Texas Minister Cancels Wedding Through Text Message


Well-Known Member
I found this on facebook


The jilted bride wrote the following on their wedding Knot page.

After fielding phone calls and text messages for an entire week only to find that I am still being totally disrespected, I feel like it's important to simply place the truth on the table and walk away from it.

On March 24, 2017 Minister Tommy Alsbrooks of New Beginnings at Mountain View Community Church text messaged Monique Cashaw, his then fiancee, to advise he had canceled their wedding without her knowledge or any discussion.

Minister Tommy Alsbrooks had participated in a relationship both physical and emotional with Monique under the guise of truth, honesty, and understanding when, all the while, he had a standing "vow to God" to marry his ex fiancee, who had canceled their wedding quite some time prior. Choosing to lie by omission, he was able to manipulate the situation and take whatever it is he wanted out of it, for as long as he wanted to do so.

On the day of March 24, 2017, Minister Tommy Alsbrooks reached out to this woman (his prior fiancee), unbeknownst to his current fiancee, to confirm whether or not she would have him. All signs advise that she would, although she was well aware of his existing relationship; she had reached out concerning it in particular several times. Photos of Minister Tommy Alsbrooks and his then fiancee, Monique, were readily available online. Monique created his online presence on Facebook, on a page that he currently utilizes (MinisterTommy Alsbrooks) as well as a blog that has since been removed. How long this emotional affair took place before the wedding was unilaterally canceled is unknown.

Minister Tommy Alsbrooks text messaged his then fiancee in the last hour of her work day, and while she was still sitting at her desk completing tasks, simply stated the wedding was canceled with no prior indication or ensuing explanation. As they had been having a petty argument throughout the day, she figured their differences would be resolved later that evening. On a whim, she reached out to the pastor who confirmed the wedding was indeed off of the calendar, and his stepmother, who advised the same. All attempts at civil conversation were declined by Minister Alsbrooks, as if no explanation was owed, and he opted to simply collect his things from Monique's home and to leave as if nothing happened.

Minister Tommy Alsbrooks left his then fiancee's things on her doorstep the following morning without so much as a knock on the door, blocked her from all social media to reinstall his past fiancee on such sites, and offered little to no explanation.

In the time frame that he spent pretending with another, he used her knowledge, resources, and body for his own benefit, going so far as to take engagement photos and to introduce the mother of the bride to his family before abruptly ending things, with no explanation or compassion, vaguely citing an unexplained vision and a hidden vow as his reasoning.

You know we always say don't date football players, basketball players, celebrities? Especially if you want a normal, committed relationship?

Well, after this week's threads, we need to add "ministers," "pastors," "reverends," and "spiritual fathers" to that list.

I agree unfortunately. I am a faithful every Sunday churchgoer who loves the Lord with all of my entire heart but I refuse to date ministers, reverends, etc. There are some genuinely good ones out there but I feel like they are drastically outnumbered, especially in today's society.

"Minister" Tommy looks like Chris Brown.
You know we always say don't date football players, basketball players, celebrities? Especially if you want a normal, committed relationship?

Well, after this week's threads, we need to add "ministers," "pastors," "reverends," and "spiritual fathers" to that list.
Honor and character stand on their own regardless of one's occupation, so does the lack thereof. Gotta stop looking at titles and make informed decisions based on character and values. People you know always reveal the truth about themselves over the course of time.

Some people treat integrity and character like it's situational, and that has never been the case.
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How is he a Minister and he's having sex? See how church girls get played? You are taught to be chaste and modest while the clergy is wilding out. If the clergy is getting with it, what do you think the regular dudes in the church are doing?

Women need to side eye every man they meet until he proves that he is worthy of your time and attention. Doesn't matter whether he's a church man or not. If you both agree to be celibate before marriage for whatever reasons, pay close attention to make sure you are not the only one celibate in the relationship. Men are greedy and they eventually slip up. I'm a assuming you are keeping your end of the bargain as well.

On the flipside if you are a single staunch Christian woman and are having sex outside of marriage, then you can't act surprised if you get the worldly treatment from men. Sidechicks, Stds, OOW kids and all the other stuff thats happening out here.
You know we always say don't date football players, basketball players, celebrities? Especially if you want a normal, committed relationship?

Well, after this week's threads, we need to add "ministers," "pastors," "reverends," and "spiritual fathers" to that list.

I'm not saying that ALL pro-athletes, mega-pastors and the like are cheaters, but all the ones I know are. lol!
How is he a Minister and he's having sex? See how church girls get played? You are taught to be chaste and modest while the clergy is wilding out. If the clergy is getting with it, what do you think the regular dudes in the church are doing?

Women need to side eye every man they meet until he proves that he is worthy of your time and attention. Doesn't matter whether he's a church man or not. If you both agree to be celibate before marriage for whatever reasons, pay close attention to make sure you are not the only one celibate in the relationship. Men are greedy and they eventually slip up. I'm a assuming you are keeping your end of the bargain as well.

On the flipside if you are a single staunch Christian woman and are having sex outside of marriage, then you can't act surprised if you get the worldly treatment from men. Sidechicks, Stds, OOW kids and all the other stuff thats happening out here.

Well, as much as this sucks for her, better before than after marriage. He clearly has no loyalty or integrity and in the long run, it's better she didn't marry him. He was talking to the ex all the while, so this could've been much worse in the sense of they could've gotten married and then ol' boy could've left 6 months in. I've heard of that. So, it hurts now, but he did her a favor.
It's easy for me to say good riddance to him and he did her a favor. But I do feel for this woman. She was planning her wedding only to have her fiance call it off without an explanation. I can only imagine her pain and shock. She will bounce back in certain but I know right now it feels so unfinished and that's probably the worst feeling of all.
I am very sorry this happened to her, but if you read between the lines it seems like they got together on the rebound after he mistreated the first fiancee in a similar way, AND then problems were revealed between him and the second fiancee during pre marital counseling which she ignored because HE said everything was OK. I am not blaming her but clearly she dodged a bullet.
From the link:

It felt quite unusual when the minister attempted to marry me using his prior fiancee's ring; the battle to obtain a new ring should have been enough. His recounting of a conversation in which he told her "If you won't wear this ring, somebody else will," undoubtedly should have been a red flag. I admit that I ignored several signs for the sake of what I thought was happiness.

Yep. Those were your red flags. Clear sign saying Get Out.
Honor and character stand on their own regardless of one's occupation, so does the lack thereof. Gotta stop looking at titles and make informed decisions based on character and values. People you know always reveal the truth about themselves over the course of time.

Some people treat integrity and character like it's situational, and that has never been the case.
Sounds nice but nope...certain careers draw certain personalities then to make it worse those same careers allow for very little accountability. Its a recipe from relationship hell.
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Their body language in all of the pictures speak volumes. He wasn't that into her.
I'm going to just go ahead and say something would have to burn as a direct consequence of this.
WOW! Such a cowardly thing to do. I don't usually comment on body language but in the pics on her wedding site he's barely hugging her in any of the pics.
This happened to someone I know last year.....sad
Yeah, I don't usually read much into body language either but these pics are very telling... She's leaned into him in almost all of them and he's barely touching her.
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He is cold blooded!
How the ex-new-fiancee could even be comfortable taking this douche back is insane!
You know how some of these broads think...they are better than you...if he left you for her. Men feed women this crap and they believe it. Or maybe old fi fi thinks, "it's because he always loveded me first...so he's gonna be a better man to me" Never mind his behaviors repped his true character.