Thanks LHCF Ladies for My Twistout!...Pics


New Member
So I took ALL of you ladies advice and co washed my hair (I learned that here), deep conditioned, used coconut oil and twisted (Learned that here as well) my head overnight. I took them out and then made 1 big twist to protect my ends. It is raining like crazy here in NYC.

I just want to say thanks, for your tips and teaching me the way to go!! :grin:


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PrincessLinzz, Your hair is gorgeous!!! How many twists did you do to create this style? Are you natural, relaxed or texlaxed? Did you airdry or sit under a hooded dryer?
PrincessLinzz, Your hair is gorgeous!!! How many twists did you do to create this style? Are you natural, relaxed or texlaxed? Did you airdry or sit under a hooded dryer?

Thanks, doll! Well I've been natural for 7 years. Relaxers--mild, kiddie, whatever and I don't mix! I usually simply wash my hair put mousse and let my hair air dry, but I learned from you lovely ladies that my waves look waaaaaaaay better doing the twists. So like I wash my hair put a little mousse, run coconut oil throughout my hair and then let it air dry. Following that I make about 8 twists not parted in any way--I can't part or braid :( --I just grab hair from wherever it is loose and twist away.

But, in my dominican salon I have watched them put mousse througout the customer's head and corn row it going back, rolling the ends and sitting them under the hooded dryer for an hour...Comes out the same.
Thanks again ladies. Growing up I have always had length with occasional breakoffs but never REALLY knew how to take care of my hair until I have joined this site (officially besides stalking) read your posts, thoughts, advice and regimen. You girls have become my haircare messiah! :lachen:
Your twistout is very nice. And you only used coconut oil? I'm gonna try that when my hair gets a little longer.
Do you have anymore hair pics?
Your hair has so much shine to it.

Hi Nikki,

This was taken after work and after I was in a darn rain/wind storm today, both outside and at work! :lachen: But as you requested...


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