How I Grew Out My Nape

Thanks for posting this!! I really needed it today, especially after I've taken out my twists and am faced with yet another damn setback!! Your hair looks gorgeous and all of your hardwork is shining through!
Thank you so much. You're a smart girl and I would be wise to follow your methods. I have a new understanding of what I need to do next in my journey (as I'm experiencing thin edges all around).
BTW, Your hair in the last pic is beautiful!
Hey girlie!
You've done a terrific job growing out your nape and your progress overall is wonderful! Congrats :yay:!
You really did a wonderful job growing out your nape. I also avoid putting tension around my nape b/c it's finer and silkier than the rest of my hair.
Wow, I'm loving this thread! /SUBSCRIBE

And your pictorial walk-through is awesome and so easy, especially for hair-challenged newbs like myself. :blush: It's amazing the extent of progress you've had, and your low manipulation hair styles are beautiful.....I especially love the picture of the french braid.....I wish I could do french braids, lol.

My nape hair has been growing big time, though, since I've stopped relaxing. Honestly, it feels like the fasting growing part of my hair. It's gotten quite long and is entering a sort of awkward stage....I'm using bobby pins to secure when I do my buns, and I'm trying to keep it just as moisturized and sealed as the rest of my hair, and I only comb a little after cowashing, just to check for detangling. It also feels much softer these days! Probably because I'm bothering to moisturize it as its own section of hair, lol.....before I was so clueless! >.< But yeah, I will definitely reread through that opening post and keep it in mind for my own nape hair, which I want to continue to grow as it has been. I guess the key really is to basically leave it alone, huh? LOL. Mine is longer than ever now that I don't really ever touch it (before I had flat irons and chemicals running all up through it....BLEH.). Anyway, thanks for the thread! :grin:

This is exactly what I did. It needed special; attention so it was treated as its own section I'm glad you're having progress!
Awesome progress! Love the pictoral journey! Your hair looks so beautiful and healthy! I followed a similar nape regimen except I've been transitioning for the last two years. Transitioning in itself allowed my nape to florish. When I first started my hair journey, I would relax the nape last and never combed through.
Thank you so much for this post. I'm dealing with the bare nape issue and I have been following your suggestions. I've also been taking photos so hopefully I can share my success story too.
Your Cheeziness! WOW! :drool::drool: Thank you so much for this Thread!

You have Blessed alot of people that are Struggling with Problem Areas, Nape, Crown, Edges etc.......

Thank you for your transparency and for sharing your Tips & your Progress.:hug3:
Cheezi you are my hair idol. I NEED to learn that inverted french braid, any good tutorials out there?!

All the other tips are great too, I think I need to get that shape up trim in a few weeks, see through ends are really discouraging.

thanks girl!
this was a GREAT documentary!

congrats on your progress!

i wish my mom and i had this excellent tutorial when i cut all my nape hair off as a child because my hair wouldn't fit into a ponytail....what a clueless child i was....took me like five years to grow that hair out. LOL
Cheezi you are my hair idol. I NEED to learn that inverted french braid, any good tutorials out there?!

All the other tips are great too, I think I need to get that shape up trim in a few weeks, see through ends are really discouraging.

thanks girl!

I've been meaning to do one. I'll post it on my youtube hopefully this week sometime. I actually can't do the external french braid to save my life so this is easiest.