sweets and hair growth


Can someone tell me if it is really true that if you take in alot of sweets and sugars it will slow the rate of your hair growth . I think this topic might have been brought up before but I don't think I am clear on it. I'm conserned cause I drink damm near a 2 litter of soda everyday and I don't want to slow down the rate of my hair growth.
not sure if it affects hair growth, but it DOES affect your heatlh. That's a lot of soda to drink in one day. How much WATER are you drinking a day?
SexyC said:
Can someone tell me if it is really true that if you take in alot of sweets and sugars it will slow the rate of your hair growth . I think this topic might have been brought up before but I don't think I am clear on it. I'm conserned cause I drink damm near a 2 litter of soda everyday and I don't want to slow down the rate of my hair growth.
That soda is poison to your hair and your body. It's nothing but sugar and is known as "liquid candy". Diet soda is even worse. I've learned that white sugar is detrimental to our health in many ways which includes our hair growth.
SexyC said:
Can someone tell me if it is really true that if you take in alot of sweets and sugars it will slow the rate of your hair growth . I think this topic might have been brought up before but I don't think I am clear on it. I'm conserned cause I drink damm near a 2 litter of soda everyday and I don't want to slow down the rate of my hair growth.

That is too much soda. Soda is not good for you and you need to cut down.
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divine said:
That is too much soda. Soda is not good for you and you to need cut down.

I know better English, but you ain't neva lied Divine. Sexy C, sweetie that is WAAAY to much Soda for a week - let alone a day :spank:! It will slow your hair growth. More importantly, it can damage your kidneys and cause you bladder problems. We're gonna have to do something about that girl :yep:
I know I do drink way too much soda. My thing is that I don't eat regular and I'm hooked on that fast rush of energy.Even when I do take vitamins on the regular I don't feel energized.
SexyC said:
I know I do drink way too much soda. My thing is that I don't eat regular and I'm hooked on that fast rush of energy.Even when I do take vitamins on the regular I don't feel energized.

1. Do you workout ?
2. What do you eat on a average day ?
Na I don't workout and barely eat all day and when I do eat I can 't even remeber what it was that I ate.
SexyC said:
Na I don't workout and barely eat all day and when I do eat I can 't even remeber what it was that I ate.
1. When you said your engery was low, I knew it had to be one of thw two. Vitamins are good, but working out will help with the engery problem.

2. You really need to eat. Your starving your body from needed nutrients and that is a real bad thing. Your body will start to burn extra calories, which will cause fat cells to form. Six balanced meals a day is a must; and do you live a busy life ?
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I eat A LOT of fruit...fresh, dried, and canned. so to some extent that is too much sugar. However I barely eat candy and I dont drink soda at all :nono: It hasnt had any ill effects though.
SexyC said:
I know I do drink way too much soda. My thing is that I don't eat regular and I'm hooked on that fast rush of energy.Even when I do take vitamins on the regular I don't feel energized.
vitamins dont give you energy. Also sugar or simple carbs (esp those food with high glycemic indexes) makes you very tired and irrtiable. It gives you a rush of energy, but within the hour you beign to feel tired with no energy.
I can't remember if sweets affect the growth rate of hair, but they do affect the health of the hair that's growing in.

I've been researching healthy for hair foods lately and many of the articles mention sweets and other processed foods being bad for hair because they lack essential vitamins and minerals needed for forming healthy hair.

Raw seeds, nuts, vegetables, fruits, and whole grains, (unfortunately the total opposite of all the yummy cakes and cookies etc.....) are the best types of foods for growing healthy hair because they contain most of the essential vitamins, minerals, enzymes, and proteins needed to form healthy hair.
SexyC said:
I know I do drink way too much soda. My thing is that I don't eat regular and I'm hooked on that fast rush of energy.Even when I do take vitamins on the regular I don't feel energized.
That's a rush of false energy that will leave you crashing down hard. Good nutrition is so important and you want to focus on your whole body, not just your hair. You'll feel energized when you eat nutritrious food, drink lots of water and exercise regularly, as was mentioned. Deep breathing daily will also give you much energy. Eating live foods such as fresh veggies, raw seeds and nuts will give you immediate and long-lasting energy.

So instead of pouring a glass of soda pop, why not pour yourself a glass of water and eat a handful of raw sunflower seeds? You'll get a real rush of energy and your hair will thrive from it too.
Everyone's different but, while it's not healthy, I don't think drinking a lot of sugar will necessarily slow your hair growth rate. Unfortunately, I grew up drinking nothing but sugary drinks and eating lots of junk. I also skipped breakfast and lunch regularly in my adolescence -- my misguided attempt at dieting. However, my hair always stayed extremely thick and close to waistlength, unless I got it cut shorter, in which case it always grew back very quickly.

That said, I DO think you should stop drinking so much soda! For the past 10 years or more, I have drank almost nothing but water and plenty of it and I feel so much better, though it hasn't made my hair grow down to my feet... yet. ;) :lol:
I use to be addicted to PEPSI. I would drink 5-10 cans a day. I am also a chocoholic and a junk food addict. Now the effects would definately show in my skin and my body healthwise(always weak, fatigued) but nothings ever affected my hair growth.
My new years resi is to quit Pepsi and juice and just drink water w/lemon. I did it once before for an entire summer.
sylver2 said:
I use to be addicted to PEPSI. I would drink 5-10 cans a day. I am also a chocoholic and a junk food addict. Now the effects would definately show in my skin and my body healthwise(always weak, fatigued) but nothings ever affected my hair growth.
My new years resi is to quit Pepsi and juice and just drink water w/lemon. I did it once before for an entire summer.

I'm with ya girlfriend. Pepsi is like crack! What do they put in that stuff? It's the only drink that I crave (and it has to be in a can!)
DelightfulFlame said:
I'm with ya girlfriend. Pepsi is like crack! What do they put in that stuff? It's the only drink that I crave (and it has to be in a can!)

OKAY!!! something is def not right. I only crave it in a CAN as well. ..and I drink it HOT right out the box...lol
Okay so someone out there knows what I'm going through(Sylver2 and DelightfulFlame).I think I need to jump to the health and fitness section for help cause I'm a junkie!!
SexyC, like the others said, that's too much sugar in one day.
It seems like you live a very hectic life style that doesn't allow you to plan what you eat. I'm a sugar junkie as well, but it helps to only have healthy food around. I used to live on sugared tea :)
I think a diet high in sugar affects your whole body, including your hair.
You can break the cycle!
Just an FYI: the vast majority of processed foods containing sweeteners use high fructose corn syrup (a cheap, artificial sweetener which is the main culprit in causing the increase of type II diabetes and should be researched further) exclusively or with a bit of actually sugar. Natural sugars from fruit and refined sugars are OK in moderation.
SexyC said:
Can someone tell me if it is really true that if you take in alot of sweets and sugars it will slow the rate of your hair growth . I think this topic might have been brought up before but I don't think I am clear on it. I'm conserned cause I drink damm near a 2 litter of soda everyday and I don't want to slow down the rate of my hair growth.
I really don't know. I used to drink nothing BUT Pepsi (and juice with breakfast) for a long time and my hair was very long (I could sit on it) and grew just fine. I didn't exercise outside of gym class and ate pretty much the same way I do now.

One day I just decided to give up soda cold turkey (because I was convinced that it would make my bones brittle...I was 11...or 12...) and have been drinking only water. That was 10 years ago. I honestly can't say that I noticed any difference, but I'm sure that all that soda is no good for you.

It actually wasn't as hard to give up soda as I thought it would be. When I craved a cup of soda, I would just have some orange juice or water. Now, I can't drink a cup of soda without it hurting my stomach. You don't have to drink only water, but one half cup of soda every once in awhile should be okay.
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Boadicea said:
One day I just decided to give up soda cold turkey

LOL..I can't believe we are talking about soda like its weed or crack or something. If soda is like this I can imagine those energy drinks such as I think its called bulldog, I won't go near that.

Seriously, I am giving up soda as well. The sugar is definately not good.
I think energy drinks may be better for you than soda, I drink Red Bull and it definately gives you a good kick that lasts all day.
I don't drink soda but I can say that SUGAR is a DRUG. Try to go a week without it and you'll have withdrawl issues. It's just keeps calling you name over and over and over again. It's like a bill collector that won't stop calling, "JACK DON"T LIVE HERE NO MO!"