Teacher loses job at Christian school because she's pregnant OOW

Shimmie said:
That's the point, Christian parents want Christian education for their children. The public school system is a mess and it's the right of Christian schools and parents to guard our children from it. Why should any parent pay for the sins of the world? There has to be a marked distinction.

Where I live there are separate buses taking the Jewish children to their separate schools. They have their separate holidays and separate instruction which is Biblically based (Isaiah 54:13). They have a separate mandate and curriculum for their instructors and it better be followed. Would she sue them? I don't think so... yet folks want to single out Christians as the bad guys.

Jesus said, go and sin no more. She's still with her boyfriend... unmarried. That finance' title doesn't hold water or juice. They should be married and taking responsibility for their baby.

I agree. Moslems, Hindus, and other religions up hold standard and are not criticized. Christianity has become so commercialized that people have forgotten what true Christianity is.
She didn't come 'clean' until she began to show.

As for getting married 'secretly'... that's just a lie; just plain deception to try and cover up what was already done. God's not fooled. :nono:

The moral thing to do would have been for 'her' to come clean the very moment she and her fiance were having premarital sex. God's word is clear, "Your sin will find you out.". You cannot cover sin. This woman has violated the morality clause in several counts by her own choosing.

Since when are we as Christians supposed to drop to the world's lax attitude with morals? What has occurred is HER doing, not the school's. Instead of taking the school for a fool, thinking she could live the way she wanted to knowing it was inappropriate, is her doing. Being pregnant is not the sin, it's her choice of living outside of what she signed to live up to.

I want to know who does the world think they are to judge morals? This earth is falling by wayside more rapidly each day. God is not hating on this woman and neither is the school. They have to maintain a standard of living and I truly do not appreciate this innocent baby being used as a pawn for her to have her way and to also blaze a trail for others who oppose moral standards to start suing Ministries for doing what God has called them to do.

Her choice was clear, it was hidden. If she chose to live a different lifestyle, then she should have resigned a long time ago and sought employment elsewhere. She's learning a lesson here. God is not changing just to accommodate those who chose to live against His set order. Who does she think she is to sue God for what she knows is wrong in the first place.

She needs to hammer down on the man she's pregnant by and make him pay for his responsibility. How dare they put this on someone else who had nothing to do with their choice.

I hope this man is not a kang... depending upon HER to provide when it should be HIM. If he's joined her in this case, he's a straight up Kang and that is just shameful. He should be out taking care of his family and not wasting time blaming someone else for what he and she chose to do.

Put the blame where it belongs which is not upon this Christian Ministry.

:nono: :nono: :nono: :nono: :nono:

I think you have completely missed my point. I am not arguing that our standards should be lowered. I am merely stating that grace and restoration is the good news of Christianity. Yes, God has a standard. He has always dealt with sin with both standard and grace. Extending grace doesn't mean accepting the sin. That is where my statements are being misunderstood. The idea that grace and sin cannot abound together in Christianity ignores the gospel of Christ. If God were to give us what we deserved according to his law we would all be in trouble. If God extends grace that cost him his Son, why are Christians so quick to want to exact justice while ignoring grace? The woman could and should have been extended Grace. There is no grace and charity to be found in putting a woman and her unborn child in the unemployment line. She will not be able to find a job if she is indeed showing and now she is without prenatal care. Does that really sound like something Jesus would condone. The woman caught in adultry should have been stoned according to the law yet Jesus demonstrated grace. Was he not sent to show us the intention of the Law and his character?
I think you have completely missed my point. I am not arguing that our standards should be lowered. I am merely stating that grace and restoration is the good news of Christianity. Yes, God has a standard. He has always dealt with sin with both standard and grace. Extending grace doesn't mean accepting the sin. That is where my statements are being misunderstood.

The idea that grace and sin cannot abound together in Christianity ignores the gospel of Christ. If God were to give us what we deserved according to his law we would all be in trouble. If God extends grace that cost him his Son, why are Christians so quick to want to exact justice while ignoring grace? The woman could and should have been extended Grace.

There is no grace and charity to be found in putting a woman and her unborn child in the unemployment line. She will not be able to find a job if she is indeed showing and now she is without prenatal care. Does that really sound like something Jesus would condone.

The woman caught in adultry should have been stoned according to the law yet Jesus demonstrated grace. Was he not sent to show us the intention of the Law and his character?

dicapr... don't confuse grace with chastening. This woman was given MUCH grace. Each time she undressed to have premarital sex with the man she's involved with... GRACE was with her and on that job. She's not without options and you cannot blame this school justly when they are taking heed to what had to be done.

Jesus told the woman to 'go and sin no more'. This is not the case with the woman in this situation.

Get it through your head that as Christians we are going to 'walk this walk' and it will not be all talk. If we say we are Christian, we are going to live it. God has not forsaken this woman, neither has the school who had to terminate her position with them.

To be totally honest it was not the school who terminated her, it was SHE who terminated herself from that job. She did so by not adherreiing to the requirements expected of her.

Let's get something straight. There is a spirit behind those who willfully and purposely choose to indulge in sin, especially sexual sin. And it is a spirit that imparts itsself into others. This woman is/was around children who are very impressionable. Children look up to their teachers; their teachers become their icons/idols. They want to grow up and be like Ms ........ or Mr............

Now when an adult is living in sexual sin, this spirit has a way of trickling down upon those under it. This woman admitted that she had a 'different' perspective than that of the school... A different perspective that would no doubt be passed onto some of the children there, breaking their boundaries of morality and virtue.

While you're looking on the 'outside' of this situation, God is looking at the very depth and breath of the heart of this woman's character. She is not God focused; if she was, she would be thinking more of the good for the children she teaches rather than herself.

When this woman took this position, she made a promise to God... not just to man, but to God to uphold the morality of the school's Ministry. She did not respect this, neither did she uphold it. God has to remove her to avoid further rebellion which would no doubt spill over into the children.

This woman had a chance to live right and she did not. The school is not set upon punishing her. She did not make an unintentional mistake. She made a concious decision to live and sleep with a man, to have unprotected sex and to get pregnant and then expect it to exceptable.

There is absolutely NO reason why the man she is with cannot take care of her and their baby. No reason whatsoever. This is what God is conveying.

Something else, if the school let's her slide... then who's next? Who's next who will expect and demand the same treatment... to not terminate their employment. Where does it end? The school has then lost it's accountability to the Word of God.

God is not mean; He is a loving Father. However we need to behave ourselves or suffer the consequences. And you know this.

This woman has been given much grace...much. She was allowed to be employed for God only knows how long while still having sex outside of marriage. She wouldn't listen...now she has to. So does the man whom she's pregnant by.
dicapr... don't confuse grace with chastening. This woman was given MUCH grace. Each time she undressed to have premarital sex with the man she's involved with... GRACE was with her and on that job. She's not without options and you cannot blame this school justly when they are taking heed to what had to be done.

Jesus told the woman to 'go and sin no more'. This is not the case with the woman in this situation.

Get it through your head that as Christians we are going to 'walk this walk' and it will not be all talk. If we say we are Christian, we are going to live it. God has not forsaken this woman, neither has the school who had to terminate her position with them.

To be totally honest it was not the school who terminated her, it was SHE who terminated herself from that job. She did so by not adherreiing to the requirements expected of her.

Let's get something straight. There is a spirit behind those who willfully and purposely choose to indulge in sin, especially sexual sin. And it is a spirit that imparts itsself into others. This woman is/was around children who are very impressionable. Children look up to their teachers; their teachers become their icons/idols. They want to grow up and be like Ms ........ or Mr............

Now when an adult is living in sexual sin, this spirit has a way of trickling down upon those under it. This woman admitted that she had a 'different' perspective than that of the school... A different perspective that would no doubt be passed onto some of the children there, breaking their boundaries of morality and virtue.

While you're looking on the 'outside' of this situation, God is looking at the very depth and breath of the heart of this woman's character. She is not God focused; if she was, she would be thinking more of the good for the children she teaches rather than herself.

When this woman took this position, she made a promise to God... not just to man, but to God to uphold the morality of the school's Ministry. She did not respect this, neither did she uphold it. God has to remove her to avoid further rebellion which would no doubt spill over into the children.

This woman had a chance to live right and she did not. The school is not set upon punishing her. She did not make an unintentional mistake. She made a concious decision to live and sleep with a man, to have unprotected sex and to get pregnant and then expect it to exceptable.

There is absolutely NO reason why the man she is with cannot take care of her and their baby. No reason whatsoever. This is what God is conveying.

Something else, if the school let's her slide... then who's next? Who's next who will expect and demand the same treatment... to not terminate their employment. Where does it end? The school has then lost it's accountability to the Word of God.

God is not mean; He is a loving Father. However we need to behave ourselves or suffer the consequences. And you know this.

This woman has been given much grace...much. She was allowed to be employed for God only knows how long while still having sex outside of marriage. She wouldn't listen...now she has to. So does the man whom she's pregnant by.

You can live by that philosophy if you want to. Since neither one of us are privy to her bedroom we have no idea about how many times she had sex with her FH, whether they prayed for forgiveness, ect. We are just speculating.

As a Christian, I know that God has repeatedly forgiven me and extended grace with less consequence than I deserve. My thankfulness extends to my fellow man. Because God has given me much grace and forgiveness and I tend to extend that to others. I guess some Christians are unaware of how much God has forgiven then and allowed them to continue on with their lives free from the consequences they deserve. I say this because so many Christians are quick to demand someone get what they deserve. Many feel because someone has fallen they should receive what is coming to them. If God truly adhered to that line of thinking all would be lost. The bible says that by the same meter we measure our brothers and sisters in Christ he will judge us. I'm guessing from the responses the majority of Christians want what's coming to them. If they sin their punishment will be justified. Do you really want the only grace extended to you by the Father to be your life. While it is more than any of us deserve I would like even more of his abundant GRACE! I really do not want God, being just, to mete out the justice I deserve. Every time I fall I do not want to lose my job, house, and the ability to take care of myself.

You can have justice while I accept the gift of Grace. This great gift makes me want to spread it to my fellow man. I have been forgiven and restored in so many areas of my life. I cannot deny what God has freely given to me to my fellow sister in Christ.
You can live by that philosophy if you want to. Since neither one of us are privy to her bedroom we have no idea about how many times she had sex with her FH, whether they prayed for forgiveness, ect. We are just speculating.

As a Christian, I know that God has repeatedly forgiven me and extended grace with less consequence than I deserve. My thankfulness extends to my fellow man. Because God has given me much grace and forgiveness and I tend to extend that to others. I guess some Christians are unaware of how much God has forgiven then and allowed them to continue on with their lives free from the consequences they deserve. I say this because so many Christians are quick to demand someone get what they deserve. Many feel because someone has fallen they should receive what is coming to them. If God truly adhered to that line of thinking all would be lost. The bible says that by the same meter we measure our brothers and sisters in Christ he will judge us. I'm guessing from the responses the majority of Christians want what's coming to them. If they sin their punishment will be justified. Do you really want the only grace extended to you by the Father to be your life. While it is more than any of us deserve I would like even more of his abundant GRACE! I really do not want God, being just, to mete out the justice I deserve. Every time I fall I do not want to lose my job, house, and the ability to take care of myself.

You can have justice while I accept the gift of Grace. This great gift makes me want to spread it to my fellow man. I have been forgiven and restored in so many areas of my life. I cannot deny what God has freely given to me to my fellow sister in Christ.

i understand what you're saying.

even though we receive grace and mercy from God, there are still consequences for our actions while we live on this earth.

her fiance can still work and i'm sure people will be charitable to her for the sake of the child.
I agree. Moslems, Hindus, and other religions up hold standard and are not criticized. Christianity has become so commercialized that people have forgotten what true Christianity is.

I think many people also feel like its so close and familiar that they have a right to redefine it. It can also be an identity that people don't want to leave behind. I studied with a group of people once who were clearly no longer committed to the Christian faith, but instead of simply saying, "Ok, I don't really believe this anymore/don't adhere to it anymore" they wanted to change it, wanted everyone else to accept a new and different version of it.
I think many people also feel like its so close and familiar that they have a right to redefine it. It can also be an identity that people don't want to leave behind.

I studied with a group of people once who were clearly no longer committed to the Christian faith, but instead of simply saying, "Ok, I don't really believe this anymore/don't adhere to it anymore" they wanted to change it, wanted everyone else to accept a new and different version of it.

:yep: The group The Christian Left... for example.
You can live by that philosophy if you want to. Since neither one of us are privy to her bedroom we have no idea about how many times she had sex with her FH, whether they prayed for forgiveness, ect. We are just speculating.

As a Christian, I know that God has repeatedly forgiven me and extended grace with less consequence than I deserve. My thankfulness extends to my fellow man. Because God has given me much grace and forgiveness and I tend to extend that to others. I guess some Christians are unaware of how much God has forgiven then and allowed them to continue on with their lives free from the consequences they deserve. I say this because so many Christians are quick to demand someone get what they deserve. Many feel because someone has fallen they should receive what is coming to them. If God truly adhered to that line of thinking all would be lost. The bible says that by the same meter we measure our brothers and sisters in Christ he will judge us. I'm guessing from the responses the majority of Christians want what's coming to them. If they sin their punishment will be justified. Do you really want the only grace extended to you by the Father to be your life. While it is more than any of us deserve I would like even more of his abundant GRACE! I really do not want God, being just, to mete out the justice I deserve. Every time I fall I do not want to lose my job, house, and the ability to take care of myself.

You can have justice while I accept the gift of Grace. This great gift makes me want to spread it to my fellow man. I have been forgiven and restored in so many areas of my life. I cannot deny what God has freely given to me to my fellow sister in Christ.

It's not a philosophy, it's 'Life'...

The beauty of this is that the most gracious form of Grace is with this woman and for her baby.

She is now being given the Grace of growing in God; growing in God and knowing Him in a way beyond she's ever known Him. If this doesn't bring her closer to depending upon the Lord, than something else in this life surely will.

There's a time in each of our lives when 'something' has to get our attention and bring us to knees and allow God and only God to bring us through. The very fact that she's suing this Ministry is telling where her relationship with God is. She hasn't taken the blame for her own actions, she blaming them instead. She has admitted both verbally and by her actions that she does not share their same views on morality. This is 'telling' where she is spiritually.

Let this woman grow; let her grow in God in a way that she will know who her God and who her true Redeemer is. God will use the most likely and the most unlikely situations to get our attention. Jonah, Job, Joseph (in Genesis), were thrown into the most unlikely circumstances and they each came through the fire and grew closer to God as a result.

Adam and Eve for they too were cast out from the Garden and had to learn from what they did. Adam was commanded to toil and survive by the sweat of his brow; Eve to bear children in pain. Yet they grew...babies and all.

None of this has any link to any lack of Christian charity or lack of God's love and compassion. It's Grace being poured upon her to grow.

Jesus is right there waiting for her to surrender and submit herself into His care and His will for her life.

Let this woman grow and be set free from what got her 'where she is now' in the first place. Otherwise, she'll always think someone owes her something and she will always resort to bitterness and strife when she feels she's been dealt wrong.

Let her grow. It's the most precious of Grace's that one can ever receive.

I've been there and back...so have many, many MANY others. This is her time to know who God really is in her life... God isn't going to forsake her or drop her... He's right there to uphold her. Let her grow.
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i understand what you're saying.

even though we receive grace and mercy from God, there are still consequences for our actions while we live on this earth.

her fiance can still work and i'm sure people will be charitable to her for the sake of the child.

That is not what I am talking about. I have no doubt that God has extended her grace and mercy. I am asking about her brothers and sisters in Christ. Where is the grace and mercy extended to her. They have kicked her out on her behind expecting some other Christian to extend mercy and kindness to her as if it is not their duty. No one is saying there is no consequence, but is it necessary to always prosecute to the full extent of the law? It reminds me of the parable where the man owed his king a lot of money and begged for forgiveness. The king forgave the servant a large debt of money. The man then went and harassed his fellow servant for a small sum of money. In the end the servant who was forgiven was stripped of everything because he failed to pass on the mercy and grace extended to him. I think some Christians forget that. They are so worried about enforcing right and wrong they forget they have another duty. We are not to ignore or condone wrong but justice should be handed out with mercy. Not by someone else, not by another church member, but by each and everyone of us. If not we are that servant forgiven much who forgets to pass along that gift. I do not intend to be stripped of my gracious gifts from the Father because I fail to extend grace to others.

Many of you in this thread are fully persuaded in your minds that justice is first and only God is responsible for giving grace. There is nothing I can do. I just know it is required of me to pass along the Grace given to me. I cannot be that servant. I do not believe that their are not consequences for our actions. What I do not believe is that justice cannot tempered with justice.

I would have personally liked to see the teacher suspended without pay until she was married. She should have also had a formal letter of discipline placed in her records and placed on probation. She should not be allowed to coach any after school social clubs. All of these actions would show that here action was unacceptable while extending mercy and grace. We do not always have to bring someone to their knees in order to discipline.

As for her FH, didn't the article say that he was unemployed and unable to find a job and that is why they had put the wedding on hold? If he couldn't find a job in all of this time why do we expect him to find employment now? Or are we once again expecting God to extend mercy where her fellow man would not?
It's not a philosophy, it's 'Life'...

The beauty of this is that the most gracious form of Grace is with this woman and for her baby.

She is now being given the Grace of growing in God; growing in God and knowing Him in a way beyond she's ever known Him. If this doesn't bring her closer to depending upon the Lord, than something else in this life surely will.

There's a time in each of our lives when 'something' has to get our attention and bring us to knees and allow God and only God to bring us through. The very fact that she's suing this Ministry is telling where her relationship with God is. She hasn't taken the blame for her own actions, she blaming them instead. She has admitted both verbally and by her actions that she does not share their same views on morality. This is 'telling' where she is spiritually.

Let this woman grow; let her grow in God in a way that she will know who her God and who her true Redeemer is. God will use the most likely and the most unlikely situations to get our attention. Jonah, Job, Joseph (in Genesis), were thrown into the most unlikely circumstances and they each came through the fire and grew closer to God as a result.

Adam and Eve for they too were cast out from the Garden and had to learn from what they did. Adam was commanded to toil and survive by the sweat of his brow; Eve to bear children in pain. Yet they grew...babies and all.

None of this has any link to any lack of Christian charity or lack of God's love and compassion. It's Grace being poured upon her to grow.

Jesus is right there waiting for her to surrender and submit herself into His care and His will for her life.

Let this woman grow and be set free from what got her 'where she is now' in the first place. Otherwise, she'll always think someone owes her something and she will always resort to bitterness and strife when she feels she's been dealt wrong.

Let her grow. It's the most precious of Grace's that one can ever receive.

I've been there and back...so have many, many MANY others. This is her time to know who God really is in her life... God isn't going to forsake her or drop her... He's right there to uphold her. Let her grow.

Shimmie, your examples prove my point about grace and mercy. Adam and Eve were indeed kicked out of the garden and made to toil. However, their sentence was death! Mercy and Grace began and was extended when the first sin was committed. Adam and Eve should have been struck down after eating from the tree. Instead, God came in the cool of the evening to talk with them and sentence them to a less harsh sentence. Although their bodies began to die in that very day he did not end their life or the race of mankind for their transgression-which was justified in his word. Instead, he opted for hard labor instead of the death penalty. Where you see justice I see grace.

And as I said before, you are projecting so much into this woman's situation and her spiritual state. You have no idea about whether she has prayed, gone to her pastor, is repentant ect. She may have vowed to stop sleeping with FH only to find out she was pregnant the next month. We just don't know. You assume that her being fired will lead her to these places that she may have already been. A unwed Christian mother can hide her pregnancy even when her job is not at risk. I had a friend do the same and her job was not at risk. It was pure shame at the fact that she had fallen.
I guess I am trying to understand this discrepancy between grace and justice. This woman based on the article is not showing any signs of repentance. her first thought is they cant do this to me. its illegal. She is trying to sue the school instead of being honest about the fact that she made decisions that caused her position to be terminated. i honestly believe the school did show her grace by even offering to go through mediation, which they did not have to do, but according to the article mediation fell apart due to the fact that she wanted a settlement. So to sum it up, I want money from you to pay for my decision to sin. Im sorry how is that biblical?

God shows us grace everyday. I thank him for it. I pray that this woman and her fiance truly repent, marry, and continue on with their lives instead of trying to drag a christian school in the mud for their decision. As believers, we must understand that even though God is forgiving and loving, our choice sometimes don't fully remove all the consequences from our sin. Moses' consequence for being disobedient to God was that he couldn't enter the promise land. Instead of being upset and bitter at God for that decision, he kept on being a standard for the children of Israel in spite of the consequences and fulfilled his purpose by leading them to the promise land.
I agree that the school is with their legal rights. But the higher morality that we as Christians are held to is what is at issue here. Yes it is legally right but is it morally right? Somehow I have trouble envisioning Christ throw out a woman and her child because she made a mistake even though she admitted fault. As someone pointed out earlier she could have secretly wed and covered up her sin but yet she chose to come clean. I just can't say I feel right morally about their decision.

I don't think the school is at moral fault for actually adhering to the contract and standard that it required its teachers to adhere to. Say for instance she began teaching her students that God doesn't exist, etc. and the school fired her--would we be talking about a "higher morality" to keep her employed?

She broke contract, of her own choice and doing, and now she must accept the consequences that come with that. The higher morality should go with her fiance who should step up and be a REAL man and marry her, and who should've actually respected her and waited until she was his wife. We often talk about in the single parent/mother threads how the guy goes free--well let's put daddy on the hook...let him be responsible for his fiancee and child and stop trying to make a school or institution the daddy.
I don't think the school is at moral fault for actually adhering to the contract and standard that it required its teachers to adhere to. Say for instance she began teaching her students that God doesn't exist, etc. and the school fired her--would we be talking about a "higher morality" to keep her employed?

She broke contract, of her own choice and doing, and now she must accept the consequences that come with that.

The higher morality should go with her fiance who should step up and be a REAL man and marry her, and who should've actually respected her and waited until she was his wife.

We often talk about in the single parent/mother threads how the guy goes free--well let's put daddy on the hook...let him be responsible for his fiancee and child and stop trying to make a school or institution the daddy.


Serious Sincere Compliment Ahead

Lemme tell you something and I have a reason for saying this because it's extremely important to put it out there as such.

You speak a lot of Wisdom in your posts/threads. A whole lot. I read and I do indeed take heed. It has nothing to do with one's denomination, it's the Godly wisdom that prevails and this you have not failed to display when it comes to God's principles. :yep:

There are times when we have to peel back the surface and see / hear what God is saying / doing underneath.

I pray that I have not offended anyone. If so, I apologize and do so with my heart.
Shimmie, your examples prove my point about grace and mercy. Adam and Eve were indeed kicked out of the garden and made to toil. However, their sentence was death! Mercy and Grace began and was extended when the first sin was committed. Adam and Eve should have been struck down after eating from the tree. Instead, God came in the cool of the evening to talk with them and sentence them to a less harsh sentence. Although their bodies began to die in that very day he did not end their life or the race of mankind for their transgression-which was justified in his word. Instead, he opted for hard labor instead of the death penalty. Where you see justice I see grace.

And as I said before, you are projecting so much into this woman's situation and her spiritual state. You have no idea about whether she has prayed, gone to her pastor, is repentant ect. She may have vowed to stop sleeping with FH only to find out she was pregnant the next month. We just don't know. You assume that her being fired will lead her to these places that she may have already been. A unwed Christian mother can hide her pregnancy even when her job is not at risk. I had a friend do the same and her job was not at risk. It was pure shame at the fact that she had fallen.

God walked with Adam in the cool of the day, 'before' the fall, which truly made it questionable why Adam who was that close to God would not have known better to take of the fruit offered to him by Eve.....

Hmmmmmmm.... One who Knows better...... yet yields to 'free will'... like this woman ? ? ?

Oh and like this woman, Adam blames God for Eve... ('the woman that you gave me...') just like this woman is blaming the school for her own free will and the consequences which followed.

Like the Garden dismissal... the School, has to dismiss the woman because of her free will sin, of which she knew better 'beforehand' and chose otherwise.


The school didn't drop her as a hot potato or as an outcast. They extended much grace 'afterwards', to her which she refused.

When do you get it? Where's the 'father's' responsibility? If this woman was repentent, it would show in her actions, which is showing that she has not taken responsibilty for her consequences and neither is the father of her child.

The word of God is clear that a man who does not take care of his own is worse than an infidel.

The school although NOT responsible DID offer GRACE to her... she refused it.

It's quite understandable that you feel badly for this woman's situation. We ALL do and without a shadow of a doubt, I truly believe the school does as well. But she is not who they have to answer to. She is not their obligation. She has other options but chooses, once again, to make a bad decision which is placing the blame of her actions on those who are not the blame.

Sooner or later she has to wake up and see who's really the blame and act upon it. The man is whom she should be putting the pressure upon... the man whose seed she bears in her belly. The man she gave her virtue to. The man she chose to put above God AND her job... knowing the risks that were ahead.

God is her Provider, not the school. Once she gets this...she'll never lack in any area of her life that God won't provide for her.

For the record I'm not at odds with you. You feel the way you feel. So from this point we agree to disagree and move on in peace. :flowers:
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Serious Sincere Compliment Ahead

Lemme tell you something and I have a reason for saying this because it's extremely important to put it out there as such.

You speak a lot of Wisdom in your posts/threads. A whole lot. I read and I do indeed take heed. It has nothing to do with one's denomination, it's the Godly wisdom that prevails and this you have not failed to display when it comes to God's principles. :yep:

There are times when we have to peel back the surface and see / hear what God is saying / doing underneath.

I pray that I have not offended anyone. If so, I apologize and do so with my heart.

You know I love you! :grouphug:
Your right Shimmie. We will have to agree to disagree. I don't think I understand Christianity sometimes. I think it is time once again for me to remove myself from the Christian forums I frequent and spend time in my bible. We are all sincere and looking to live how God wants us to. However, I increasingly find myself at odds with how other Christians believe our faith should be practiced. It is time for me to once again go to God and ask for his direction. Maybe it is just my gift that I have a soft heart and I am quick to forgive. All I know is that my spirit is troubled by many things being applied to being a "Christian" lately-not just this thread. I believe that the enemy is trying to discourage me with things being said on this and other Christian forums. Through no fault of anyone I am taking a break. I may read but I will not be commenting anymore.
Your right Shimmie. We will have to agree to disagree. I don't think I understand Christianity sometimes. I think it is time once again for me to remove myself from the Christian forums I frequent and spend time in my bible. We are all sincere and looking to live how God wants us to. However, I increasingly find myself at odds with how other Christians believe our faith should be practiced. It is time for me to once again go to God and ask for his direction. Maybe it is just my gift that I have a soft heart and I am quick to forgive. All I know is that my spirit is troubled by many things being applied to being a "Christian" lately-not just this thread. I believe that the enemy is trying to discourage me with things being said on this and other Christian forums. Through no fault of anyone I am taking a break. I may read but I will not be commenting anymore.

I understand. Maybe we as the Body will be able come to understand what each of us mean, when we share our hearts about something and truly understand where each are trying to convey without discord or misunderstanding.

I mean it when I say I have no odds against you. I wish only the best for you, spirit, soul and body. :Rose:
That's the root of the matter right there...and I guess what has been bothering me. She is angry with their decision and hasn't even accepted any of her footprint in all this. It's ALL the school's fault..them and that "morality clause" of theirs..

That is a problem we have - it is always someone else's fault...we look to blame others and sue them never accepting and taking responsibility for our own actions. I see it in the public schools with students behavior,lack of respect and not following rules - never any real consequences for their actions so they feel they can continue in life not following the rules.

How old is this teacher?
That is a problem we have - it is always someone else's fault...we look to blame others and sue them never accepting and taking responsibility for our own actions. I see it in the public schools with students behavior,lack of respect and not following rules - never any real consequences for their actions so they feel they can continue in life not following the rules.

How old is this teacher?

She's 29. I hope the man (the baby's father) isn't a 'brother'... :nono:
Ugh I am just soooo angry when I hear these things. I just want to scream. Losing your job because you got pregnant really sucks. BUUUUT she doesn't have a case since she signed an agreement. So she is kinda up a creek without a paddle. She can't argue her beliefs against a signed agreement. A "Morality Clause" has so much berth. You can call anything "immoral" these days.... You don't need scripture quotes and a reminder of the commandments to see she is out of gas....
It just really really sucks.

Hmmmm....too bad they didn't fire those priests back in the day when they were molesting those kids....Surely this too is immoral......even back then they were still firing women who got pregnant out of wedlock...that's nothing new....They were able to keep their jobs without worry. I guess they are not going to sweep her under a rug like they did those priests....JMHO.
Exactly, they are super hard on the women but the men get a pass. So sad!
Exactly, they are super hard on the women but the men get a pass. So sad!

In too many cases, it's the woman's fault, namely this one where the woman doesn't place the responsibility where it truly belongs.

Disclaimer: I'm not speaking of 'all' women.

In this case, she needs to put pressure on the man who got her pregnant instead of someone else who's not responsible. No man should be able to 'slide', yet it's too many of the women who have allowed 'them' to do so.

It looks like the 'men' are getting by from both sides... a weak society and the women they've taken advantage of. It's a mess.
I'm a little confused here, by your post.

Are you saying it's a woman's job to make a man be a man...or a woman's job to not lay with a man-boy?


I'd agree with the latter. You choose who you lay with, but men teach men how to be men...not women. Women teach men how to interact with women, after they've earned the right to interact with women --by becoming real men.

Well...in a perfect world, anyway. Sigh.:ohwell:

Let's be real and I'm not going to 'sugar-coat' it. Women need to make men step-up and not take the crumbs or empty excuses which are handed to them.

Yes, the men are supposed to teach the men, but how many of them are growing up with men to do just that.

It's a woman's place to not allow a man to use her or to not step up to his responsibility. Whatever a woman 'allows' a man to do, he will do it and continue to do it unless she puts a stop to it.

Women are not that weak and have no reason to be. I'm as feminine and as girly girl as they come, yet I will not be disrespected or dogged over.

Too many women put up with foolishness because of 'fear' of not having a man in their lives or they've been conditioned to think that they have to put up with whatever a man does.

In the case with this woman in this thread article, why is she not putting the pressure upon her 'man' as opposed to suing a Ministry. More than likely she's allowing him to slide rather than step up and provide. Time and again I've witnessed this syndrome with women and the father or fathers of their children. Let the 'state' take care of what he won't.

I'm not arguing with you, so what I've said is not contention. It's a reality.
Your right Shimmie. We will have to agree to disagree. I don't think I understand Christianity sometimes. I think it is time once again for me to remove myself from the Christian forums I frequent and spend time in my bible. We are all sincere and looking to live how God wants us to. However, I increasingly find myself at odds with how other Christians believe our faith should be practiced. It is time for me to once again go to God and ask for his direction. Maybe it is just my gift that I have a soft heart and I am quick to forgive. All I know is that my spirit is troubled by many things being applied to being a "Christian" lately-not just this thread. I believe that the enemy is trying to discourage me with things being said on this and other Christian forums. Through no fault of anyone I am taking a break. I may read but I will not be commenting anymore.
I know you're not commenting but I did want to point to one thing...maybe two lol

Gods grace and mercy are selective. The Bible says that He shows mercy to whom he chooses to show mercy. So one person may commit fornication and get pregnant and get AIDS and another may do the same and get neither. But we trust that God is fair, just and good and so His choices to extend mercy/grace are based on his goodness. The same goes for us. We also choose who we extend mercy and grace to and who we dont. Thats called being mature in Christ...being able to discern good and evil, what to do and what not to do. Every criminal in jail should not be extended the mercy of freedom, every homeless person you meet will not be the beneficiary of every extra cent in your bank account etc., your children (if you have them) will not always escape punishment when they disobey.

I believe that just as you pointed out that we do not know the state of repentance etc. of this woman we also have to say that we do not know the process the school went through.

Its possible that others have been fired for solid proof of fornication and they want to uphold the fairness of having equal consequences.

Also, in similar situations there will be consequences with other employees that they are not responsible for either. For example, if a teacher is caught in adultery with another teacher...should they both be fired? If the woman is pregnant then should she not be fired? What if the man has children at home and this will cause them to lose their health insurance? Don't fire him either? Does the state of repentance matter? If the prgnant woman caught in adultery is vocal about nothing being wrong with it...then should she be fired? If a woman is pregnant and switches religions, should she be fired? (Im assuming that there is somehting in the contract about being Christian lol). These are all questions that the school board may have discussed again and again. (I know HR is always makig sure they have policies and explanations etc.) They may have prayed about this situation and made a decision. Im just saying that we cant accuse them of not being merciful because they upheld the full consequences of the contract rather than suspension as some may feel is more called for.

I guess what many are saying is that when you sin...you should expect consequences and should not expect for people to automatically extend mercy to you (though you can pray for that). And you cannot fault someone for applying full consequences to your actions.
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This bothers me, because she could have easily gotten out of this situation with an abortion, which is the coward way out (I speak from experience just fyi). Instead, she chose the courageous thing and to literally "bare her sin" in front of the world.