Hairfinity Vitamins

I still have 7 days left before I finish my 3rd bottle! I can honestly say that it was worth the money. My hair is way stronger and healthier now! I didn't take any other vitamins with it so that's why I can say that they work (at least for me :)) I'm planning on purchasing it for another 6 months to get through the winter time.
Congrats to the ladies that are having good results. Started up again and I'm into my second week. Can't wait to see what my hair does/does not do by December.
I have purchased these vits too and i'm waiting for my package. My hair is 4B, may i ask you what is your hair type ? I hope to boost my growth and to achieve APL within 6 monts (i'm SL)
I have purchased these vits too and i'm waiting for my package. My hair is 4B, may i ask you what is your hair type ? I hope to boost my growth and to achieve APL within 6 monts (i'm SL)

Hey MaryB,
I'm not sure who you are asking the question to, but my hair type is 4B. I'm also trying to achieve APL, I'm in between SL and APL right now. I have about 2-3 inches to reach APL. I was hoping these vitamins would give me a boost. So far it looks as if they have. I've gained at least .75 inches of growth and its only been a month.
Hello Nique3
Thank you for your answer. I hope these vitamins will work for me too. If your hair keeps this growth rate, you'll reach APL within 3 or 4 months.
I've just started my HHJ (6 weeks ago) and i'm ont the BSL2011 challenge, i hope to get a boost.
OP - Awesome progress (both times)... I am sorry to hear about your friend. My prayers are with you. As for your hair, it's growing LOVELY!!! Please don't allow anyone (including some posters on the board) to dissuade you from your journey! Enjoy your growth and PLEASE keep posting for those of us who want to SHARE in your JOY!!!
I take hairfinity, have been taking them since last year,plus I just started taking fish oil supplements too. They been working for me, I also sent a testimony to the hairfinity site too with pics... The only thing I hate is having to pay for shipping lol, thats the only flaw with shopping online,lol. They need to sale hairfinity in stores down here and all over...I like hair vitamins that have everything in one, rather then having to buy multiple vitamins and end up to the same price of hair vitamins such as hairfinity,GNC,etc or more.
I take hairfinity, have been taking them since last year,plus I just started taking fish oil supplements too. They been working for me, I also sent a testimony to the hairfinity site too with pics... The only thing I hate is having to pay for shipping lol, thats the only flaw with shopping online,lol. They need to sale hairfinity in stores down here and all over...I like hair vitamins that have everything in one, rather then having to buy multiple vitamins and end up to the same price of hair vitamins such as hairfinity,GNC,etc or more.

I saw your testimony on the site. Great progress!
I take hairfinity, have been taking them since last year,plus I just started taking fish oil supplements too. They been working for me, I also sent a testimony to the hairfinity site too with pics... The only thing I hate is having to pay for shipping lol, thats the only flaw with shopping online,lol. They need to sale hairfinity in stores down here and all over...I like hair vitamins that have everything in one, rather then having to buy multiple vitamins and end up to the same price of hair vitamins such as hairfinity,GNC,etc or more.

Just saw ur pix on the website..just stared haifinity yesterday..I can't wait to get where you are..Question...have u gained more length since the Dec 09 pic? and if so how much and is it due to hairfinity? Thanx
I take hairfinity, have been taking them since last year,plus I just started taking fish oil supplements too. They been working for me, I also sent a testimony to the hairfinity site too with pics... The only thing I hate is having to pay for shipping lol, thats the only flaw with shopping online,lol. They need to sale hairfinity in stores down here and all over...I like hair vitamins that have everything in one, rather then having to buy multiple vitamins and end up to the same price of hair vitamins such as hairfinity,GNC,etc or more.

You are sooooooo right about the shipping fees!!! They're freaking expensive :( I ordered the 6 month thing to save on that too. At least I got the 10%discount. 35$ is way too expensive to ship to Canada!!!!
Wow, girls. Amazing growth! I think you girls have me sold. I want to get a 2month supply. Thanks for the discount code, Yodie.
So I just finished my one month supply of Hairfinity this week, and honestly.....I wanted to love these pills, I did.....but....they fell so short for me. I didn't really notice a difference in growth at all. I guess it is just one of those things where certain products/pills/etc./whatever don't work for everyone. I basically took as directed and maintained my usual routine of 3-4 days of working out, eating moderately. I think the BIG difference, though, is the difference in nail growth and strength. NEVER before have I been able to grow nails all the same length and have them be at a long enough length to get good looking french tips painted on my natural nails. I had people asking if they were fake, lol. But yeah, I didn't notice a difference as far as my hair growth goes.....which is what I wanted. So I will NOT be repurchasing.

Don't get discouraged I thought it could took a couple of months to see noticeable changes after starting a new vitamin. :) So you might just didn't give it enough time. Maybe the nails were just the beginning.
Hi there ladies! I wanted to report that I've been taking the HairFinity vitamins since 5/29/10 and plan to give a 6month update on 12/31/10 (with pics). I'm waiting until 12/31/10 because I'm in the HYH Challenge and that's our reveal date! :grin:

So far, I've noticed a significant growth of my nails! I've never really had an issue growing my nails but they've been extra w/the vitamins. :yep:

So, stay tuned for the hair growth update in December! :grin:

Peace & blessings!
Hey ladies, I haven't did a length check since then, but Plan on doing one my next relaxer which will be around the start of October, I have been through ALOT of stress this year which has caused some shedding so I have been scared to do a length check,lol. But I still take hairfinity, fish oil,and my Centrum Multi Chewables, those all the supplements I take. I must say LHCF,my regimen,supplements,working out,drinking lots of water,and taking care of myself has gotten me lots of growth. Thats why in my testimony I sent in, I made sure I mention how these hair forums has helped me. I'm just waiting for hairfinity to break out free shipping for us,lol:lol:
At DaDragonPrincess, your testimony on their website is the only reason I actually brought them. I love your hair!

@ Drappedup, I have been taking them since Mar and I think they have helped my growth, but I have changed a lot of things too so I can't give all the credit to the pills. I think it does say you should take the pills for a couple months before you see results. And I agree with that, because in the beginning I was monitoring my hair and the growth and wasn't seeing much difference in growth but I haven't done a length check since April but I am still taking these pills so I will see in Dec.
Hmmmmm.....@ An_gell & WyrdWay, you guys are right, I only took a 30 day supply, so that clearly isn't fair to write them off so quick, especially since they gave me REALLY good healthy and strong fingernail growth. Hmmm, I just may purchase again since there is a discount on them. I was kind of being unfair, because my hair has definitely been getting dramatically curlier and shrinking and what not as weeks go by, and so sometimes I'm frustrated because it seems it's not growing. Anyway, now that I've cooled off from being kind of in a bad hair day mood (like the other day) I'll probably buy another month's worth.
Hey, I am a newbie to the forum. But I haved used these hair vitamins for 4 months about 1 1/2 ago. i must say that i got alot of new growth in those 4 months close to 4 inches. I had hair that was broken off to the root in the crown of my head. I wore sewins for 4 months did not relax and took vitamins everyday. By the time I relaxed the broken pieces were 3 1/2 to 4 inches long. Plus my NG felt so healthy compared to the rest of my hair. I will order these again soon as i can afford to. Overall I LOVED THEM
When i first started taking them i also saw growth inmy nails the first month but by the second month my hair was growing like wildfire.