Thanksgiving Hair. lol


Well-Known Member
Sooo how are my fellow Lhcf wearing their hair for Thanksgiving?

Think my hair will be pulled back so I can go in on some food. Lol
i'm going to wash, dc, dry with the willie morrow then straighten with the Sedu

Gonna wait until after my sister-in-law gets in town to trim my hair to curl it for the actual dinner...
I was thinking of flat ironing but I KNOW it will fro out in seconds as I go back and forth frying the turkey in the backyard so i'll save it till XMAS. I'll be froing it tomorrow :)
Hopefully a flexi rod set...if I'm not feeling lazy. If I am, I'll attempt a bantu knot out.
Rollersetting tonight so my hair will be down. I will flatiron the roots and have cascading curls at the bottom.
hopefully my wash n go will be good enough from yesterday to wear tomorrow. i am not doing anything special or fancy to just go to my moms and grab some tupperwares o food :lol:
I think I'm gonna relax it this evening and do a flexi rod set.

i really need to log off now and do something productive
Taking my Senegalese twists out today so the plan is to baby it all day and do a twistout but we shall see how it acts when I take out these extensions :-/
Ummmm....I'll probably wear a banana clip pony, and set the ends on 1-inch flexirods for some big curls.

I thought about wearing a curly rollerset (like in siggy), but I want my hair completely out of the way while I'm chowing down. :grin:
Mini twist pulled back into a loose pony. My fam always has a battle of the sexes competition so I need my hair to be as low maintenance as possible.
i lightly blowdried my hair and put flexirods and when i took the flexi rods down this morning my hair was all thick and volumptious so im just gonna keep this style for tommorow
Head-band & pulled back/pinned up..

*I need to wash it..lil lazy lol

Happy Hair Growing!
I'm on day 2 of my wet braided bun...gonna do braids for a braidout tomorrow. Hope it's dry by then.
aw cute thread :) I will probably do the same ole boring washing go lol. Don't feel like wearing it up, and twist outs and braid outs still look funny on my hair.