New Member
Ok earlier today I said I was going to try some temporary color and update my album ONLY if I liked it...well I lied...I didn't like how it came out but I added the pics to my album anyway. Just in case any of you would like to experiment with it you can see what it did for my hair.
Oh I used Beyond the Zone Hair Cement from Sally's. It is a gel so I used it when my hair was damp. It was easy to apply and didn't make too much of a mess. I did a streand test before putting it all over my head and it washed out easily. It took nicely to the highlighted part sof my hair but also took pretty well to the darker sections as well.
I don't like it b/c I think the look is a little to harsh for me..( I felt a little Ghetto-fab today at work). I got different reactions from I really like it to what did you do to your hair?
But the best part is it will be out tomorrow when I wash my hair and if I wish to try it again I can do that too.
Oh I almost forgot...here is the link

Maybe next time I use a little less color gel and see how that turns out..maybe I'll like it better that way
Valley Girl,

That looks awesome on you! I love it! I am looking forward to experimenting with temporary colors.

I really like your rollerset hairdo. I think that we have very similar hair textures, but mine is much shorter /images/graemlins/mad.gif right now.

You are my inspiration!! I'd love to color my hair too but I'm going to hold off until I have more length.

Thanks again for sharing!!
Hi Valleygirl...your hair is beautiful as always. Is your roller set done from soaking wet hair or from airdying it first then rollersetting with setting lotion(the dicussion we had earlier this week..)?
OMG Valleygirl you hair looks so beautiful. I love the colour and the thickness of your hair in that picture. I'm gonna refer to that pic when I keep tellin myself I do not need to relax bone straight as I love full thick hair.

Your hair is coming along so beautifully, it look so healthy and moisturised. The rollerset is beautiful. I'm sure you have a just as beautiful face as your hair and personality.

Hey Valleygirl I think the color is pretty on you. But then I think the highlights you had before were just as pretty. *smile*

Lovely shots. I LOVE the color! I'd call it more "funky" than "g-fab"! /images/graemlins/grin.gif

Girl how long have you been growing your hair? Maybe if I know how long it'll take I won't be so bummed out. Give a sister some HOPE. PLEASE. I'm getting very discouraged. /images/graemlins/frown.gif

I feel like my hair will NEVER be that long and never look that full and pretty.... /images/graemlins/frown.gif
I think your color looks great ValleyGirl. It compliements your skin tone very well. The other poster are right, it is not "ghetto", just bright and pretty.
VALLEYGIRL, your hair is GORGEOUS!!! Oh my goodness! I wish I had naturally curly hair like that!
Valleygirl, your hair is gorgeous! Wow, I didn't realize it was THAT long! Keep up whatever you are doing because it sure is working! /images/graemlins/grin.gif

Do you use Textures & Tones for highlights? How do you do it? I thought your hair was one color all over, but it seems to me that you
have highlights.
Hello ladies
Thank you for the compliments. Maybe it does look Funky and it just wasn't something I should have worn to work.
It is very bright! and I'm sure the red shirt didn't help either!

And yes Sweetcocoa I did that rollerset on soaking wet hair and used the mesh rollers with the snap on tops from the smooth magnetic ones. I used th eregualr lottabody but no Infusium this time b/c I did a deep condition treatment (Ion) and a little jojoba oil. I also had to use a ton of detangler b/c my hair gets soooooo tangled. It took FOREVER to dry!! (about 3 hours) I used the bonnet dryer I won on Ebay. I ended up taking the rollers when I figured I was baking my brain and sitting back under the dryer to get it completely dry. My curls came out a little tighter this way.
This is the main reason I was interested in that thread regarding rollersetting damp or dry hair. I think I am going to try that tonight...let my hair air dry a good bit then use the lottabody cream wrap and roll on the magnetic rollers. Hopefully it will still come out smooth and dry in a shorter period of time! (I tested a small section of my hair last week)
What are you talking about? Your hair is AWESOME!!!! It was your pics and a few other ladies on this board and other boards that have inspired me to experiment with more color. ( I have a bottle of Jazzings in my bathroom that I can't wait to try b/c of you)
Your hair is very thick, healthy and shiny so no need to get bummed out girl, just be patient and the length will come in no time. I grew my hair out of a relaxer stating in about 96. I chopped off the final layers of relaxed ends in the summer of 98. It was somewhere between chin and right above shoulder length at that time. (can't give an exact length b/c I never really straightened it when I first went natural) I wore a ponytail extension forever so I could just leave it alone, I did twistouts and had braids for about a month and a half. (Someone paid to get them done for me)
The major thing that has helped with my hair growth I believe is no blowdrying. Even when I was relaxed I would let my hair airdry or roller set and I saw great results. My mom thought I had a weave. Also b/c I rinse or wash and condition everyday I think that also helps a lot.
Also I don't trust ANYONE to trim my hair anymore. A scissor happy stylist will ruin all the hard work you have put into your hair. My mom even messed me up once. I either trim myself or go to a barber shop and I am very firm with them to the point where I think I scare them!!!
So don't get down. You have Lisa Akbari's book. re-read the section on your mind and how you think about your hair...It is so true what she says!!!
Hi BlkMane
Thank you for the kind words! I think the use of two gels stretched my hair out a bit more than usual and made it look longer when curly. I usually get a few more inches of shrinkage when I use my regualar products. Plus that side of my head is where I have some heat damaged hair that is growing out from last year so that side has some very straight sections. I would just cut it off but the front of my hair would be lopsided!!!
And yes my hair is sevearl different colors. I used Textures and Tones for my highlights. I took it to the salon and they applied it to sections of my hair and covered with foil.
yeah I know..I just tried it myself and it says this page cannot be displayed. I think Yahoo is acting weird again. Give it a few minutes and try again
valleyGirl,As all ways i like what i see. Keep up the good work. Happy Hair Growing! /images/graemlins/cool.gif
Thanks Valleygirl /images/graemlins/wink.gif Your post was a big inspiration to me. I just saw some lovely long thick hair this weekend and it's got me all bummed. The person worked hard to get their hair where it is - so I ain't hatin' /images/graemlins/grin.gif but I want my hair to be long tooooo! /images/graemlins/laugh.gif

I finally mastered the health and the shine and just that overall glow I always wanted but I never seem to get past this length. Not since I started my growing journey have I been more than a few inches past my shoulders....

Guess I'm just getting a little antsy. You are right though about the trims. That's ALWAYS been the source of my mishaps to date. My Mom trims for me now (and I do the sides and front myself) so I'm not worried about anyone taking off too much (she's more militant than I am - believe me!) but I guess I'm just tired of waiting.

Thank you tons for the encouragement though - it worked. I'm not so down anymore! /images/graemlins/wink.gif

I can't wait to see your updated pictures but for some reason, they are not showing /images/graemlins/confused.gif

I promise, promise this is my LAST question: /images/graemlins/grin.gif

Okay, do you have a Textures & Tones color ALL OVER your hair with portions highlighted in another color? And what colors did you use?

I'm asking because I experimented with my own hair using T&T in Cocoa Brown and in Light Golden Brown. (I only did a few strands here and there.) I mixed the two colors for a few strands, then applied each color alone on a couple more strands. I think that except for the strand where I placed the Light Golden Brown (which is now reddish, medium brown), the other strands aren't THAT noticeable. If I look hard, I do THINK I see lighter strands (dark brown), but the results were very, very subtle. I'm really trying to get a dark brown, but MORE noticeable result on my hair.

I did apply a semi-permanent color to my hair about 3 weeks ago, I'm thinking that maybe that "sealed my cuticle" and prevented the color from penetrating as much? (I left the color on the strands for AT LEAST 25 minutes.)

And, Tracy, feel free to chime in if you are reading this. /images/graemlins/smile.gif
Valleygirl, your hair is unbelievable!!!!! It's beautiful and I love that color, I agree w/Tracy saying it's kinda "funky"... it's edgy and it looks great on you!!!! Way to go!!! /images/graemlins/grin.gif
I wannnnnna seeeee toooooo! However it's not working on my end for some reason. /images/graemlins/frown.gif
Now I see the thumbnails but I can't click on them. The color looks nice from what I see. Your hair is nice and thick too.
Finally! ValleyGirl your hair is gorgeous! And the color just enhances the length and fullness of it. What an inspiration /images/graemlins/laugh.gif.


I finally saw your pictures and....YOUR HAIR IS ABSOLUTELY STUNNING!!!!! /images/graemlins/grin.gif The curls and roller set are very pretty. /images/graemlins/grin.gif