~~TBL 2012 Challenge~~

Ok, so I know I'm talking about cutting this month and going natural (I'm 34 wks post now). But, look at how good the length on my avi pic looks on me (I pinned a phonytail to the back of my hair to visualize my new goal length).

I'm wondering if this would be considered TL? I didn't think I'd want to go that long at all but I'm loving this look. THAT is my new goal length. And I'd definitely need to keep the "v" shape for that because I think anything else would look too heavy on me at that length.

What do you think?

I love the length in your avi. It looks good. I can't really tell what length it is, past hip definitely. Im thinking of shortening my long term goal as well. I still want to grow to TBL, but I don't think I will maintain there.

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Ok, so I know I'm talking about cutting this month and going natural (I'm 34 wks post now). But, look at how good the length on my avi pic looks on me (I pinned a phonytail to the back of my hair to visualize my new goal length).

I'm wondering if this would be considered TL? I didn't think I'd want to go that long at all but I'm loving this look. THAT is my new goal length. And I'd definitely need to keep the "v" shape for that because I think anything else would look too heavy on me at that length.

What do you think?

I believe TL can be any thing from the top of the verticle smile to the middle lower part of the bum. I think it would look great on you. It has a finished look to it:yep: So keep growing!

Hey there :wave: Nothing wrong with some inspiration. Hey, you siggy pic is nice. Now tell me. What's a DM?


Thanks girl! That pic was taken earlier this year. I've had a trim since that shot (she cut a lil too much off) but I regained that length and extra. :) The DM is my abbreviation for Dominican salon. The space is limited for siggy text. :lol:
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My press is holding up really well. I'm really surprised at how well my scalp is doing, no itching or flaking at all. I should be able to go another week with no problem. Then I'll DC and bun until I get my hair done again.

I did a S&D yesterday to get rid of some splits and knots. It gives me the satisfaction of cutting without chopping my hair off, plus its much easier to do on straight hair. I'm trying to get rid of some damage that way so I won't have to cut as much when I do my next trim.

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I think I will try no braids for a week and see if I can master keeping tangles down. My hair still will twist while in the braids:perplexed

Keep it soft and growing ladies:yep:
I was getting a case of the dry hair so I have switched to every five day wash. Hope that helps. This will mean detangling more often so will see how that does. Also dropped down to only 7 braids. THough I love the mini braids I needed a break.

Have a Blessed Merry Christmas and a promising New Year ladies.
My hair has been in twists for the past few days; maybe a week. who knows. I've been retwisting as needed but basically leaving it alone. I've been so busy with Christmas shopping that I haven't had time for much else. My showers were baths just so that I could soak my muscles. I SO need to get my hair in some water! I plan to trim on Christmas eve so, I suppose that means I need to do something by then...but when?

I'm volunteering in my son's kindergarten classroom today and finishing up my shopping tonight. Friday, it's a wrap-a-thon and then our annual Christmas party at my house. Saturday is reserved for last-minute things and hosting a Christmas eve dinner (what the?!). I'm hoping that I wn't have any last minute things or that I'll be able to delegate any that I may have and work on my hair Saturday and actually get some rest after dinner. Um, but we'll see.

I don't think I'm going to flat iron my hair or anything fabulous. I'll probably go back to twists and wig in for Christmas. Anything else would be too much. Oh, and I'm 35 weeks post, btw. Who knows. Maybe I'll do a quick cowash this morning (lol @ quick :lol:). My hair needs some water. Heck. My SCALP needs some water -- and maybe an acv or roobios tea rinse. Who knows. *shrugs* Sounds hopeful but we'll see what actually happens. I'm tired even thinking about it.

So, yep. That's my update for now.
Still wearing my hair straight. I'm going to wait until after Christmas to wash and then I'll bun for a week until my next appointment. I'm so happy not to have to worry about styling my hair anymore.

I'm going to dust my ends some time next month and then once a month until I feel like all the damage is gone. After that I'll switch to every 2-3 months.

Merry Christmas to everyone!

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Ladies I've asked a couple of ladies here. HOW do you wash your hair? Parted in the middle, in the shower straight back, braided?

I am ultra scurred right now of washing my hair due to matting which has never happened to me before like this :nono:

Thanks in advance :)
Ladies I've asked a couple of ladies here. HOW do you wash your hair? Parted in the middle, in the shower straight back, braided?

I am ultra scurred right now of washing my hair due to matting which has never happened to me before like this :nono:

Thanks in advance :)

I have been washing in braids then I condition and seal. I detangle the next day after it is dry.
Ladies I've asked a couple of ladies here. HOW do you wash your hair? Parted in the middle, in the shower straight back, braided?

I am ultra scurred right now of washing my hair due to matting which has never happened to me before like this :nono:

Thanks in advance :)

I have been washing in braids then I condition and seal. I detangle the next day after it is dry.

^^^ This. I dare not try to part my hair in half and wash in the shower. I have to wash in at least 6-8 sections. The more, the better.
I wash in 4 sections (semi-bantu knots) held with a claw clip, or in 4 braids. With the clips I take down one section at a time, wash it, then clip it again and do the next section.

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How was everyone's christmas? Did anyone do anything special to their hair for the holiday? I still haven't washed out my press, so I just write some loose waves. I have to see if I can find a decent pic to post. I'm going to try to wash my hair and dc tonight or tomorrow.

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How was everyone's christmas? Did anyone do anything special to their hair for the holiday? I still haven't washed out my press, so I just write some loose waves. I have to see if I can find a decent pic to post. I'm going to try to wash my hair and dc tonight or tomorrow.

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MY church is old calendar Eastern Orthodox so we still have all the Nativity services and celabrations to come next week ending on the 7th of Jan. however, my DS and other new calendar Orthodox Christians celabrated on the 25th.:spinning: So I get to have a long celebration of the birth of our Lord and Savior starting with St. Nicholas day on Dec 18th:grin:

I found a thread on doing Amish and Mennonite braids. I had seen them but did not know how they were done. They are pretty simple but the nice thing is they are put up with no hair pins or clips. I like it so far. Sleeping had been uncomfortable with a bun. It consists of six braids and since I was taking a break from mini braids it is working out nicely. Detangling went well the first wash using only six braids again.

I am still learning new ways to care for and handle my hair:yep:

I also think I finally got the right recipe for my crown and fringe hair. It is always dryer and is a different type then the lower layers of hair in the rear. So I have two different hair products for the different sections.:drunk:
Well I can't baggie nightly anymore it's officially too cold now
I got a cold :sick: from my lastest baggie session So I gues I'll just have to DC very CW I'm already using a thicker oil castor oil for the weather change.
I think my reveal will be delayed a week cause I'm definitely not wetting my head until I'm over this. My hairs due for a CW though I guess I'll just oil and braid twist it up so I don't have to do my hair at a his week. I think I can still make reveal in Jan I have a whole month right
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Well I can't baggie nightly anymore it's officially too cold now
I got a cold :sick: from my last Baggie session last Sunday. So I gues I'll just have to DC very CW I'm already using a thicker oil castor oil for the weather change.
I think my reveal will be delayed a week cause I'm definitely not wetting my head until I'm over this. My hairs due for a CW though I guess I'll just oil and braid twist it up so I don't have to do my hair at a his week. I think I can still make reveal in Jan I have a whole month right

What?? I LOVE baggying during the winter. It keeps my head warm and during the warmer months, I just can't do it. How in the world did you catch a cold. Did you baggy, let you hair get all moist and then go without a baggy? I don't get it. :perplexed

In any case, get well soon. :bighug:
What?? I LOVE baggying during the winter. It keeps my head warm and during the warmer months, I just can't do it. How in the world did you catch a cold. Did you baggy, let you hair get all moist and then go without a baggy? I don't get it. :perplexed

In any case, get well soon. :bighug:

Thanks for the well wishes.
Yes I think that's what I did sort of.
My hair got damp and it wasn't dry yet and I usually take the Baggie off let it dry some while it's scarfed up in a dry scarf them go out with my warm benie cap
Well I went out without my cap it was super cold snowing and my hair wasn't mostly dry at the roots. Well I never kept the full Baggie on during he day I just moisterized my length ends not the roots and do a Baggie bun or some other PS.
I've been doing his since sept oct but its much colder now.
On the bright side being sick will get me out of having to go to a boring function
I'll use me extra time update my vision book it needs an update for real
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Thanks! Lucia

It's cold here today so I have my hair tired up under a hat. I need to co-wash b/c my hair feels dry, but I go to the salon tomorrow so maybe I'll just spray on some leave in and call it a day. I'll post some pics after my appointment.

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