Take your pick- Long Hair/crappy skin or clear skin/crappy hair


New Member
Do any of you who use high biotin products suffer with acne as a result? I have acne prone skin and it seems the biotin aggrevates it. I have had great results in hair growth, but these ugly pimples are too much. As soon as I get one cleared up, another pops up.

I had decided to stop taking my Andrew Lessman vits( hey, should hair,skin and nails formula IMPROVE skin's condition??), and then I notice the growth of my hair and my nails. They are really looking phenomenally long- like I had when I was a kid. So I'm torn.

Anyone else with this delimna? What did you choose?
Well, your hair isn't going to be crappy if you stop taking Biotin.

You can grow long hair without the aid of vitamins.

So if Biotin is screwing up your face, stop taking it.

HTH! ;)
Biotin jacked my skin up, so I stopped taking it. My hair is doing fine without it. How about long, healthy hair/clear, healthy skin as a choice? :)
clear skin and a bald head........
clear skin and a wig......................

The first thing I look at is people skin, then nose.......

Just drink more water and let my hair be free....
melodee said:
Do any of you who use high biotin products suffer with acne as a result? I have acne prone skin and it seems the biotin aggrevates it. I have had great results in hair growth, but these ugly pimples are too much. As soon as I get one cleared up, another pops up.

I had decided to stop taking my Andrew Lessman vits( hey, should hair,skin and nails formula IMPROVE skin's condition??), and then I notice the growth of my hair and my nails. They are really looking phenomenally long- like I had when I was a kid. So I'm torn.

Anyone else with this delimna? What did you choose?
I prefer clear skin over awesome hair anytime... My biotin is a high dosage in one serving but I flush my system with Pure water each day to help the excess biotin to leave my body. I drink about 2 Liters per day! (Since it makes me go to the bathroom I drink it at home as soon as I get home or a little during the day at work & the bulk at home!
Try the water... It will help a lot... I haven't had a biotin outbreak yet & I'm on month three of using mine. It's 5000 MCG per Lozenge & I take one every other day...
-HTH :grin:
Okay, okay guys--I undestand. Hair can look good without the added biotin. I really wnted to capture your attention with the title.

But my thing is--my hair and nails have been growing beautifully. It is a marked difference. You know there are alot of people who go to great lengths to find something to produce such great results. Well, I found something---but it has contributed to this stubborn acne. My skin is oily anyway, but I think the biotin makes it worse. I wonder why it does this with me. Some people say it helps clear up their skin.......:confused:
divine said:
clear skin and a bald head........
clear skin and a wig......................

The first thing I look at is people skin, then nose.......

Really, i do too. I have always been the shorter haired one with kinks (my sister's hair is curly/wavy). I love my kinks/naps, but she always seems to garner more attention because of her hair. (or maybe this is just IMO). We look very similar (but not completely alike-both pretty, though). I think I have a cute face and I always thought the face was a more clear indicator of beauty than hair. But hair helps.
melodee said:
But my thing is--my hair and nails have been growing beautifully. It is a marked difference. You know there are alot of people who go to great lengths to find something to produce such great results. Well, I found something---but it has contributed to this stubborn acne. My skin is oily anyway, but I think the biotin makes it worse. I wonder why it does this with me. Some people say it helps clear up their skin.......:confused:
Well, if you want to continue taking biotion, drink more more water. ;)
Girl take your vitamins, I would! Now your quest is to find something to combat the acne, you got something for the hair, don't neglect one over the other--there are too many products to aid you out there, and the perfect one is waiting for you. I can suggest a wonderful soap in the pump not the bar which carries germs, but its Neutrogena Acne Soap, it has Saliyic Acid which gets deep into the pores and get out the oils and grim. Follow up with some kind of Astringent like Sea breeze. I would! Be religious about your skin routine and you'll have nice results. You can have both the hair and skin looking good.
biotin doesnt make me break out more than i normally do. I have always had fast growing, nice nails. I totally love my hair. very nice texture and colour. It just wont grow :( Im trying to drink 8 ounces of water from no water at all. i just dont like water.......
I would choose my skin over my hair. IMO, you don't need supplements in order to make your hair not look like "crap"...eat better foods and drink more water.

My skin is always first if I don't feel good about my skin I'm not going to feel good about my hair. My hair is decoration for my face.

I had sun burn on my face that peeled for about a week. I wore a hat a much as I could until my face stopped peeling.
California said:
Girl take your vitamins, I would! Now your quest is to find something to combat the acne, you got something for the hair, don't neglect one over the other--there are too many products to aid you out there, and the perfect one is waiting for you. I can suggest a wonderful soap in the pump not the bar which carries germs, but its Neutrogena Acne Soap, it has Saliyic Acid which gets deep into the pores and get out the oils and grim. Follow up with some kind of Astringent like Sea breeze. I would! Be religious about your skin routine and you'll have nice results. You can have both the hair and skin looking good.

Hey Cali-
I agree with you. I did try something new, but it was either too strong or I'm allergic to it (darned sensitivities). My skin started breaking out into those really small bumps you get when you have a reaction. Soooo, I drastically cut bak, only applying the products to the areas that had the small clogged pores, that has helped.
tru_mind said:
I would choose my skin over my hair. IMO, you don't need supplements in order to make your hair not look like "crap"...eat better foods and drink more water.

My skin is always first if I don't feel good about my skin I'm not going to feel good about my hair. My hair is decoration for my face.

I had sun burn on my face that peeled for about a week. I wore a hat a much as I could until my face stopped peeling.

Thaks Tru. I know my hair doesn't look like crap w/o vits, it was a way to grab attention. Okay so I exaggerated!;)
melodee said:
Okay, okay guys--I undestand. Hair can look good without the added biotin. I really wnted to capture your attention with the title.

But my thing is--my hair and nails have been growing beautifully. It is a marked difference. You know there are alot of people who go to great lengths to find something to produce such great results. Well, I found something---but it has contributed to this stubborn acne. My skin is oily anyway, but I think the biotin makes it worse. I wonder why it does this with me. Some people say it helps clear up their skin.......:confused:
Most of the time, the dirt & grim gets forced out of the body through any openings available. You just need to do some deep cleansing... A Mask every week & a deep cleanser will soo help with the acne... Also, you should get a Hydrating lotion to seep up the excess oils on your face during the day...
This routine helpd me a lot & now I just maintain...
I Flushed out my system & maintained my face & now I get very little breakouts if any... If they do show up they clear up in two days...
(That's when I use the Queen Helene Mint Julep Mask or Mud Mask or Sothy's Masque!)
-HTH :look:
California said:
Girl take your vitamins, I would! Now your quest is to find something to combat the acne, you got something for the hair, don't neglect one over the other--there are too many products to aid you out there, and the perfect one is waiting for you. I can suggest a wonderful soap in the pump not the bar which carries germs, but its Neutrogena Acne Soap, it has Saliyic Acid which gets deep into the pores and get out the oils and grim. Follow up with some kind of Astringent like Sea breeze. I would! Be religious about your skin routine and you'll have nice results. You can have both the hair and skin looking good.

i take biotin also( i dont remember the dosage) but it is only 1 pill a day and small...but i also take it along with it the prenatal vitamn..which i think also has biotin in it...and i really didnt have any problems with my skin breaking out...i would drink alot of water if i was u because water cleans out ur system...and also if you want to get rid of the acne go to the dermatologist...i know ive been taking doxycycline 500 mg( i might have mispelled it) but it will combat against the acne and you should still be able to take the biotin..
I'd rather have clear skin. One can always "buy" hair, but ain't no way to fake clear skin. :mad:

My skin is acne-prone too, so no way will I even mess with biotin.

By the way, I have read that mega-doses (up to 10 grams a day, divided) of pantothenic acid (Vitamin B5) will help with acne, as well as hair growth.
I'll take clear skin any day. I took MSM and Silica for a short period and my skin broke out terribly. I was so upset. I stopped taking both right away. However, I still take my biotin with no problems at all. I would never sacrifice my skin to have a different hair texture or a little faster growth.:nono:
I feel you melodee, I am having the same problems with Biotin. My skin isn't acne prone but I instantly noticed more breakouts when I went from 2000mcg to 5000mcg. i haven't stopped taking them.....I just skip a day without biotin if I feel my skin needs a break.
When I first started using biotin, I had really bad breakouts. I cut my dose in half and drank more water. I suggest working up to large dose instead of starting cold.
divine said:
clear skin and a bald head........
clear skin and a wig......................

The first thing I look at is people skin, then nose.......

Just drink more water and let my hair be free....

Totally agee!
I'd take clear skin without a doubt. There are a lot of ways to "fake it" when it comes to hair but it's hard to fake good skin.
Biotin broke me out badly as well. I stopped taking it because it just wasn't worth it. I'll take clear skin and a normal growth rate over pimples and some thicker new growth any day. :)
When I was taking high doses of biotin, I saw little improvement in my hair but an increase in the hair on my face. I thought I was growing a beard. I went to check on laser hair removal. I didn't know what was going on.

I stop taking the biotin and the hair went away. (Praise God) Laser hair removal for the lower face was over $900.