once i saw that, i knew i had to grow my nape out!!

so i'm growing it out, makes a big difference on how it looks!!

it's longish now. it's the slowest growing part of my head as probably is for most women.

see how her edges look here? her nape/kitchen looks just as smooth!

and that's all of her hair too.



Ditto! Queen Latifah has an excellent hair stylist, her hair is always on point!
It has taken MANY years for my nape to start growing. I used to shape it and when the hair would grow back there, it was BEEDEEBEE'S, for days! I guess it's about two inches now. Did I say that it took MANY years?
one of my old stylist used to do that .. and i hated it (shave my nape) absolutely hated it ... that's why i stopped going to her ... wasn't even worth telling her i hated it .. i just did not go back ... now im like a werewolf and i love it and i could care less about who thinks it looks bad
Hmmmm....interesting viewpoints. I prefer it shaped and that comes from 10+ years of a short do and getting it edged up every week because my hair grows back there like no one's business.
I am so glad this thread was started. Just yesterday I noticed this lady with a beautiful cut, short, sassy really nice. The I noticed the shaved nape area growing back in. Not so nice, actually it took away from the hair, she was not AA by the way, I think Latina. So I would prefer to wear my hair a little longer to cover the area, or let it grow to put up but shave it no. It does not look good when it is growing in. JMHO.
I leave it be - I'm babying it so that it'll grow long enough to be included all in my updo's - I'm philosophically opposed to cutting off healthy hair. :lachen:
My hair at the nape is like 3a-b (hair type)... it lays down straight...
you can't really see in my siggy since I coiled it up too but
I think it's sexy once a lady lined my nape I was so mad...
i thought it would never grow back but it did lovely as ever
when i was relaxed i would clean up the area so when i pulled it into an updo i would look like a wildabeast but now that im natural to hech with all that. aint nothing wrong with that hair
No, I don't either. I use to along time ago. My husband hated it, so I stopped. It was a small change to make him happy.
I get my nape lined. I have always have because when I wear my hair up or in a ponytail, I don't want hair all on my neck.
Hey Ladies,

How many of you do not edge-up or keep the nape of your neck trimmed/shaved? Do you feel it's necessary?

I have to say that it kinda tears my nerves up when I see a woman with beautiful hair but a train track that leader down the back of her shirt.

But to each her own I guess...LOL

my mother used to do this to me when i was younger. one day, i tried to edge up my nape myself, and ended up with a bald neck from the ears down.

it's taken 8 years to get my nape back in place.

i'll never shape up that area again!
Oh man I love my baby hairs, couldn't imagine getting rid of them!

My sister told me that when she used to cut her hair really short in the 80's and have her neck hairs shaved she loved it... till they grew back in. She said that the hair used to be soft and it hasn't been the same way ever again. It grew in thicker and more course.

I forgot to mention, it's also my 'play' area - when I have a NEED to express my HIH disease, the nape is the best place to play with!
i just stopped edging up my nape this year. My mom always had my shaved off by our stylist, and my mom has short hair. I always thought you were supposed to cut it off :ohwell:. Right now its in that weird 1-2 inch length and so I try to do the best I can to smooth it and keep it up.
one of my old stylist used to do that .. and i hated it (shave my nape) absolutely hated it ... that's why i stopped going to her ... wasn't even worth telling her i hated it .. i just did not go back ... now im like a werewolf and i love it and i could care less about who thinks it looks bad

I've had stylists do the same thing. I had one I had to practically beg to not touch my nape because I wanted to see if it would grow out on it's own and she snuck and started shaping it anyway, I was ticked off, like what are you doing!

My nape is very healthy and pretty now, it blends into the rest of my hair so much so that it doesn't even seem like I have a kitchen anymore. The area just needs a little extra moisture and gentle handling. I love wearing updos:yep:.
My kitchen looks like a hot mess!!!

I have so much NG back there. My husband always has a slick comment about how I need to "put a perm on the back of my neck".......:lachen:.

I used to taper it just a little and I will continue but while I'm stretching I will leave it be. The rest of my perimeter is crying for a relaxer too so my kitchen will just have to chill for!
I guess I'm in the minority on this one, LOL. I just prefer the hair that will never grow long enough to fit into an updo (that run down both sides of the neck) to be gone...oh well....thanks for the responses!
My hair that lays against my neck is pretty much very loose curls almost straight. It never came to my mind to shave it off or even relax that part. I think it's cute.
I was just thinking about this. I finally stopped cutting my nape, but it looks terrible with any kind of updo. I'm tempted to start cutting it again. It doesn't seem like anything else is working for it.