How are you wearing your hair for Thanksgiving?


Well-Known Member
How are you wearing your hair for Thanksgiving?

I am DCing right now. I will be blow drying and flat ironing tomorrow with my beloved Paul Mitchell styling products.
Since its just me DH and his nephews I 'm going to attempt a braidout tonight and see whats what tomorrow.
Just finished dc'ing. Airdrying right now....I am flip flopping between a braid out and flat ironing.
I wore my hair in a twist out today. I put satin pillow rollers on the end. I hope it stays good till tomorrow. I will be pining it up in a updo if not.

Just washed and deep conditioned my hair. It is air drying now. When it is almost dry I will put about 5 - 6 bantu knots in it for a wavy look.
Im DCing right now, so mostly a bun cause I dont feel like rinsing this out until the morning.
I was supposed to wash and set my hair hours ago. Looks like I'm going to end up air drying overnight and flat ironing tomorrow.
I'm not gonna let a holiday interfere with my bunning. I'll dress it up with a nice clip though.
I treated my hair for Thanksgiving! Yesterday I washed, dyed with Bigen, deep conditioned for 5 hours while I cleaned, and then rinsed and pulled up to dry while I drove home. This morning, I plaited and trimmed, and then cornrowed with some Cantu shea butter grow strong strengthening treatment so I can place my awesome wig on for dinner! In fact, I'm going to get ready right now...

Today, I'm wearing a 5-day-old spiral looks decent. :look: Yesterday, I was busy cooking/baking/visiting with guests, so my hair was the last thing on my mind.

Heres my hair. I washed, rollerset and flat ironed my hair 2 days ago. Today wearing a bantu knot out.
