Taking a look back...wow. [PICS]. Add to the thread if you please =)

Black Hoya Chick

New Member
I was organizing my hair journey folder (bored clearly lol), and realized I started documenting in September '08. The first straight hair pics are from October '08, 7 months post relaxer and right after my first major trim/cut/mini chop. I was like "full" shoulder-ish. Well, earlier this week I LIGHTLY straightened my hair (no point in doing it bone straight in DC summer humidity lol. I just wanted to trim and shape the layers anyway), and of course I took a quick pic even if it wasn't perfectly accurate. Well I just looked at the 2 side by side and was amazed. You never realize how much has changed until you look back. So...here's a look

October 2008, transitioning:

June 2010, all natural:

I can't wait to do this in October when I really have 2 years worth of pics. Or even this time next year. Who knows where I will be :grin:

Anyone else wanna share some pics of "taking a look back?"
Ooh I didn't realize we could add pics!
Here I am in the beginning of my hair journey (Nov 2007)

And here is my hair a few weeks after my BC (Apr, May 2010)

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