Thanks Sistaslick (new pics of flat twistout!)


New Member
In reading the "Growing Hair Long with Twistouts/Braidouts" thread, I picked up on some great tips from sistaslick on how she gets her twistouts so nice and pretty and did my first flat twistout! (had done a bradout with singles the day before but I wasn't pleased).....

I still haven't perfected the ends (too much hair on the ends that don't have the wavy texture of the rest of the hair) so I am open to how to get the twistout all the way down to the end.

After shampooing, I used my liquid leave-ins along with Rusk Smoothers. I used the Elasta QP Mango butter, but only after I twisted the hair up. Put it along the twist like sista suggested. When I got ready to put the roller in it, I coated the hair with jojoba oil as well as the mango butter to keep it around the roller. (was afraid of the dryness everyone was talking about) I am wondering if I should have twisted my hair all the way to the end, THEN put it around the roller. (I stopped twisting after I got all the way down to the nape).

My hair is very soft and bouncy too. Right now I am 6 weeks post and I will def. be using this style as I get further.

The pics are in my album. Take a peek and tell me if the idea of twisting all the way down to the ends then wrapping around the roller will work.

wow! It came out soooo nice! :yep: Nice waves and definition! Man, I love twistouts! I twist mine all the way down to the every ends and then roll that part in a spiral. Just to have the tighter definition to the ends. The mango butter really helps mold it into shape. Yours still looks great without the twisting all the way to the ends though! You should try it both ways and see which one you like!
Thanks ladies!

Lonei: I am relaxed bone straight and I sat under the dryer for about 40 minutes and then let it airdry for the rest of the night.......

Sistaslick: I really do prefer the flat twistouts as opposed to the braidouts because the results are a little more uniform. When I did a braidout, I sat under the dryer for a few and then airdried overnight. When I got up the next morning, some of the plaits were "bent" from where I had laid on them (under my bonnet).....Did you use magnetic rollers to put on the ends? I wanted to twist all the way to the end and put around the roller but figured it would take even longer to dry but I will def. try the next time to get better definition......Thanks for all the tips! (I will be really on the ball when I can get it to look like your twistout; yours was REALLY bangin!)

ClassyEbonyGirl: Thanks! I like the look of the spirals too and that is looks soft. I am really loving this color too but have realized that it takes a lot to maintain it; may just let it eventually grow out though.
yeah I just used regular plastic rollers with a duckbill clip on the ends. The rollers are about thumb width.:)
For braidouts and the one twist out I did I used the grey perm rods on the end and I did braid or twist all the way to the ends. You can find them at Sally's for about a dollar. They are small and give you a sort of small spiral curl at the ends. Just a suggestion.
Thanks ladies; I knew those big fat ones I had weren't going to do the trick but I was so anxious to do the twistout right then and there, I went on and made the attempt and I figured I could get suggestions on the right kind of rollers to use on the ends next time.

To be honest, once I had the twists in, I figured it had to come out looking some kind of decent way b/c I was surprised it didn't take me all day to do the twists, but I just didn't expect those kind of results. Now to go and get those rollers so I can perfect it for the next time!
I love your twistout! It turned out very well. I'm going to have to learn how to do this, mainly a flat twist. :yep: