Taren's catching heat on YT

Let me ask you this, since this is your speciality. Let's say (hypothetically speaking) that Taren starts some big "Pay the YouTubers" movement. What's your opinion on how companies may respond?

I think companies will respond to vloggers like her (who are legit of course with a good number of subscribers), by probably offering slightly better compensation. I do agree some vloggers deserve more then just a free product or sample for sure. I have bought and tried products based on a few vlogger reviews.

I think companies will pay the most, for people to say what they want them to say about products. But I do think vloggers could use their platform to earn them more income for sure. It's all about strategy.

I think Taren has a lot of potential. She is an attractive woman, well spoken, and is fun to listen to. I think she can really be sucessful business wise..
I think one of the issues with her rant (and with some in this thread) is she used reviews interchangeably with advertisements. Are any of the non-black youtubers people keep bringing up paid to do reviews or paid to advertise something for a company (informal definition below)?

Definition of review

- formal assessment of something with the intention of instituting change if necessary

- critical appraisal of a book, play, film, etc. published in a newspaper or magazine

Definition of advertisement

- a notice or announcement in a public medium promoting a product, service, or event or publicizing a job vacancy

- (advertisement for) informal a person or thing regarded as a means of recommending something
I think one of the issues with her rant (and with some in this thread) is she used reviews interchangeably with advertisements. Are any of the non-black youtubers people keep bringing up paid to do reviews or paid to advertise something for a company (informal definition below)?

yeaaah, I'm curious to see how this will pan out.

I think it highly unlikely for companies to send you free product and pay you at the same time. Reviewing is one thing, advertising is another. How would you advertise for one company and receive products for another??

Isn't that a conflict of interest? And wouldn't advertising be an ongoing thing??

It's like allowing a company to advertise on your blog and they have a banner on it. It's a totally different story for you to give ONE review and expect to be paid at the same time.

Advertising and being paid for it = being on someone's payroll to me.
yeaaah, I'm curious to see how this will pan out.

I think it highly unlikely for companies to send you free product and pay you at the same time. Reviewing is one thing, advertising is another. How would you advertise for one company and receive products for another??

Isn't that a conflict of interest? And wouldn't advertising be an ongoing thing??

It's like allowing a company to advertise on your blog and they have a banner on it. It's a totally different story for you to give ONE review and expect to be paid at the same time.

Advertising and being paid for it = being on someone's payroll to me.

yea, she really showed how much of a novice she is with the business world. and if she wants to be a part of it, cool. but letting people know she doesn't know basic 101 isn't good for her image. i would not take her seriously as a businesswoman if i ran a business. and that's probably why she's been taking "advantage" of. if she wants to profit like other beauty gurus on yt have, then she needs to find out what they're doing. and one thing i can say they're not is making whiny videos about how you should be getting paid more for free services. reviews are free. advertisements are not.
I think Yt'ers can give exposure to some brands. After being on the board and Yt, you find out that product x may be the bomb for "Lisa" but your strands may not like product x at all :nono:

I'm unsure why we are looking online to people we have never meet, never spent any real time with to determine what products we are going to use on our hair and body? Before the internet, tv commericals/magazines by knowingly paid celebs was the only way we knew about products, and we bought them anyway.

Why is it that YT 'ers who have a job/career on YT are being held to higher standards for low to no pay for reviewing products that will make huge corporations more money than they will ever see in this lifetime?

Why do we think strangers owe us some type of loyality? We do we refuse to believe that huge companies have people read and join these sites? These type of sites are gold to companies in the industries, why don't you think MBA holding CEO's don't know about social media and forums?

Before companies had to hire people to get this type of information. They also did surveys in the mall, on the phone, online, etc. NO more :nono: Join a forum for free, or for $6.50, go online and find out what companies once paid millions to obtain.

We don't have any idea who is on this board :nono: We like to think it's a secret society but it's not.
yeaaah, I'm curious to see how this will pan out.

I think it highly unlikely for companies to send you free product and pay you at the same time. Reviewing is one thing, advertising is another. How would you advertise for one company and receive products for another??

Isn't that a conflict of interest? And wouldn't advertising be an ongoing thing??

It's like allowing a company to advertise on your blog and they have a banner on it. It's a totally different story for you to give ONE review and expect to be paid at the same time.

Advertising and being paid for it = being on someone's payroll to me.

It would be a conflict it you were an employee of a certain company. If you are not an employee you can not make demands on person as if they were an employee. Also, that would have to be stated upon hiring that working for/reviewing a similiar product is not allowed.

You can advertise a person's product without being an employee. You can be a contractor.
You know, as an actress/model who aspires to do commercials, films, TV etc. I have to say I agree with what is being said. I know exactly how much money companies pay to make a commercial and/or print ad and what the union requires them to pay us. If I was on YT making videos about makeup and hair and I had a large platform I would be trying to make my money too. I've had a hair company "just starting" try to use my image as the face of their brand, thinking they can just give me a CD of the pics the photographer took. I see companies offer fledgling actors peanuts to use their images/talent in perpetuity. I take it upon myself daily to educate myself about my industry and not be taken advantage of just because I'm not "Beyonce" or other. Before Beyonce was "BEYONCE" she was just a regular striving artist. She and most celebrities were smart enough or at least had smart enough teams to know to a)not do anything sketchy or accept peanuts for their talent even at the beginning and b)once they arrived those companies would have to pay them their worth. I believe Taren is a celebrity in her own right.

What really saddens me (and I was talking to a friend about this very thing today) is that we really are some crabs in a barrel. Yes this includes the people who will say pages of negativity, but then say "do you" or "i could care less" or some other BS. Just let that girl be about her money. Probably aren't even 10 real vloggers or bloggers responding to her vid. Most of the women hating will probably never make a video or post. We are so quick to throw shade on someone else hustle/aspirations. Taren has beautiful hair and she's using it for financial gain. Y'all were alright with her when she wasn't. Now she got a little change and the tune is different. Probably all up in the meet and greets, events etc and on her with all of that.

I'm not aiming this at any particular person. I just wanted to put my little two cent rant in. Taren if you're on the board, I wish you well in your endeavors.

I'm unsure if this is true or if companies abide by it because, once upon a time I had a part time gig of writing reviews for a MAJOR company. I doubt if that company would have risked begining exposed by an employee and fined by the FTC.

There are many companies that do this. Anyone can write a review for a product on Amazon and other sites. Email addresses and usernames are free.

It's kind of a recent thing (maybe in the last year?) but it's true.

I'm glad I know longer pay attention to YT. Things made more sense when I first went natural, but now that it's a business, it's hard to know who to trust.
It would be a conflict it you were an employee of a certain company. If you are not an employee you can not make demands on person as if they were an employee. Also, that would have to be stated upon hiring that working for/reviewing a similiar product is not allowed.

You can advertise a person's product without being an employee. You can be a contractor.

Alright, but that still wouldn't make sense to me. Being contracted and paid to advertise for one company, but then giving other reviews on the side?? It would make one wonder what to believe and what not to.

I don't know any business owner that's going to pay someone to continually advertise for them while said person is still talking about xyz at the same time.

Logically, I just can't wrap my head around it, and this goes across the board for anything, not necessarily hair related.

Even though a review and advertising is two different things.

(Sidenote...if you're questioning this you're a hater, if you don't you're a sycophant. Why???)
I am so sick and tired of this victim mentality. Offering insights and suggestions is now trying to 'bring a black woman down', 'preventing her from getting her money', 'acting like crabs in a barrel'. How do people intend to grow if they just want to be co-signed repeatedly?

Just stop! Nobody is out to get anyone. People are posting their thoughts on a hair forum. She can go ahead and demand payment for a "review' no one is holding her legs down.
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shortdub78 said:
i don't think youtube she compensate her for the ads. her youtube account is free. youtube has done a lot for her, by putting her name on the cyber map. i do feel companies need to pay for reviews of their products. you want me to review, push, promote your product for free? that is down right greedy and wrong.

But that's the whole point. If I wanted to hear a paid person gush over a product and lie I would just watch a commercial. The whole point is that the reviewer should be unbiased. I hate when people start acting brand new like they r doing the world a great service. If she shut down her site our hair wouldn't drop off our head and the hair product companies wouldn't go bankrupt. I wish we could find an old video of her when she was doing her first review. I bet 'ol girl was beaming as she opened the package in front of her web cam. Smh
Alright, but that still wouldn't make sense to me. Being contracted and paid to advertise for one company, but then giving other reviews on the side?? It would make one wonder what to believe and what not to.

I don't know any business owner that's going to pay someone to continually advertise for them while said person is still talking about xyz at the same time.

Logically, I just can't wrap my head around it, and this goes across the board for anything, not necessarily hair related.

Even though a review and advertising is two different things.

(Sidenote...if you're questioning this you're a hater, if you don't you're a sycophant. Why???)

Many people and companies do this :yep:

YT created advertising with a personal touch (a review). It's still advertising period. I think we (consumers) made up the review of a product should be a non paid, unbiased, truthful review from a person we don't know from Adam, who bought the product with their own money, took time out their day to create, edit and post a video for our very own pleasure and they should do it and be happy :lachen::lachen::lachen:

Just thought of an example. One of the work from home taking phone calls jobs is for a company that takes calls for many companies. The company can contract with any and all companies and the employees are trained to sell any and all of the products.
DanceOnTheSkylines said:
First and foremost-OP, I think that the summary you gave of the video was kinda shabby, no offense. But the entire video was NOT all about her.

Here's a better description of the vid, for those who care:

1. Taren is upset with the fact that vlogging is one of the most effective platforms for advertising, but vloggers are willing to do it for free or for some free products while there are so many celebrities out there who put their face on a product and they get so much money regardless of their actual opinion of the product. She knows that companies put thousands of dollars aside for the sake of advertising when it comes to commercials, billboards, magazine ads-whatever. But that vloggers are more effective at getting people to buy products because of the relationship they have with their viewers, and the fact that companies want them to do it for some free product is insulting. So all the money they would've spent on advertising they get to keep and do whatever they want with instead of using it to compensate the vloggers they ask to sponsor their products.

2. She is upset that a lot of viewers get mad with a vlogger whenever they find out a video is sponsored by such and such company. She said that making videos is not just a hobby, for some people it is also a business so if a vlogger gets paid to do certain things the viewers shouldn't bash the vlogger as long as they're honest and keep their integrity. Also, no one can force someone to watch a video. If you don't like sponsored videos or product reviews, its as simple as not watching them.

3.A good way for a vlogger to be able to do compensated reviews and still be honest is to tell the company before they send them stuff that whether they pay them or not if they like the product or dont like the product, they will tell it like it is. It is then up to the company to decide if they still want that vlogger to do a review or not.

4. Vloggers should be more ambitious woith their platform (meaning the amount of people that view them) and use it to propel them forard into their future goals and aspirations as opposed to jsut doing product reviews for the sake of free stuff. That they need to realize how much their opinions on things are really worth.

She also said these statements dont apply to people who aren't interested in the business side of YouTube, OR to companies that are JUST starting out cause they need more of a handicap since they're new. The video was NOT about her, but how she feels about others.

Well she sounds a lot better the way you described it... Makes a lot of sense. So I'll be taking a seat now.

Just thought of an example. One of the work from home taking phone calls jobs is for a company that takes calls for many companies. The company can contract with any and all companies and the employees are trained to sell any and all of the products.


okay back to sherlock.
My Friend, at first I thought you meant an answering service, but now I'm not sure what you mean. But here's an example. There is a Brazilian soccer player named Ronaldinho who had a Coke endorsement but was drinking Pepsi at a press conference. He no longer has a Coke endorsement. It's not a game.
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smwrigh3 said:
So they get paid to endorse a product then that means they would only endorse that brand, right?

Because I hate YT'bers that like every single thing they are given and say "you should go get it" and then do regimen videos and the products aren't even there anymore.

Well I guess they should make it a business like professional taste testers or test drivers for new cars. They are taken more seriously the more "discerning" they are.

Not only do they get a free product or at least a brand new car for a week, they get paid for their opinion. Certainly not any fool with a flat iron and Web cam should attempt this.

Thought of more businesses like this:

Taste testers
Car reviewers

Hotel and restaurant reviewing companies, almost like Zagat, companies pay to be including into the grading system because they know that customers trust the reviews and their purchasing behavior are influenced by the rating that they get. The rater remains independent, but the company still pays a fee to be included in the review with only hopes that he'll get a competitive score.

Home inspectors/ real estate evaluators. Same concept,... You pay them a fee to give you an honest review because you need that review to convince a bank or a new home buyer that you have something valuable. Whether ur house is garbage or it's a palace you still pay the reviewer the same few.
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Ok im not gonna watch it i've read enough but if she's not paying for the FREE PRODUCTS then she shouldnt get paid for a review. Celebs sign contracts and they have to say nice things.

Now if she wanna get paid she should go to the company, SIGN A CONTRACT, and do a advertisement (its not a review anymore). She shouldnt whine and complain on YT.

Take your "business" to a company and get your payment the right way.
Tarent talks way too much.

Anyway, it's plain and simple. Compensation = Advertisement (meaning paid to say good things)
Non-compensation/free products= (almost honest reviews)

No she shouldn't get paid for reviews.

Furthermore, the businesses don't even pay magazine editors. National magazines with MILLIONS of readers are sent free things as well with the hopes of getting mentioned in the publication. So why should they pay her if they are not even guaranteed to get mentioned in her video or even a good review if they are?
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If you read before you type, I didn't say anything about the people sincerely offering advice about how she should have done her video and suggestions. That's all well and good. After all this is a forum right? You took it upon yourself to read what you wanted to read.


I really hope ***** aren't about to start writing checks today....
Someone posted a comment on youtube that said Celebrities don't get paid when they receive free dresses and jewels to wear to the Oscars or parties to give the designer exposure. Why should youtubers? <----my thoughts exactly
Someone posted a comment on youtube that said Celebrities don't get paid when they receive free dresses and jewels to wear to the Oscars or parties to give the designer exposure. Why should youtubers? <----my thoughts exactly

Very true in the majority of cases. But they do get paid to endorse products. Not many, if any celebrities in their right mind would endorse a product publicly for free.