
New Member
My hair is coming along nicely although I wish it would hurry up. But I have one problem I just can't seem to get a handle on and that is my nape area. The kitchen is ruff!! It is dry, will not grow, will not lay down and just UGGG!! I am going back 100% natural after wearing a texturizer. I have about 3.5-4 inches of natural hair all over. I know other naturals, 4A/b's that have beautiful hairlines and nape areas. Why is mine so dry and....ugg!! No little curlies, no wisps just cucca bugs and crunchies! I know that's not right but that's what it is. What do I do. Please help

Also in an effort to lay that mess down, I use gel. I'm certain that has something to do with it but if I don't it looks a hot.......cucca.....crunchy...mess

Where is a KITCHEN challenge when you need one?!
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For my hair, which is very coarse, I use conditioner as a leave in and brush thru with my denman d3. This really smoothes my hair out and makes it wave up. Maybe you could try this in your nape area.
FeelinIt said:
My hair is coming along nicely although I wish it would hurry up. But I have one problem I just can't seem to get a handle on and that is my nape area. The kitchen is ruff!! It is dry, will not grow, will not lay down and just UGGG!! I am going back 100% natural after wearing a texturizer. I have about 3.5-4 inches of natural hair all over. I know other naturals, 4A/b's that have beautiful hairlines and nape areas. Why is mine so dry and....ugg!! No little curlies, no wisps just cucca bugs and crunchies! I know that's not right but that's what it is. What do I do. Please help

Also in an effort to lay that mess down, I use gel. I'm certain that has something to do with it but if I don't it looks a hot.......cucca.....crunchy...mess

Where is a KITCHEN challenge when you need one?!

you are killing me. i have no advise, just laughs.

on a serious note don't be so hard on the napes.
caligirl said:
For my hair, which is very coarse, I use conditioner as a leave in and brush thru with my denman d3. This really smoothes my hair out and makes it wave up. Maybe you could try this in your nape area.

I'll try anything at this point.

I was slightly perming the back so that it would act right but I stopped that because I knew my nape area could act right. I'm just not sure what to do for it.
Sassygoddess said:
you are killing me. i have no advise, just laughs.

on a serious note don't be so hard on the napes.

Don't be so hard on tryin to be funny LOL!
Alright people either everyone here has beautiful nape areas or this thread has been done a million times and I should have done a search....let me know....
Well i'm not natural but i think the Gel may be your issue. try applying oil to it so it won't be so dry. I am relaxed but i used to have a large kitchen section that wouldn't never grow. i've been using a stylist that relaxes the top back of my hair first as opposed to beginning the relaxer in the bottom back (nape). I think this is why my kitchen is now very nice, it's grown in nice and long and i don't have the cucca bugs anymore because my hair is long enough.
The gel could be the problem. My advice would be to find a good moisturizer and keep that area of your head moisturized 24/7. I personally apply oil and a moisturizing leave-in to that area everynight before I wrap up my hair at night. This has helped and nourished my nape area like crazy!
I had/have the same problem as you. For me the answer was moisture, oil, moisture, oil, and more moisture and extra gentle handling. You have got to look at that area differently, it is extremely dry and tightly coiled and needs your tender care, not your criticism, lol I'm sensitive about the kitchen because believe me I have suffered but when I finally gave my kitchen a break and started babying it, it started growing, mind you not as thick and healthy as the rest of my hair, but much better and now I am just grateful that it is not breaking off constantly. I don't try to get that section to behave like the rest of my hair anymore either, I just try to let it do it's thing and take good care of it. Check out DSD's album, she has a very inspiring kitchen section. Good luck.

ETA: Leave the gel and any heat alone on that area!:look:
I've been using the Sta Sof Fro in the gel form for my nape and edges. It keeps my new growth soft for at least 3 days. HTH
I had problem with my nape area for years. I could not wear updos and hated wearing ponytails because the hair was dry and very nappy and would always break off. Than God for this forum. Ove the past 2-3 months since joing this forum I have about 2-3 inche of growth in the back..Heres what I do:
use The MTG everyother day and the surge 14 and I use the Elasta Mango at night . Then I wrap my hair with a scarf. When I wake up my kitchens are slicked down and oh so soft.....
Hope that helps
See here's the thing, I don't use heat. I may use heat only on special occassions like Thanksgiving and my birthday today. Then I bun it or put my hair in a ponytail. I MTG every other day, wrap it and that's it. But my nape area is so rough and dry. It's not like I neglect it or put harsh heat on it or anything. That's why I'm perplexed at the way it looks. It's broken off and dry and really hard. I use gel because I'm going back 100% natural from a text and when I've tried the other methods, by the end of the day, I look crazy and people ask me what's wrong. I thought by going natural, it would have it's natural curls and soften up like the rest of my hair but it looks like I have abused it. The rest of my hair is growing in nicely but my nape area is just has issues.

I see other naturals 4a/4b with beautiful napes and edges.

I'll try everything suggested until I get some success.

Thanks ladies.