Teacher loses job at Christian school because she's pregnant OOW

I hear you, but the truth is a woman can't really "make a man step up" or put "pressure" on him to do something he truly wants to do. That's reality also.

We blame her for the actions of another individual. Society and the church, it seems, loves to blame women for the actions of other adult individuals.

That said, we do have hordes of influence via selection. If we were to simply stop entertaining men without commitment worthless men would be lonely and men who were at least man enough to commit would "get the girl" and the baseline for acceptable male behavior would go up.

She lost her influence/pressure what-have-you when she began acting like a wife before getting a ring. That's reality as well --sans sugar. Trying to "force" him now...? Eh. God bless her with that.

I know everyone has 50-11 stories of so and so that did nag a man into "doing things right," but the context of the stories often involves a whole litany of other factors --not just the woman involved.

I'm right there with you about consequences and the power of women --I blog about it, LOL. I'm not one for sugar coating either, but there are certain situations in which we have influence over men and some when we simply don't and we can sabotage the power of our femininity with poor choices.

I absolutely agree with you that the fear of not having a "man" can make a woman make poor choices that then rob her of feminine influence.

We see eye to eye on 99.443% of thing my lovely Shimmie. I know you speak in love. :yep:

I came in only to give you this...


Cause I have way too many posts in this thread.... :spinning:

If I haven't made my point by now.... :look:

I love you, Precious Lamb... :love2:

I will say this and I want to close my view.

I've had it with so many attacks against the Church. This is where I stand. If one looks behind this woman's actions, what she's saying is that Christians have no right to stand for what's right. That we have to bend like wet noodles and bow to the ground to the world.

Daniel, and the three Hebrew children were the perfect examples who refused to bow and worship the idols and the gods of the world. This is where I stand. I refuse to bow to weaken standards; if we don't take a stand, then we only weaken ourselves against further attacks which are sure to come.

I think......... I'm done in this thread. :yep: I hear cheers in the background.... :lol:
This bothers me, because she could have easily gotten out of this situation with an abortion, which is the coward way out (I speak from experience just fyi). Instead, she chose the courageous thing and to literally "bare her sin" in front of the world.

This bothers me, because she could have easily gotten out of this situation with an abortion, which is the coward way out (I speak from experience just fyi). Instead, she chose the courageous thing and to literally "bare her sin" in front of the world.
Wouldn't that be against the Word too ?
The HUGE contraddiction to me is this :If God is the one who give us the gift of life,how can being pregnant be a Sin at any point? Is carrying a child a "punishment" if so doesn't that condraddict ,life being a gift of God ?
If He doesn't have power over our decision then He can't decide our future choices .
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Wouldn't that be against the Word too ?
The HUGE contraddiction to me is this :If God is the one who give us the gift of life,how can being pregnant be a Sin at any point? Is carrying a child a "punishment" if so doesn't that condraddict ,life being a gift of God ?
If He doesn't have power over our decision then He can't decide our future choices .

Being pregnant isnt a sin. Having sex before marriage is the sin. Abortion is a sin.
This bothers me, because she could have easily gotten out of this situation with an abortion, which is the coward way out (I speak from experience just fyi). Instead, she chose the courageous thing and to literally "bare her sin" in front of the world.

I doubt that she chose to have the child as a sort of "punishment" to herself. I only say this because in the article she is defending her "right" to do what is morally wrong as opposed to coming from a stance of repentance and wanting to be restored based off of that.
If it's a sin why God allow women to get pregnant OOW and reward them with a blessing (baby)?

I wont pretend to have an explanation on how God chooses who will become pregnant etc. But the Bible says that He shows grace and mercy on whom he chooses and it will rain on the just as well as the unjust. Sinners/Unebelivers/Athiests are all the recipients of good things as well as believers (health, success in business, children, money etc.).

Some babies are even born that are products or rape...that doesnt make the baby bad or sinful...it was the conditions under which conception happened that constituted the sin. God has His own purposes for what He does and what He allows.

When Job questioned God, God straight went off on him for like 4 chapters lol!
Then the LORD spoke to Job out of the storm. He said:
Job 38:2 “Who is this that obscures my plans
with words without knowledge?

Job 40:1 “Will the one who contends with the Almighty correct him?
Let him who accuses God answer him!”

These verses just show that God has his own plans and He may reveal parts to us but we dont have the right to know.
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Wouldn't that be against the Word too ?
The HUGE contraddiction to me is this :If God is the one who give us the gift of life,how can being pregnant be a Sin at any point? Is carrying a child a "punishment" if so doesn't that condraddict ,life being a gift of God ?
If He doesn't have power over our decision then He can't decide our future choices .

It's called free will and no one can touch or change it not even God
God could have created us to flollow him blindly wihout question and obey but he loved us so much he wanted us to choose Him or not walk righteously or sin and serve demons and Satan. So great is his love that he loves us the way we are sins and all.
So people can choose to follow the word or their own. Just like a teen can either choose to follow the rules and obey heir parents or rebel.
Now that's free will you have the chance to do whatever you want whenever you want Even if it leads you into sin. but you will suffer the consequences regardless of whether you repented or not that's just the law of nature.
Every action causes an effect or Newtons 1st law
Every action has an equal and opposite reaction
This woman did choose to have premarital sex while in a Christian school she's an educator minister and should understand the damage that can do to youn minds and Think of the effect a pregnant teacher without a husband has. It says to a the girls hey it's ok give into some guy even if he's not fully committed or will ever commit.
it also tells the boys hey you can get yours and don't have to step up and take care of your responsibilities as a christian man.
She didn't do this alone as they say it takes 2 to tango so he's as much to blame and I say more cause a cristian man who is preparing to be a husband IS the leader and thus bears more blame for leading his wife family astray.
We're talking Christian school but any religious school
Would have bounced her out even a non religious private prep school would have fired her on the same principal of being a bad influence role model.
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Having an abortion (murder) is no better... it's also a sin that carries its own consequences.... she could've risk losing her life with the procedure or develop complications that could keep her from having children later or even suffer mental distraught in the after math. Either way, there are consequences for either choice. We're trying to disassociate the consequence of a sin from the sin itself and we don't have the power to do that. In this case, a lost job.

It's unfortunate some believe there is judgement against this person...but it is she who is letting everyone know she doesn't agree with the consequences of her own sin. I'm sure she'll get the love and support she needs concerning the baby.. the pregnancy itself is not a sin, the fornication was. God's Grace and Mercy could be in His allowing the baby to be conceived, for whatever that child's purpose is!

How are we to determine if her unborn child fares better if she keeps her job? What does one have to do with the other. True, we don't know the full story and we certainly don't know if she's out on the street, unemployed..she may already have a job lined up or is in a good position anyway. It just sounds to me like she is being defiant.

This bothers me, because she could have easily gotten out of this situation with an abortion, which is the coward way out (I speak from experience just fyi). Instead, she chose the courageous thing and to literally "bare her sin" in front of the world.
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Free will... God won't interfere or make a choice for us....the pregancy is not a sin. Children are a heritage from the Lord... I believe God's Grace and Mercy can apply in a pregnancy, regardless of how the child was conceived. He knows whom to give children to and for what reason...no so much it was a "reward" in some cases, as it is to benefit the parents. I have seen children turn a person's life around or make them more loving, better people :yep:

If it's a sin why God allow women to get pregnant OOW and reward them with a blessing (baby)?
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Wouldn't that be against the Word too ?
The HUGE contraddiction to me is this :If God is the one who give us the gift of life,how can being pregnant be a Sin at any point? Is carrying a child a "punishment" if so doesn't that condraddict ,life being a gift of God ?
If He doesn't have power over our decision then He can't decide our future choices .

Pregnancy isn't the sin, it's misuse of sex outside the marital relationship that is sin. Sex isn't a sin, it's the misuse, mis-timing of it. That's the sinful act. Pregnancy is the result of sex. Temporal punishments etc. are the result of sex outside marriage. Having a baby is biology. She signed a morality agreement with the religious school promising to uphold those values and she didn't. The negative effects of her and his action resulting in pregnancy weigh against the impressionable minds she is teaching. A religious school is an extension of the family environment and it's acceptance of that moral code. If the teacher is not in line with the moral code, the community is broken and opposite values are being demonstrated and taught, even inadvertently. BAbies are precious as they are life. That is never the sin.
She knew the penalty yet failed to listen. Sometimes you have to live with the consequences of your actions. How could this woman teach about the morality of living as a Christian when she didn't apply God's Word to herself?
Wouldn't that be against the Word too ?
The HUGE contraddiction to me is this :If God is the one who give us the gift of life,how can being pregnant be a Sin at any point? Is carrying a child a "punishment" if so doesn't that condraddict ,life being a gift of God ?
If He doesn't have power over our decision then He can't decide our future choices .

I doubt that she chose to have the child as a sort of "punishment" to herself. I only say this because in the article she is defending her "right" to do what is morally wrong as opposed to coming from a stance of repentance and wanting to be restored based off of that.

Having an abortion (murder) is no better... it's also a sin that carries its own consequences.... she could've risk losing her life with the procedure or develop complications that could keep her from having children later or even suffer mental distraught in the after math. Either way, there are consequences for either choice. We're trying to disassociate the consequence of a sin from the sin itself and we don't have the power to do that. In this case, a lost job.

It's unfortunate some believe there is judgement against this person...but it is she who is letting everyone know she doesn't agree with the consequences of her own sin. I'm sure she'll get the love and support she needs concerning the baby.. the pregnancy itself is not a sin, the fornication was. God's Grace and Mercy could be in His allowing the baby to be conceived, for whatever that child's purpose is!

How are we to determine if her unborn child fares better if she keeps her job? What does one have to do with the other. True, we don't know the full story and we certainly don't know if she's out on the street, unemployed..she may already have a job lined up or is in a good position anyway. It just sounds to me like she is being defiant.

Right ladies! That's what I'm saying--an abortion would have been worse. So the perspective I'm taking is that doing a worse thing (abortion) would have totally gotten her off the hook with her job. So women in the future that work for organizations that will fire them for OOW pregnancies might feel that abortion is the better option. I think that companies that fire women for OOW pregnancies are indirectly encouraging abortions.

By the way (this may have been discussed), I wonder how organizations like this handle it when a male employee impregnates someone OOW.
Right ladies! That's what I'm saying--an abortion would have been worse. So the perspective I'm taking is that doing a worse thing (abortion) would have totally gotten her off the hook with her job. So women in the future that work for organizations that will fire them for OOW pregnancies might feel that abortion is the better option. I think that companies that fire women for OOW pregnancies are indirectly encouraging abortions.

By the way (this may have been discussed), I wonder how organizations like this handle it when a male employee impregnates someone OOW.

I dont think this would encourage abortion. You don't "excuse" one sin because it's not as bad as another. You dont lower the standard out of fear that people will not adhere to it (to whatever extreme). We sin when we are tempted and drawn away by our own lusts...so I can't say a right and moral law (Gods law) caused me to sin. I did it cause thats what I wanted to do.

And if what you say is the case...then what should the school do? Allow sin to settle in the camp because at least it might prevent someone from doing a "bigger" sin?

Also, the sin was fornication...pregnancy was a sign of the unquestionable presence of that sin. So even if she had had an abortion the school should have fired her (because erasing the proof doesn't erase the sin).

I would expect that organizations like this would do the same thing to a man who impregnates someone oow. I gave the earlier example of a church I know where (recently) one of the paid musicians was sat down because he got his girlfriend pregnant. They are planning to get married soon but that does not eradicate the sin of fornication and I dont know how long he will be suspended (or maybe its permanant).
People pick what they want to "feel sorry"...If this lady was fired over drug use, or something of that nature, people would be like "She deserves it". But what they dont see is her act of fornication is just as injurious as any other crime, because of the message and effects it has on the students. This isn't about what we feel is right , its about the word of God, its about how this effects the children and what message it sends to them.
I'd still like to know what some morality-clause schools do to men who work there and get a woman pregnant OOW.

Do they get fired as often? Does anyone have links or articles about this?

As of the last several years... the news is full of politicians, pastors, and the like who have been 'dropped' from high places due to their sexual exploits. And yes including Eddie Long who has not gotten off scott free. Although he is self appointed, his status has plommented and his supporters are falling in numbers. Men aren't getting away with anything.

I applaude the men who are upright without scandal and those who have admitted their wrong BEFORE public and private awareness and have stepped down on their own to get things right.
It boggles my mind... Christians who say they believe in the Lord Jesus Christ... should already have a moral compass -- He is the Holy Spirit. We are supposed to be ONE in the Spirit.

We shouldn't have to depend on a piece of paper or contract to live a certain way...that should already be a way of life, according to the Word of God. Granted we make mistakes and we may offend the Father unknowingly, but the Word of God should trump any Morality Clause.
It boggles my mind... Christians who say they believe in the Lord Jesus Christ... should already have a moral compass -- He is the Holy Spirit. We are supposed to be ONE in the Spirit.

We shouldn't have to depend on a piece of paper or contract to live a certain way...that should already be a way of life, according to the Word of God. Granted we make mistakes and we may offend the Father unknowingly, but the Word of God should trump any Morality Clause.

Laela I agree and take this to heart. Why has it come to making this necessary? Whatever happen to doing right because it's simply the right thing to do?

The problem is that folks are not committed to living right for God; they take His Grace and mercies for granted. This is what morality has come to... signing a contract to keep folks on track :nono: