Does being a christian mean you can do wrong and ask for forgiveness and all is righ?

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Re: Does being a christian mean you can do wrong and ask for forgiveness and all is r

No hon I said I didn't report you before that thread at least I don't think I did.:grin: I won't report this one nor have I report any since then. I understand that you are touchy because of the blog. I do think it was a mean, hateful thing for them to do but address them don't focus your anger on me. I didn't say you were ugly or call you a busy body. YOU have obviously been rubbing some folks the wrong way too.
:lol: I'm glad you are taking the tone of being concerned LOL. Please don't. If I was upset about the blog you know me apparently enough to realize that I would address it. But thanks for constantly bringing it up though.

Now back to the discussion at hand. You are not as far different from me, only difference is that you flash your christianity. Just realize that though you made adequate go bye bye you are stepping in her shoes. Does it feel comfortable?
Re: Does being a christian mean you can do wrong and ask for forgiveness and all is r

:lol: I'm glad you are taking the tone of being concerned LOL. Please don't. If I was upset about the blog you know me apparently enough to realize that I would address it. But thanks for constantly bringing it up though.

Now back to the discussion at hand. You are not as far different from me, only difference is that you flash your christianity. Just realize that though you made adequate go bye bye you are stepping in her shoes. Does it feel comfortable?

Oh no hon I never said I was concerned, I said it was a crappy thing to do to say you were an ugly busy body, don't get it twisted. And as far as being bold enough to address something if it upset you that's obviously not true otherwise you wouldn't have posted THIS thread about a anonymous poster in the first place:grin:

As far as adequate is concerned she shall return:grin: Vague threads about anonymous posters=adequate-ish. Pretending to not know you're a frequent crap starter with your threads= adequate-ish. I think that's closer to your shoe size chica, they'll fit you just fine.:drunk:
Re: Does being a christian mean you can do wrong and ask for forgiveness and all is r

Oh no hon I never said I was concerned, I said it was a crappy thing to do to say you were an ugly busy body, don't get it twisted. And as far as being bold enough to address something if it upset you that's obviously not true otherwise you wouldn't have posted THIS thread about a anonymous poster in the first place:grin:

As far as adequate is concerned she shall return:grin: Vague threads about anonymous posters=adequate-ish. Pretending to not know you're a frequent crap starter with your threads= adequate-ish. I think that's closer to your shoe size chica, they'll fit you just fine.:drunk:

:lol: once again about the blog. I'm sure you think it's affecting me. I haven't skipped my beat. I don't post stuff anonymously that's not me, I leave that to the cowards.
How is this thread about an anonymous poster? really I wasn't going to address you till you started cosigning. your hypocracy was showing so I needed to know if you were one of those who repents only to do it again. I got my answer.

but hey feel free to bring up the blog for the umpteen time, LOL seems to make you feel good.
Re: Does being a christian mean you can do wrong and ask for forgiveness and all is r

:lol: once again about the blog. I'm sure you think it's affecting me. I haven't skipped my beat. I don't post stuff anonymously that's not me, I leave that to the cowards.
How is this thread about an anonymous poster? really I wasn't going to address you till you started cosigning. your hypocracy was showing so I needed to know if you were one of those who repents only to do it again. I got my answer.

but hey feel free to bring up the blog for the umpteen time, LOL seems to make you feel good.


Where have I been a hypocrite? Is it because you think all Christians are supposed to be timid creatures who never dislike anybody's mess. Get real. I have been the same on this board, every board and IRL. You think we're supposed to let folks come out of their mouths all twisted about God and throw flower petals on them? WHATEVER.

You are the hypocrite with your fake questions in this thread when your intent was to call me out:grin: Everybody knew what you were doing, you're too transparent.

I obviously crushed your lil toes but get over it chick, let it go.
Re: Does being a christian mean you can do wrong and ask for forgiveness and all is r


Where have I been a hypocrite? Is it because you think all Christians are supposed to be timid creatures who never dislike anybody's mess. Get real. I have been the same on this board, every board and IRL. You think we're supposed to let folks come out of their mouths all twisted about God and throw flower petals on them? WHATEVER.

You are the hypocrite with your fake questions in this thread when your intent was to call me out:grin: Everybody knew what you were doing, you're too transparent.

I obviously crushed your lil toes but get over it chick, let it go.

Um you are not the only christian on the board. There are plenty of females who voice their opinion without being shy or timid, and I do not have an issue with them. Yet you keep referencing the fact that christians are either shy/timid or like you.
Hmm if everyone knew who I was talking about though I didn't name any names could they also be thinking that your actions were wrong and unchristian like? You are not a good example of a christian, I wouldn't even call you one if you didn't make sure you broadcast it. You might want to evaluate your walk with GOD, cause you aren't giving a good example of living by HIS WORD.

For the record my toes aren't little LOL. this is my thread, you came in to cosign and make a post. Why should I let my thread go? maybe you should K.I.M but if you can't let it go either maybe it's time to stop saying it:look:
Re: Does being a christian mean you can do wrong and ask for forgiveness and all is r

Um you are not the only christian on the board. There are plenty of females who voice their opinion without being shy or timid, and I do not have an issue with them. Yet you keep referencing the fact that christians are either shy/timid or like you.
Hmm if everyone knew who I was talking about though I didn't name any names could they also be thinking that your actions were wrong and unchristian like? You are not a good example of a christian, I wouldn't even call you one if you didn't make sure you broadcast it. You might want to evaluate your walk with GOD, cause you aren't giving a good example of living by HIS WORD.

For the record my toes aren't little LOL. this is my thread, you came in to cosign and make a post. Why should I let my thread go? maybe you should K.I.M but if you can't let it go either maybe it's time to stop saying it:look:

Well hon they know how petty you are so....

Maybe you should try worrying about what kind of person you are an example of. Angry and sad come to mind. I tell you what. Why don't YOU be an example for me to follow since you're an expert on Christian behavior:rolleyes:. I offended you personally somewhere but you won't admit it. I doubt very seriously your heart was hurting for any of the girls on this forum. ESPECIALLY to the point that you had to start a thread about it:grin: Get outta here with that crap:rolleyes:

You're the hypocrite chick. Did you give this same speech to your girls about the way you should spare folks feelings or is it reserved for Christians. I tell you what. Why don't I just take notes from your "My brother likes white girls" thread to improve my Christian behavior:rolleyes: I just love when non Christians tell Christians how to follow a God they don't know:grin:

As I said before clean your own before worrying about mine.

ETA: BLOG, K.I.M. and LET IT GO!!!
Re: Does being a christian mean you can do wrong and ask for forgiveness and all is r

Great posts ladies!:yep: Realistically, as Que said, only God truly knows our hearts. Some things are TRULY a struggle for some people. For example, it's not a struggle for me not to eat that extra piece of cake, but for someone else it may be EXTREMELY tempting/difficult to say no. The point is, even after repenting, some people will fall off the bandwagon and will have to repent again. As I said above, God knows each of the hearts of His children, and I trust that He knows a genuine repentence from one that's not. I live by the philosophy that "God never expected me to be perfect, but He does expect me to try." I say this because if we were perfect beings, what would we need God for? God is there for a relationship and also to mold us so that we are more like Him/more like what He designed us to be. And as far as correcting people, I think that's biblical, but judging is not. As Proverbs 27:17 says, "as iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another."
Well, the Bible says in Romans 10:9-10, "That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved." There are no addendums, no caveats.

However, Paul also wrote in Romans 6:1, "What shall we say, then? Shall we go on sinning so that grace may increase? By no means! We died to sin; how can we live in it any longer?" If you are a true born-again Christian, you should have a relationship with Christ Jesus that will give you the desire to live in as He wants you to live. How can one man serve 2 masters? We all struggle with sin, but as Christians we have been given the ability to live beyond the limitations of the flesh and of this world. If you are struggling with something you know is a sin, ask God to help you and to change the desires of your heart so they are more in line with. The Bible says that we should be transformed by the renewing of the mind, which can occur to prayer and the reading of God's Word.

Christians are humans and struggle with sin just like everybody else. Some struggle with pride, arrogance, and or hypocrisy. Other struggle with spiritual laziness or sexual sin. That doesn't make them a better or worse than you.... it just means that God hasn't finished working with them yet.

I think as Christians, to not judge what someone else doing or not doing and focus on ourselves and our own path as we try to be more like Jesus. When people ask questions like that, it is best to just point them to the Word and lift them up in prayer.

Let me also add that everyone who calls themselves a Christian is not really a Christian. They can play with God all they want but He will not be mocked. He knows how hearts so while man can be fooled, He cannot.

On the flip side of that, a Christian who corrects another person is not nec a fake Christian either. People get it twisted because they expect us to be nice and giving a kind word but the bible says the word of God is like a double edge sword. So sometimes the word of God will cut. It is meant to kill your flesh but cause your soul to repent. Understand that the same Jesus who fed the 5000 and died on the cross is the same one who sent rain down on those who laughed at Noah, destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah, and called for the plaques in Egypt. God is a loving God but He is also firm just like any other parent. When our parents spanked us, yeah it hurt but we knew they loved us and they cared. They were correcting us when we did something wrong.

A lot of times my family is quick to say I am judging or looking down when that is not the case. I understand I am not perfect but if God leads me to correct something, I will. I do it out of love and because I don't want anyone to be lost. It comes at a cost because some people will get angry. But I would rather them get angry, think about it and make some changes than to let them keep going wrong and end up in hell. God corrects me too and I suck it up, repent, turn away and do better. Q

If they are true Christian, trust they know. And if they don't know, God will show them. That is why being a Christian is about a relationship. If you are close to God, He can and will correct you. And if you love Him like you say you do, you will take the correction.

The beautiful thing about God is we are able to start fresh. I look at each new day as another chance for me to get it right. I may not do all things right but I strive for it. Even while I struggle with some things, I am able to correct others. That doesn't mean I am better or a hypocrite it just means I care.

To me, a hypocrite doesn't see what they are doing as wrong, doesn't attempt to change it, won't accept correction, and will look down on others for doing the same thing. A lot of people are trying to change and it is taking some time for them to stop doing wrong. So yeah they may look like a hypocrite when really they are just trying to prevent someone else from making the mistakes they have made. Q
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Re: Does being a christian mean you can do wrong and ask for forgiveness and all is r

Well hon they know how petty you are so....

Maybe you should try worrying about what kind of person you are an example of. Angry and sad come to mind. I tell you what. Why don't YOU be an example for me to follow since you're an expert on Christian behavior:rolleyes:. I offended you personally somewhere but you won't admit it. I doubt very seriously your heart was hurting for any of the girls on this forum. ESPECIALLY to the point that you had to start a thread about it:grin: Get outta here with that crap:rolleyes:

You're the hypocrite chick. Did you give this same speech to your girls about the way you should spare folks feelings or is it reserved for Christians. I tell you what. Why don't I just take notes from your "My brother likes white girls" thread to improve my Christian behavior:rolleyes: I just love when non Christians tell Christians how to follow a God they don't know:grin:

As I said before clean your own before worrying about mine.

ETA: BLOG, K.I.M. and LET IT GO!!!
LOL no one here will say I have bragged or broadcast to be a christian. So nah not a hypocrite, and no I gots no pointers for you to follow. But I'm sure since God personally tells you what to post and all, maybe you should be consulting him and not me.

You should also follow your words
As I said before clean your own before worrying about mine.

Kettle meet Pot bwahahhahha:grin:

Petty as me and all. YOu no better chiika.
LHCF, Stay have some fun, Keep posting. :lachen:
Re: Does being a christian mean you can do wrong and ask for forgiveness and all is r

Thank you Que. I had a similar question/thought come up in my spirit (Christians who call themselves Christians but don't behave like Christians)and I've been struggling b/c I don't want to feel holier than thou or feel like I'm looking down on other "Christians". Thank you for helping me to express exactly what I've been trying to say. I brought this up to a Christian sister and she said what freelove said:
But I kept thinking aren't we, as Christians, supposed to correct/rebuke/reproach each other?
Yes but unfortunately when you do so, you run the risk of being labeled as judging people. I let the Holy Spirit lead me and guide me when it comes to correction. That way if a person gets mad, it's okay because God was in control. We are the light of the earth so our light should always shine. We are also the salt which means we will have to take some lickings. Yeah it is not fair but as long as they get a lick and head to the Living water to ease their thirst, then it is worth it. I am already preparing myself to come under more and more attack and scrutiny. But this is what we have been preparing for. We are in a war for folks souls. A war is never nice but thankfully, we already know who wins. Q
Re: Does being a christian mean you can do wrong and ask for forgiveness and all is r

LOL no one here will say I have bragged or broadcast to be a christian. So nah not a hypocrite, and no I gots no pointers for you to follow. But I'm sure since God personally tells you what to post and all, maybe you should be consulting him and not me.

You should also follow your words

Kettle meet Pot bwahahhahha:grin:

Petty as me and all. YOu no better chiika.
LHCF, Stay have some fun, Keep posting. :lachen:

Now why would anyone ever accuse you of being a Christian:drunk:

If you tell me how I hurt you then we can discuss that. I do pray, do you? I actually read my bible how bout you?

Your hypocrisy comes from you talking about how I should act as a Christian when you are know as a crap starting, hateful, negative, attention seeking chick from wayy back. When you changeto posting encouraging, never negative posts and you start calling your girls out on what THEY say THEN you come back and talk to me. Maybe I'll take you seriously then and not view you as some forum chick with a chip on her shoulder.
Re: Does being a christian mean you can do wrong and ask for forgiveness and all is r

Now why would anyone ever accuse you of being a Christian:drunk:

If you tell me how I hurt you then we can discuss that. I do pray, do you? I actually read my bible how bout you?

Your hypocrisy comes from you talking about how I should act as a Christian when you are know as a crap starting, hateful, negative, attention seeking chick from wayy back. When you changeto posting encouraging, never negative posts and you start calling your girls out on what THEY say THEN you come back and talk to me. Maybe I'll take you seriously then and not view you as some forum chick with a chip on her shoulder.
oh so you got issues with me and my girls oooooohhhhh. LOL maybe you should address them heads on. After all you got alot to say and it took me addressing you to have it all out in the open. Maybe you should send a pm or start a thread. LOL
You the christian set the example for me... but since you ain't like other christians I guess that won't happen huh...

Forum chick with a chip LOL let me guess you want to be known as the one who knocked it off? aren't you exhausted from your work with adequate?
Re: Does being a christian mean you can do wrong and ask for forgiveness and all is r

oh so you got issues with me and my girls oooooohhhhh. LOL maybe you should address them heads on. After all you got alot to say and it took me addressing you to have it all out in the open. Maybe you should send a pm or start a thread. LOL
You the christian set the example for me... but since you ain't like other christians I guess that won't happen huh...

Forum chick with a chip LOL let me guess you want to be known as the one who knocked it off? aren't you exhausted from your work with adequate?

Just tell me when I hurt you let's discuss it and be done.

Yes YOU addressed me.

As far as adequate, I wasn't the only one who called her on what she did. And why are you so concerned about adequate anyway? You had enough smack to say to her than most folks on this board did anyway. Now it's po'adequate:lachen:

I don't have a problem with your girls, at least they have the guts to say what they think without hiding behind *snickers*.

You got me til 2am chick and then it's my bedtime. Do you ever intend to tell me how I hurt your feelings or are you gonna continue to pretend that you are soooo offended by my lack of Christian sweetness?
Re: Does being a christian mean you can do wrong and ask for forgiveness and all is r

I think that this is personally disrespectful and upsetting that you two have been carrying on like this for hours now. Let it go or pm each other in private where you can air out your differences. We are never going to agree with each other but name calling on a spiritual forum defies the original intent and purpose of this forum, which is salvation, edification and healing through Jesus Christ. Let it go ladies, please your only doing what the devil wants you to do and that is tear each other down. We have enough negativity on this board as is, so keep that out of here! God bless and good night! (This above msg is in love, trust that!)

ETA: Don't yall have to wake up early to go to church by the way, lol?
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