terrible salon experience


Well-Known Member
Just a vent.

My regular hairstylist is on vaction so I went into a Dominican salon to get my hair wash and set so I sensed haterade from the stylist. When she took the rollers out I told her just wrap it no oil / shine spray because i like to do it myself at home. Then she says my hair is "too fine" in a snarky way. she was pulling out the pins and looking at them like my hair was slipping out too lol. I just got a relaxer last week so my hair is super straight than usual.

Not to toot my own hair well yes i am toting my own horn:lachen: but I always get compliments on how healthy and pretty my hair is. Some folks have even asked me where do i buy my hair lol. it is all real. My hair is super long and I get the ?'s do i have indian in my family, white, yada yada yada.

Anyway I cant wait till my regulat hairstylist who is Ethiopian comes back.
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Hahaha you go girl with all that hair! There will always be haters...


Don't judge...Sent from my Galaxy Note II using LHCF
I feel you. Girl you know she's hatin'.
Last salon i went to, the lady told me that I should flat iron my hair more often, like once a week because my hair can probably take it and I'll retain better cause I won't have to detangle as much :huh: you could hear crickets chirp after her statement, that's how quiet it got.
I hate when hair stylists try to give advice cause they are wrooong literally most of the time--I've got about a thousand stories, it's sad.
I'm convinced a majority of them know nothing.

One told me I need to comb my hair all the time so it won't tangle. I comb my hair 2x a day; once to unwrap it, once more to put it up. So when she old me to comb all day and not wear ponytails or buns, I just thought responses couldn't really get any dumber.

Please excuse my iPhone; it's trying to get it together
Your hair is beautiful...she mad...
There's always a bald headed stylist with a bunch of unsolicited advice. Its like bye miss, my hair is longer and healthier than your hair and your weave sooooo mind ya bald headed business...