Tell me what you think?


Well-Known Member
I met this man called "B" online about 2 weeks ago. We've had good convos on the phone, but have yet to meet in person. We were supposed to meet in person last Friday the 22nd...but "something" came up. Well, yesterday we were gonna meet up but I had car issues. Here's the deal. He had told me last week that he will be going outta town this week to Philadelphia for a fight )he is into Mixed Martial arts/boxing)...He told him and some other guys were going to leave on a bus (mi guessing chartered?). we talked for a couple times yesterday bcos he said he was concerned about me and my car issues, anyway...last I called him was around 6p, he was hasty yo get off the phone bcos he said his bus leaves at 7p...he said he was going to call when he got to philly last night ( totally understand). No call last night from him but he calls this AM and I am at work. I call him back, we chat for a few, I wish him good luck. This was around 1030 am. He calls me at 729 pm...i ask him how the fight was , he said he won...Im driving home, so I ask when he'll be coming home and he said tomorrow. We say our good nights. Fast forward to 1049 pm, I come out the shower to a missed call from him. So im thinking something is wrong, I call him back. He says he wanted to see if we can meet up in a cafe tonight and get a nightcap. I ask if he knows who he is talking to, he says yes but doesn't say my name. Phone hangs up. I call back and he does say my name, so I ask how we're supposed to meet up in a cafe if we are in 2 different states and he goes,Im back in town. So Now Im shocked. I told i thought he said he was coming back tomorrow and he goes...the other dudes wanted to go to a strip club and I didn't have strip club money, so I decided to come home tonight...I was doing 95 mph on the freeway.So I told him I couldn't because I had to get up early tomorrow for work It wasn't until I got off the phone that Im thinking to myself, didn't this man tell me yesterday that he was taking the bus down to philly? how come he drove back? Something don't sound right.
Hah! Sounds like he is in town (assuming he even left) and is trying to set up a booty call but he dialed the wrong woman.
Eh. Yeah, he messed up and obviously meant to call some other chick and made up a bad story real quick to cover it up (wonder what he would have done if you *did* want to meet, lol).

However, y'all haven't even met yet so there's no reason to have an issue with him dating other people. If you like him so far and he hasn't done anything else shady, I'd forgive him.
Maybe you're hoping one of us will give you a remotely possible scenario where he is not a liar. I'm pretty creative and I can't think of a single scenario. He has lied so much, he's lost track of what he said to whom. Drop him with a back-spin side kick. He'll respect that.
You guys are doing a lot of talking and communicating and you haven't even met? He hasn't taken you on a date yet? Naw, son. Do not entertain this foolishness.
Flat out, straight up liar. :nono: Please let him go. Not worth it! He could've at least kept his story straight! These lazy sorry ”men”, boy I tell you!
Liar, Liar pants on fire.

On the other hand, you are not his lady and you two have no obligations to each other, but proceed with caution if you do decided to see him. Which I think you are thinking about or else you wouldn't have posted that hairbrained scenrio.